YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 48: Corrupted Evil and The Phoenix God

Chapter 48: Corrupted Evil and The Phoenix God

Another Chapter will be posted this week!

[3rd POV]

Joey stared at Marik with nervousness in his eyes. He expected to have a duel with Bakura's friend and not an egotistical villain who was hell-bent on taking over the world.

Suddenly, Marik laughed, catching him off guard: "Is it true that your sister would have become blind if it weren't for the help of one of your friends?" He asked with a sly grin.

Joey frowned, and he felt a bad premonition in his heart. He didn't know how Marik was aware of Serenity's situation and knew whatever Marik was going to say wouldn't be good.

"Say, didn't you also get saved by your friend when I brainwashed you?" Marik pointed out.

"What are you planning at..." Joey scowled.

"Nothing really," Marik shrugged: "I'm merely wondering whether you're simply an incompetent man."

He turned to Serenity, and his grin widened. Pointing his Millennium Rod at her, Marik said in an ominous voice: "What will happen if I take your sister? Will you be able to do anything

about it, or do you need one of your friends to do your job?"

"You!" Joey snarled.

"Don't listen to him, Joey! He's only trying to provoke you!" Yugi shouted, snapping Joey out of his anger.

Listening to his best friend's advice, Joey took a deep breath and slapped himself to calm down. Once he relaxed, Joey glared at Marik with annoyance: "Stop with your tricks, let's duel!"

Marik: "Gladly!"

Joey and Marik: "Duel!"

[Joey Wheeler: 4000 LP]

[Marik Ishtar: 4000 LP]

"Before we begin, how about we make this duel a little more interesting?" Marik suddenly proposed and waved the Millennium Rod.

The artifact shone brightly and emitted a darkness that enveloped the entire field. Joey suddenly felt a strange sensation as he watched a faint thread appearing out of his chest and connecting with his duel disk.

"This duel has now been transformed into a Shadow Game, and the rules of this game were very simple." Marik explained: "This game is no longer a mere illusion; with every battle, the damage we feel will be real, and the pain our monster will feel shall be shared!"

"You're insane....." Joey gasped.

"There seemed to be fear in your eyes." Marik noted: "The fear of losing and having your soul sent to the Shadow Realm is very much evident!"

"Shut up," Joey muttered, and their fight began.

The battle started slowly as both duelists didn't have the cards they needed in their hands. However, Joey soon summoned Panther Warrior and activated Scape Goats to summon four sheep tokens.

[Panther Warrior: 2000 Attack, 1600 Defence]

[Sheep Token: 0 Attack, o Defence] x4

With Panther Warrior's ability, it must tribute a monster to make an attack, which was why Joey used Scape Goat, and the tokens acted both as fuel for the monster as well as a shield for himself.

Being forced on defence, Marik soon summoned Helpoemer using the effect of Tribute Burial. [Helpoemer: 2000 Attack, 1400 Defence]

However, Joey soon countered the strategy by summoning Rocket Warrior and attacking Helpoemer. Despite having a lower attack, Rocket Warrior's effect activates and reduces the battle damage to o, and it won't be destroyed. In doing so, Rocket Warrior will lower Helpoemer's attack by five hundred.

[Helpoemer: 2000 -> 1500 Attack, 1400 Defence]

Now weakened, Panther Warrior was able to attack and land a blow on Marik's life points.

[Marik Ishtar: 4000 LP -> 3500 LP]

Marik breathed deeply, suppressing the lingering discomfort of Panther Warrior's attack: "Helpoemer's effect has been triggered. As long as this card is in the graveyard, after each of your battle phases, you must randomly discard a card."

"Now it's my turn..." Marik muttered: "First, I will set a card and then activate Premature Burial by paying seven hundred life points and summon Drillago from my graveyard!"

[Drillago: 1600 Attack, 1100 Defence]

[Marik Ishtar: 3500 LP -> 2800 LP]

"Next, I will tribute Drillago and summon Legendary Fiend!"

The monster, with dozens of sharp drill heads protruding from its body, disappeared, and what rose was a demon with light blue skin, legs covered in black fur, four arms where two of those limbs had the heads of serpents and two massive wings on its back.

[Legendary Fiend: 1500 Attack, 1800 Defence]

"Legendary Fiend has a special ability. With each of my stand-by phases, the monster will gain seven hundred attacks." Marik warned.

"Then you're telling me I should destroy it now!" Joey yelled: "I will tribute one of the Scape Goat Tokens, and Panther Warrior will attack!"

"Not so fast. I activate Nightmare Mirror! By discarding one card, I can reflect the attack to you, dealing one thousand damage!"

As the Panther Warrior rushed towards Marik, a black round mirror intercepted the attack. The monster was absorbed into the mirror, and a few seconds later, it was shot out of the mirror, and this time, the warrior charged at Joey.

To his horror, Panther Warrior swung his sword, and Joey grunted in agony at the feeling of being cut with a blade, and he momentarily fell onto one knee.

[Joey Wheeler: 4000 LP -> 3000 LP]

He touched his chest where the weapon had slashed him. There didn't seem to be any wound,

but the pain was definitely real...

"Are you already giving up now?" Marik taunted: "How disappointing."

"No..." Joey stood back up: "We're just getting started! First, I will play the spell card

Question! You must guess the name of the monster that was first sent to my graveyard. If you

guessed wrong, I can special summon a monster from the discard pile!"

Naturally, unable to remember, Marik's answer was wrong. Then Joey was able to summon

one of his trump cards, Jinzo, onto the field.

[Jinzo: 2400 Attack, 1500 Defence]

"As Jinzo was summoned, I can destroy any trap cards you control!" Joey shouted as Marik's

trap cards erupted in flames.

"Next, I will summon Baby Dragon!"

[Baby Dragon: 1200 Attack, 700 Defence]

"Now, Jinzo, Baby Dragon, Rocket Warrior and Pather Warrior, attack!"

Jinzo brought his hands together and launched a purplish orb at the demon. The projectile exploded upon contact, leaving Marik's monster's field empty.

[Marik Ishtar: 2800 LP -> 2000 LP]

Joey: "Now you're defenceless, let's end this!"

"Fool!" Marik mocked: "I will activate my spell, Dark Wall of Wind. This turn, I won't receive

any direct damage from monsters!"

Marik's figure was shrouded by darkness, leaving Joey's monsters confused. Joey gritted his teeth and ended his turn, annoyed that he wasn't able to finish Marik off.

"I have to admit, Joey Wheeler, your skills exceeded my expectations. Nonetheless, my expectations weren't that high to begin with." Marik snickered.

"It's time for you to watch everything burn. First, I will summon Plasma Eel and equip the monster to your Panther Warrior; while attached, Panther Warrior will lose five hundred

attacks in each of your end phases."

"Second, I tribute Jinzo and Baby Dragon to summon Lava Golem to your field."

The two monsters erupted into flames, and lava began to flood the field. Merging together,

the magma transformed into a massive monster.

[Lava Golem: 3000 Attack, 2500 Defence]

"I will set two cards and end my turn here." Marik declared.

"My turn," Joey shouted: "Now, Lava Golem, attack Marik directly!"

The golem charged, dragging its liquid body across the field. Marik smirked and instantly activated his set card: "I will play Relieve Monster to return Plasma Eel that was still attached to Panther Warrior back to my hand, then with its second effect, I can special summon Plasma

Eel from my hand."

[Plasma Eel: 500 Attack, 1200 Defence]

Lava Golem unleashed its punch but was blocked by Plasma Eel's body: "Plasma Eel has another ability. While on the field, it couldn't be destroyed by battle!"

With nothing else to do, Joey helplessly ended his turn. "During your end phase, Lava Golem's

effect has been activated, and you will take seven hundred damage!"

[Joey Wheeler: 3000 LP -> 2300 LP]

Joey gritted his teeth as he endured the feeling of getting burnt. As the battle prolonged, he

was slowly getting exhausted from fighting against the pain. Although both duelists suffer under the same condition, Marik stands proudly, shrugging away from the pain as his past suffering is a lot worse than this...

"My turn," He smiled: "I will activate Machine Duplication (anime) to target my Plasma Eel

and summon two more Plasma Eel from my deck. [2]

[Plasma Eel: 500 Attack, 1200 Defence] x2

"Then, I will attach two of my Plasma Eel to your Lava Golem and Rocket Warrior, and in each

of your end phases, they will lose five hundred attacks, and then I end my turn." "My move!" Joey shouted, desperation in his voice: "First, I will play Graceful Dice!"

"Boosting your monsters again?" Marik scoffed: "It's not going to help you."

"I know," Joey smirked: 'That's why I will use the spell on your own Plasma Eel!"

A little emp magically appeared on the field. It rolled a die in its hand, and the die landed on

the number six, increasing Plasma Eel's attack by six hundred.

[Plasma Eel: 500 -> 1100 Attack, 1200 Defence]

"Now, since Plasma Eel's attack has exceeded five hundred, Machine Duplication's effect will

be cancelled!"

The two Plasma Eels attached to Lava Golem and Rocket Warrior imploded, freeing them:

"Finally, I will activate Gilford the Lightning in my hand! By tributing Rocket Warrior, Panther Warrior and Lava Golem, I can summon Gilford the Lightning!"

The three monsters dispersed into a wave of light as thunder struck the field. As the lightning vanished, standing in its place was a tall and mighty warrior. He wore a flashing silver chest

plate and a helmet with horns. On his back was a blade as large as him, and the warrior

unsheathed his sword, creating a dominating aura on the field.

[Gilford the Lightning: 2800 Attack, 1400 Defence]

"With Gilford the Lightning's effect, once I tributed three monsters, it can destroy all the

monsters on your field!"

Gilford the Lightning raised his sword towards the sky, summoning the wrath of thunder that

struck down Marik's Plasma Eel.

"Now, your field is left open," Joey shouted with excitement: "Gilford the Lightning, finish

him off once and for all!"

"It's quite unfortunate that's not going to happen." Marik sighed: "I will reveal my trap,

Negate Attack. Ending your battle phase."

With Joey ending his turn, Marik drew a card, and his smile widened: "Looks like it's over,"

He said and revealed the spell card in his hand.

"I will activate Monster Reborn, allowing me to summon one monster in my graveyard!"

Joey suddenly felt a horrible feeling in his heart as he felt the air around them seem to shift. Marik raised his hand into the air, and a beam of light shined down from behind him.

"I call upon you, the strongest of the three Egyptian gods, the dragon of chaos, the Winged

Dragon of Ra!"

With the sound of an earthquake, the light disappeared and behind Marik was a humongous golden beast with feathery wings, dragon-like scales and a sharp beak.

[Winged Dragon of Ra: ? Attack,? Defence]

Joey couldn't believe his eyes as he stood before the god, and his heart beat with anxiety.

Marik laughed: "Behold the power of the God! Now I...."

Suddenly, Marik's body convulsed as he collapsed. Holding himself up with one hand, his pupils shook with disbelief as a searing pain slowly sprouted within him.

The Millennium Rod clattered onto the floor and rolled to his side. The artifact glowed ominously as Marik grabbed the side of his face and howled. Gradually, an eerie voice entered

his head.

Fool, do you really think you can control a god by your lonesome?

It was never meant for you.

You're merely a mortal calling upon a power that's not yours.

Soon you will die. Marik couldn't believe the words as he felt the pain increase by the second, and the voice

continued to speak.

But I can stop that.

All you need to do is accept.

You know you can't resist my guidance... Let me help.

Let me help.

Let me help.

Let me help.




"GAH," Marik groaned as he desperately ignored this voice pounding against his head.

However, with the roar of Ra, a surge of power made his lungs collapse as his body lost control, and he reached for the Millennium Rod.

Instantly, he froze, leaving everyone confused. The hand clutching his head loosened as he

stared at the night sky. In this quiet silence, Marik's eyes suddenly snapped open, bloodshot.

A deep, offputting chuckle escaped his lips. With a newfound energy, Marik stood up, clenching and unclenching his fists in wonder.

"What the hell is going on..." Joey mumbled, catching Marik's attention. Marik smiled as he continued to duel: "I will activate Ra's ability! Now, transform and present

us with your proper form! I call upon you, Ra, the Egyptian God Phoneix!" [3]

On command, Winged Dragon of Ra howled with rage. Its golden scales ignited, covering its

body in flames and transforming the god into a flaming Phoneix with golden feathers and fiery red eyes. [Egyptian God Phoenix: 0 Attack, o Defence]

"Then I will activate the Egyptian God Phoenix's effect by paying one thousand life points;

when Egyptian God Phoenix attacks, it can destroy that monster no matter what!" Marik smiled: "Now, Egyptian God Phoenix, destroy Gilford the Lightning!"

The Phoenix screeched; its voice echoed throughout the entire airship. The monster flapped its feathery wings, conjuring a blood-red tornado.

The tornado engulfed Gilford the Lightning, and immediately, an indescribable agony

overwhelmed Joey's entire soul. The sensation of being burnt alive made him scream in suffering as his eyes rolled up to the back of his head.

As the tornado gradually faded, Joey stumbled on his steps. Marik raised his eyebrows, impressed: "To think you're standing after facing divine punishment, your willpower is truly commendable..."

Joey didn't respond as his vision darkened; the fact that he was standing was nothing short of

a miracle.

"Now, in my end phase, Ra will return to my graveyard," Marik explained calmly and waited

with anticipation.

"M... My... Turn..." Joey's breath was shaky as every time he moved, it felt like needles

stabbing into his heart: "I.....I...."

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Joey's legs gave out, but he still tried to play. However, finally, unable to endure the suffering

and collapsed. There was silence as people couldn't register what they were seeing.

"B... Big brother?" Serenity stuttered, covering her lips with her hands. However, Joey refused to respond, and with each second, everyone was starting to feel

increasingly worried.

"Joey Wheeler will be given two minutes to recover. Otherwise, Marik Ishtar will win this duel." Roland announced on the sideline.

His friends screamed for him to wake up, but no matter what. Joey Wheeler won't open his


"The two minutes have passed, and due to being unable to continue, Marik Ishtar wins and

will advance into the tournament!"

Marik cackled as he stepped down from the field. As he walked away, Marik passed Ishizu,

who stared at him with concern. "Brother..." She called out hesitantly.

Marik stopped and smiled, displaying his white teeth: "Your brother is gone..."

Her eyes widened in horror: "Then who...."

Sensing her fear, Marik... No... Yami Marik smirked: "Marik is probably already dead. I will use

this body nicely."

With boastful laughter, he left, leaving Ishizu alone...

[Yuna's POV]

An hour later...

"Big brother, please wake up!" Serenity cried while shaking Joey. However, no matter how

much she nudged him, he wouldn't open his eyes.

"Big sister, what's happening? Why wouldn't Joey wake up!" She sobbed while clenching my sleeve: "How could a card game do this to him!"

Unable to give her a reasonable answer, I embraced Serenity as she soaked my clothes with her

tears. Gazing at Joey's comatose state, a sigh escaped from my lips. If someone like Joey got

hurt this badly, what would happen to me?

This worrying thought made me doubt my abilities. However... I glanced at Serenity, and it

was something I couldn't just sit idly by. Trying to comfort her, I hesitantly wiped her tears

and mustered a smile.

"Can... save... Joey..." I said to reassure her. "Really, how?!" Serenity yelled impatiently while holding my hands.

"Beat... Marik...." I answered solemnly.

"But won't that put you in danger as well!" Serenity yelped.


I gently flicked her forehead: "Won't lose..."

"That you must promise!" Serenity insisted, forcing me to nod along.

Suddenly, Serenity tackled me, and I felt her arms wrapping around my back. I chuckled as I

patted her head while she tucked her face into my chest.


Serenity: "~Mofu Mofu~"


She shrieked as I unleashed my fist of justice for the second time tonight. Rubbing her head,

Serenity swiftly broke away from the hug. Although she seemed to be in pain from the punch,

her mood was much more relaxed than before. "Ah, is big sister leaving now?" she asked as soon as I stood up.

I nodded, and Serenity smiled wryly, wishing me a good night. After returning the gesture, I

stepped into the hallway as the familiar system appeared before my eyes.

[Task #7]

[Defeat Marik Ishtar!]

[Reward: 10,000 credits]

I stared at the task given to me, deep in my thoughts. There's still a chance that I won't be

able to duel him if he's ever matched with Yugi or Kaiba. Still, if the possibility of me ever

fighting Marik, it will be a motivation for me to work harder, well, if the fact that I would once again put my life on the line wasn't motivating enough...

As I was planning to return to my room, I heard a voice hesitantly calling my name. Turning around, I was shocked to see Ishizu standing behind me. She awkwardly rubbed her arms and spoke in a polite tone: "I can't help but overhear that you will duel against my brother." "If so..." Ishizu took a deep breath and stared at me: "I ask you to please save him."

"Before you say anything, first listen to what I'm going to tell you," Ishizu said and

straightened her body. "Three thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt, its civilisation was being attacked by invaders, leaving countless deaths in its wake. The Pharaoh at that time, Akhenamkhanen, mystical means to protect his people, which ultimately led to the creation of the Millennium



There were a total of seven artifacts made, each with its unique abilities:

The Eye of All-Seeing, The Ring of Guidance,

The Scale of Judgement

The Key of Perception

The Necklace of Prophecy

The Rod of Manipulation

And finally, the Puzzle of Leadership...

With these seven Millennium items, Akhenamkhanen quickly overturned his enemies and

brought peace to the land. Then, the items were passed down from generation to generation,

granting their wielders extraordinary powers."

"However," Ishizu paused: "With these Millennium Items, there were three that were

particularly weak to the intrusion of evil: The Rod, Eye and the Ring, which attracts spirits

that can possess the user."

"These past few events led me to believe that my brother, being the wielder of the Millenium

Rod, has been overwhelmed by his darkness and an alter ego formed in his soul, taking over

his body."

Suddenly, Ishizu bowed gracefully: "I know that it's an unfair request, but please save my brother. If you do, the Ishtar family will be in your debt!"

Flustered by Ishizu's pleading, I stared at her blankly, unable to form a response. Eventually,

in the unbearable silence, I nodded, and Ishizu's shoulders relaxed. "I thank you, young hero," Ishizu smiled: "You will have my forever gratitude." Finishing her bow, Ishizu left, and I returned to my room. Falling onto my bed, I stared at the

ceiling and sighed: "After this is Noah's Virtual World..." Thinking of the shenanigans that will be happening in the future, I frowned. Despite only being semi-related to Battle City, I knew that it was something I should attend. Joey, who was supposed to participate in Battle City, was now left in a coma because of my interventions, so

it would probably be best if I put some effort into helping out.

Right now, Yugi should be having his duel with Odion. But with everything already revealed, I doubt that it will be worth the watch nor I have the stamina to stay awake. Soon, my exhaustion from tonight has caught up, and I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep....

[1] Lava Golem: This card is Summoned to the opponent's field by sacrificing 2 of their

monsters. Each turn, that player takes 700 damage.

ATK/3000 DEF / 2500

[2] Machine Duplication: When a monster with 500 or less ATK is in play, the effect of

"Machine Duplication" can Special Summon up to 2 copies of the same card from your Deck. If

you do not control a monster with 500 or less ATK, destroy this card and the Special

Summoned monster(s).

[3] Some may wonder why there is no chant, well I want to save it for later. Also, queue the God's Anger theme! :)

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