YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 51: My Deck Master is Bigger Than Yours

Chapter 51: My Deck Master is Bigger Than Yours

[3rd POV]

Seto felt a brief warmth spread through his heart, a sensation he couldn't quite comprehend.

He touched his chest as if trying to grasp the fleeting emotion that had washed over him, leaving him momentarily perplexed.


Seto's reverie was interrupted when he heard Yuna call his name. He quickly refocused on their current situation, his demeanour returning to its usual composed state.

"Nothing, let's go", Seto muttered. With a final glance around the area, he brushed off the momentary lapse and took the lead, with Yuna trailing behind.

As Seto and Yuna stepped out of the orphanage, they were greeted by the sight of Noah hovering in the sky, arms crossed and a menacing glare in his eyes. With a swipe of his hand, he summoned all of the Big Fives. The five members of the Big Five collapsed to the ground in shock, their faces pale with disbelief.

"How did you all lose?? You can't even defeat one of them!" Noah growled.

"Young master!" The Big Five begged: "Please give us one more chance!"

Noah closed his eyes, contemplating the fate of the Big Five. After a moment of reflection, he wore a faint smile, a glimmer of opportunity in his gaze. "Very well," he said, his tone calculative. "I will grant you one more chance if you can eliminate them for me.

The members of the Big Five couldn't hide their delight, their smirks growing more expansive as they stared at their foes. Yuna frowned and reached for her duel disk, preparing to battle, but Seto halted her.

Seto's voice oozed with confidence as he asserted, "She doesn't have to get involved. I alone will be sufficient to deal with the five of you." His gaze flicked toward Yuna, a silent acknowledgment that they needed to focus on their mission. "We can't waste any more time here. Get that brat and find out where Mokuba is."

Yuna nodded in agreement. "Be... careful," she said with concern in her voice.

"Hmph," Seto sneered, performing a light stretch to prep himself. "I won't even break a sweat." With that, he headed towards the Big Five, eager to deliver a piece of his mind.

As Yuna sprinted past the members of the Big Five, her voice rang out, "Noah!"

Her shout seemed to startle the boy, who had been floating in the sky. In response, he frowned and landed, his attention now squarely on her.

"Mokuba, where?!" She demanded angrily as the boy scoffed.

Noah's smirk didn't waver as he replied, "Why should I tell you? It's all your fault that Father is angry with me. But I will regain his approval by defeating you and Seto right here and now!"

The tension in the air was palpable as Yuna and Noah locked eyes, neither willing to back down. Noah extended his left arm and summoned his duel disk: "Let's settle this once and for all."

"Yes," Yuna agreed, preparing herself for the battle that was to come...

[Yuna's POV]

I gazed at Noah cautiously as his duel disk activated: "Now, get ready to duel!" However, his mouth froze, and his eyes widened as if he had realised something important. Immediately, he gestured with his fingers as my deck flew into his hand. Before I could ask what he was doing, the deck ignited in flames, turning into cinders.

"There's no way I'm letting you duel with that horrible thing..." He exclaimed: "Go and pick something else!"

Typically, watching my deck getting destroyed like that would have set me off on a frenzy, but... I can't really blame him, can I?

"Then... I want... my deck..." I explained, and Noah agreed as a stack of cards appeared in my duel disk slot.

Checking the content and making sure that everything was all there, I nodded with satisfaction.

"Another thing," Noah added: "You may not have experienced it, but in this realm, we duel with new rules."

"Before the start of each battle, we will pick a card to become our Deck Master, and they will be fighting alongside us during the duel. Each Deck Master has a unique effect, and we can special summon our Deck Master onto the field at any time. However, if our Deck Master were ever destroyed, we would lose the duel, and if our Deck Master were ever tributed or used as materials, the monster that was summoned would become our new Deck Master."

"So what will it be, Yuna Sano?" Noah smiled: "Are you up to the challenge,"

Suddenly, my deck glowed as a blinding light filled the area.


A loud, resounding boom generated around me as a streak of light shot out of the image of the card. The light dispersed, revealing a beautiful dragon covered in gold scales. "Impressive..." Noah couldn't help but praise as Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand landed beside


The dragon lowered its head and nudged against my shoulder like a puppy. Smiling, I gently patted its neck while the monster emitted a low-pitched growl, expressing its wish to become my Deck Master.

However, I averted my gaze in guilt: "Sorry.... Not you..." I shook my head, much to Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's disbelief.

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand stared at me with eyes full of betrayal, and I felt my heart twisting at this horrible emotion. No, stay strong, Yuna, don't yield to the influence! I screamed in my head. Crap! my hand it's reaching for its head!

Clasping my wrist, I declared in a loud voice: "I... pick Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!"

Responding to my call, I held out the card as the shadow beneath me expanded. Gradually, a tall figure emerged from the darkness, and the monster relaxingly curled its slender body

around me.

"Why is that thing here!" Noah cried and fell onto his back.

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon responded with a snarl, displaying its long, jagged teeth. The monster excitedly tapped the ground with its scythe-like tail, generating a rhythmic clicking sound that seemed to turn Noah's face pale.

"Starving Venom Fusion Dragon will be my Deck Master," I glanced at Divine Dragon Lord

Felgrand apologetically.

"Promise to summon you... in the duel.." I reassured.

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand grunted reluctantly, and its shoulder drooped with disappointment. But no matter how much it wanted to whine, the dragon understood my

intentions and vanished.

"Ready?" I asked Noah, who was still gathering his courage. Noticing my stare, his face turned bright red, and he hurriedly stood up.

"So y.. you picked that!" Noah continued: "That's fine. My Deck Master has already been


I nodded, and my body instinctively tensed up. Noah Kaiba, a dangerous duelist and someone who possesses a deck that directly counters mine: 'This is not going to be easy....' But I have already expected this and added a few cards that could even it out.

'I hope I don't mess up...' I smiled to myself as Noah and I exclaimed in unison: "Duel!" x2

[Noah Kaiba: 4000 LP]

[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP]

"I will go first!" I declared: "I will set one monster and one card face down. Then, I end my


"Hmmm, my turn." Noah hummed thoughtfully: "I will summon Chiron the Mage in attack position and activate its effect!"

Appearing on the field was a tall centaur warrior. In his hand was a magical staff, and he spun

it, casting an array of light from the weapon.

[Chiron the Mage: 1800 Attack, 1000 Defence]

"While Chiron the Mage is on the field, I can look at one set card you control and destroy it!"

Without me activating, my set trap flipped over, revealing my Negate Attack. The trap card exploded into pieces, and Noah smiled: "Now, Chiron the Mage, attack!"

Chiron the Mage galloped towards me and swung his field at the set monster. But to the monster's surprise, the staff bounced off as an old man with dragon features emerged from

the card.

[Keeper of the Shrine: 0 Attack, 2100 Defence]

[Noah Kaiba: 4000 LP -> 3700 LP]

"Tsk... I will set a card and end my turn here," Noah announced as his lips gradually curved into a smile: "This is nothing to get angry for. Our duel has just begun."

"I can say the same," I smiled: "On my move, I will activate Keeper of the Shrine's effect!

During my main phase, the Keeper of the Shrine can be treated as two tributes! Thus, I will summon Blue Eyes White Dragon onto the field!"

A thunderous roar pierced the sky, and a majestic dragon covered in white scales landed with a loud thud. Noah smiled wryly as he covered his eyes from the clouds of dust: "The fourth Blue

Eyes White Dragon, the only one that Seto Kaiba does not possess."

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 Attack, 2500 Defence]

"So I assume you will be attacking me now?" Noah asked with a smirk.

"Not yet!" I yelled: "Now, I will use my Deck Master, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon's



"By paying five hundred of my life points, one per turn, one of my monsters can copy the effect of one of my opponent's. So Blue Eyes White Dragon, transform into Chiron the Mage!"

Blue Eyes White Dragon folded its wings as it roared, and a mirage of Chiron the Mage

appeared from behind the towering dragon.

[Chiron the Mage (Blue Eyes White Dragon): 3000 Attack, 2500 Defence]

[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP -> 3500 LP]

"Now, with Chiron the Mage's effect, I will destroy your set card and then Blue Eyes White

Dragon, attack Chiron the Mage!"

Blue Eyes White Dragon howled, unleashing a white beam that devastated both the monster

and the set trap.

[Noah Kaiba: 3700 -> 2500 LP]

Noah frowned as his trap card, Earthshaker, was destroyed: "Well played... To have such a

unique ability..."

"But," Noah smirked: "My Deck Master's ability is superior!"


The ground rumbled as the land behind Noah caved in, creating a massive crater. Instantly,

water rushes from the sides, filling the cavity and generating a wide area resembling the



The water rises, and a massive ship rises from the depth. Noah laughed proudly and pointed towards the sky: "Now, ravel at the power of my Deck Master, SHINATO'S ARK!"

I cursed and watched the massive ship floating above the water's surface as thunders ran

down onto the wooden decks. To think Noah has revealed his Deck Master this early! Things may have turned terrible for me...

"With this reveal, I will activate Shinato's Ark's effect," Noah announced with beaming confidence: "Now all monsters in our graveyards will be absorbed by Shinato's Ark, and any monsters that were sent to the graveyard will also be absorbed!"

I frowned as my Keeper of the Shrine and Noah's Chiron the Mage appeared and flew into

Shinato's Ark. The bow of the ship opened, revealing an entrance that brought the monsters inside, never to be seen again.

"After this, Shinato's Ark also has two effects." Noah explained: "First, I can banish any

number of monsters in Shinato's Ark, and I will gain five hundred life points for each card banished this way. Second, if you declare an attack while I control no monsters, I can special

summon monsters in defence position from the ark equal to the number of monsters you control!"

It's more absurd when I hear it directly from Noah himself. Essentially, my graveyard, the

most crucial aspect of my deck, was taken away from me. It felt like a part of myself was missing, and it's unsettling...

"So, I will activate Shinato's Ark's first effect to banish Keeper of the Shrine and Chiron the

Mage to replenish my life points."

[Noah Kaiba: 2500 LP -> 3500 LP]

"Next, I will play Great Flood. We will send all monsters to the graveyard, and we both have to

discard every monster card in our hands."

My face crumpled into a genuine scowl as I glanced at my hand. There were three monster

cards: the Paladin of Felgrand, Starliege Seyfert and, of course, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand. Ah, I might not be able to keep the promise after all...

Staring at the monsters entering the ark, Noah whistled: "Seems like I have caught a big fish."

"It's my move," I muttered, deep in thought: "I activate my spell, Card of Sanctity, to draw until I have six cards."

"Next, I summon Dragon Knight of Creation and end my turn," I said with bitterness. Being

forced on the defence really wasn't my cup of tea... [Dragon Knight of Creation: 1800 Attack, 600 Defence]

"Hmph," Noah sneered, and I could see his confidence rising: "I will summon Last Tusk Mammoth!" He shouted as a giant brown mammoth appeared on the field.

[Last Tusk Mammoth: 800 Attack, 1200 Defence] "Last Tusk Mammoth, attack Dragon Knight of Creation!" Noah declared. Despite being the weaker monster, the Last Tusk Mammoth charged without fear. Dragon

Knight of Creation readied his sword and unleashed an upward slash that sliced the mammoth

in half. However, upon collapsing, the monster's body emitted a strange beam that struck me,

and I blinked in disbelief.

[Yuna Sano: 3500 LP -> 2500 LP]

"You must be surprised. Well, it's all because of the Last Tusk Mammoth's effect. All battle

damage taken from this monster will be dealt to you instead!" So, not attacking wasn't even an option? I'm really being put on the spot here...

"I will set one card face down and end my turn." With my strongest monsters already in

Shinato's Ark, I could do nothing but grit my teeth.

Noah could even use my monsters against me, which just made my expression sour thinking

about it. Was this how Kaiba felt when other people used his Blue-Eyes White Dragon? Wait,

the gears of my head begin to turn. Maybe summoning my monsters might not be so bad after


"My turn!" Noah's voice brought my focus back onto the duel: "I will activate Deepest Impact

to destroy all monsters on the field, and both of our life points will be halved!" Suddenly, a massive earthquake occurred in the centre of the field. The ground beneath Dragon Knight of Creation shifted as the rocks collapsed on top of him.

[Noah Kaiba: 3500 LP -> 1750 LP]

[Yuna Sano: 2500 LP -> 1250 LP]

"Next, I summon Gradius!" Noah exclaimed and summoned a spaceship.

[Gradius: 1200 Attack, 800 Defence]

"Then, I will play the equip spell, Cyclon Laster, giving Gradius three hundred more attacks!"

[Gradius: 1200 -> 1500 Attack, 800 Defence]

"Now, Gradius, Attack Yuna Sano directly!" Noah shouted with a smile: "With this, it's my


"Not so fast!" I yelled and hurriedly activated my trap card: "I activate Waboku. I will take no damage this turn!" As Gradius loaded its cannon, the weapon swiftly fired a beam of laser

towards me.


The laser struck my feet, generating a bright explosion. However, as the dust settled, I was still standing unharmed.

Frowning in displeasure, Noah clicked his teeth: "Fine... I will activate Shinato's Ark's effect

to banish Dragon Knight of Creation, Paladin of Felgrand and Keeper of the Shrine to gain

back fifteen hundred life points." [Noah Kaiba: 1750 LP -> 3250 LP]

"I will set a card and end my turn here," Noah said calmly, and I was relieved that I was able to

dodge a bullet.

"It's my turn!" I declared: "First, I activate Pot of Greed and draw two cards! Then, after that, I will play Graceful Charity to draw three cards and discard two from my hand!" "Remember, the ark will immediately absorb any monsters you sent," Noah mischievously reminded me. I ignored his provocation and continued the duel. Now, it's time to return my

dragon to me!

"I will play Polymerisation! I shouted, using Arkbrave Dragon and Herald of Creation to fusion summon Mysterion the Dragon Crown!"

A dash of light escaped from the cards in my hand, and from the sky came upon a gigantic

golden dragon with a serpentine body. Riding on top of the dragon was a knight dressed in matching golden armour, and two orbs of lightning appeared in each of her palms. [Mysterion the Dragon Crown: 3000 Attack, 1500 Defence] "Then I will play Quick Attack. This card allows my fusion monster to attack this turn!" I

declared as Mystery The Dragon Crown nodded, eager to deliver a devasting blow to Noah's life points.

"With this, I will also summon Axe Dragonute in attack position!"

Beside Mysterion the Dragon Crown appeared a black bipedal dragon with wings. He wore an obsidian-colored chest plate, and in his hand was a massive two-headed axe. [Axe Dragonute: 2000 Attack, 1200 Defence]

"Now, Axe Dragonute, attack his Gradius and Mysterion the Dragon Crown, attack directly!" I

ordered, and my two monsters charged.

Axe Dragonute leapt into the air and brought his heavy axe down on the mechanical spaceship, creating a massive explosion that littered the field with smoke. [Noah Kaiba: 3250 LP -> 2750 LP]

Emerging from the smoke was Mysterion the Dragon Crown, and the dragon rider unleashed a

stream of lightning from her hands.

"I won't let you!" Noah shouted: "I will activate Shinato's Ark's ability and special summon

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand and Blue Eyes White Dragon!"

His lips turned into a smirk: "How does it feel to have your monsters used against you?!" The

massive ship opened, and two familiar dragons emerged, using their bodies to block the


[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack, 2800 Defence] [Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 Attack, 2500 Defence] "Mysterion, the Dragon Crown, cancel your attack!" I instructed as my monsters returned to

my field.

If I destroy Noah's monsters here, it will just return to the ark, which means that all of this will be useless. I need to make sure that I do not let him abuse my monsters any longer. "On my second main phase, I will play Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords, using its effect to

tribute my Axe Dragonute to special summon a Dragon Lord Token." [Dragon Lord Token: 0 Attack, o Defence]

"Now, I will be able to activate Mysterion the Dragon Crown's effect! When a monster is

special summoned, I can target that special summoned monster, banish it and all monsters

with the same type!"

Instantly, chains shoot out of the ground, wrapping around Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand,

Blue Eyes White Dragon and the Dragon Lord Token. Gradually, the two dragons were dragged

into the ground and disappeared. "Unfortunately, with Mysterion the Dragon Crown, it will lose one hundred attacks for each of my banished monsters."

[Mysterion the Dragon Crown: 3000 -> 2800 Attack, 1500 Defence]

"So, are you resorting to banish your monsters now?" Noah exclaimed in amazement.

Not responding, I pointed at the floating ship behind him: "Your Deck Master, I will make

sure to destroy it on the next turn."

[3rd POV]

Noah stared at Yuna in disbelief as he couldn't understand how Yuna would possibly destroy

Shinato's Ark. For starters, the card was still in his Deck Master zone, and there was no way for Yuna to destroy it unless Noah would summon it himself.

Wait.... Noah grasped Yuna's meaning: 'She's saying that she will force me to summon my Shinato's Ark?!'

His eyes darted frantically on the field: 'There's nothing that should threaten me, no wait,

was it Mysterion the Dragon Crown!'

Noah glared at the fusion monster with a hint of unease: 'Yes, that must be it. Unfortunately

for you, Yuna Sano, I will crush your plans right here!' "I will activate Fissure! This Spell card allows me to destroy one of your monsters with the

lowest attack. However, since Mysterion the Dragon Crown is your only monster, I will kill

that instead!"n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Suddenly, a large cavity opened up beneath Mysterion the Dragon Crown, and the monster helplessly fell in. Before they can escape, the crack swiftly repaired itself, sealing the monster


"Ha ha ha!" Noah laughed: "Now that Mysterion the Dragon Crown is destroyed, it will now

enter Shinato's Ark! What will you do now!"

But, no matter how much Noah taunted, he couldn't remove the anxiety as Yuna observed

sharply while the Starving Venom Fusion Dragon seemed to be grinning at him.

"Is that the end of your turn?" Yuna questioned.

"Shut up!" Noah snapped while sweating nervously. He glanced at his hand where only two

cards remained, and none of them were monsters: "I will set one card and use Shinato's Ark's

ability to banish five six monsters and gain three thousand life points!"

[Noah Kaiba: 2750 LP -> 5750 LP]

"Try and defeat me now!" Noah exclaimed, believing that Yuna shouldn't possibly force him

into a corner. But, a part of him still couldn't feel confident with his claim.

Yuna smiled ominously as she drew a single card from her duel disk: "Now, I'm ready to sink

that ship once and for all!"

"I activate my trap card, Castle of the Dragon Souls!"

The ground rumbled, and the area around Yuna was being lifted to a new height. Beside her

stood a tall tower that reached the sky. Glancing up, Noah could faintly see the figures of

dragons soaring above the clouds.

"Next, I will activate Mystical Space Typhoon and destroy my own Castle of the Dragon


Noah tilted his head in confusion as the imposing tower was instantly destroyed, and the boulders were sent cascading down from the atmosphere: "With this, I can activate Castle of

the Dragon Souls' second effect. Once this card is sent to the graveyard, I will be able to

special summon a banished dragon monster!" "A banished dragon..." Noah's eyes widened: "Wait, don't tell me!"

"Yuna: Yes, with this, I will summon Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!!!"


A roar full of might and fury resounded. Noah felt like his eardrums were going to burst.

Raising his head, he was face to face with a massive dragon adorned with resplendent and intricate armour made of brilliant, shimmering gold. With a grand wingspan, it possesses a

regal and serpentine form, radiating an aura of divine power. [Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack, 2800 Defence] "Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, attack!" Yuna commanded, and the Divine Dragon Lord

responded with a fierce roar.

"Damn it!" Noah cursed: "I will use Shinato's Ark's effect and summon Mysterion the Dragon

Crown in defence position!"

[Mysterion the Dragon Crown: 3000 Attack, 1500 Defence] "It was an impressive strategy, but have you forgotten it won't work!" Noah yelled: "I will be

protected no matter how many times you attack!"

"That's true," Yuna nodded: "Then should we test it out? She suddenly held out a card in the

air: "I activate the monster Honest from my hand! During the damage step, when a LIGHT monster I control battles. I can send this card from my hand to the graveyard. That monster

gains attacks equal to the attacks of the opponent's monster it is battling until the end of this


[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 -> 5800 Attack, 2800 Defence] "Mysterion the Dragon Crown is still in defence position, so even if you have such a high

attack, you wouldn't be able to hurt me!"

"Oh really?" Yuna smirked: "Finally, I activate my quick play spell, Dragon's Fighting Spirit!

Every time you special summon a monster this turn, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand will gain one additional attack!"


The stream of yellow beams completely incinerated Mysterion the Dragon Crown, and Divine

Dragon Lord Felgrand began charging up another attack.

"Ah! I activate Shinato Ark's ability again and summon Arkbrave Dragon!"

[Arkbrave Dragon: 2400 Attack: 2000 Defence]


As soon as Arkbrave Dragon was summoned, it was instantly destroyed, and to Noah's horror,

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand resumed its attack. "Wait, what's happening... Why can it still attack?"

"Have you not heard what I say?" Yuna asked, and Noah glared at her sharply: "With Dragon's

Fighting Spirit, as long as you special summon monsters, Divine Dragon will always gain one additional attack!"


His jaw dropped, and his face paled in terror. No matter what he does, it was useless as Divine

Dragon Lord Felgrand continuously obliterates anything he summons.

'Ah....' Noah realised.

If he hasn't summoned Mysterio the Dragon Crown, would he let Divine Dragon Lord

Felgrand get this strong? Ultimately, it was his eagerness to boast about his superiority on

using Yuna's own monster against her that led to his downfall. 'Was.... was there really nothing I can do?' Noah bit his lips.

"It's over, Noah," Yuna said factually: "You have lost." "No, no, no, no!" Noah screamed: "Shinato's Ark protect me!!!" The ship moved forward onto

the field as Noah watched with bloodshot eyes.

[Shinato's Ark: 0 Attack, o Defence]


The ship imploded, generating flames in all directions. However, instead of losing, the ship

shined a brilliant light as Shinato's Ark's final ability was activated. "W... with Shina... Shinato's Ark's last effect, when it was destroyed, I will be able to summon

Shinato, King of the Higher Plane, and that monster will be my new Deck Master!" Rising from the rubble rises a giant robotic angel with six pairs of wings. Usually, Noah would

have been confident at seeing its trump card on the field, but now, he could feel nothing but


[Shinato, King of the Higher Plane: 3300 Attack, 3000 Defence]


Before it could even fully display its radiance, it was immediately killed by Divine Dragon

Lord Felgrand.

[Noah Kaiba: 5750 LP -> 3250 LP]

"Ah..." Noah fell onto his knees, and his heart still couldn't accept what was happening.

"Seems like your Deck Master is gone," Yuna pointed out: "By the rules, Noah Kaiba, I have


Noah nodded blankly as he gazed at Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand one last time, as the monster didn't seem willing to let him go. Without the game even pausing, the dragon unleashed one final roar, one full of rage, and its bright beam moved closer and closer...



[Noah Kaiba: 3250 LP -> 0 LP]

I hope you enjoy it.

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