YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 57: Ra's Wrath

Chapter 57: Ra's Wrath

Hi guys, went all out on this chapter! Part two will be released on Wednesday!

[3rd POV]

Yami Marik's devilish smirk curled at the edges, and he observed the girl standing calmly before him. "So, it has come down to this moment," he remarked with a sinister satisfaction. His laughter caught Yuna off guard. "In all honesty, you've always been the one who interests me the most," he admitted, Yami Marik's tone laced with amusement. "I have to thank you for allowing me to satisfy my curiosity."

"Well, that's enough from me; let's not drag this out, shall we?" Yami Marik's grin widened until the corners of his lips reached the tips of his ears.

Suddenly, darkness consumed the field, creating a large black dome that completely blocked Yuna and Yami Marik from the outside world.

"Big sister!" Mokuba and Serenity screamed in shock at the supernatural event. They pounded against the barrier, but to their horror, no matter how much they exerted their strength, the two couldn't enter as if there was an impenetrable wall before them.

"Roland, do something!!" Mokuba yelled at the referee, but even he seemed flustered and unsure whether to cancel the duel.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, revealing Seto, and his eyes slightly widened at the absurd scene.

"Brother!" Mokuba cried. "Big Sister is trapped in there!"

Stunned, Seto approached the barrier, placing his hand on the surface and feeling the force fighting against him. Frowning, Seto pushed, and his limb slowly sank into the darkness.


"Brother!" Mokuba yelled in surprise as Seto was suddenly sent flying backward with an electric shock. Hitting the floor, Seto groaned in pain and glared at the barrier with anger. "What should we do!?" Mokuba asked, in tears.

Seto gritted his teeth and stood up: "Let the battle continue."

"What!" Mokuba exclaimed: "There's no way we can resume the duel!"

Seto closed his eyes, recalling an earlier moment when he reluctantly accepted one of Yuna's requests.

'Kaiba.... No matter what.... don't pause... the duel...' Yuna's words still lingered in his mind. Although he was confused, Seto now understood why she had insisted on something like this.

"Trust her," he eventually said and announced loudly to everyone around him. "We shall continue."


Yuna stared at the darkness surrounding her with a frown and glanced at Yami Marik, who observed her with an unsettling smile.

"Even a fool doesn't have to tell you that this duel is not so simple," he remarked. "After all, it wouldn't be fun without some new additional rules."

"In fact..." Yami Marik paused. "Wouldn't it be more special if you find out about these new gimmicks yourself? It's best if I won't spoil the fun!"

"You maniac..." Yuna cursed, and the dark spirit cackled. "Let's begin!"

"DUEL!!" X2

[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP]

[Marik Ishtar: 4000 LP]

[Yuna's POV]

This was it. Just like against Pegasus, this duel would decide whether I would live or die painfully. Tension coursed through my entire body, and my fingers twitched with anxiety.

"I will go first!" Breaking out of my nervousness, I shouted: "First, I will summon Dragon Knight of Creation in attack position!"

[Dragon Knight of Creation: 1800 Attack, 600 Defence]

Upon summoning, the knight drove his sword into the ground and rested his arms on the hilt. He exuded a confident aura, ready to serve me in another battle.

"Next, I will set two cards and end my turn," I announced and watched Yami Marik intently.

Smiling, Yami Marik drew a card: "I will summon my Gilgarth!"

[Gilgarth: 1800 Attack, 1200 Defence]

"In response to your summon, I will activate Dragon Knight of Creation's effect; during my opponent's turn, I can increase his level by four!"

"I don't see how that's relevant..." Yami Marik muttered: "I will set two cards and end my turn."

"During your end phase, I will activate my trap card, Proof of Powerlessness!" I smirked: "If I control a level seven or higher dragon monster, I can destroy all monsters you control that are below level four!"

Dragon Knight of Creation gripped his sword and swung in a wide arc, generating a white slash that cut the demonic monster in half. With the finalization of the end phase, Yami Marik was left with no monsters on his field, which meant it was the best time for me to attack!

"My turn!" I yelled: "First, I will play Pot of Greed to draw two cards from my deck! Next, I will summon Herald of Creation!"

[Herald of Creation: 1800 Attack, 600 Defence]

"Dragon Knight of Creation, attack Marik's life points directly!" I shouted as the warrior raised his sword and charged.


Suddenly, I heard a strange sound and felt an intense heat forming in my stomach. Glancing down, my jaw noticeably dropped at the scene. The giant sword Dragon Knight of Creation was wielding appeared embedded deep into my abdomen, and immediately, the burning pain made my mind go blank. Dragon Knight of Creation's arms trembled in disbelief, and the

knight let go of his weapon.

"Suprised?" Yami Marik laughed: "It was all thanks to my card, Spell of Pain. When an attack or card effect would do damage to me, I can inflict the damage on my opponent instead!" His laughter echoed across the field: "Oh? You may not have heard me; you're still in shock after all..."

I gritted my teeth as his explanation flowed through one ear and out the other. My head still couldn't register the massive blade piercing through my abdomen. Anger clouded my mind,

and I tightly gripped the handle.

Understanding my intention, the Herald of Creation and Dragon Knight of Creation nervously extended their arms. Together, we pulled the sword from my body, and I shrieked at the sharp


Bloody sprayed the floor, and I clutched my stomach. My pupils quivered in doubt: 'Am I truly going to die here?!'

Instantly, my body glowed, and miraculously, the flowing wound healed in the blink of an

eye. Patting the area where the sword rested previously, I frowned in confusion, and if my clothes weren't torn from the blade, I wouldn't believed that I was never harmed in the first


[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP -> 2200 LP]

"This is a dimension that I have created using the power of the Millennium Rod." Yami Marik explained, snapping me out of my daze: "It is a place right between the land of mortals and spirits. That means all monsters we have been summoning have become more than just

simple projections."

'No wonder the Herald of Creation and Knight of Creation acted more life-like than before.' I thought with a grim expression: "So what?"

"They are spirits that live just like us, and this realm was where we can exist in the same space, and naturally, they could be able to touch us..." Yami Marik snickered: "That's why the damage felt so real!"

"You're insane!" I couldn't help but yell angrily: "We're going to die before the duel could

even finish!"

"Don't you think I already knew that?" Yami Marik retorted: "Thus, there's one last rule you should remember. As long as we have life points, all injuries we sustain will be healed at a rapid rate. However, once we ran out..." His voice trailed off, hinting that no further explanation was needed.

"So don't die so quickly." Yami Marik warned maliciously, "Not until I'm done playing



A fireball struck Yami Marik, and he was sent flying across the field: "Be quiet, you madman..." I warned as the Herald of Creation lowered her staff.

[Marik Ishtar: 4000 LP -> 2200 LP]

"I will end my turn here," I said, and he stood up, smoke rising from his clothes.

Yami Marik chuckled and threw his singed cloak to the ground: "Unlike that coward I duelled earlier, you're more tenacious than I thought..."

"My turn. First, I will play Card Destruction, and the two of us will discard our entire hand before drawing the same number of cards."

"Next, I will set two cards and then activate the trap I set earlier, Left Arm Offering! By

discarding my entire hand, I will be able to add a spell card from the deck! I will choose

Monster Reborn!"

"Monster Reborn..." I mumbled under my breath: "No way...."

Yami Marik laughed and raised his hand into the air: "Joey couldn't handle its power, but I

wonder, could you?"


A gold symbol appears on his forehead, and a tremendous amount of pressure gathers towards him. Yami Marik's eyes bulged in excitement, and his words were like thunder:

"Great beast of the sky, please hear my cry!

Transform thyself from the orb of light and bring me victory in this fight!

Envelop the desert with your glow and cast your rage upon my foe!

Unlock your powers from deep within so that together, we may win!

Appear in this Shadow Game as I call out your name, Winged Dragon of Ra!" Using the effect of Monster Reborn, Yami Marik chanted and pointed the card towards the sky.

Suddenly, I felt a searing heat, as if someone had spiked up the temperature to the extreme.

Momentarily, I was blinded by a white light, and when my vision cleared, I saw a bright

orange sun floating in the space above us.


The sun expanded, constructing into the form of a massive armoured dragon covered in gold.

Its eyes glowed with fierce intensity, reflecting its immense power.

[Winged Dragon of Ra: o Attack, o Defence]

"Then I will pay one thousand of my life points and activate Ra's ability to allow my god to

emerge as the powerful Phoenix Mode!" Yami Marik declared as the Winged Dragon of Ra's

body erupted into flames.

[Marik Ishtar: 2200 LP -> 1200 LP]

[Winged Dragon of Ra (Phoenix Mode): 0 Attack, 0 Defence]

"Now, all monsters Ra battles will be destroyed. Additionally, when special-summoned, the Winged Dragon of Ra can attack you and all of your monsters!"

Dragon Knight of Creation and Herald of Creation readied their weapons as the god charged.

Before the warrior and mage could react, they were swept by the burning flames and

incinerated entirely.

"Now, Winged Dragon of Ra, attack her life points directly!"

"But Ra currently have zero attacks?" I blurted out in confusion: "Attacking will do nothing."

However, Yami Marik merely smirked as the Winged Dragon of Ra howled and plummeted

from the air. As I watched the flames burn the ground, realization finally dawned upon me, and I frantically pressed the buttons on my Duel Disk.

"I will activate my set card, Command Silencer, and I can negate the attack of your Winged

Dragon of Ra!" [1]

Before the searing fire reached me, Winged Dragon of Ra flew back to Yami Marik's side, and I

sighed with relief. Glancing at my arms, which were filled with goosebumps, I shivered at the thought of possibly having just escaped death's grasp.

"Hoh?" Yami Marik looked genuinely impressed: "You're smarter than you look."

"Just because there's no damage to my life points doesn't mean I won't feel the pain..." I

muttered, and his smile widened.

"You're just full of surprises," Yami Marik applauded: "I'm attracted to you more and more!" "No thanks, you're not my type." I snarled and covered my mouth in disgust.

"Ha ha, that's fine," He smirked: "You might change your mind once I break you a little..."

"Shut up and keep playing!" I snapped, repulsed by his words.

"Very well. Since I have no cards in my hand because of Left Arm Offering, I will end my turn,

and Winged Dragon of Ra will return to my graveyard." Yami Marik explained as the flaming dragon vanished and the darkness set in once more.

"My turn..." I muttered with a frown: "First, I will summon Paladin of Felgrand in defence

position and use its effect to equip Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand from my deck to this card!" [Paladin of Felgrand: 1700 Attack, 300 Defence]

"Next, I will use Paladin of Felgrand's effect to tribute himself and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand to revive Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand from the graveyard!!" Amidst the darkness, a golden ray shone behind me, and I smiled. The soothing sound of

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's flapping wings gave me a sense of comfort and security. [Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack, 2800 Defence]

"Upon summoning from the graveyard, I will activate its effect to banish Winged Dragon of


"Not this time!" Yami Marik shouted. "I activate my trap card, Fiendish Chains! When this

card is on the field, your Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand will have its effect negated and cannot


Immediately, chains shot out of the ground, binding the dragon in the air. I gritted my teeth in frustration at the unfortunate turn of events.

"I will set one card and end my turn," I muttered with a frown.

"Ah, it's my turn..." Yami Marik smiled and drew a card. "I will play Card of Sanctity, and both

of us will draw until we have six cards in our hands."

Tsk... In times like this, I was unfortunately reminded that Yugi wasn't the only one with the power of the Heart of the Cards in this show...

"Next, I will play Mining for Magical Stones to discard two cards and add Monster Reborn

back into my hand," Yami Marik snorted. "However, I couldn't play the spell this turn. So I will set one card face down and end my turn."

While Yami Marik has no cards on the field, knowing that he was planning to revive the

Winged Dragon of Ra next turn sets me on edge.

"My turn, I draw!" I shouted to lessen the tension. "First, I will change Divine Dragon Lord

Felgrand to a defence position!"

"Then, I will banish Axe Dragonute and Herald of Creation to summon Darkflare Dragon from my hand!" [Darkflare Dragon: 2500 Attack, 1200 Defence]

"Upon summoning, I will activate Darkflare Dragon's effect! By sending one dragon monster

from my deck and hand to the graveyard, I will be able to target one card in either graveyard and banish it!"

Showing Yami Marik the Blue Eyes White Dragon from my deck and the Keeper of the Shrine from my hand, I pointed at him and yelled: "I will banish your Winged Dragon of Ra!"

"In response to your Darkflare Dragon's effect, I will activate my trap card, Call of the

Haunted and revive my Winged Dragon of Ra in defence position! Since Ra will no longer be in

the graveyard, your dragon's effect will be nullified!"

[Winged Dragon of Ra: 0 Attack, o Defence]

"Then, Darkflare Dragon, attack Winged Dragon of Ra!" I shouted, and my dragon lashed outNôv(el)B\\jnn

with its claws.

This time, Yami Marik didn't activate Ra's phoenix mode and the God was destroyed by

Darkflare Dragon's attack. However, I was not satisfied with the results of sending Winged

Dragon of Ra back to the graveyard.

I need it gone.

"My turn." Yami Marik smiled: "Now that the restriction of my Mining of Magical Stones is

over, I will activate Monster Reborn and revive Winged Dragon of Ra again!!" [Winged Dragon of Ra: o Attack, o Defence]

"Paying one thousand of my life points, Winged Dragon of Ra will be reborn in its almighty

Phoneix Mode!"

[Marik Ishtar: 1200 LP -> 200 LP] [Winged Dragon of Ra (Phoenix Mode): 0 Attack, o Defence]

Yami Marik: "Now I will enter my battle phase and activate the effect of Juragedo in my hand,

allowing me to special-summon the monster onto the field." [2] [Juragedo: 1700 Attack, 1300 Defence]

"When Juragedo was summoned through that effect, I will gain one thousand life points." He

explained: "Also, with Ra's ability, I can tribute Juragedo, and my God will gain its energy to use for itself!"

[Marik Ishtar: 200 LP -> 1200 LP]

[Winged Dragon of Ra (Phoenix Mode): 0 -> 1700 Attack, 0 -> 1300 Defence]

"Now I will battle! Winged Dragon of Ra, attack all of her monsters and then attack her


"Stop! I will activate Negate Attack, cancelling Winged Dragon of Ra's attack and ending the battle phase!"

"Don't think it will be that easy!" Yami Marik snarled: "I activate Trap Jammer, cancelling the effect of your Negate Attack!"

"Sh*t!" I cursed instinctively: "I will activate Waboku! Any battle damage I've taken will be zero this turn!"

The Winged Dragon of Ra unleashed a deafening cry, conjuring a pair of flaming tornados aiming for my Darkflare Dragon and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand. Despite being physically weaker, Ra's effect easily destroyed the two monsters with its divine skill. Since Waboku was only protected from monster attacks, the two dragons couldn't be saved.

As Winged Dragon of Ra slowly turned its head towards me, I flinched in fear. Recalling the

pain that I felt when fighting against Obelisk and slifer, I couldn't even possibly imagine what

it was going to be like with Ra...

I'm scared...

My thoughts unknowingly spread to my face, and Yami Marik licked his lips in delight. As the

Winged Dragon of Ra charged, I instinctively closed my eyes and waited...


There was no time to prepare as the sensation of flames coating my entire body and my

nervous system blared in alarm. Unable to endure, I screamed, and a shrill cry left my throat.

Words couldn't possibly describe the pain that I'm currently feeling, and the heat burned away any tears I shed. "Stop..." Yami Marik's voice echoed deeply. "Winged Dragon of Ra, return!" Suddenly, the flame disappeared, and I fell face-first onto the ground. Unable to turn my

body, I gasped for breath like a fish out of water.

"I know this wasn't enough to defeat you." He taunted: "Stand up. This duel is still long."

Gritting my teeth to the point they're going to shatter, I pushed the floor with one of my arms, propping myself up. Shakily, I managed to stand, and even the slightest movement felt like pure agony.

Witnessing my suffering state, Yami Marik snorted: "I will set two cards and end my turn."

"M... My..." Before I could even finish a sentence, I collapsed on one knee and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Yami Marik watched with interest as I punched my chest to get the rest of the thick red liquid

out of my lungs.

"Don't go dying on me too quickly." Yami Marik laughed loudly at his joke. Glaring at him, I wipe the corner of my mouth with my sleeve: "I'm fine..." Standing up, I

regained my composure. My body still stings from the pain, but I was able to endure it this


"I draw..." I growled: "First, I will activate Return of the Dragon Lords to revive Divine

Dragon Lord Felgrand from my graveyard."

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack, 2800 Defence]

"Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, banish Winged Dragon of Ra in the graveyard!" I yelled with a

strained voice. To my relief, this time, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand was able to carry out my orders successfully and banished the God. [Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 -> 3800 Attack, 2800 -> 3800 Defence] "Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, attack!" I shouted with passion: "Make sure to kill him!"

Sharing my thoughts, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand roared and pounced with enthusiasm. The dragon swung its arms, and Yami Marik was thrown into the air. Grabbing him in mid-fall,

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand then proceeded to slam him into the ground with all his

strength. [Marik Ishtar: 1200 LP -> 5000 LP]

"What..." I uttered in disbelief and stared at Yami Marik's life points, which just increased


Sitting up, Yami Marik chuckled: "Suprised? It was all thanks to my trap card, Rainbow Life.

By discarding one card each time I take damage, I will actually gain that amount instead." Now fully standing up, he smirked and twisted his head: "But it sure does sting, though...

You're done. Go back to your master." He shooed Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand away, and the dragon howled with fury.

"I will set one card and end my turn," I said with a clenched fist.

"Ha ha ha," Yami Marik covered his face and laughed: "Do you know how surprised I was

when you banished my God card earlier?" However, his expression turned cold: "But I'm not

such a fool to fall for it again!"

"Draw!" Yami Marik shouted: "In my main phase, I will play Return from the Different

Dimension; by paying half of my life points, I can special-summon all of my banished


[Marik Ishtar: 5000 LP -> 2500 LP]

"You think it will be that easy?" He smiled: "Now, Winged Dragon of Ra, show yourself in

your Phoneix Mode!!"

[Winged Dragon of Ra: 0 Attack, o Defence] [Marik Ishtar: 2500 LP-> 1500 LP]

[Winged Dragon of Ra (Phoenix Mode): 0 Attack, o Defence]

Staring at the Egyptian God that has been revived for the fourth time, finally, a concerning

thought formulated in my head: 'I might actually die....'

I hope you enjoy it.

[1] If people are wondering, Yuna didn't activate Command Silencer a little earlier because it

will only negate one of Ra's attacks.

[2] I like the Errata Juragedo better, so I'm using it. (The original was just a normal monster)

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