YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 64: Battle for the Future

Chapter 64: Battle for the Future

[Yuna's POV]

"While Malefic World is active, in each of my draw phases, I will be able to add a random Malefic Monster from my deck to my hand instead of conducting a normal draw," Paradox elaborated.

"Then, I will activate the effect of Malefic Cyber End Dragon in my hand by sending Cyber End Dragon from my extra deck to the graveyard; I will be able to special-summon this card onto the field!"

[Malefic Cyber End Dragon: 4000 Attack, 2800 Defence]

At Paradox's command, a colossal mechanical beast with three distinct heads materialized on the field. Observing this spectacle, Jaden's fists clenched tightly in frustration. "You even took Zane's monster..." he seethed with anger.

Paradox smirked, brushing off Jaden's remark. "Next, I'll activate Field Barrier, ensuring the safety of my Malefic World from destruction and barring anyone else from activating field spells for as long as this card holds sway. And with that, I'll set three cards before ending my turn."

"It's my turn! I will draw!" Yumi said excitedly: "First, I will normal-summon, Noh-P.U.N.K Ze Amin!"

[Noh-P.U.N.K Ze Amin (Tuner): 600 Attack, 600 Defence]

"Then I activate Noh-P.U.N.K Ze Amin's effect to pay six hundred of our life points and add one P.U.N.K monster from my deck to my hand."

[Yumi/Jaden/Yuna: 4000 LP -> 3400 LP]

Paradox: "In response, I will activate my trap card, Skill Drain. To pay one thousand of my life points, and all monsters on the field will have their effects negated!"

[Paradox: 4000 LP -> 3000 LP]

"Tsk..." Yumi clicked her teeth in frustration: "Then, I will activate the effect of Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note, revealing the Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune in my hand, then I will send Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune to the graveyard to summon Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note in defence position!"

[Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note: 2100 Attack, 1800]

"Now, with a Tuner and a Non-Tuner on the field, I will synchro summon!" Yumi shouted as a swirling green circle appeared beneath the two monsters' feet.

I felt my heart beat enthusiastically. Never had I imagined being able to see a proper synchro summoning here, and I felt giddy with excitement.

"With a level three Noh-P.U.N.K Ze Amin and level five Noh-P.U.N.K Deer Note, I will summon Colossal Fighter, level eight in defence position!" Upon being absorbed by the circle and summoning a tall cream-colour warrior dressed in intricate armour. Crossing his arms into an X, the Colossal Warrior knelt on one knee and shielded himself from any incoming attacks.

[Colossal Fighter: 2800 Attack, 1000 Defence]

"I will also activate the effect of Noh-P.U.N.K Deer Note in my graveyard, allowing me to special-summon Noh-P.U.N.K Foxy Tune in the graveyard!"

[Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune: 2300 Attack, 2600 Defence]

Yumi: "Finally, I will set one card and end my turn."

"It's my turn." Paradox declared with a scoff: "What a pathetic attempt of Synchro- Summoning, I will draw!"

"However, the ability of my Malefic World has been activated, allowing me to add one Malefic Monster instead of drawing normally." He explained as the Duel Disk automatically shuffled his deck and dispensed the card he needed.

"I will send my Rainbow Dragon from my deck to my graveyard and summon the second Malefic monster, Malefic Rainbow Dragon!"


The same Rainbow Dragon that had attacked Yusei reappeared in the sky. Its serpent body swirled through the sky while the dragon snarled in hatred. Suddenly, black armour pieces manifested around Rainbow Dragon's head before attaching themselves to the monster's face.

Rainbow Dragon howled in agony, and Jaden bit his lips in rage. Gradually, the roar died down as the Monster became obedient; its once shiny, feathery wings had turned completely black and mechanic, losing their lustre.

[Malefic Rainbow Dragon: 4000 attack, o Defence]

"Now, Malefic Rainbow Dragon, attack!" Paradox shouted: "Destroy her Colossal Fighter!"

Upon command, Malefic Rainbow Dragon plummeted and dived towards the synchro monster. Colossal Fighter attempted to fight back, but its strength was lacking against Malefic Rainbow Dragon and was ultimately defeated.

"When Colossal Fighter was destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard, I will be able to revive a Warrior-Type Monster!" Yumi announced: "The one I will bring back was none other than Colossal Fighter himself!!"

"Such a simple strategy will not work!" Paradox shouted: "I will activate my set spell, Called By The Grave! This will banish the Colossal Fighter in your graveyard and thus negate its effects or any monster with the same name until the end of the next turn." [1] However, to his dismay, Yumi immediately revealed a card in her hand: "That won't be happening; I will tribute Artifact Lancea in my hand! Now, no cards can get banished this turn; that means your Called By The Grave will not work!"

Paradox clicked his teeth as the Colossal Fighter was successfully revived. The monster flexed its arms, brimming with energy for another battle.

[Colossal Fighter: 2800 Attack, 1000 Defence]

"Fine, then I will continue my battle phase!" Paradox yelled angrily: "Malefic Cyber End Dragon, attack Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune!"

The robotic monster charged, and Foxy Tune was unable to fend off the dragon's assault and succumbed to its might: "I will end my turn." He declared and glanced at Jaden: "Now it's your go, boy."

"I will draw!" Jaden yelled and glimpsed at Yumi's Colossal Fighter, and they nodded at each other: "First, I will play Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your skill Drain on the field!"

A fierce tornado shattered the pale blue barrier that surrounded us, and I felt the energy gradually returning to the field and the weak sensation vanishing.

Jaden: "Next, I will play Polymerisation, fusing Elemental Hero Neos and Colossal Fighter to fusion summon, Elemental Hero Neos Knight!"

Colossal Fighter burst into particles of light as Elemental Hero Neos appeared on the field. The light surrounds the hero and transforms into a flashy armour that protects his body. An orange mane grew from the back of Neo's head, and in his hands was a sword and shield.

[Elemental Hero Neos Knight: 2500 Attack, 1000 Defence]

"When Elemental Hero Neos Knight is fusion summoned, it will gain half of the Warrior Fusion Material used for its Fusion Summon, except Elemental HERO Neos."

[Elemental Hero Neos Knight: 2500 -> 3900 attack, 1000 Defence]

"Then, with my Assault Armour Spell Card, Elemental Hero Neos Knight will gain an additional there hundred attacks!"

[Elemental Hero Neos Knight: 3900 -> 4200 Attack, 1000 Defence]

"Now I will battle!" Jaden declared, and Elemental Hero Neos Knight lifted his shield: "Elemental Hero Neos Knight has a second ability; during the battle phase, this card will be able to attack twice! Now, Elemental Hero Neos Knight, for Zane and Jesse, destroy Malefic Rainbow Dragon and Malefic Cyber End Dragon!!"

Fearlessly, the hero rushed into battle, leaping between Malefic Rainbow Dragon and Malefic Cyber End Dragon. With a spin, Elemental Hero Neos Knight majestically wields his sword,

slicing both monsters in half.

[Paradox: 3000 LP -> 2600 LP]

"You have activated my trap card, Malefic Tune." Paradox announced calmly: "When my Malefic monster is destroyed by battle, I will be able to draw two cards."

"Very well," Jaden nodded: "I will set two cards and end my turn."

Staring at Jaden, Paradox chuckled: "How foolish, so much for so little damage...."

"I will draw, but with the effect of Malefic World, I will add Malefic Paradox Gear to my hand instead. Then, I will summon Malefic Paradox Gear!"

[Malefic Paradox Gear: 0 Attack, o Defence]

"With Malefic Paradox Gear, I will tribute itself to special summon Malefic Parallel Gear from

my deck, and I can add a Malefic monster to my hand!"

[Malefic Parallel Gear: 0 Attack, o Defence]

"The monster that I have added is none other than Malefic Stardust Dragon!" With Paradox's exclamation, Yumi's face stiffened, and I also felt my lips pursing into a frown.

"Now, I will send Stardust Dragon into the graveyard and summon Malefic Stardust Dragon!"

[Malefic Stardust Dragon: 2500 Attack, 2000 Defence]

"Now, with Malefic Stardust Dragon and Malefic Parallel Gear on the field, the conditions have been met..." Paradox smirked as he raised his hand: "With a tuner and a non-tuner, I will


"Synchro Summoning?!" Yumi gasped in shock, and Paradox stared at her as if he was

meeting a child.

"Fool.... Do you really think you're the only one? Your narrow-mindedness is what's going to get you killed." He smirked, ignoring her intense glare: "With a level-two tuner and a level-

eight non-tuner, I will summon, level-ten, Paradox Dragon!!"


A terrifying howl shook the space where we stood, and the three of us all instinctively covered

our ears at this ear-piercing cry. Opening one of my eyes, I witnessed the sight of a dark and imposing dragon with a sinister aura that made my skin crawl.

The dragon's body was entirely black with red and purple accents, sharp angular features, and

a menacing expression. Flapping its large bat-like wings, the monster howled with malice, and we instinctively frowned with caution.

[Malefic Paradox Dragon: 4000 Attack, 4000 Defence]

"While Malefic Paradox Dragon was synchro-summoned, I can target one synchro monster in

my graveyard and summon it, ignoring all summoning conditions. Therefore, I will revive

Stardust Dragon!"

[Stardust Dragon: 2500 Attack, 2000 Defence]

"Stardust Dragon...." Yumi mumbled and clenched her fists: "That's Yusei's monster; you

have no right using it!"

"So what?" Paradox scoffed: "A card is just a card... Who cares if it belongs to someone else?"

"You!" Yumi held her breath, suppressing the anger fuming in her heart. Worriedly, I held her hand, and she glimpsed at me with surprise before smiling with relief: "Thanks, Yuna, I'm

alright now...."

Nodding, I released my hand, and we both stared at Paradox with a scowl: "Let's continue." He stated nonchalantly and resumed his turn: "Unfortunately, it will soon be the end. While Malefic Paradox Dragon is on the field, all face-up monsters you control will lose an attack equal to the total attack of all face-up synchro monsters I control, except for this card!"

Malefic Paradox Dragon howled, and a wave of darkness swept through the entire field. Instantly, Elemental Hero Neos Knight grunted in discomfort, and his shoulder slumped, severely weakened.

[Elemental Hero Neos Knight: 4200 -> 1700 Attack, 1000]

Now, I'm entering my Battle Phase!" Paradox declared: "Malefic Paradox Dragon, attack

Elemental Hero Neos Knight!"

"Not so fast!" Jaden shouted, activating his trap: "I will respond with Hero Barrier! Targeting

your Malefic Paradox Dragon and negating its attack!"

"That won't happen!" To our surprise, Paradox countered and revealed his trap: "I will play

Red Reboot, which will negate the activation of your Hero Barrier and set it face down onto the field. Additionally, you can set another trap back from your deck, but you won't be able to activate any trap cards for the rest of this turn!"

Jaden clicked his teeth as the Hero Barrier he set earlier returned to its face-down position,

and he chose a trap card to set onto his field. With the failure of his trap, Malefic Paradox Dragon resumed its attack once more, destroying Elemental Hero Neos Knight. [Yumi/Jaden/Yuna: 3400 LP -> 1100 LP]

"This is the end, Stardust Dragon; attack Jaden Yuki directly!" Paradox ordered, and Stardust

Dragon charged with its claws raised.

"Not on my watch!" Yumi interrupted: "I shall activate Performage Damage Juggler and

discard it, reducing the next battle damage to zero!"

Frustrated, Paradox let out an angered curse: "Fine," He spat: 'I will activate Pot of Avarice in my hand, shuffling Malefic Rainbow Dragon, Rainbow Dragon, Malefic Cyber End Dragon, Cyber End Dragon and Malefic Stardust Dragon back into my deck and drawing two cards." "Then, I will set three cards, ending my turn," Paradox grumbled.

Finally, Yumi and Jaden turned to me with expectations. I took a deep breath and smiled as I felt my body tingling. If they have tried their best, it's natural I must not let them down! "My turn, I will draw!" I shouted with determination: "I first activated Card Destruction, and we will discard our entire hand! Then, we will draw the same amount of cards we've


Staring at my new hand, I smiled with contentment: "Next, I will activate Return of the

Dragon Lords to revive a level-seven or eight dragon from my graveyard; I will summon Arkbrave Dragon!"

[Arkbrave Dragon: 2400 Attack, 2000 Defence]

"When Arkbrave Dragon is special-summoned from the graveyard, I can banish all face-up spells or trap cards on the field, including your Malefic World!"

Yumi and Jaden cheered as Arkbrave Dragon unleashed a devastating breath in our surroundings, attacking the Malefic World. However, the celebration swiftly dies down as Paradox activates his trap card.

"I won't allow that to happen!" Paradox roared: I will activate Lost Wind, negating the effect

of your Arkbrave Dragon and halving its attack points!"

[Arkbrave Dragon: 2400 -> 1200 Attack, 2000 Defence] "Damn..." I mumbled: "Very well, I will summon the Guardian of Felgrand and equip Divine

Dragon Lord Felgrand to this card, and the Guardian of Felgrand will gain attacks and defence

equal to half of the attack and defence of the equipped card." [Guardian of Felgrand: 500 Attack, 500 Defence] [Guardian of Felgrand: 500 -> 1900 Attack, 500 -> 1900 Defence]

"Now, I will activate Guardian of Felgrand's effect, tributing itself and Arkbrave Dragon to

summon a level-seven or eight dragon monster, and I will choose Divine Dragon Lord



An intense howl shook the Malefic dimension, one more rageful and ferocious than the one of

the Malefic Paradox Dragon. A divine light flashed before me and transformed into the form

of a golden dragon. [Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack, 2800 Defence]

"There it is!" Yumi exclaimed with excitement: "Mo... I mean... Yuna has brought it out!"

Feeling giddy by her praise, my lips twitched, and I struggled not to smile sheepishly: "I will activate Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's effect, targeting the Malefic Paradox Dragon to banish it, and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand will gain attack equal to the banished monster's level multiplied by one hundred!"

"It's not going to be that easy!!" Paradox bellowed with annoyance: "I will activate my other

trap card, Skill Prisoner and target my own Malefic Paradox Dragon! Now, any monster effects that target my Malefic Paradox Dragon will be negated!"

"No!" I shouted instinctively in frustration as Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's attack was

cancelled: "Guh... I will set two cards, ending my turn."

Witnessing me end my turn, Paradox began to laugh: "Is this what only the three of you can

accomplish? I'm disappointed...."

"During your stand-by phase!" I interrupted him: "With Arkbrave Dragon's effect, I will special-summon Blue Eyes White Dragon in defence position!" [Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 Attack, 2500 Defence]

"Hmph, it's useless!" He said with a wave of his arms: "Now, Malefic Paradox Dragon, attack

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!"

Malefic Paradox Dragon roared, and I watched it plummeting towards my dragon: "In response, I will activate Honest in my hand, and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand will gain attack

of your Malefic Paradox Dragon!" [Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand; 2800 -> 6800 Attack, 2800 Defence]n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

"Fool, don't you realise that I have already thought of that?!" Paradox shouted with a smile:

"I will activate the Dark Honest in my hand!" Upon his declaration, my eyes widened with


"Now, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand will lose an attack equal to its original attack!"

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand; 6800 -> 4000 Attack, 2800 Defence]


The two dragons crashed into each other, creating a devastating explosion that shook the area

where we stood. When the dust settled, both of our monsters had disappeared entirely, and

Paradox smiled.

"Congratulations, you have fallen into my palms..." Paradox chuckled, pressing the button on his Duel Disk: "With this, the stage is finally set... I will activate the Malefic Paradigm


and pay half of my life points! When my Malefic Paradox Dragon is destroyed, I can special summon my strongest monster from my deck, Malefic Truth Dragon!!!"

[Paradox: 2600 LP -> 1300 LP]

The Malefic World trembled upon the calling of a massive beast. Its scales were yellow, with

spikes growing along its back. The dragon donned two massive wings bigger than its body,

and there was a large red crystal embedded in its chest. Malefic Truth Dragon roared, and our

faces paled, understanding the seriousness of the situation. [Malefic Truth Dragon: 5000 Attack, 5000 Defence]

"Now, Malefic Truth Dragon, attack Blue Eyes White Dragon!" Paradox commanded, and the

yellow monster unleashed a deathly beam.

"I will activate Return of the Dragon Lords in my graveyard. Whenever a dragon monster is

destroyed, I can banish this card instead!"

Paradox scowled in displeasure: "Very well, then I shall end my turn here. However, I believe

this soon would be over..."

He's right... I clicked my teeth. Yumi, Jaden and I have all played our turns. This meant that

Paradox no longer had to attack as consecutively and could now go for anyone...

[3rd POV]

Yumi bit her lips nervously. She glanced at Yuna and knew that they were thinking about the

same thing. If Yumi doesn't do something now, Paradox will be way too powerful for them to handle...

"Yumi..." Yuna quietly muttered.

Raising her head, Yumi glanced at Yuna, smiling comfortingly. She gently held Yumi's hands: "We shouldn't give up yet."

"Sano's right. A Duel's not over 'till the last card is played!" Jaden added confidently.

Wiping her teary eyes, Yumi nodded with a small smile: "Mn... I'm sorry for being like this...

But what should we do?" Suddenly, Yuna poked her in the shoulder with a grin: "I have a plan."

A minute later...

Paradox patiently waited as the three duellists broke away from each other: 'What are they

doing now?' He questioned with a suspicious frown.

"It's my turn!" Yumi declared with a newfound determination: "I will play Monster Reincarnation! This allowed me to discard a card and add a monster from our graveyard to my

hand!" [2]

With enthusiasm, she picked up a specific card ejected out of Yuna's Duel Disk. Staring at her

hand, the plan they had formulated began to go in full force.

"I will first play Monster Reborn! Summoning Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin from my graveyard!"

[Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin (Tuner): 600 Attack, 600 Defence]

"Now, I will pay six hundred of our life points to add Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note from my deck to my hand! Next, I will activate Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note's effect, revealing this card and Noh-

P.U.N.K. Orgre Dance. Then I can send Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note to the graveyard to summon

the other P.U.N.K monster!"

[Yumi/Jaden/Yuna: 1100 LP -> 500 LP] [P.U.N.K. Orgre Dance: 2500 Attack, 2000 Defence]

"Finally, I will synchro-summon with a level three tuner and a level eight non-tuner! To summon, level-eleven, Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon!!"

SWOOSH An array of colourful paint splashed into the air. The colours intertwined with each other, gradually forming the figure of a bright dragon with a vibrant mix of neon colours. Its body was adorned with patterns reminiscent of traditional Japanese prints, featuring swirling

motifs of waves, clouds, and geometric shapes. [Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon: 3000 Attack, 2800 Defence] "When Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon is synchro-summoned, I can target cards on the

field equal to the number of level-three psychic monsters on the field or graveyard and send

them back to the hand!"

"The card I will choose is the Malefic Truth Dragon!"

"I won't allow this!" Paradox shouted: "With Skill Prisoner in the graveyard, I can banish this

card to target my Malefic Truth Dragon, and any effect that targets it will be negated!"

"That is fine!" Yumi grinned: "Now, everything's ready! Yuna, Jaden!" Yuna: "I'm on it! I will activate Call of the Haunted and summon my Divine Dragon Lord


Jaden: "Let's do this! I will activate Soul Ressurection and summon my Elemental Hero


[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack, 2800 Defence] [Elemental Hero Neos: 2500 Attack, 2000 Defence] "With Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's effect, I will banish your Stardust Dragon, and it will

gain attack and defence equal to its levels!" [Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 -> 3800 Attack, 2800 -> 3800 Defence] "Now!" Yumi raised a single card into the sky: "This is the best day of my life!" She exclaimed: "With Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, Elemental Hero Neos and Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon as tributes, I will summon WINGED DRAGON OF RA!!!!!!! Paradox gasped in horror as the three monsters were engulfed by a blazing sun that burst

through the dark Malefic World: "Do you really think you can just summon a God who gives you the right to control it!" "Ha!" Yumi laughed while staring at Paradox with pity: "Don't you know? How many times

have I asked Mom to chant it for me!? I can even say it in my sleep!""With a broad smile, Yumi

begins to speak and the aura surrounding them changes.

"Sh*t!" Paradox cursed as each word matched perfectly, and he clutched the side of his hair in


"Now, I summon you!" Yumi yelled: "Appear in this game as I call out your name, Winged Dragon of Ra!"

[Winged Dragon of Ra: 0 Attack, o Defence]

"When Winged Dragon of Ra is tribute summoned, it will gain attack and defence equal to the

monsters that were used to summon it!"

[Winged Dragon of Ra: 0 -> 9300 Attack, o -> 8600 Defence] "Winged Dragon of Ra, attack Malefic Truth Dragon!" Yumi declared excitedly, and the

Egyptian God roared. Rising into the air, it unleashed a flaming sun at Malefic Truth Dragon, completely burning the monster alive. "NO, NO, NO!!!" Paradox screamed as the flames travelled towards him: "I was supposed to

change the future!! WHERE HAVE IT GONE SO WRONG?!"

With the raging fire, the last thing Paradox saw was the three duellists' determined

expression as he was consumed completely, wiped without a trace...

[Paradox: 1300 LP -> 0 LP]


The Malefic World surrounding them disintegrated like fragile glass, fracturing into countless minuscule shards that scattered into the wind. Paradox and his Duel Runner vanished without a trace, leaving behind only the card forms of Cyber End Dragon, Rainbow Dragon, and Stardust Dragon strewn across the floor.

"Did... Did we do it?" Yumi mumbled in a daze, her gaze fixed on the spot where Paradox had

stood moments before.

Gasping for breath, Jaden collapsed onto his back, exclaiming, "We won... We really won!" Watching the two cheer, Yuna couldn't help but let out a small, relieved smile. With eager steps, Yumi excitedly approached the cards and picked them up. Handing Cyber End Dragon and Rainbow Dragon to Jaden, they quickly descended from the roof to search for Yusei.

After a ten-minute walk, they finally located Yusei resting in the classroom, where Yugi and

Seto were also present, equally restless.

Noticing Yumi, Yusei's face brightened, and he rushed towards her. "Are you alright?!" he

asked with a face full of worry.

Yumi nodded. "How about you? Where's Paradox?" Yusei began to explain that during the duel, Paradox's clone suddenly began to act even more strangely as if it had lost a part of its brain. Taking advantage of this, Kaiba, Yusei, and Yugi were able to exploit the situation and defeat him efficiently. Upon Yusei's explanation, Yuna

also received a message from the Ishtars explaining a similar scenario, and her mind finally

relaxed, knowing that it was all over... "Thank goodness..." Yumi yelled and enveloped Yusei in a tight hug: "We won!" Caught off guard, Yusei's face reddened slightly, and he coughed in embarrassment. In the background, Yuna felt a flutter in her chest as she observed Yumi's intimate gesture. Glancing

around the room, she noticed Seto had suddenly vanished. Frowning, Yuna quietly slipped out

of the classroom and found him in the hallway. "Kaiba..." Yuna called out, and Seto stopped abruptly, his expression guarded.

"Why are you here?" he questioned curtly without turning around. "I thought you were going

to celebrate with them?"

"But...." She hesitated, sensing his tense demeanour. "Where... are you going?" "Where do you think?" Seto retorted sharply, his tone reflecting his impatience. "I'm going home." Without waiting for a response, he started to walk away. However, Yuna reacted

quickly, reaching out and grasping his hand, her touch unexpected yet firm. "Why are you holding me?" he snapped, his irritation evident. "Let go." "Kaiba...." Yuna mumbled hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Are.... Are you

angry... at me?"

"No," Seto responded quickly, his tone clipped. "Lie!" she exclaimed, her frustration evident. Staring at her in the corner of his vision, Seto sighed and shook away her hands. "You wanted

me to leave you alone, so that's what I'm doing," he explained, his voice tinged with

resignation, and he spread his arms. "Isn't this what you wanted?!" "No, I...." Yuna stammered, her frustration evident as she bit her lip. She soon realized that

this wasn't Seto's typical angry attitude; he was legitimately sulking. "Kaiba," she mumbled, averting her gaze. "I'm sorry... I don't want... you to leave..." Suddenly, Seto's lips twitched, and he covered his mouth to hide the gradually forming smile.

"What makes me believe that you actually mean it?"

"I like being friends... with Kaiba..." Yuna blushed in embarrassment and bowed her head.

"I'm... really... sorry..."

At this point, Seto was smiling from ear to ear, seemingly amused by his newfound hobby of teasing Yuna Sano. Crossing his arms, Seto furrowed his brows, feigning annoyance. "Sorry,

just won't cut it. If you really want to apologize, then you must prove it, right?" "I don't... understand," Yuna replied, taking a small, wary step back as she noticed his

ominous smile.

"Well, since you acted so discourteously, I think you should do something for me," he

smirked, his tone playful yet challenging. "What... is it..." Yuna questioned nervously, her apprehension growing.

"It's simple, really," Seto shrugged nonchalantly. "Just tomorrow, you just have to become

my servant for a day. Oh, and you should also come dressed in a maid costume." His smirk

widened as he watched her reaction.

Yuna's face turned pale, and she stared at Seto in disbelief. She couldn't imagine the pure

shame that would bring, dressing up in a maid costume and addressing him as "young


Suddenly, Yuna snapped out of her daze when she heard Seto's laughter. Finally realizing that

he was messing with her, Yuna's glare intensified, and her shoulders trembled in humiliation.

'Fine, if this is how you want to play it!' Yuna thought to herself, her determination growing

more assertive as she prepared to face Seto's challenge head-on. To Seto's surprise, Yuna's expression returned to normal. Placing a finger on her lip, she

averted her gaze and hugged her waist with her other arm. "If that's... what you're... into,"

she murmured softly.

"Huh?!" Seto let out a strange noise, his face reddening with confusion. "What the f*ck are

you talking about?!!!" Realizing how awkward she sounded, Yuna also blushed, and the two

stared at each other in uncomfortable silence.

"Pu ha ha ha..." Breaking the uncomfortable silence, Yuna doubled over, clutching her

stomach as laughter bubbled out uncontrollably.

Seto's finger twitched nervously, and his heart rate quickened inexplicably. Strangely captivated by the sound of her laughter, he felt an unexpected warmth spreading through

him. It was beautiful, he thought, in a way he couldn't quite explain. It was only for a moment, but Seto thought that Yuna's laugh... Like a majestic melody, this

beautiful sound should only be meant... for him...

An hour later...

"Wow, is this a motorbike from the future? How does it work?!" Yugi asked with excitement,

his eyes wide as he curiously circled Yusei's Duel Runner. "Yes, in the future, there will be a new style of duelling that combines with racing," Yusei

explained, and Yugi's eyes sparkled with intrigue.

"Hmph... To think there's something like this...." Seto huffed, his expression a mixture of

scepticism and curiosity as he grasped his chin in thought. "This new method called Synchro-

Summoning is also very interesting..."

"Right?!" Yumi nodded enthusiastically. "I wonder what other new ways to duel there will be

in the distant future!"

Watching Seto agree with her, Yuna couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at Yumi's ability to befriend even the infamous Seto Kaiba. She had always believed that she might be his only

friend for his entire life. However, seeing Yumi and Seto talking comfortably with each other,

she couldn't shake off a feeling of unease.

"Yumi, Jaden, it's time for us to leave!" Yusei shouted as he started his Duel Runner.

"Looks like I have to go!" Yumi exclaimed, turning to Yuna. "Yuna, these last few days have

been so much fun."

"Nn..." Yuna nodded with a small smile. "I had a lot... of fun as well..." Suddenly, Yumi extended her arms, pulling both Seto and Yuna into a tight embrace. Yuna and Seto glanced at each other in awkwardness, bewildered by her unexpected actions. Eventually, Yuna chuckled and raised her arm, gently stroking her hair. Watching her return the embrace, Seto felt a sense of complicated emotions overwhelming him. His instinct was to push her away and berate this strange girl for suddenly touching him like this. However,

Seto could not find himself doing so...

With this unfamiliar motion, Seto extended his hand, and he hesitantly patted her back.

Yumi's heart quickened, and she leaned against Yuna's chest. The bright smile on her face was

only growing increasingly more significant.

"It's really nice to meet your two..." Yumi laughed and broke off from the embrace. Gently

grabbing Yuna's shoulders, she stared at her: "Yuna, before I go, can you promise me one

thing?" With Yuna's agreement, Yumi squealed and whispered into her ears. Backing away,

Yuna froze like a statue, gazing at her in shock.

"Can you do that for me?" Yumi asked with a giggle. "What... do you...."

Yumi laughed and shrugged off her question. Before Yuna could grab her, Yumi darted between her arms, leaping onto Yusei's Duel Runner: "Jaden, Yusei, come on, let's go go go!" "Wa... Wait!" Yuna exclaimed, but the Duel Runner's loud engine drowned out her voice. With a press of the throttle, the bike sped through the school grounds, creating a mountain of clouds of dust. To everyone's amazement, a humongous red dragon appeared beside Yusei, engulfing the Duel Runner whole and with a flash of light, they disappeared... Staring at the space, Yuna clutched her chest in confusion, frowning at Yumi's final words:

"Yumi... Please explain to me what the hell you mean when you say that you wanted a big


I hope you enjoy it!

[1] IMO, Paradox should have these strong cards since he was from the future.

[2] Since this still follows the tag team duel, which means that graveyards are shared.

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