YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 79: Is this what its like to be on the side line?

Chapter 79: Is this what its like to be on the side line?

I want to provide a quick explanation of the last chapter. If you guys saw that ChatGPT tag, I accidentally copied it after using it to edit the grammar in my paragraphs.

Don't worry; this story isn't AI-generated...

Or is it?

The curious folks will get a one-way trip to the shadow realm >:)

[Yuna's POV]

Where... Where am I?

As I slowly regained consciousness, my initial instinct was to grasp at anything within reach. Amidst the enveloping darkness, I felt disoriented, unable to discern even a glimmer of light. With a tentative stretch of my arm, I sought desperately for any semblance of solidity in this abyss of blackness.

However, no matter how much I tried, my body seemed to ignore my command, and I could only helplessly float like an idiot.

Ah, I was a soul now.

There were no arms to reach out, no eyes to see. Was this the reason for the all-encompassing darkness? Amidst my lament for my newfound lack of functionalities, a shiver ran down my incorporeal form as I sensed a presence looming in the shadows.

"Ho-oh? You woke up faster than I thought?" boomed a deep voice, tinged with curiosity.

Wait, how was I supposed to hear right now? No way... Did I finally go insane?! I refuse to be one of those crazies!

"Although your mentality was already abnormal, it didn't seem to deteriorate," the voice answered my thought, and I couldn't help but feel a sting of insult.

"Oh, that's right... You're still just a soul. Let me fix that for you."


In an instant, my world exploded with light, and sensation flooded back into my being. With a dazed blink, I ran my hands over my body. I breathed a sigh of relief as I found every limb intact and my clothes still clinging to me.

As my heart rate slowed to a steady rhythm, I took a moment to survey my surroundings. Perched atop a sprawling hill, a sea of verdant grass stretched out before me. A table and parasol stood nearby, offering respite from the sun's relentless rays, casting a cool shadow over my face.

"For getting my soul stolen from an evil god, this is surprisingly peaceful. But, who was the man talking to me in the first place?" I muttered in bewilderment.


I heard the unmistakable sound of a throat being cleared, causing me to startle in surprise. Slowly turning my head, I realized I wasn't alone. Seated beside me was a man with light brown skin, his silver locks contrasting sharply with his eyes, a deep crimson reminiscent of freshly spilled blood. His attire consisted of simple loose pants with golden embroidery and no shirt, leaving his upper body exposed, and I thought his muscular chest was inexplicably shiny.

"Who are you?" I inquired cautiously, unable to resist a furtive glance at his impressive muscles. "Are you somehow connected to the Leviathan?!"

"Don't associate me with that pest," the man retorted with a tone of disdain. "I'm disappointed. I thought you would remember. To think that you would forget as soon as you're done using me..."

Gradually digesting his words, I carefully observed his figure, and his subtle features strangle matches a monster I know...

"Ten... Thousand Dragon?" I uttered, the name rolling off my tongue with a mixture of disbelief and realization.

The man's smile widened at my response, and I couldn't help but gasp in astonishment. "But... how are you here?"

"Do you not remember?" Ten Thousand Dragon exclaimed, facepalming with exasperation. "Seems like your memory truly has failed you."

"That!" I slapped the table with a flustered expression: "I've been through a lot, okay?! It's not every day you will get your soul taken by an Evil God hell-bent on destroying the world!"

As I finished my outburst, a cold shiver ran down my spine when I remembered who it was that I was talking to, and I nervously glanced at Ten Thousand Dragon. His quiet gaze bore into my shrunken figure, each passing second feeling like an eternity. Then, just as the tension reached its peak, he finally smirked.

"You're bold... I like it," he chuckled, leaning on his fist. "But I won't overlook your disrespectfulness next time."

"Haha..." I laughed nervously, rubbing my palms together like a suspicious advisor. "Thank you for your generosity, Ten Thousand Dragon-sama; this girl gets to live another day."

"Hmph, enough of that," the man sighed tiredly. "Just answer me. Do you remember what happened?"

"Um..." I massaged my head, finally opening my eyes. "Ah, before I lost consciousness, I grabbed the Winged Dragon of Ra."

"Correct, and it was that child who brought you here," Ten Thousand Dragon spoke calmly. "You were lucky. This was only possible since remnants of my energy still lingered in your


"This is also why dragons were so attached to you," he explained.

'That explains... a lot,' I thought, feeling a tinge of disappointment. And here I am thinking I was special...

Sighing dejectedly, I sank back into my chair as Ten Thousand Dragon suddenly summoned two cups of hot tea onto the table. Taking small sips from my cup, I stared at the ground, lost in thought. "What will happen to me now?"

"Nothing much; if I send you away, that insect will try to consume you again, so you just have to stay here for the time being," the god shrugged indifferently.

"Then, by now, Yami Yugi and Kaiba should be duelling Dartz..." I muttered. "Is it possible for me to watch?"

"Oh, ho? Worried, are you?" Ten Thousand Dragon teased, waving his hand dismissively.

A vast mirror materialized above the table, and footage began to play through the glass. I immediately recognized the environment of Dartz's chambers, witnessing Kaiba and Yami Yugi facing off against Dartz. With just a glance, I could tell the situation was dire.

Come on, you guys... Don't fail me now...


[3rd POV]

The duel unfolded in a manner neither Seto nor Yami Yugi had anticipated. The introduction of the Shaddoll monsters left them in a precarious position, besieged by the relentless onslaught of Dartz's creatures.

Additionally, they were currently facing another problem that added to Seto's frustration. He glanced at the anxious Pharaoh before turning his attention to the four Mirror Knight Tokens standing uniformly on the field. Typically, these weak tokens wouldn't have been a bother except for the familiar faces etched onto them...

Joey Wheeler, Yugi Mutou, Alister, and Pegasus-souls of the defeated-were being used to fight against them, and Seto felt nothing but contempt at this cowardly behaviour. "Enough messing around!" he snarled. "Let's just destroy them and get this over with!"

"No!" Yami Yugi shouted. "They're our friends! What will happen to their souls if we attack


Seto clicked his teeth in annoyance. Though annoyed by Yami Yugi's fervent denials, he couldn't help but feel relieved that Yuna wasn't among those tokens. This small insight gave

him hope-hope that her soul wasn't in Dartz's grasp.

"Now, I will battle! El Shaddoll Construct, attack the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" Dartz

laughed. "With its effect, when El Shaddoll Construct battles, it will be able to destroy the special-summoned monster you control!"

Thin, fine threads shot out of El Shaddoll Construct's body and impaled Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon's body, causing the dragon to fall to the ground in pain.

"Now, Mirror Knights, attack his life points directly!!" The four knights darted towards Seto's

side, aiming their rapiers at his chest.

"Damn, Kaiba!" Yami Yugi shouted frantically, worried about the upcoming attack.

"Tsk... I know!" Seto snarled in anger, and his gaze fixated on the face-down card inserted in

his Duel Disk. As the attack bore down on him, memories flooded his mind, recalling the time when Yuna had gifted him a card-a card he would now use to save himself.

"I will activate my Trap Card, True Light!" Seto announced, and from the ground, a massive stone tablet rose into position.

The tablet emanated a beautiful blue light, gradually forming the familiar pattern of a monster Seto knew all too well: Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

"While True Light is on the field, I will activate its first ability and summon a Blue-Eyes

White Dragon from my Graveyard!"

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: 2500 Defence]

"When a Mirror Knight Token battles, it can gain attacks equal to the attack of the monster it was battling, so your Blue Eyes White Dragon will still be destroyed!"

[Mirror Knight Token: 500 -> 3500 Attack]


As one of the Mirror Knights slashed down the defending dragon, the remaining three knights

lunged at Seto with deadly precision. He groaned as the three virtual blades pierced his body, gritting his teeth against the realistic sensation of being stabbed despite it all being a game. Clutching at his non-existent wounds, Seto glanced at his life points, which had just been

nearly halved from that devastating attack.

[Seto Kaiba: 4000 LP -> 2500 LP]

"Guh..." Seto groaned and stared at his life points with a frown: "This b*stard..."

"Hmph, I will end my turn here." Dartz smirked and glanced at Yami Yugi: "It's your move, child. I was expecting more, but I'm thoroughly disappointed..." "Tsk..." Yami Yugi clicked his teeth and glanced at Seto with concern. Gradually, the thought

of Yuna losing became more believable as he never imagined Dartz to be this strong. Unsure

of what to do, he couldn't bear to attack the Mirror Knight Tokens holding the souls of his

friends, and he felt his determination wavering.

"F... Friend..." Suddenly, one of the Mirror Knight Tokens containing Yugi's soul spoke up:

"We will be alright... Just attack."

Yami Yugi's expression stiffened, but he finally relented under Yugi's intense urging: "Then I will draw..." He stated and quietly stared at his hand: "Kaiba, I have a plan. But I need your


"Don't waste my time, and just tell me what you want," Seto growled with frustration. "Then get a dragon onto the field. Are you able to do that?" The Pharaoh questioned, causing

Seto to snort sarcastically.

"Who are you taking me as?" He sneered, "I will activate the effect of True Light and bring

back my Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon from the dead!"

[Blue Eyes Alternative White Dragon: 3000 Attack]

Yami Yugi: "In response, I will use polymerisation! I will use the Dark Magician and Blue-

Eyes Alternative White Dragon as materials to fusion summon Red Eyes Dark Dragoon!!!"


As the Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon combined, the two monsters underwent a remarkable transformation, merging into a being unlike any seen before. Standing tall, it was a mage adorned in intricately designed gold and black armour.

The armour itself bore the likeness of a fierce dragon, its jaw forming a menacing hood while sharp spikes protruded from various parts of the suit. Behind the spellcaster stretched a pair of majestic wings, and a long, sinuous tail trailed behind, seeming to move of its own accord.

Clutched in the monster's hand was a slender spear emanating an aura of indomitable power. [Red Eyes Dark Dragoon: 3000 Attack]

"Now, during my main phase, I can use Red Eyes Dark Dragoon's ability to target your El Shaddoll Construct and destroy it. Then, you will take damage equal to that monster's


The mage opened his eyes and glared at the doll with contempt. Pointing his spear, robust red

magic bursts forth and shreds El Shaddoll Construct into pieces.

[Dartz: 4000 LP -> 1200 LP] [1]

"I will activate my trap card, Maytr Curse when one of my monsters is destroyed. I can force

two of our monsters to battle. I will choose your Red Eyes Dark Dragoon and Mirror Knight of

Yugi Mutou!"

"Then, I will activate Red Eyes Dark Dragoon's second effect to discard one card and negate Maytr Curse's effect!" Yami Yugi smirked: "Then when Red Eyes Dark Dragoon negates a card effect, it will gain an additional one thousand attacks."

[Red Eyes Dark Dragoon: 3000 -> 4000 Attack] "Finally, I will set two cards and end my turn." He spoke as Dartz clicked his teeth: "You have

underestimated us. Now, get ready; you will pay for your sins!"


[Yuna's POV]

"Yes, Pharaoh, that was a good move!" I cheered with a fist pump as Yami Yugi fusion

summoned Red Eyes Dark Dragoon onto the field, instantly changing the tide of the duel to their favour.

As the battle continued, I couldn't help but fidget nervously in my seat: "Ah, Kaiba, you should've summoned the Crescent Dragon! You already have two in your hands!"

"Why are you keeping the Chaos Dragon Levianeer? Just banish something in your graveyard

and summon it!"

"Return of the Dragon Lord in your graveyard. Use it, or else the Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon will be destroyed again..."

Slapping the table in frustration, I uncontrollably nitpicked his every move, even though I felt

that I may have been a little bit too excessive...

"Hmmm," Ten Thousand Dragon hummed: "Despite lasting much longer against that man, you're still questioning his choices?"

"I couldn't help but be worried, okay?" I mumbled with embarrassment: "Well, Kaiba lost in

the original too..."Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"Yet you're not concerned for the health of the Pharaoh?" He retorted, and I averted my gaze

in guilt.

"Well, it is the Pharaoh we're talking about; he will probably do fine on his own."

"That so?" the god asked, tapping the table with interest.

"I guess it is true that humans tend to demonstrate more care and attention towards their


"M..m..m.. Mate?!" I exclaimed: "What in the world do you mean by that?!" "Mates, girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife, lovers..." Ten Thousand Dragon continued

without batting an eye: "You humans like to give it so many terms, but it all means the same thing." "They're not!!" I argued with a blush: "Also, Kaiba and I aren't like that. We're just friends!" "That's what they all say," the dragon smirked. "Fine, let's look at it this way...' Suddenly, standing up, Ten Thousand Dragon wrapped his arm around my waist, and our

distance shortened. As I rested against his chest, I frowned and stared at him strangely, confused by his action.

"What's with that look? You're not even the slightest embarrassed." He teased. "I'm annoyed." I answered honestly: "To think the great dragon god is a sexual harasser."

"The tongue on this one," he said with a chuckle. "Then how about this?" Feeling a strange sensation, I cautiously looked up, immediately holding my breath in shock.

The face of Ten Thousand Dragon's human form had completely vanished, replaced by one I

knew all too well. Smiling, he leaned closer, and I felt my face flush so intensely it could've

boiled water.

"Wh.. Why do you look like that?!!" I yelled, and Ten Thousand Dragon smiled mischievously while rubbing his chin: "Also, PUT ON A SHIRT!!!"

"Is there a problem? I wasn't wearing one before. I thought I looked pretty handsome if I say

so myself..." The God chuckled and pulled me closer: "Don't you feel the same?" "STOP!!" I screamed and covered my eyes: "STOP USING KAIBA'S FACE!!" "What if I say no?" He smirked and flashed Kaiba's signature crooked smile. Moving closer to

my ear, Kaiba's quiet voice instantly made my body tingle: "Is my appearance bothering you... Yuna?"

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, I pushed Ten Thousand Dragon away, and he changed back to his original appearance.

"You should've seen the reaction on your face!" He laughed, and I stared at the ground in shame: "Truly, the human my sister brought is quite interesting..."

I grasped my chest and tried to stay calm, but my flushed expression betrayed me. This guy... I

glared at the laughing dragon with displeasure; getting my soul taken by the Leviathan might not be so bad after all...

[1] Dragoon can only inflict damage on the monster's original attack.

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