YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 92: Returning the Favour

Chapter 92: Returning the Favour

[Yuna's POV]


The name echoed in my mind, sending a shiver down my spine. My heart twisted painfully as memories of our last moment together flooded back. Before my thoughts could fully gather, a soft voice pulled me back to the present.

"He... Hello?" Kisara's familiar tone trembled as she stared at me with wide eyes. "W... Who are you?"

As I stared at her frightened expression, a wave of sadness washed over me, the weight of her past pressing heavily on my heart. The cold metal bars I had touched earlier only deepened the pain, a reminder of her past of being a slave.

I hummed softly, lowering myself to my knees until we were eye to eye. "I'm here to help you," I whispered, hoping my words could reach her.

"Help... me?" Kisara's voice faltered with doubt. I offered a small, wry smile, knowing the trust I sought wouldn't come quickly.

As I slowly extended my hand, Kisara instinctively recoiled, retreating until her back pressed against the cold metal bars. I hesitated, then gently rested my hand on her head, feeling her tense and squirm beneath my touch.

"I promise... I'm not here to hurt you..." I soothed, "Please believe me..."

But as Kisara whimpered softly, my heart ached. How much pain had she endured in her childhood to be this afraid? As I continued to rub her head gently, I reached out with my other arm and pulled her into a tender embrace.

At this time, she was still around Serenity's age, which only made me want to pamper her. When I hugged Kisara, she shivered, "You don't have to be scared now. I will protect you..."

Cuddling alongside her, I felt my clothes dampen by Kisara's tears as her gentle moans gradually turned into cries. Biting my lips, I continued to comfort her as she buried deeply into my chest.


Suddenly, a jarring noise echoed through the cage, and I snapped my head up. A thug stood outside, his face twisted in anger as he slammed a wooden bat against the metal bars.

"Shut it, b*tch!" He shouted, "Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?! If you make any more noise, I will come in and shut you up myself!"

Kisara, startled, nodded stiffly, fear paralyzing her. The thug, satisfied with his threat, wandered off, not even glancing in my direction. I watched him go, a bitter smile playing on my lips as I remembered the rules of the Memories World. Gently, I wiped away Kisara's tears with my finger, trying to offer her some comfort amidst the confusion.

"I can only be seen by you..." I explained and tucked her hair behind her ear, "So just think of me as your guardian angel."

"Guardian... angel?" Kisara muttered quietly so as not to disturb the guards.

"Yes..." I nodded excitedly, "That's why Kisara doesn't have to be afraid anymore. I will make sure to protect you, and Kisara never has to be lonely ever again!"

Hearing my declaration, Kisara began to cry once more. However, her sobs quickly died down as Kisara smiled. It was a very bright smile, as if she was able to lift some massive weights off her shoulders.

"Miss Guardian Angel..." Kisara mumbled while still clinging to me, "Do you have a name?" "My name..." I chuckled and stroked her hair, "My name is Yuna."

Kisara quietly called my name and giggled to herself. Gazing at me with her sparkling eyes, I tightened my embrace and promised in my heart that even if this may be a reality created by the Tablet of Memories, I would definitely make sure that Kisara would never lose her smile...

A few Days Later...

For the past few days, we were transported from a dark prison to a moving caravan. While still trapped in a cage, we were thankfully able to breathe in fresh air and look at the view of the desert.

Observing the bandit group transporting us, I saw that there were no other prisoners except for Kisara. She explained that she was unfortunately kidnapped while wandering through the streets, which only fueled my anger towards these thugs.

During our time together, I also managed to learn more about my condition. Like in the World of Memories arc, outsiders will remain in a ghost-like state that can only be seen by certain people in this trial.

This was proven true as none of the bandits here noticed me, and as time went on, they considered Kisara was going insane since it looked like she was talking to herself most of the time.

While in this state, I also don't need to eat, and I can perform some absurd feat like floating. At this rate, I might actually be a ghost rather than an actual person.

As time passes, Kisara has become much more cheerful than before. She has become more talkative and enjoys our interaction. Even now, she was urging me to entertain her...

"Yunaaaa," Kisara whined and pulled my sleeve, "I'm bored... I want a hug."

Smiling wryly at her request, I spread my arms, and she eagerly embraced me. Purring like a cat, Kisara giggled happily when I patted her head.

"Yuna..." Kisara muttered while looking into the distance, "When will we get out of here?"

Staring at the rugged bandits, my lips pursed before smiling reassuringly, "It should be soon... In a few days, there will be someone that will save you."

"Not Yuna?" She tilted her head in curiosity, and I laughed.

"I could, but when you look back on it in a few years, you would much prefer it this way..." I


"Really?" Kisara asked hesitantly.

"Yes, so please be a bit more patient." I soothed and stared at her innocent face.

If the history plays out as expected, Kisara will soon be rescued by a young boy. Then they will meet again in a few years and fall in love. However, my hand subconsciously froze. Kisara will also soon meet her end after realising her feelings in the battle of the evil god... Thinking about the boy, my emotions swirled into a complex mix of confusion. Kisara's destined saviour was none other than Priest Seto. Astonishingly, Seto Kaiba was the modern reincarnation of that very same boy.

Even if Priest Seto was only his past life, it felt like I was hooking up the girl I deeply cherish with the man I love...

"Yuna?" Noticing my complicated emotions, Kisara asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"Hmmmm, I'm fine," I replied and lightly pinched her cheek.

Seeing her relieved smile, I decided to ditch my whimsical thought. Who am I to judge? Kisara

was the one that gave me the green light in the first place.

"Someone you will like will come to save you." I continued, but Kisara seemed a bit

displeased as she pouted.

"I don't need to like another person..." She groaned, "I only need Yuna..."

Kuh... My heart...

Kisara's cute attack left me speechless, and I frantically shook my head, "You must have other friends as well! It's good to have many friends..."

"Is that so..." Kisara muttered, albeit still a little reluctant, "If Yuna said so, then I will believe it." Relieved that I was able to convince her, I continued to stroke Kisara's head as I stared into the distance, wondering when he would actually show up...

A Day Later...

It was nighttime when the slave traders finally made a stop. Fortunately for them, they were able to take a break from all the walking upon reaching an oasis amongst the desert sand. Hearing the laughter by the large campfire, Kisara subconsciously shivered, and I hugged her

to keep her warm.

"Yuna... Aren't you cold?" she asked.

"Don't worry about me. I can't feel it." I answered, "Come on, it's time for bed..."

Nodding, Kisara yawned and rested her head on my thigh. Patting her back, my expression

grew solemn as I looked at her frail figure. I felt my patience was gradually running thin as I

considered if I had really made the right choice...

Just how long does she have to suffer like this...

As time went on, the idea of slaying all these bandits using my spirits constantly crossed my mind. Despite losing connection with my dragons, Dragon Knight of Creation and Herald of Creation were more than enough to dispatch these cretins.

While thinking of these dark thoughts, the bushes in front of us shook, and a boy appeared

before us...

[3rd POV]


Seto rode the horse through the dark desert night. The sound of the mount's hooves striking across the sand created a rhythmic sound in his ear. Raising his head, he stared at the night sky in silence, bathing in the comfortable moonlight.

This wasn't the first time he had ridden to distant villages; due to his father's early absence in his life, Seto matured quickly to support his mother by trading various products from to


Although the job was physically demanding, times like this were when he really enjoyed this type of labour, where it was only him on this peaceful night...

When Seto lowered his head, he suddenly noticed a light in the distance. Being consumed by

curiosity, he guided his horse towards that direction and eventually found a large camp.

As Seto observed the group of men engrossed in their drinking, he decided it wasn't his concern and guided his horse to turn away. But just as he was about to leave, something caught his eye that stopped him in his tracks.

At the edge of the camp, Seto noticed a crude wooden cage. Inside, huddled against the biting

cold, was a young girl no older than him. Her tattered clothes offered little protection from

the chill. At that moment, any neutral thoughts Seto had about these men plummeted into

utter contempt. "Slave traders..." He spat with disgust and observed the girl with pity.

Despite her unusual hair and eye colour, the girl's appearance was striking. Watching her

shiver helplessly as the men dined and drank without a care, a surge of anger welled up within


Grinding his teeth in frustration, Seto began to question his judgment. Carefully, he guided his horse down the hill, dismounted, and slipped into the cover of nearby bushes. Moving stealthily, he edged closer to the cage, his determination growing with each silent step. When Seto was close enough, he emerged from the shadows and reached for the lock. The sudden movement caught the girl's attention, and she lifted her head, her round eyes widening in surprise as she met Seto's gaze.

"Shhhh, I'm getting you out of here." Seto hushed and struck the lock with a rock.


The flimsy lock shattered with a single strike, and Seto quickly swung the door open. He extended his hand toward the girl, who hesitated for a moment before cautiously taking it. He carefully helped her down, and as her bare feet touched the cold sand, she flinched as though

the sensation was unfamiliar.

"Come on, let's go," Seto urged, grabbing her hand as they began to run.

As they fled, Seto noticed something odd-the girl seemed to be clutching at thin air with one arm, as if she were dragging something invisible behind her. They raced to where Seto had left his horse, but just as they arrived, a man stepped into their path, blocking their escape.

"Where do you think you're going brat?!" He shouted angrily, "You're going to pay for this!" As the man reached out, Seto snatched his wrist. Using the man's weight, Seto threw him onto the ground, "Go!"

The man yelled in alarm, but Seto and the girl wasted no time. They scrambled onto the horse, and with a swift kick, Seto urged the animal into a full gallop. The horse surged forward, carrying them across the desert as the camp and its men grew smaller and smaller in the


"Are they still chasing us?!" Seto yelled as the wind blew past his ears.

"No!" The girl replied, and he finally slowed down his pace.

With an agile movement, he leapt off his horse and ran beside her, "Go now, get away before

it's too late!"

"Aren't you coming?" The girl asked, and Seto shook his head.

"I will be fine!" He said, slapping the back of the horse as the animal sped up.

"Wait... What is your name!" The girl yelled loudly.

"Seto!" The boy responded while panting in exhaustion.

"I will remember this, Seto! I will definitely repay you!" she shouted, her voice ringing out as

the wind carried her words. Seto slowed down, watching her figure gradually vanish into the

distance. He realized that he never even got her name, but something inside him told him this wasn't the last he'd see of her. Somehow, he knew their paths would cross again.

[Yuna's POV]

"Kisara, I think we can stop now," I said while floating beside her. I don't know how long we

have been riding, but we were already very far away from the campsite, and it's safe to

assume that we have successfully escaped.

"Kisara?" I called once more when she didn't answer, and the horse suddenly came to a halt.

"Ah, yes?!" She jumped and blurted.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly, and Kisara hurriedly nodded before averting her gaze. Her

ears were slightly red as she fidgeted nervously in her seat, "you're thinking about Seto, weren't you?"

"I'm not!" She stammered as I poked her teasingly.

"Well, you are hugging him pretty tightly when you're both on the horse earlier." I pointed

out with a smile, "Is this the first time you met a boy your age?" "Yuna!!!" Kisara screamed while blushing, and she jumped off her horse and chased me. However, being able to fly, I easily dodged her whimsical attempt to grab me.

When Kisara finally gave up, she collapsed as I sat beside her, "I really don't like him..." She

muttered, and I nodded.

"Okay, I will believe you." I replied and stroked her head as she yawned, "You have been riding for quite a while now. You must be tired."

As the horse lay down, Kisara crawled towards the animal and gently leaned on its stomach.

The beast snorted and sniffed her hair before going to sleep. As we listened to the beast's quiet breathing, Kisara held my hand as she smiled. "Good night..." I whispered, and she gradually closed her eyes.

Five minutes had passed before I made sure Kisara was finally asleep, and I carefully slipped

my hand out of her grasp.

"Sorry..." I apologised softly, "I will be back soon."

Rising to my feet, I calmly watched over her sleeping body. "You can come out now..." I called

softly. At my words, Kisara's body shimmered, and Blue-Eyes White Dragon materialized before me.

The dragon's piercing pupils locked onto mine as I extended my hand. The beast made no

move to withdraw from my touch. Instead, it let out a gentle groan, its robust frame relaxing as it closed its eyes.

"You have been looking after Kisara all this time... Don't worry. I will take care of her." I said, and the dragon playfully nudged against my chest.

Laughing, I patted Blue Eyes White Dragon's head as we stared at each other, "You know what we should do, right? Since he saved Kisara, we have to return the favour..." Without hesitation, I leapt onto the dragon's back, and we soared into the sky...


[3rd POV]

It was utter chaos. Screams and fire filled the air as Seto sprinted down the street. His heart

raced, and panic-stricken his face. It was soon after rescuing Kisara that he found his village

up in smoke. The slave traders, angered by loss, decided to unleash their rage on this unsuspecting village.

Dodging several of the slave traders, Seto's mind was only filled with the thought of his



Suddenly, Seto was tackled and pinned to the floor. Lifting his head, he saw the same slave trader that he fought not so long ago smiling maliciously. Grabbing Seto by the hair, the thug forced him to watch as they set fire to his house.

"MOTHER!!!" Seto screamed in fear as the flames consumed the building.

Tears streamed down his face as the bandits laughed. Turning around, Seto also saw the other

villagers being captured one by one as they were put into chains. Being forced onto his feet, Seto's wrists were tightly bound before he was thrown towards the group.

"Mother..." He mumbled in despair while staring at his burning home...

But suddenly...

Seto heard shouts as the bandits began to run in panic. A blinding light dispersed the dark

smoke that filled the night, and Seto saw the shadow of a giant beast.

It was a dragon with shimmering white scales and piercing blue eyes. Turning its head, the

dragon's gaze made everyone freeze in their spot. Flapping its massive wings, the monster unleashed a deafening roar, and at that moment, the surroundings were quiet except for the

dragon's low, rumbling growl.


Seto's burning house exploded, and he saw a golden forcefield expanding from within. Standing in the barrier was a tall woman wearing a saintly golden and white robe. She had

long blond hair, and a mask covered her face. In her hand was a long magical staff, while in her

other arm was Seto's mother, unconscious but alive.

Using some unexplainable magic, the woman pushed the debris aside as she calmly walked

out of the burning building. Snapping out of their shock, some slave traders charged with

their swords.


Before the attacks could land, a man dressed in gold armour blocked the blade with his great

sword. With some elegant technique, the slave traders were swiftly cut down, showering the ground with blood. It was a scene you hear from a mythical tale as the dragon and the two warriors effortlessly defeated the remaining slave traders. When dawn arrived, the village was filled with bodies of

the bandits that tried to attack.

The man sheathed his massive sword and approached Seto with deliberate calmness. Seto's

nerves were on edge as he looked up at the imposing figure, unable to read anything from the knight's hidden expression beneath his helmet. Without uttering a single word, the knight snapped the chains of the captive and set them free.

"Th... Thank you..." Seto knelt next to his mother and spoke stiffly, "You should stay; our

village will definitely provide compensation."

However, to Seto's expectation, the knight shook his head as he and the woman climbed onto

the dragon's back. Without wasting any more time, they took off into the air, never to be seen


[Yuna's POV]


"Meat!" I exclaimed excitedly, "Kisara would love this!" Storing the food into a satchel I found, I continued to search through the rest of the bandit's

belongings. When they left the camp in a hurry, several valuable items remained, and I happily collected them all.

From small tools to food and money, I took everything that could help Kisara survive. I even found a small dagger that she could defend herself with, in case I'm not around. I also tasked

my two spirits to retrieve anything they could find from the corpses, so now we have enough

supplies that would last us for a few days. When I finished looting, I called for Blue Eyes White Dragon. However, I received no response.

Confused, I tried to shout, but it was as if the dragon's presence had disappeared completely. "Ah..." My face turned pale upon realisation, "I messed up..."

In a panic, I frantically flew back in the direction I came from. When I finally returned, I could

only see the horse and traces of a small campfire.

When I landed, I suddenly felt a presence that made my body tense. Awkwardly turning

around, I saw Kisara staring at me with her arms crossed. "G....Good Morning..." I greeted her, and she scowled.

"Yuna..." She mumbled coldly, "You lied to me..."

"Y... Yes?"

I stuttered nervously, and before I could fully process what was happening, Kisara closed the

distance between us. In an unexpected burst of emotion, she threw her arms around me, and

we both toppled to the floor. Like a koala, she clung to me with such a tight grip that I found myself unable to move, her embrace both comforting and immobilizing. "How long are we going to stay like this?" I asked, my voice tinged with confusion.

Kisara mumbled in response, "Until I'm satisfied."

Left speechless, I shut my mouth and stared up at the sky, pondering how things had takenn/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

such an unexpected turn....

I hope you enjoy it! There are a lot of skips/POV changes in this chapter since I wanted to get

through some stuff faster, and I hope it still flows well enough.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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