Zombolution: Unleash the Undying Power

Chapter 36: Unexpected Shot

Chapter 36: Unexpected Shot

As Alpha and his team cautiously advanced toward the enigmatic figure in the distance, their measured steps were suddenly disrupted by a startling exclamation from Agent 80. The urgency in his voice cut through the silent tension that had gripped the group.

"Leader, the zombie is doing something," Agent 80 called out, his words laden with surprise ne and a touch of anxiety.

The entire team, Alpha included, was taken aback by the unexpected outburst. Their collective attention swiftly pivoted toward Agent 80, their gazes locked onto him, eager for an explanation.

Alpha regarded Agent 80 with a stern yet inquisitive expression. "What has the zombie done to elicit such a response?" he inquired, demanding clarification to assess the situation better.

Agent 80, though startled by the zombie's actions, was determined to convey his observations. "The zombie looked at me and waved its hand," he explained, his voice a mix of certainty and perplexity.

Alpha's brow furrowed in doubt. He quickly rejected the notion that a zombie, typically devoid of awareness or intent, could engage in such deliberate actions. "It's impossible for him to see us, let alone wave at us. Zombies are mindless creatures."

Despite Alpha's skepticism, Agent 80 remained steadfast in his account. He began, "But I am certain that he—"

Before Agent 80 could further articulate his conviction, a sudden and deadly interruption occurred. A gunshot rang out, the bullet racing past Agent 80's head with lethal accuracy, instantly claiming his life. The abrupt and horrifying turn of events left the group in stunned silence.

The zombie, once seemingly passive, now held a firearm, its cold, unfeeling gaze trained upon Agent 90, the barrel of the gun pointed directly at him.

Agent 90, reacting with swiftness and terror, raised his binoculars to his eyes, the lenses honing in on the enigmatic figure they had been approaching. The sight that met his gaze filled him with dread and foreboding.

The abrupt and perilous situation gave rise to an instinctive shout from Agent 90 as he urgently turned his face to the side, narrowly evading a deadly bullet that whizzed past him. The moment's intensity left him breathless, his heart racing with the realization that the enemy they faced was far from ordinary.

"I never thought that he already knew about us," Agent 90 remarked, his voice tinged with awe and trepidation. The unprecedented encounter had shaken their understanding of the infected creatures they had encountered thus far.

Alpha, perceiving the gravity of the situation and the menacing capabilities of the zombie, wasted no time in issuing a command. "Quick, surround the zombie! He's already aware of us."

Both Agent 90 and Agent 70 nodded in solemn acknowledgment of the leader's directive. With firm resolve, they accelerated their steps, moving to encircle the enigmatic adversary, their synchronized movements a testament to their training and experience.

As they closed in on the zombie, Alpha's mind raced with questions and uncertainty. The situation they found themselves in defied all logic and understanding. "How can a zombie know where we are and know how to shoot?" he pondered aloud, his tone marked by a sense of bewilderment.

Meanwhile, Zorvax, perched upon the body of the defeated zombie gunner, couldn't help but savor the thrill of the encounter. His lips curled into a wry smile as he recounted their futile attempts to reach him.

"That was quite fun. They are just too slow," he mused, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. The people that he didn't know were just moving so slowly that he easily shot one of them.

The guns that he had used and obtained from the zombie gunner were also quite good. With a hint of excitement, Zorvax examined the firearms, marveling at their strength and precision.

"These guns are pretty fun, but too bad there are only two bullets, and I've already used them," he reflected, realizing their limited ammunition dimming his initial excitement.

However, Zorvax was not one to be deterred by such setbacks. A new idea began to take shape in his mind as he contemplated the possibilities presented by the firearms.

"I wonder if Ophelia can use these guns with her element manipulation. It's worth a try later," he mused, his expression taking on a thoughtful quality. Zorvax had witnessed Ophelia's remarkable abilities and was eager to explore the extent of her powers.

With a sense of anticipation and optimism, Zorvax made a mental note to experiment with Ophelia's potential compatibility with the guns. Enhancing her abilities through firearms held an undeniable allure, and he couldn't help but smile at the prospect.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Zorvax directed his attention toward the task. "Now, let's wait for them to come here," he declared, focusing on the approaching agents.

As Agents 90 and 70 rapidly closed the distance to Zorvax, their movements were fueled by urgency and caution. The group's arrival at Zorvax's location marked a pivotal moment in their mission, and their demeanor reflected the gravity of the situation.

Soon Agents 90 and 70 reached their destination quickly, their synchronized approach a testament to their training and coordination. Upon arriving in the presence of Zorvax, both agents swiftly retrieved their firearms, aiming them directly at the enigmatic figure before them.

Their readiness for action was evident in their poised stances, and their weapons were targeted on Zorvax. The firm grip of their firearms and the unwavering focus in their eyes conveyed their determination to assess and neutralize any potential threat.

Following closely behind Agents 90 and 70, Alpha, the group leader, arrived at the scene and took a position just behind them. His presence served as a symbol of authority and leadership, and he, too, remained vigilant, fully aware of the potential dangers they faced.

As the team's leader, Alpha was responsible for making critical decisions and guiding his subordinates. His role demanded a calm and composed demeanor, especially in uncertainty.

Meanwhile, Zorvax, who had been sitting, rose to his feet in response to the agents' arrival. The sudden change in his posture signaled his alertness and readiness to engage with the newcomers. This motion did not go unnoticed by the agents, and it further heightened their sense of caution.

The standoff between the agents and Zorvax was marked by an unspoken tension, with both parties assessing the other. The scene was one of cautious anticipation, with the agents poised to take action should the need arise and Zorvax prepared to engage in dialogue or confrontation as circumstances dictated.

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