Zombolution: Unleash the Undying Power

Chapter 6: The Birth of a Zombie Elite

Chapter 6: The Birth of a Zombie Elite

The darkness enveloped Zorvax completely, a sensation much like being wrapped in a thick blanket. Everything beyond his immediate self faded away, and he was alone with the transformation within him.

It felt like he was asleep for a while, with no dreams or sense of time. Then, all of a sudden, he felt a jolt, like someone waking up from a deep sleep, not quite sure where they were. Zorvax opened his eyes slowly, taking in the new sensations.

He looked down at his hands, flexing them, feeling the strength in his fingers. "Look at that," he said, his voice gravelly but distinct, "I'm not just bones anymore."

Zorvax felt a strange pride at the sight of his new, more muscular form, though parts of him still looked like the old zombie he was used to. "Well, I guess I'm not winning any beauty contests," he chuckled, but the sound was harsh, almost like a growl.

He tried to speak more, to see how well he could form words now. "I... speak," he grunted, working hard to shape the sounds. "But... hard."

He shook his head slightly, frustrated but not defeated. "Need... more... evolve," he managed to get out. "Talk... better."

He knew how odd he must sound, and it would be hard for any human to understand him. "Alone," he said softly, the word clear enough, expressing the loneliness starting to seep into him.

Zorvax walked around a little, getting used to the feel of his new body. "Can't go back to humans," he realized aloud. "Not like this. I'm... what? What am I?"

He contemplated that he was unique, unlike any human or zombie. He had power, he had a semi-functional body, and he had the beginnings of speech. "If I can talk to them... maybe... maybe I can find others like me. Or make them understand. Or..." He trailed off, the thought unfinished.

"I lure the bad ones," Zorvax mused after a moment, his plan forming. "I find humans, yes. The ones with bad hearts. Make them prey."

With each word, he felt a little more certain, a little more in control. He was no longer just a creature reacting to the world around him; he could make plans, set traps, and maybe, just maybe, find a place where he belonged.

For now, he would embrace his new self. He might be a zombie, but he was also something more. He would walk this strange new world, and he would survive.

Zorvax, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement, decided to check in on how his transformation had affected his stats. Finding a relatively clear spot amid the ruins, he summoned the interface that only he could see:


[Name: Zorvax]

[Race: Zombie Elite]

[Level: 1]

[Ability: Pain Immunity]

[Evolution Points: 0]


He let out a low, satisfied grunt. "Zombie Elite... Not just your average undead anymore," he said, almost laughing, though it came out as a rumble from deep within his throat.

Curiosity bubbled inside him. "What can I do now?" he wondered, scanning the area for a test subject. Spotting a small group of ordinary zombies ambling aimlessly nearby, he clenched his fists, feeling the strength in his new muscles.

"Here goes nothing," he said, taking a deep breath that he didn't technically need anymore.

He approached one of the zombies and swung his fist. The crack of bone was clear as the zombie's head caved under his blow. Zorvax stepped back, his eyes wide in amazement. "That's... pretty amazing," he said, a hint of pride in his voice.

For a moment, he simply stood there, taking in his new power and the possibilities it opened. Then he glanced back at the interface, the number zero under Evolution Points catching his eye.

"Back to square one, huh?" he mumbled. "Gotta earn my keep all over again."

But as he contemplated his next move, he noticed something new on the interface—an option he hadn't seen before. "Another evolution?" he said, his voice rising with intrigue.

He pressed the button without hesitation, eager to uncover more secrets of his being. Yet what came up was an unexpected requirement: "[???: 200 Evolution Points to unlock]."

The look of curiosity on Zorvax's face twisted into one of annoyance. "Two hundred points, just to see what it is?" he growled, feeling the challenge before him growing.

He paced back and forth, his footsteps heavy on the broken concrete. "Okay, Zorvax, think," he muttered to himself. "You've got new strengths; there's got to be a way to use them."

The frustration was clear on his face, but so was determination. He stopped pacing and clenched his fists again, feeling the power surge through them.

"I'm not giving up," he declared to the silent buildings around him. "Whatever this new evolution is, I want it. And I'm going to get it."

But still, he grumbled as he looked again at the system. The interface still floated before his eyes, taunting him with its singular, locked choice. "Just one option, huh?" he said aloud, the deep timbre of his voice echoing off the empty buildings.

"Guess I need to work with what I've got," Zorvax mused, brushing a hand along his jaw, where the flesh had become firmer since his evolution. He rolled his shoulders, feeling the potential energy coiled in his new muscles.

Setting his sights on gathering more points, he made his way forward. The once vibrant city was quiet, only broken by the distant cries of zombies and the occasional collapse of unstable structures.

As he walked, he encountered stray zombies, their sluggish movements contrasting his agility. "Time to ramp up those points," he said, his eyes narrowing as he spotted his next target—a small cluster of the undead shuffling aimlessly in an intersection.

He approached them, silent as a shadow. "Ready or not, here I come," he whispered with a grim sort of glee, launching himself at the nearest one. The zombie's head caved in like a rotten pumpkin under the force of his punch.

"Easy," Zorvax chuckled, moving to the next with lethal grace. "These points are mine for the taking."

A thud or a crunch followed each hit. A symphony of destruction played out on the grim stage of the city. "Got another one," he counted, his voice low but victorious as he claimed each point.

The darkness around him seemed to grow denser with every zombie he took down, his aura of power becoming almost visible in the dim light. "I'm the hunter in the dark," he declared, the edge of his mouth twitching upwards in a semblance of a smile.

Then, a growl that didn't belong to any zombie he knew made him pause. "That's new," he said, turning towards the sound, a spark of curiosity in his otherwise bleak eyes.

He moved towards the noise, each step deliberate and silent. "Let's see what's making that noise," Zorvax said, his voice a mix of caution and excitement. "Might be something... challenging."

He navigated through the labyrinth of derelict cars and overgrown weeds, his senses alert. As he drew closer, the growling grew louder, more distinct. Zorvax prepared himself for whatever creature was about to face the might of a Zombie Elite.

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