Zombolution: Unleash the Undying Power

Chapter 9: Unlocking The Next Zombie Evolution

Chapter 9: Unlocking The Next Zombie Evolution

In the quiet that had fallen over the city, Zorvax's figure cut a solitary silhouette against the ruins. He stood before the faded display of his Evolution System, which only he could see, a ghostly glow in the dim light.

"Well, let's see what's next," Zorvax muttered to himself, the raspy whisper of his voice barely stirring the dead air. He reached out a gnarled finger to the [Evolve] option.

The display prompted him again, the text almost taunting in its simplicity:


[???: 200 Evolution Points to unlock]

[Unlock: Yes/No]


With the eagerness of a child unwrapping a long-awaited gift, Zorvax declared, "Yes, let's unlock it." He was almost shaking with the thrill of it.

The interface did its work silently, the message flashing briefly:


[??? is being unlocked]


The stillness around him seemed to deepen as Zorvax watched, waiting for the system to reveal his fate.

Then, the new evolution list appeared, the text clear and stark:


[Evolution List]

[1. Zombie Warrior: 500 Evolution Points to evolve]

[2. ???: 200 Evolution Points to unlock]


"Five hundred points?" Zorvax repeated, his excitement deflating like a punctured balloon. "That's a steep climb."

He scratched the side of his head, causing a few flakes of what was once skin to drift down. "So, I've got a ladder of evolutions to climb, huh? One rung at a time..."

Staring at the list, he could feel the challenge of it weighing on him. He let out a dry, humourless chuckle. "Of course, it's not going to be easy," he grumbled. "It never is."

He addressed the system directly, almost as if he expected it to answer back. "You know, you're pretty demanding. Did you know that?"

The system, of course, gave no reply, and Zorvax let out a sound that was halfway between a sigh and a grunt. "Fine, I'll grind more Evolution Points. What choice do I have?" He shook his head, the bones rattling slightly.

The silence of the world around him was a stark reminder of his lonely journey. "Guess I'm in for the long haul," he murmured, turning to walk down the street.

As he trudged along, his feet kicking up clouds of dust with each step, he continued to talk to himself. "So, the Zombie Warrior, huh? First on the list... might be easy, might not be the best. Choices, choices."

He stopped for a moment, looking up at a sky that was as grey and lifeless as the city around him. "But easy isn't what I'm after. I want power. The best power."

He resumed walking, his stride more determined now. "I'll have to see what's beyond the Zombie Warrior. Only the best will do for Zorvax."

He wandered the empty city, lost in thought. "If I'm going to be the strongest, I've got to know all my options," he said, nodding to himself. "I won't settle for second best."

Zorvax's quest had become about more than just survival—it was about reaching the apex of whatever existence he could claim. "No more wandering around aimlessly," he decided. "It's time to get serious about this."

His resolve was clear as he moved through the desolate city. The shadows seemed to reach out to him as if encouraging him on his dark path. "I'll take them all down, one by one," he vowed. "Whatever it takes."

He started to search for his next target, his movements silent and deadly. "Every zombie out there is just points waiting to be collected. And I'm going to collect them all," he said with grim determination.

Every now and then, he would stop and listen, tilting his head at the faintest sounds. When he heard the telltale groans of a nearby zombie, a twisted smile crossed his face. "Ah, there you are," he whispered.

Without hesitation, he moved toward the sound, ready to claim his next Evolution Points. The hunt was on, and Zorvax was not going to stop until he achieved the ultimate evolution, until he became the strongest being in this shattered world.

As Zorvax roamed the deserted landscape, the absence of life's former rhythms gave him ample time to think—something he'd never expected in his new form.

A deep, guttural chuckle rumbled from his throat. "Well, I'll be. Being a zombie has its perks," he said, inspecting a hand that no longer required nourishment or warmth.

He wandered past a decaying storefront, its shattered windows gaping like open wounds. "No need for food, no thirst to quench," he recited like a twisted mantra, finding solace in these small mercies of his undead condition.

But his thoughts soon shifted to the more somber realities of his existence. He saw a group of zombies clawing at the remains of a barricade, their groans a grim chorus in the silence. "At least I kept my mind. That's something to be thankful for," he said, eyeing the mindless creatures with a hint of pity.

The world around him was a stark canvas, with life's vibrant colors drained away, leaving only grays and muted shades. Zorvax's footsteps were soft thuds on the cracked pavement, the sound a constant reminder of the desolation.

Then, breaking the monotony, a raw roar sliced through the quiet. Zorvax paused, his head cocking to the side. "What's this? Another chance for points?" His voice held an eager edge, his figure tense with anticipation.

He moved towards the sound, each step measured, cautious. "Level zero zombies are one thing, but a level one? Now, that's worth the trouble," he reasoned, calculating the risks.

His path took him through a maze of streets, his senses alert. The roar grew closer, and Zorvax felt a rush of excitement. "Come out, come out, wherever you are," he taunted softly, his voice a sinister whisper.

He thought of the system and its challenges. "I'm ready for you, level one. Show me what you're worth," he murmured, a glint in his eye that was not quite human.

The search was methodical, almost ritualistic. Zorvax checked behind overturned cars and through broken windows, his movements stealthy, predatory.

A figure loomed in the distance, its form obscured by shadows. Zorvax's grip on his knife tightened. "There you are," he said, a savage smile creeping across his lips.

"Let's see how special you really are," he whispered, inching closer. "And how many points you'll add to my count."

The street was silent save for the echo of his words. Zorvax, the thinking zombie, was on the hunt, and nothing would stand between him and his evolution. The game was on, and he was playing for keeps.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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