1-Second Invincible Player in the Game

Chapter 58

1-Second Invincible Player In The Game 58

58. Lee In-Jo (4)

It goes without saying, but falling is not scary.

It’s now like bungee jumping, a sort of recreational activity.

Despite my fear, it was Bidon’s obsession to embrace me even as we fell that caused it.


I resisted the beast trying to grab me with a high-pitched scream.

Thankfully, my long limbs were an advantage.

As I stretched out the hand that grabbed his collar, his arms, meant to hug, grasped nothing but air.

Yet, Bidon did not give up and thrashed even more violently.

“You vile creature, just give up already!”

“Even if I die, I will not!”

As he flailed like a live fish, our centers of gravity entangled.

Suddenly, Bidon with the ground against his back and I, holding his collar from above.

The ground was already close.

The relative heights did not change anymore.

As Bidon’s back hit the ground, a loud noise spread with the dust.


[Impact detected.]

[Ability activated.]

[1-second invincibility cooldown: 59 seconds]

* * *

Hershel had grabbed Bidon’s collar and they both fell below the ramparts.

Atra, Ashley, and the group with Rix watched, their eyes wide and mouths agape.

“Is this… a joint suicide…?”

Atra spoke in a dazed voice, while Rix broke out in a cold sweat.

“We can’t just stand here! We need to check if they’re alright!!”

Rix moved his feet quickly as if running on a hot grill.

The others, realizing the urgency, hurriedly followed him.

Below the ramparts, only dust lingered.

Just then, a wind blew.

Atra rubbed his eyes at the unbelievable sight.

Bidon, unconscious, was embedded in the ground.

And above him, Hershel pressing down on his neck, still holding the collar.

To anyone watching, it was clear who the victor and the loser were, as Atra’s eyes twitched at the sight.

“…Did he grab his collar and throw him down just to slam him into the ground?”

He dusted himself off with composure, rising as if nothing had happened.

Swallowing hard, Atra admired his dignified and lofty demeanor.

Others seemed to share the sentiment, expressing their disbelief in succession.

“How can he be unscathed?”

“More than that, to resort to such a brute method…”

In that moment, Hershel looked up.

As everyone swallowed hard, he shouted fiercely.

“Make it clear when the investigation comes! This was self-defense! Testify properly about the accident that occurred! Got it?”

Atra felt a chill.

If that man had been beating up Ee In-Jo unilaterally from the start, it could have been against the school rules.

Perhaps he was waiting for them to attack him first.

To get away with murder without any trouble…

‘I really need to be careful around him.’

While marking him as a person of interest, Rix’s voice trembled.

“Is he, is he dead?”

Bidon writhed in pain, signaling he was still alive.

Hershel replied in an indifferent tone.

“Still alive, isn’t he?”

Typical of a third-year from Adel Kwan.

Thanks to being enveloped in aura to the max, he seems to have survived.

Though it looks like his bones might be shattered…

Realizing his mistake, Rix quickly changed direction.

“Senior, this isn’t the time to be doing this. We need to go finish off the remaining guy ourselves.”

“Huh? Oh…”

Atra took the lead, rushing to subdue Makdal.

* * *

Dragging Bidon along carelessly, I was on my way back from leaving him by the roadside where the professors would pass.

Cutting through the bushes, I headed towards Shulrape Kwan, hiding my body upon hearing Makdal’s nagging.

In Adel’s realm, every day is a competition. Slack off even for a single day, and you’re left behind. It’s the same for magicians, you know. No matter how skilled you are in magic, without basic physical strength, you’ll find yourself in a tight spot often.”

The words are quite educational.

If it weren’t for the leering grin, as he watched the female student soaked in sweat from push-ups, her clothes clinging to her body, one might have felt a hint of sincerity.

…But then, there’s Limberton, that guy, also grinning foolishly.

Just then, Atra, Ashley, and Rix’s group passed by me.

I called out softly to Ashley, gesturing him to come over to the bushes.


He quietly broke away from the group.

Even amidst this, the fools were so distracted by Makdal that they didn’t notice Ashley’s absence.


“We’re just here to watch.”

Let me be clear, this is not revenge for being betrayed.

It’s not that I spared Ashley because he’s innocent, unable to fully understand the imperial language.

It’s just that if this guy joined in, the outcome would be all too predictable.

The existence of a duo like us is a mechanism to grow playable characters who choose the Schlafey realm.

They are the ones who give playable characters a reason to grind and train for more than three months.

And they’re the grateful ones who allow you to gain experience through battle. Wouldn’t it be a shame to send them off without even getting a taste of the action?

Therefore, this is not a petty revenge, but a dedication for those guys.

“…What are you lot doing?”

Makdal raised his staff.

As expected, Atra and Rix’s group got a magical beating from Makdal.

“Wait, hold on! Where did that big brute go?”

Atra’s expression upon realizing Ashley’s disappearance was priceless.

“Senior! Now’s not the time to lose focus! Argh!”

Rix, struck in the abdomen by a pumpkin-sized water orb, looked just as pitiful.

Clave and the others were getting electrocuted by a mix of elemental and curse-type lightning rod magic.

I cheered for Makdal in my heart as I watched them.

They say even a lion pushes its cubs off a cliff to make them stronger.

That’s how I feel.

They will train diligently until they bleed and lose all unnecessary fat, all thanks to Makdal’s presence.

It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but it’s inevitable.

For the sake of clearing the scenario, I had to become a heartless human being.

“…Even as your comrade suffers, you smile as if delighted.”

“My heart is crying.”

Nevertheless, it’s too regrettable to dismiss Makdal like this.

They need to be pushed to grow, and it would fill my belly too.

Licking my lips, I racked my brain and snapped my fingers at a brilliant idea.

Hmm, if played right, could this be quite the windfall?

* * *

Before I knew it, a week had passed.

To summarize the events, rumors had spread that I had taken out Bidon.

And then there’s the treatment of Lee Injo.

As expected, the incapacitated Bidon, injured to the point of immobility, is now imprisoned in the Punishment Hall due to the onslaught of reporters.

On the other hand, Makdal was decided to stay after a secret discussion with Atra, the representative of Shulrape Management.

“What are you planning to do next? Are you going to take out Makdal as well?”

“Ahem, no. I’ll leave Makdal to the care of Rix’s group.”

“What? You’re entrusting them? Have you forgotten how badly we were beaten even with me there?”

There was some opposition, but when I mentioned my reasons, we reached a sort of agreement.

“I’m thinking of training them. Makdal will make a suitable opponent. But I’ll set a condition. If Makdal loses within a set time frame, it’s fine to send him to the Punishment Hall.”

Originally, Bidon should have been the sacrifice for growth, but that’s a bit regrettable, though unavoidable.

Makdal will have to play the role of two people by himself.

It might as well be hell, enough to beg to be sent to the Punishment Hall…

And, I was able to come to a smooth agreement with Makdal himself.

After hearing the rumors that I had taken out Bidon, his attitude changed 180 degrees.

He became, somehow, much more humble.

“Hehe, are you talking about the coins I’ve collected?”

“I’m asking for just 10,000 as compensation for mental distress. It’s not a bad deal, right? Considering I’ve negotiated this far instead of sending you straight to the Punishment Hall.”

Lee Injo had accumulated about 60,000 coins.

The moment that righteous Rix wins, the coins will return to their rightful owner.

But before that, I should secure my share.

-But still, the full bloom is a bit…

-If you don’t like it, too bad. Ah, there are quite a few guys gunning for you. You’ll rot in the punishment cell with Veedon, penniless.

Makdal seemed moved by my generosity and gladly paid 10,000 coins.

-But you, you’ve lost a lot of weight recently?

-…It’s no wonder, with a guy named Rix and his gang constantly attacking me. So, Mr. Hersel, could you please talk to them? I might not live long at this rate…

-This is the training you were talking about, training. Anyway, do your best.

The attacks from Rix and his group didn’t stop after that.

Sometimes he’d barge into the third-year showers and swing his stick around, right?

His upright character and steadfast nature are surely the driving force that allows for endless challenges until success.

…To me, it seems like an obsession close to madness, but as long as he grows well, that’s all that matters.

And now.

I continued to write down the entries on the documents laid out on my desk.

The pen was of pretty good quality, so the writing felt different.

“Indeed, expensive things have their reasons.”

What I was writing was the application form for the after-school classes, now open to first-year students as well.

These were not mandatory subjects but classes that students could choose to learn as they wished.

The variety of subjects was quite diverse; for the Knight Department, there were unconventional classes like martial arts and crossbow.

Or, as a supplementary concept, the acquisition and refinement through the method of Aura.

For the Magic Department, there were options like mana cultivation meditation or unconventional magic.

Especially since I was far from conventional magic, with Limberton being good only with the bow and Ashleigh only with grappling attacks.

In a way, these were more essential than the compulsory subjects.

Moreover, with a supplementary class temperament, it was an excellent opportunity for me, who had a short learning period.

* * *

The next day.

I was on my way to the registration office with the after-school class application form in hand.

The elective subjects were, of course, unconventional magic and mana meditation.

Unconventional magic was the heretic magic that Donatan would often spout about.

It included irregular magic not systematically organized, and there might be magic compatible with my unique series, so it was worth applying for.

And mana meditation was to increase my already low mana, even if just a little.

After all, it’s not every day that a defensive battle occurs, and even Rix’s blessing has its limits.

A long line stretched out in front of the reception desk.

The familiar faces from Schule Agency were nowhere to be found, even after a thorough search.

It seemed like most were from Burger Agency, and a few from Adel Agency. I felt utterly out of place.


Perhaps the first-year knights of Schule Agency haven’t finished their classes yet.

Ashley and Limberton, whom I was supposed to meet here, were nowhere to be seen.

With nothing else to do, I decided to sign up first and started to walk towards the line.

But then, someone blocked my path.

“A new face, huh? Where are you from?”

Three flashy individuals approached me.

I responded curtly under their scrutinizing gaze.

“Schule Agency.”

The one who seemed to be the leader, with a 2:8 parted hairstyle, let out a smirk.

“…If you were a second or third-year, I’d know you. A freshman, then?”

He shrugged his shoulders and glanced back at the others.

“If that’s the case, you might not know the rules, right?”

“Hadal, since it’s his first time, let’s just explain briefly and let it slide.”

“Yeah. He’s someone we’ll make use of soon enough, no need to enforce discipline just yet.”

They pretended to be considerate, but there was a sneer on their lips.

Hadal, the one addressed, scrunched up his nose and spoke in an annoying tone.

“Ugh, smells like a washed rag. To think we have to share not only joint classes but additional ones with these ragamuffins… Sorry, my stomach can’t handle it.”


I remained silent, and Hadal gestured dismissively.

“If you understand, then would you mind getting lost?”

Now I was curious.

Was he from Adel Agency, perhaps?

“And where are you from?”

Hadal blinked, as if he misheard.

“You’re a bit short on words?”

The two behind him chuckled as if they found something amusing.

“Are you acting tough because of Lee In-jo?”

“Vidon, that pervert got beaten by a freshman and was sent to the punishment hall, right? Makdal looks like he’s caught a deadly disease, all pale and weak.”

The moment came.

These guys are from the Burger Clan.

With the breakwater called Lee In-jo gone, creatures like these are spreading their wings.

Anyway, they’re not worth responding to.

From noble mtl dot come

“If you’re done, could you step aside?”

Despite the polite request, they just stood there with mischievous smiles.

I was about to avoid the filth when suddenly,

A kick flew in from somewhere and lodged itself in Hadal’s abdomen.



Hadal clutched his stomach and knelt on the ground.

Turning around, a man with black hair tinged with red looked down at him with a cold gaze.

Behind him stood a professor in a black robe, his eyes wide with disapproval.

“Lu, Luon Al Banas! What on earth are you doing?”

The man didn’t respond to the professor’s call, just looked at me and smiled serenely.

“How have you been, Hershel?”

This guy is a donation-based enrollee.

And the current president of Lethe, as well as the first act boss of Frost Heart.

The epithet that best describes him is this:

The Mad Prince, Luon.

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