1-Second Invincible Player in the Game

Chapter 59

1-Second Invincible Player In The Game 59

59. Daily Life (1)

Luon Al Banas.

It wasn’t easy to decide how to deal with this man.

Me, having left Lethe.

And Luon, the current president.

For my own safety, I should cut ties with Hershel’s remnants, yet he’s also a formidable enemy not worth crossing.

Even if Lethe is nothing but a third-rate villainous mercenary company, its top-tier members are certainly formidable.

In the case of Frost Heart, there are three first-class officers who are donation-based enrollees and Luon at the apex, and I’ve just come face to face with the most dangerous of the specially managed ones.

He smiled and asked how I was doing, so I suppose a noncommittal attitude was in order.

“I’ve been fine, Ruon.”

Ruon blinked slowly.

As someone often described as a prince, even his smallest gestures seemed refined.

“That’s a relief. But about what you said, leaving Lethe. Were you serious?”

…I have no choice but to draw the line here.

If I get involved, I’ll end up getting burned too.

“That’s right. My decision stands even now.”

I expected Ruon to show some hostility here.

But his face remained unchanged, as if such a thing were possible.

“If you change your mind, feel free to come back anytime. I’ll take care of the issues with Rendel on my end.”

His friendly demeanor made me doubt if he was the same person I remembered.

He usually maintains his dignity, but just a moment ago, he kicked someone in front of the professor.

The subtle madness hidden behind his handsome facade is like the surface of water.

Touch it, and it erupts like a splash.

My decision to leave should have been enough to provoke him, yet only pure goodwill shone in his eyes.

Then a noncommittal answer would be best.

“Well, I might consider it.”

Ruon smiled gently and nodded.

Then the professor aimed his staff at Ruon’s neck.

“If you’re done talking, follow me. We’ll discuss the consequences of your actions this evening.”

“Then I shall take my leave. Hope to see you again.”

With those words, Ruon left.

Watching his retreating figure, I felt a twinge of sympathy.

The living conditions for scholarship students are said to be better than Shulaphe’s, but being under such scrutiny by the professor must be uncomfortable.

But what can you do?

They are the ones branded for disposal by their own families.

I’ve heard that the special ward was created because some express their betrayal with extreme anger or even resort to suicide…

But if they endure without trouble for a year, they’ll be released from surveillance. However, Ruon will never enjoy that freedom.

Like most bosses, he too is destined to be vanquished by the protagonists.

I tore my gaze away from Ruon and recalled what I had to do.

Right, I was about to line up for class registration.

As I turned around, something caught my foot, and I looked down.


A guy with a side-parted hairstyle was sitting on the floor, looking up at me with a terrified face.

The reactions of the two behind him were similar.

Ah, right.

There were guys picking a fight.

“Huh, if it isn’t Hersel… The freshman who pinned that Bidon guy to the top of the wall, right?”

“And the eldest son of the Tenest family. If you don’t want to get hurt, better scram quietly.”

The two left the side-parted guy behind and disappeared quietly.

I asked the one left behind bluntly.

“Did you have a problem with me trying to register for classes?”

“No, nothing…”

“Hmm, I remember there being a problem. Are you implying I’m going senile?”

“Just, just a joke. A joke.”

Suddenly feeling bored, I feigned a kick, making my knee twitch slightly.

At that, the side-parted guy spread his palms as if to shield himself, letting out a whimper.


This act was somewhat amusing.

* * *

The special ward is located right below the principal’s office.

Occasionally, Principal Akandric comes down to check on things, bringing snacks and whatnot, but those who rebel receive a merciless hammering.

Behind each picture hanging on the walls, their traces were hidden.

“Ruon Al Banas. You dared to commit assault right under the watchful eyes of a professor?”

As the principal gripped Ruon’s head, the students in the special ward thought another frame would be added to the collection.

“That’s right. Kicked right in the solar plexus.”

Ruon’s tone was as nonchalant as if he were having an everyday conversation, which made veins pop on Akandric’s forehead.

“…It’s good that you admit it, but it seems you need a lesson in love.”

With that, Akandric hurled Ruon against the wall, body and all.


Luon was slammed against the wall like a nail.

Soon after, he extricated himself and, with a nonchalant gesture, dusted off the debris from his hair and shoulders.

Akandrik, with a smirk of satisfaction, grabbed the large basket that was placed at his feet.

“Leave today’s snacks here.”

A large basket was placed on the table.

Inside, it was packed with a variety of snacks, from cookies to bread.

“And Luon, make sure you’re not late for today’s training.”

Akandrik, who always dragged him into training, deeming him worthy of learning his swordsmanship.

Despite his sternness, Luon shook his head.

“I told you I would go when I feel like it.”

“Tsk. Everyone else begs to be taught, but you’re just nonchalant.”

Akandrik clicked his tongue and left the special hall.

Only the students remained in the special hall.

Apart from one isolated person, three approached Luon.

The isolated man glanced at those who approached Luon, then slipped away.

“Are you okay, Luon?”

“Just a bit of a headache, nothing serious.”

“Ugh, that ignorant old man. He’s really out to kill someone.”

The man, as if recalling the time he was slammed during the entrance ceremony, tightly wrapped his head.

Luon diverted his gaze from him and looked at the basket full of food.

‘The rod of love…’

He could faintly sense the deep affection in Akandrik’s violence.

Indeed, having seen him bend steel during training, slamming against the wall was nothing more than tossing a mischievous child onto the bed.

Luon picked up a piece of bread from the basket with a warm gaze.

“Akandrik is serious. He wants us to be reformed.”

The bread still retained its warmth.

Savoring the warmth transferred to his hand, Luon drew a straight arc with his eyes.

But his gaze was only murky.

“But that doesn’t suit our temperament.”

“I sympathize, Ruon. I don’t want to spend a year here.”

“The surveillance is so intense, it’s making me itch. So, what’s your plan?”

To the men’s questions, Ruon simply replied while taking a bite of his bread.

“For now, it’s wise to curry favor with the old man. He does teach quite useful swordsmanship, after all.”

Ruon swallowed his bread in one gulp and continued.

“Besides, at our level, we can’t even scratch the old man. Unless we have some special means, it’s better to quietly wait for an opportunity.”


“There must be something. This land is truly strange. Just the stories I’ve overheard are bizarre enough. Tales of graduates leaving behind peculiar tools, secret spaces, and students occasionally disappearing.”

Some even blabbered that the academy had hidden cursed tools created by the dungeon.

Though it sounds far-fetched, we are above a dungeon.

And sometimes, warnings to be cautious of something appear on the rule mirror, so it’s worth checking if the rumors are true.

“First, we need to investigate ways to neutralize the old man. Until then, keep sharpening your blade. This place is littered with whetstones. There’s no better place to become stronger.”

This academy is a hall of learning, determined to elevate even the students who dislike it.

There was knowledge hard to come by outside, and plenty of time to dedicate to training all day long.

The two men nodded in agreement.

However, one man, who had been silently listening, asked with an uneasy voice.

“I understand your plan. But why leave Hersel alone? Or are you seriously considering putting him back in the chairman’s seat?”

The two men also agreed on this point.

“I think so too. Even if we overlook his withdrawal, Hersel has meddled with the underlings. If we leave it as is, the system won’t hold.”

“Right, Ruon. You said we’d handle that ourselves. But stepping in like this is problematic.”

Ruon relaxed his eyes as he answered.

“He has a unique charisma. Even with insignificant power, he has the talent to captivate people. Moreover, he’s now strong enough to easily take down Vidon. The rumor that he survived the monster might even be true.”

The man who initially opposed narrowed his brows.

“…I admit that, but in reality, you’re the one who raised Lethe to this point. It’s been running fine even without Hersel’s contact for nearly a year. I oppose his return.”

Ruon looked at him with cold eyes.

The man flinched and closed his mouth.

“Whether he returns or not is still uncertain. It’s too early to talk about it. If he accepts the offer, then we’ll discuss it again. For now, let’s not touch on this.”

The three men quietly nodded.

Ruon may have his own thoughts, but I can only hope it’s not out of a shred of sentimentality.

* * *

It must have been just two weeks since I enrolled.

Exhausted by the series of events that unfolded one after another without a moment to adapt, I decided to clear my head for a while.

Yet, thoughts burst forth uncontrollably.

From the entrance exam, getting marked by Rockefeller, being sent to the Schlepp coffin, and then, barely two days later, the defense battle came crashing in, and we eliminated Bidon.

And now, having caught the eye of that guy Ruon, thinking I could easily rid myself of worries was near impossible.

“I’m already missing the mansion.”

Back then, it was only tough for two and a half months, but after the festival ended, it was peaceful.

I need a stress-free, tranquil daily life.

Fortunately, I had in my hand a piece of paper that would let me taste such a life, if only for a moment.

It was a letter from Mircel and Niasel.

“…Proud of those guys.”

I guess there’s a reward for treating them well.

It seems that the letter I wrote managed to get through the strict censorship of Frost Heart, who’s always harping on about security.

With a tingling nose, I decided to cast aside all my troubles for the moment and unfolded Niasel’s letter first.

But the hallway was insanely noisy.

“Found him! Found Madal! Over here, Rix!!”

“aaargh! Leave me alone, you crazies!!”

Hold on.

It’ll pass soon.

“Sir Hersel! Sir Hersel!! Please open the door!!!”

Madal was pounding on my door.

At the peak of my stress, I placed the letter on the desk, opened the door, and shouted loudly.


“So, sorry. But there’s a reason for all this. Please let me in for a moment. I have something urgent to tell you…”

Madal pleaded with teary eyes, begging with his hands.

What was more concerning was the dark circles clearly blooming under his eyes and his cheeks, which had become even more hollow.

“…You seem to be in worse shape?”

“Don’t even mention it. Now they barge in even at dawn, making my life miserable.”

At that moment, Rix and his gang crowded in front of my door.

Their condition didn’t look great, with bruises around their eyes or cheeks swollen to the point of puffiness.

Yet, the sparkle in his eyes was as persistent as that of a charlatan who believed in his own truth, steadily rising.

I had no choice but to coax Rix gently.

“…Let’s call it a day for now.”

“What are you talking about? Hershel. You’re the one who said to get stronger by fighting him. Once I set the goal to definitely take him down, I started training every day. I can feel the progress. I can’t afford to waste even a single day.”

The guys behind him also defended Rix.

“Right, we’ve come up with a new strategy this time.”

“I have a good feeling about this. I think we can win.”

“Makdal, you rascal. Stop hiding and come out!”

These crazy fools.

I had to side with Makdal, thinking that the power enhancer could break down like this.

“Are you guys trying to kill Makdal with exhaustion, not by skill?”

Rix looked at the ground with a face of shame.

“Well, that’s… We’ve attacked so often, it’s no wonder he’s tired. Maybe we were mistaken about getting stronger.”

I encouraged Rix just enough not to break his spirit.

“No, you guys are getting stronger. Just look at this guy, he’s run all the way here. Isn’t that proof enough?”

Then I gave Makdal a knowing look.

“…Yes, yes. Right, you guys. I thought I was going to get hit today!”

Rix and his gang lifted their drooping heads.

Then they smirked and glared at Makdal, and that look was truly chilling.

I felt pity for Makdal, who was experiencing hell alone without any money.

“Take a break for today, Rix. Tell the others the same.”

“Alright, let’s back off for today then.”

As Rix led his gang away, Makdal confided in me.

“Those guys, they’re not your ordinary crazies. Especially that Rix, he’s definitely a complete nutcase. No matter how much we beat him, he just doesn’t give up, really…”

Rix had a stubborn side to him.

That meant he was diligent enough to turn even the tasks others hated into a daily routine if necessary.

And he had a trait that stimulated his companions’ motivation, a ‘gentle charisma.’

“Just relax and rest in your room for now. It’s a holiday today, after all.”

“Excuse me, but may I ask you for one more favor?”

“What is it?”

“Please, Mr. Hershel, could you persuade those guys to stop bothering me—”

“No way. Go back. Just disappear.”

This guy thinks he can neglect his duties just because he took my side once.

“Then, at least, would you please join me for a meal at the cafeteria?”

“The cafeteria?”

“Yes, yes. Actually, I haven’t been able to even lift a spoon because those guys barge in all the time.”

…So that’s why he lost weight.

“Didn’t you hear what Rix said? He won’t bother you today.”

“I don’t trust those b*stards. I just want to have a peaceful meal for once.”

His suspicion seems to have reached a point of neurosis.

With no other choice, I took him to the cafeteria and bought him whatever he wanted to eat.

Makdal cried like a child, thanking me over and over again.

Having regained peace, I returned to my dorm room and read the letter Niasel had written.

The first page was a drawing that seemed like it was done by a child.

No, considering the next page was also a drawing, it seems to be a picture diary.

“Oh, did you start raising a parrot?”

Next was a depiction of Niasel learning magic.

I clicked my tongue as I observed the drawing closely.

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“Seriously, someone secretly enrolled in the Department of Magic and they just let it slide because it’s a girl.”

Still, a smile spread across my lips without me realizing it.

Just hearing about these trivial daily happenings feels purifying.

It’s as if my mind, steeped in the bleakness of this place, is also becoming clearer.


Unfortunately, the picture diary ended there.

Well, let’s see what Mircel has written in his letter.


As soon as I opened the letter, my expression fell.

There was only one sheet of paper.

And on it, just one large sentence.

But, the sentence this guy wrote seems quite ominous?

“Bro, you’ve been well, right? I’m dying of boredom here. I want to go there too.”

You want to come here?

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