1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 434: Who To Recommend (Updated)

Chapter 434: Who To Recommend (Updated)

This form of arts is of course soon oppressed by the local churches who tried to snub it and lock it away, but soon they found themselves to be way too weak against the unstoppable surge of history. Countless artists and sculpturists started studying and making developments in the new thinking and new form of arts, it has already become a progression in history that is certainly unstoppable by any old powers that is trying to hold it back, and it is new certain that in the decades to come, it shall blossom and ripe its fruit that shall lead humanity in to the next level.

Now Antonius' name is mentioned again in the court of the pope Pius II in Roma. As the guardian and head of the old world, he is maddened by the series of movements in the public that is quickly going out of his control. There are cardinals and priests every where, but when they received the papal decrees from the Vatican, they either turned a blind eye to it and turned to mix together with the wealthy town council and rich merchants or agreeing to help but forgetting about it immediately and carried on doing their extra businesses. 

What made things even more terrible is that there are some city states in the Northern Italia, including the Pope's home town, bluntly refused the chantry's order to imprison these rebellious artists, saying that they are law abiding citizens and the church should not restrict their freedom. The priests and cardinals felt that they are threatened in a coercive manner and composed letter after letter complaining that the civilians and believers of Christ has went defiant. When these letters reached the hands of Pope Pius II, his hand almost trembled as he instantly realised one crucial factor that has led to this; the ordinary people have grown too rich, they have grown tired of the chantry's restrictions and started trying to breaking through, which inevitably started decreasing the chantry's potency and strength. 

This is indeed an urgent matter that needs to be taken care of by the highest head of the chantry as soon as possible before this phenomenon is spread across the Alps in to Germania, as that is his wallet, his treasury, the place where there are the most amount of buyers for his commissures' indulgence giving him countless revenue per annum. If this wind of heresy is being blown beyond the Alps, it would too bring the disbelief and questioning for the faith to the next level over there as well. The Papal state wants no questions for the faith, it only wants stability, as any instability would immediately cause a havoc to the entire structure.

After further evaluating about the problem, the Pope decided to take another approach to this problem; Since you cannot beat your foe, then you got to be open and learn about their strength and scrutinize upon their weakness. Furthermore, the Pope heard that this ruler of Thessaloniki originated from the Serene Republic of Genoa, which means that he must be a believer of Catholic Christianity which can be a thing they can exploit. The Pope called for an audience with his advisors and cardinals to discuss who shall they send to Thessaloniki, and what message shall they convey to the supposed Caesar of the Greeks. 

Some cardinals suggested that since the Caesar is a catholic, any regular cardinal carrying a reprimand from the Pope is more than sufficient, to condemn the rebellious acts the Caesar has been taking recently. Some other suggested that this might push him towards Orthodoxy, but they soon got retorted back saying that Orthodoxy church are already deemed to be beneath the Pope following the Council of Ferrara Florence. It seemed like almost every one of the councils is supportive of giving the Caesar a reprimand, the only difference is just whether the punishment and recrimination shall be a heavy one or a light one. 

The near sixty years old Pop is having a headache hearing all these arguments beneath him, not a lot of people here have realised that this reigning Pope is actually quite supportive of some of the Renaissance ideologies in his earlier years, being a writer and poet blending in some of the new thinking with his writings. It is only in his later years did he became conservative in order to maintain the image and prestige of the Vatican. Just as the council is still ongoing, a messenger sneaked through the corridor, approached the Pope and dropped him a message. 

"Your holiness, there is a few Venetian ambassadors waiting for you in the foyer." 

The Pope knows that the Serene Republic of Venice has been a generous sponsor of the Papal state in recent years in exchange for influence competing with the other Italian republics. So, he had to excuse the council for a while to get up and meet the Venetian ambassadors first. The later did not use up too long of his time too, after all the usual words of greeting and addressing the Pope, the Venetian ambassadors expressed the purpose of their visit; They are here to urge the Pope to take some actions against the Tyrant in Thessaloniki, who is obviously turning towards heresy. 

The Venetians suggested the Pope to go that far as to excommunicate Antonius and force him to repent his sins, like what the King of the Germans Henry IV did in L'umiliazione di Canossa. The Pope is almost caught speechless by the comments of these Venetian ambassadors, he almost wanted to ask back these people on whether if they know what happened after the events at Canossa. But he resisted, knowing that these Venetians are just trying to widen the split between him and that legendary Genoese Caesar in the East. In the end the Pope agreed to the comments of the Venetians with that iconic smile of a Pope on his face, saying that the Caesar need not to be punished through harsh actions, but rather be guided through the kind words of God through a trusted man.

Immediately after the Pope said such words, the Venetian ambassadors through out another proposal suggesting that the Holy emissary should be accompanied by a Venetian legate, in order to better advice the emissary on how to deal with the Caesar of the Greeks and at the same time, the Holy Emissary representing the pope can act as a bridge between the two Mediterranean powers, achieving peace and mutual prosperity between them. 

The Pope soon realised the tricks of this Venetian ambassador trying to bind their ambassadors to the Holy Emissary of the Pope. This shall give them the aura of the Pope, casting themselves with the undeserved spot light of holiness. Although the Pope hated to taint his and the Vatican's light with the dirt of greedy merchants and sinful coins, he still forced himself to nod his head and approve the Venetian ambassador's request in exchange for their further support in monetary and keep their hands off the Pope's properties and cities swearing affiliation to the pope along side the coast of the Adriatic Sea, it has always been a deal for a deal. 

Back inside the chamber, the council is still arguing for the candidate they should nominate. The Pope got tired of this kind of nonsense, wandering whether all the senate and councils of different states are about the same. After half an hour he could bear it no more, he waved his hands to disperse the council, and went back in to his own room. He is already way too old for this kind of useless arguments that would only waste his time and make his heart pump faster, with the passing of age, the Pope can already feel that his body conditions are now deteriorating, fast. Actually, he would rather spend more time taking up his identity as a writer, trying to conclude his personnel Commentaries as soon as possible, and several other works before he is recalled by Christ. 

A man walked in to the room led by an usher breaking the silence that the Pope has treasured. The later looked up and found out that the incomer is a man named Leon Battista Alberti, who is around the same age as him. A famed architect that has always been travelling around various cities and towns of Italia. He has been serving the previous two Popes with his abilities and potential, and continued serving the current Pope with zest, a modest man who have many areas of common interest and never made many requests, what is he doing here? The Pope wandered. 

The famed architect kissed the ring of the Pope, made a slight bow and made a straight forward request. "Your Holiness, I would like to recommend a suitable candidate as the Holy Emissary bond for the Caesar of the Greeks in Thessaloniki."

"Oh?" The pope is interested at his friend. "Who shall you recommend?" 


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