1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 435: Romans 12:17-19

Chapter 435: Romans 12:17-19

Antonius would never have knew about his contributions to human being's progression and the turmoil he caused in the city of Roma. Actually he would have no time to bother about this sort of things too, for he is now busy with diplomatic affairs, numerous other city states in Italia has sent their ambassadors and representatives to supposedly increase their bonds and trade relationships with the city that dominates the trade in Aegean after the demise of Smyrna and Constantinople because of the century long flames of war. 

It is not the number of delegates that is giving Antonius trouble of course, he could have just greeted them with a meal and then thrown all of them to Abdullah who is in charge of the state diplomatic affairs. It is the appearance of ambassadors, or emissaries from three familiar that surprising parties that is giving him all the headache. Which is the ambassadors from his home town Genoa, the state his going to come in to conflict with very soon Venezia, and the emissary from the Pope, whom he has always wanted to keep a distance from every since he served under Constantinople.

One of them coming is already a trouble for him, and the three of them added up together is like trouble squared by three. The Genoese delegate, a man from the house of Spinola, came here requesting Antonius to grant a trade charter with the Genoese merchants, suggesting that giving the Genoese a lower tax rate and allowing Genoese ships to dock at the ports owned by Antonius as it shall greatly enhance the commerce and economy of Thessaloniki, and at the same time it is a superb start for an alliance between the only two nations that are led by Genoese.

Antonius bluffed him away, saying that all trade deals must be made through the decisions of Constantinople, mentioning that he is just a humble vessel under the emperor Constantine. The Genoese diplomat certainly looked to be disappointed, but he did not insist on his demand knowing that this conversation would lead to no where.

The Venetians and the Emissary from the Vatican came in together, the Emissary kept quiet for most of the times, the Venetian ambassador on the other hand is talking all the while. He first raised examples on the states and cities that managed to achieve prosperity through the flourishing Eastern Mediterranean trade network since centuries ago under Venetian order and dominance, hinting to Antonius that if he joins the union, his state can enjoy numerous benefits and perks that is more than sufficient to feed all of his people.

Antonius almost laughed hearing this and stayed unconvinced, then the Venetian ambassador started talking about the tensions in Epirus, mentioning that this region is large enough to hold two powers, the Romans and Venetians can shall the lands of Epirus under the witness of the Pope. The ambassador then hinted that Catholics should not fight Catholics, Antonius did not give too many words on that, only agreeing that he can have more talks and conference with the Serene Doge of Venezia in the future. Right now, he is more interested in that Holy Emissary by the Pope.

The Emissary Leon Battista Alberti has remained silent through out the meeting, standing their firm holding the sceptre representing the power and will of the Pope like a tree rooted to the ground not saying a single word while the Venetians spoke. After the Venetians are being thrown away by Antonius to Abdullah, he walked down of his seat, approached the Holy Emissary with the priests and fathers singing some Holy Melody that Antonius do not understand. Then he bowed down to kiss the ring on the Emissary's hand to show his submission towards the prestige of the Vatican. A priest at the back frowned as he wanted to remind Antonius that he is supposed to kneel but is stopped by Leon Battista Alberti instantly.

"Your Holiness, may the light and mercy of our lord be always donned upon thee." Antonius greeted the Emissary using the Latin language he has not spoken for a long time. "May I, as the faithful servant of the Lord, can do for the representative of God within all men, his holiness?"

"There is no need to behave like this, my child." The emissary indeed knows how to give people a decent first impression as he lifted his hands towards the half bowing lord of Thessaloniki. "His Holiness has a message for you, for you shall hear the deeds and virtual in the Epistula ad Romanos. Are you ready to apprehend the holy words of teachings and kindness, my child?"

"Yes I am, your holiness." Antonius still did not kneel down this time round.

The Emissary pretended that he saw nothing and went on citing a verse to this lost child as requested by the Pope.  (Romans 12:17-19)

"Nulli malum pro malo reddentes providentes bona non tantum coram Deo, sed etiam coram omnibus hominibus."

"Si fieri potest quod ex vobis est cum omnibus hominibus pacem habentes."

"Non vosmet ipsos defendentes carissimi sed date locum irae scriptum est enim mihi vindictam ego retribuam dicit Dominus."

"Have you received the sacred message from God, my child?"

"Yes, your holiness." Antonius kept his head lowered all the while. "These sacred words have been engraved in to my memories, I shall carry these sacred words of peace with me through out my life."

"Good." The Emissary took over a laurel leaf in a bottle of holy water, dipped the leaf inside and sprinkled a few drops on to the head of Antonius, then passed it back to the priest. Then, the Emissary handed over the sceptre representing the Pope back to his helper, lifted Antonius up and made a friendly laugh again. "Alright, young man, the ceremony is now officially over, now we can finally have time for some private conversation Now sir, if you would like to excuse us"

The priests and helpers seem to have gotten used to this kind of unofficial behaviour from this friend of the Pope, they looked at each other shaking their heads, but still headed this order and left the room, leaving the space for the Holy Emissary and the lord of Thessaloniki.

"Young man, I must say that I am interested in you, very." The Holy Emissary, now using his personnel stance as Leon Battista Alberti, winked and smiled at Antonius. "Excuse me, but would you like to give me a seat? My aging bones are already cracking Thank you."

Antonius hurriedly pulled out two cushioned seats and assisted the old man to seat down, he is totally unsure of what kind of surprise this Holy Emissary got for him, as he knows that dealing with these Latin speaking emissaries from the Vatican who never say what they want to say in a straight forward manner, has always been a troublesome job.

"Relax, I am now speaking to you as myself, not representing anyone I am interested in you, do you know what kind of turmoil you have caused by your efforts in reviving those pagan cultures and heritage? You have almost created an Earthquake in Italia! The size of Pompeii!"

"I am sorry, for I was just trying to bring back the Olympia games because I wanted to use it as a tool to condemn the rising lawlessly and lack of discipline in the army camps which is way too eager for the upcoming war. I have never expected it to have such an impact on the various city states in Italia, if I knew about this"

"No no no, young man, I am not talking about the game of Olympics, although I do agree with the cardinals that those obscene things from the ancient Pagans might such as nude athletes might be brought back with it, but that is not the main field I am interested in; I am actually much more interested in the heritage, the culture, the philosophy you set for this country that you are working hard to build, it is every where, it is in the laws you set, the news papers you created, the speeches you made, the officials you picked, but you might not have realised it, young man."

Antonius did not seem to get what the old man is trying to say as he pondered hard for a while and questioned back. "What are you talking about your holiness? Is there any mistakes I have made in my laws? Did my regulation and rules upset the Vatican?"

"No, not at all, young man. Pardon me, but I did not come here to visit you immediately after I entered the waters of Thessaloniki with the Venetians; I landed in Plaka first, then went North towards Litochoro, spent one and half week going around both the country side and the cities, before I finally came to Thessaloniki yesterday and made the request to see you today. And I made a conclusion, young man, a conclusion of what you are trying to achieve through your regime."

"You are trying to make an ideal kingdom on Earth, like the one depicted in De Republica by Plato."

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