6 Times a Day

Chapter 1134: Let's not be strangers Akami

Chapter 1134: Let's not be strangers Akami

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Just then, Suzanne called out from the dining room, "Hey! Don't forget about us over here!" Alan assumed correctly that Suzanne and the others were sitting around the dining room table waiting for the poker game to begin. He yelled back, "Just a sec! I need to properly welcome Akami. We have a few family traditions to uphold, you know!"

That got a good laugh from everyone in both rooms.

Alan was rolling one of Akami's nipples between his thumb and forefinger, making her very pleasurably distracted. But he still had to explain his lack of erection. He let go and stepped back from Akami so he could see and speak to Susan and Katherine too, as they stood only a couple of feet away in the narrow foyer.

He said to Akami, "It's not you. And that's not a cliché. What I mean is, I think it's this game." Susan immediately rushed up to him and grabbed his shoulder with great concern. "Oh, Tiger! The poke-her game? Tiger, what's wrong?! We've spent so much time putting everything together. After all that happened this week, we thought we should make it a very special celebration of our new life. Look at how we all dressed up, for instance."

She ran a hand over her silk blue gown like a model highlighting herself. "Don't tell me you don't like the effort?" She looked out briefly over all the tarps in the living room.

He noticed that the ocean blue gown she wore was semi-transparent, allowing him glimpses of her bush and nipples. She looked so fantastic that he was more than a little bit tempted to bend her over a nearby sofa and plow her hard until he vigorously pumped another creamy load into her. He might have done just that if his penis were as able to get excited as his mind was at the moment, but his penis remained as flaccid as ever.

He said, "Awesome dress, Mom. I love how it's all see-through. Look, I can see your cootie!" He cupped her pussy and managed to finger her pussy lips through the fabric a bit in the process.

Susan practically doubled over, and nearly creamed on the spot. She blushed profusely.

With one hand on Susan's pussy and the other on her ass, he said to Akami, "See? Mom's not arousing me either. No, it's the... Well, I don't know what it is. But I'm kind of, I dunno, afraid of the party, somehow."

He pulled Susan and Akami in close so he could fondle both of them at the same time. He went back to lightly pulling on Akami's nipples, while cupping Susan's ass cheek with his other hand.

Susan asked, "Tiger? I hope you're not mad at us inviting Akami without telling you first? We were thinking that it's going to be a big challenge keeping your sex life continually exciting, so surprises are good. And of course we figured that you always like a variety of pussies to fuck."

Alan looked at Akami. She was blushing, apparently in response to the blunt way Susan described her as fresh pussy, not to mention the way Katherine and Susan were watching Alan play with her breasts. She cried out, "Susan!"

Alan wasn't really sure how to handle the situation diplomatically. First he said to mollify Susan, "Of course I don't mind, Mom. Surprises like this are great."

Susan asked, "Can I watch later when you stuff Akami full of your hot meat?" She smiled naughtily and added, "Because you know you will."

"Um, sure. Uh, assuming Akami doesn't mind." But he quickly turned his attention to Akami before she got any more embarrassed. Susan's latest blunt comment had only increased her level of embarrassment.

He decided the best approach would be to change the subject. "Akami, please don't mind her; she gets off on talking like that. You have no idea how much has happened since I saw you last. When was that, anyway?"

"Monday. Just two days ago," Akami replied while staring anywhere but at Alan. She was trying to put her dress back on. She felt very awkward standing topless when Susan and Katherine were so formally and fully dressed. Susan's frank comments made her more self- conscious and she didn't know what to say. But she couldn't really complain since she did want to be "stuffed full of hot meat" before the night was over, and everyone knew it.

"Jesus! Really?" Alan said with genuine surprise, casually pulling her gown off her shoulders as soon as she'd put it back in place. "It feels so long ago. I thought it was more like a week, at least. It's not just all the sex I've been having, but things have been so emotionally intense for me lately. I mean, these are probably some of the most pivotal days of my life. I feel like everything's coming to a head. But it's all so draining. Do you have any idea what it's like to be in love with a whole bunch of women and have them all counting on you? I thought it would be fun and games, but the RESPONSIBILITY! It's just so intense."

He looked from Akami to Susan and Katherine and realized that he wasn't just answering Akami, he was speaking his deepest worries aloud to everyone. He collected his thoughts, and even stopped fondling. "I guess that's what the main problem is, more than the tiredness. I feel a lot of pressure, you know? Like, here I am, the supposed big harem master, with seven, no make that eight, incredibly sexy women to take care of at one time tonight. But it's all a facade! I'm like the Wizard of Oz. Remember him? He's supposedly this huge scary face, but then it turns out he's really just an ordinary guy hiding behind a curtain. That's me." He paused, momentarily lost in thought. "I mean, how am I supposed to keep eight sexually insatiable women satisfied in one evening? It just isn't possible! Then you add in the fact that I'm tired and sexually worn out to begin with, and I'm sure tonight's going to be a big disaster. I mean, Mom's comments about putting you and me together show just how high the expectations are. I'm not the sexual stud everyone seems to think I am, and tonight everyone's going to discover I'm just an ordinary teenage kid. But maybe that's for the best, I guess, before expectations get even more out of hand. Sorry, Akami, I'm rambling. To make a long story short, I guess that's why I'm having trouble getting erect."

Susan still had her hand on her son's shoulder all this time, and as he spoke she drew in closer, until she was wrapped around him in a tight and supportive hug. Katherine was inspired to do the same, so now he stood with two beauties draped all over him while he continued to stand a couple feet in front of Akami. Both mother and daughter instinctively brought their hands to Alan's groin, only to pull away after discovering he was still flaccid.

Akami smiled at him sympathetically. "At least now I know your flaccidness isn't because of me, thank goodness. Alan, I'm no sex therapist, but it sounds to me you have the kind of feelings that lead to many men having premature ejaculation and similar issues. Performance anxiety is what they call it. It's perfectly natural, and nothing to worry about. You'll get over it soon enough, once you warm up to your new role as the studly 'man of the


She winked sexily and then melodramatically fanned herself.

"Great," Alan groaned. "I really wish you hadn't mentioned premature ejaculation. Now I

have that to worry about, too."

But Susan wiggled around while still hugging her son, so she was chest to chest and looking him right in the face. "Tiger, listen. We all love you. Everyone here loves you. Even the people you don't know so well, like Kim and Akami here, and they love you in their own way too. Isn't that right, Akami?"

"Of course," Akami replied honestly. "Alan's always going to have a special place in my heart, even though I don't see him nearly as much as I'd like. He's no ordinary boy, or should I say, man. And Alan, it's not just your sexual prowess."

She shot an embarrassed look at Susan as she added, "After all, I didn't come here JUST to get royally plowed. You have a natural kindness and goodness, and you inspire the same goodness

to come out in everyone you meet."

"Do I really do that?" he asked with real surprise.

Susan hugged him tighter and said, "Of course you do, Sweetie!" She deliberately used Suzanne's name for him then, because she was thinking how sweet and modest he was. "The point is that you can't fail here tonight because we're all happy just to be with you, and of course to be with each other. Naturally, we all enjoy sex, but if you just want to sit around, talk, and really just play cards, that would be a fun evening, too." "Really?" Alan asked while Susan seemed intent on squeezing him to death with an emotional hug. The sensation of her big milky breasts mashing into his chest felt great. He noticed that she was wearing a lot of perfume, something she rarely did, and it smelled great. Since Susan was always saying great things about him, he looked to his sister for


Katherine giggled happily as she hugged him from the side. "Brother, you're such a silly boy

sometimes! It's not how much you cum that counts, or even how well. Speaking for myself,

it's knowing that you love me, and that I love you, and that we're together. Do you think that you're expected to make love to each and every single one of us tonight? We all know that's not possible, not even for you."

She conceded, "Okay, if you abstained for a day or so I'm sure you could take and tame us all,

but you've already had such an extremely busy and sexual day. Don't worry about that. It's like Mom said: the party is going to be a success no matter what you do. In fact, us girls would have a hell of a time together even if you weren't here at all."

Akami winked at Katherine knowingly and then said, "Maybe we should just tie up Alan for being a silly boy, then, and have the party without him." She mirthfully winked again; her

earlier embarrassment was now forgotten.

Katherine replied with a knowing wink also, "What an excellent idea!"

Alan looked back over his shoulder towards the dining room and saw Suzanne standing a short distance behind him. She was holding a glass of wine and turned in a different direction. At first glance it looked like she was just passing through the living room to head to the dining room, but Alan knew better. He figured she'd been listening in for a while.

But he ignored her and said, "Don't you dare! I feel a lot better now. God, it feels so good to be loved! That takes so much of the pressure off."

He squeezed both Katherine and Susan as their three-way hug turned into an even tighter

fusion of bodies.

As he continued to squeeze and fondle, he directed his gaze at Suzanne. Not surprisingly, she looked amazing in her tight and shiny gown. It was scarlet red, which made the red in her dark hair stand out even more than usual. Like Susan's gown, it also appeared to be semi-


Just from looking at the four dresses he'd seen so far - those worn by Akami, Susan, Katherine, and Suzanne - he thought, We need to have dress-up nights more often. God, this is so arousing! EVERYTHING with these women is so arousing, and I can "take and tame" any of them at any time! It makes me so giddy that I can't stand it!

Suzanne caught on that Alan was staring at her, so she dropped the pretense of just happening to be standing nearby. She seemed surprisingly bashful about being caught eavesdropping, but she walked closer to the huggers and said, "Okay, everybody. I'm glad we got that all straightened out, but there are other guests and they're getting pretty antsy. Come on." She tugged on Katherine and Susan, trying to pry them away.

Both of them disengaged from Alan and made to head to the dining room.

But before Susan left, she whispered in Alan's ear, "Remember, Son, you've always been the

special love of my life. You and Angel, and now Amy, but the fact that you're male has, shall we say, certain advantages." She chuckled. "But I loved you more than life itself long before we even thought of doing the nasty. You're always going to be my Tiger, my rock, my strength. I've lived for you and Angel, and now for the rest of our family too. I'm sure I'm not the first mother to say this, but I would truly give my life to save the life of one of my children. Whatever you do is great. There is no failure."

She kissed him hard on the mouth and then pulled away, leaving him standing there with just

Akami. Alan thought back to his youth. Unlike Amy, he was a terrible artist. Even now, if he drew a tree, it was likely to look more like a lollipop. His attempts at art were downright embarrassing. Yet, he recalled, whenever he brought any of his pictures home from school, Susan treated each one like they were newly discovered masterpieces by the likes of

Michelangelo or Picasso.

He thought to himself, The funny thing is, she wasn't acting. She actually loved those atrocious

things and hung them proudly all over the house because I drew them. Heck, she still has some of

them hanging up, despite my protests. She's right. With her, there is no failure. I know she would throw herself in front of a speeding bus to save me. She loves me completely and unconditionally. I've seen and experienced so many amazing things lately, but there's nothing more amazing than that!

He suddenly found tears running down his cheeks, not because he was sad, but because he was emotionally overwhelmed by all the love in his family.

Akami, though, was puzzled by Alan's wet cheeks. She stepped forward tentatively to give

him her emotional support.

Suddenly, Alan grabbed her and kissed her like a man possessed. He wanted to express his joy

over all the love around him, and Akami was the only target within reach since the others had

just left. His earlier dip and kiss of Akami were impressive on a purely technical level, but this kiss packed such an emotional wallop that Akami practically saw stars.

She didn't know what was going on exactly, but midway through the kiss she recovered

enough to give back nearly as much as she'd been given. The two of them were practically burning up the room. The kiss only ended because the two of them finally needed to come up for air.

As Akami rested in his arms, panting, she said, "Now, that's more like it! That's what I call a proper greeting!" Alan laughed with pure joy, his worries almost entirely forgotten. "Akami, it's so good to see you. Seeing your lovely face has been far too rare. Let's not be such strangers."

On a whim, he reached underneath her tight pink dress and groped up to her crotch. He was slightly bothered that she was wearing panties, but he easily pushed the fabric aside and inserted a finger between her pussy lips. He knew she wasn't a copious leaker like many of the women in his life, but he could tell that by her standards that she was very wet.

Akami gasped. She joked, "God, when you say you don't want to be strangers, you really mean


As he probed around her pussy, she whispered, "Is this how you'd greet me if we met on a busy street?" "Akami!" He answered in a normal voice, "You know it. Except I'd pull your top down so I could play with your great tits too. I'd want everyone to know that you're mine." As he said

this, he acted out his words and pulled her gown down. Then he began mauling her breasts with a passion.

"Oh!" Akami moaned loudly. Even though he'd done this to her a short while before, somehow it felt twice as pleasurable now.

She wasn't in Alan's thrall like the others, but for that moment at least, she belonged

completely to him. If a stranger would have walked up to the two of them in the street and

asked her, "Are you a slut for this boy?" she would have answered proudly, "Damn straight

I am!" Alan began working both her pussy and her breasts. When he found her G-spot, her knees buckled and she had to hold onto him tightly to remain standing. He finally pulled away from her privates and straightened out her dress. "Keep that hole warm and wet for me for later on,


Akami thought, What is it about this boy? He gets me so hot! I melt at his touch and let him do anything to me. If he wanted to strip me and do me in front of the rest of the group, I'd actually let him.

Hell, I'd prefer it that way! I hope he takes me and fills me right in front of everybody and makes me do all kinds of nasty things!

But mindful of his concerns about being overtaxed, she said, "You know, you really don't have to make any promises. I meant what I said that I'm just happy to be here for the company. I don't have any sexual expectations, despite what Susan may think. Really. And as your official medical practitioner of sorts, I don't want to be the one to push you over your


"Thanks a lot," he replied. "We'll see what happens. I do miss you as a friend and a lover. If we don't get some alone time tonight, I promise it'll happen in the next day or two. But we need to get to the other room before they start lighting torches and grabbing pitchforks. It must be after nine o'clock already."

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