6 Times a Day

Chapter 1135: Card Game!

Chapter 1135: Card Game!

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Arms entwined, Alan and Akami walked the short distance to the dining room. Akami felt closely bonded with Alan after his electric kissing, fondling, and emotional honesty. She clung to him closely.

When they entered the room Katherine grudgingly mumbled, "Finally!" But other than that, everyone remained rooted in their chairs, all conspicuously silent. They appeared to be absorbed by an on-going card game; presumably they were warming up with some rounds of non-strip poker while they waited for Alan.

Alan remained standing and looked over the scene while Akami went to her chair on the other side of the table. The first thing that struck him was that all of the women seated around the table were wearing fancy dresses.

Everyone looked unbelievably good dressed to the nines. Remarkably by Plummer house standards, there wasn't an exposed breast to be seen, even though there were acres of cleavage, exposed shoulders, bare backs, and the like on prominent and elegant display. It almost looked like a dinner party at one of the area's most expensive restaurants, except for the fact that Susan's gown was semi-transparent.

Alan was momentarily distracted from admiring the most awesome sight of collective female beauty he'd ever seen when Akami let out a very loud "Ahhh!" as she sat down in her chair. She had a smirk on her face as if she was in on some secret.

That led to uproarious laughter from everyone else, but Alan didn't even grin because he didn't see what was so funny. Instead, he said with a semi-serious, semi-exaggerated pout, "So, this is the greeting I get?"

Amy wiggled her body ostentatiously in her chair, then said to him, "I'd like to get up, O.B., but actually I think I'd rather not."

This led to yet more laughter from all the women, causing Alan to become even more confused. He figured there was some kind of inside joke going on that he wasn't privy to, which wouldn't be surprising since most of them had been sitting around talking while he was up in his room.

Instead of worrying about that, he did a quick head count. Going around the table from the right side of the empty chair saved for him at the head of the table, he saw Akami, Suzanne, Xania, Katherine, Kim, Susan, and finally Amy on the other side of his empty chair. He made a gentlemanly nod at Xania and then at Kim, since he hadn't welcomed them yet.

But noticing that someone he'd expected to see was missing, he asked, "Where's Brenda?" Xania ostentatiously rolled her eyes and exclaimed in mock disgust, "Is that all you think about, big boobs? Well, come over here and give me a kiss, unless you're unhappy to see me." Her green dress managed to keep her tits thrust up firm and high. She ran a hand down into her deep cleavage, visually inviting him to explore the same depths.

Alan walked over to Xania's chair. He'd expected her to stand so they could kiss and maybe neck a little bit, but she seemed determined to remain seated in her chair. He thought, Strange. And I noticed she neatly avoided the question about Brenda. Everyone seems rather untalkative, too. I was expecting a big gab-fest. There's definitely a strange vibe going on here. Maybe they're just trying to downplay my arrival so as to lower expectations? In any case, I've learned that when in doubt, playing along is usually the safest way to go. He bent down and kissed her.

Immediately, Xania's tongue worked its way into his mouth. While her tongue wasn't a great deal longer than normal if measured in inches, and was hardly longer than Suzanne's similarly remarkable tongue, every extra millimeter of tongue made a big difference

in practical terms. A longer tongue could just do so much more, and Xania had honed her oral skills to an art form.

He felt as if a cobra snake had been let loose in his mouth, the way her tongue went exploring into depths of his mouth that other women couldn't reach. It was very arousing. He idly wondered, Who knows, maybe Xania could actually deep throat ME just with her remarkable tongue! As the kiss progressed, he heard Susan say with serious concern in her voice, "Tiger, you're ignoring her big breasts. They need you."

Alan felt like laughing because he knew that as far as Susan was concerned, his ignoring of Xania's cleavage invitation was a seriously troubling event. Susan got such pleasure when her ultra-sensitive boobs were fondled that she assumed other women did too, when that wasn't always necessarily the case.

With his confidence and lust surging, he reached down and pulled the top of Xania's strapless gown down until her breasts burst into the open. Then he played with her fulsome orbs, spending most of his time fondling and pulling on Xania's hard nipples. As he did this, he kept his eyes on Susan and watched with amusement as the worry lines disappeared from her face. Xania's arms flapped around uselessly, even though she was a tall and muscular woman who could have easily pushed him away if she really wanted to. She did push at him some, but feebly at best. However, when they broke the kiss to gasp for air, she exclaimed, "No! I just asked for a kiss. I didn't want you to do THAT!" She nodded down to his hands roaming over her bare chest.

But Susan implored him, "Don't listen to her! Xania, you know the house rules: this is TIGER'S house, and the moment you step inside, you're fair game! He can fuck you across the table right now if he wants!"

Xania whimpered helplessly at that, but didn't say anything since Alan was kissing her on the mouth again. In truth, she loved the shame of public exposure, and she was beyond horny.

Soon Xania's chest was heaving up and down. Her tits bounced around so much that Alan could barely keep a firm hold of them. That only seemed to further arouse them both, not to mention the other women sitting around the table.

Xania was so sexually experienced that unfortunately there wasn't much that shocked her anymore. But being blatantly fondled by a boy while being watched intently by this group of outstanding women felt like a completely new experience. She loved exhibitionism and public sex, so just a little bit of his fondling had gotten her as hot as a firecracker.

However, Alan was still somewhat worried about the high expectations being put on him. All those hungry eyes on him seemed to raise the stakes even more and actually chilled his ardor. He ended their kiss and pulled his hands away.

Xania, though, was so hot by now that she felt like she was just getting warmed up, and the rest of the group be damned. She grabbed his crotch as his body moved away and felt that he was only half-erect. She appeared surprised that, after all that action, he still wasn't fully aroused. Since she'd just come into town, she wasn't fully aware of his exhaustion or self-

confidence issues.

She turned to Suzanne sitting next to her and whispered something into her ear.

Then she said to Alan towering over her, "It's no fair. If you're going to humiliate me with a greeting like that, then you need to do it to your other guests."

All eyes suddenly went to Kim, since Alan had thoroughly "greeted" Akami near the front door.

Kim was still staring at Xania's chest, because Alan's fondling had caused the top of Xania's strapless gown to droop far down and Xania had been deliberately slow to pull it back up. Xania did at least pull her gown up enough to cover her nipples - mostly - but this was just so she could be a bigger tease. She immediately sat forward in her chair and subtly used her arms on either side of her breasts to push them further forward. Her dark green gown managed to cling precariously to the bottom of her chest only because her nipples were so erect.

She casually looked away as if nothing was amiss, secretly delighting in giving the others such a great view of her bosomy charms. She was acutely aware that Kim was gazing at her intently, and she was doing all she could to keep the girl's attention.

But Kim didn't realize that Xania was just being playful. Instead, the young cheerleader felt as if she'd been caught in the act of shameless gawking by everyone in the room. This made her very self-conscious. In fact, she dropped her eyes and blushed.

As the only self-proclaimed lesbian at the table, Kim was in seventh heaven just being in the room. Admittedly, she loved cocksucking far too much for a supposed lesbian, but right now, the beauty of the female body was all she could think about. She knew Amy and Katherine very well from school, of course, but ever since she met Susan, Suzanne, and Xania earlier in the evening, she couldn't get over how massive and perfectly formed their breasts were. Big breasts were one of Kim's biggest sexual fetishes and a major reason why she still considered herself more lesbian than straight. She'd been as quiet as a mouse sitting at the table, because she felt totally overwhelmed.

So when Alan got around the table to kiss her, she was like putty in his hands just because she was so "out of it" already. Like the others, she also didn't get up from her chair. He didn't find this too surprising, however. He doubted she was even capable of standing up right now, given the state of awe that she was in. So he got down on one knee and kissed her on the lips. Her mouth suddenly sprang to life even while the rest of her body remained as limp as a rag doll. She kissed back with a great intensity, causing Alan to enjoy her kiss even more than Xania's despite all of Xania's greater experience and long-tongued acrobatics. Kim was on fire and Alan was the recipient of all her energy, just as if she was targeting him with a torrent of napalm pouring through a flame thrower.

Alan could easily relate because only a few minutes before he had been in a similar situation where Akami was the lucky recipient of the surge in his energy and emotion brought on by a renewed appreciation for Susan's unconditional love and acceptance of him.

As he continued to kiss Kim (and fondle her a bit), he could feel her whole body wiggling about. Then he felt her stiffen up and suddenly go even more limp than she had been before. He pulled away and joked, "Come on. I'm not that good a kisser!"

The others laughed because it was obvious to everyone that Kim had just experienced a great

orgasm which didn't have much to do with the kiss; that was just the icing on the cake for the highly aroused girl. She gazed off into the distance with a happy but glassy-eyed stare. However, her eyes slowly drifted back to where they'd been most of the evening - alternating between Susan's incredible face and her heavy rack.

He realized that Kim had hardly said a single word since he'd arrived. Seeing that she wasn't

in the mood for conversation, he made his way over to the only open chair left available. His greeting duties were done.

As he sat down, several women laughed out loud. That finally created more curiosity than he could stand. He couldn't help but ask, "What's so funny?"

Suzanne replied with a knowing smirk, "Let's just say that you don't want to make the

mistake of sitting in any of the other chairs."

This got more laughs from the others, including the very distracted Kim, but it completely

failed to answer his question, leaving him mystified. However, everyone seemed so jovial about whatever it was that he decided not to push it.

Since Kim was his friend and obviously new to all of this, he whispered in her ear, "How are

you doing? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Is everything okay?"

She whispered back, "It's cool. I AM overwhelmed, but in the best possible way! This is


He smiled at that. That's cool that she's having such a good time. Plus, she's right: I'm overwhelmed

too, but it is in the best possible way. So what if I don't end up rocking everybody world? I'm sure we're already going to have a great time, and that's the main thing. I can feel it already. Suzanne was clearly moving into her take-charge mode. She was the natural leader of events like this, and even Alan deferred to her in such situations. Somehow, as if by force of her strong will and charisma, she got everyone to quiet down and direct all eyes to her. Then she said, "Okay. Finally! We're all here, except of course for Brenda, who will be joining us later, as almost everyone here already knows. I swear, the greeting rituals at this house are so prolonged that it's a wonder if we'll ever be able to start the poke-her game at all. But before we do start, I'm obliged to make the final introductions."

She quickly introduced the guests to those who didn't know them already and gave brief descriptions of what they did.

Kim, however, hardly even looked at Akami. Even though the nurse had an arrestingly pretty

face and a very intense stare, Kim had determined that Akami had the second smallest rack in the room, after only her own. Hypocritically, even though Kim didn't want to be ignored despite her relatively small breasts, tonight she only had eyes for women with bigger

bust lines. Her vision lingered on Xania and then slowly drifted back to Susan's chest once the introductions were over. It was as if there was a magnetic pull there that she was incapable of resisting.

The others could sympathize with Kim's overwhelmed senses. They pretended not to notice

her blatant stares and often preened a bit when they were the object of her attention.

Suzanne, still sitting, said, "Now that that's out of the way, let me formally introduce everyone to the sixth weekly Plummer house poke-her party."

Kim was even more overwhelmed to hear that. The SIXTH?! Wow! This happens every week?!

That just officially blew my mind. While the rest of the world goes on in its usual way every Wednesday night, with people eating dinner and watching TV, THIS goes on here!

Suzanne continued, "Before I get started, I should point out that reliable reports from various unnamed sources indicate that our big Sweetie is only half-erect right now." She winked at Alan.

Amy was sitting on one side of Alan and Akami was on the other. Amy reached into Alan's lap, felt for his erection, and pulled her hand away. Then she said, "Three-quarters mast, ma'am!" and gave her mother a mock salute. Suzanne said, "That's better, but still. Our man isn't not really in the mood yet, and he's

certainly not chomping at the bit like we all thought he would be, so there's going to be a small change of plans. We're going to go slower than what we'd planned before. And, perhaps, some of the things we had planned for later might have to wait for another


The last comment led to great groans of protest from almost everyone, again making Alan

feel like he was the only one left out of the loop.

"But Sweetie," Suzanne continued, raising a hand to call for silence once more, "I just want to

emphasize what the others said in the front entrance. Sure, there's going to be some sex tonight. We're not going to let you off completely!"

She gave him a saucy wink. "However, there's no pressure. Every woman here is bisexual to

some degree and we're all going to have wonderful climaxes with each other even if you don't

touch anyone at all. We understand you're tired. Whatever you do is just a bonus, so there's no pressure. We all love you. Capiche?"

Amy eagerly raised her hand as if she was in class, and waited until Suzanne called on her until she spoke. She said emphatically, "I just want to emphasize that last thing." ""Capiche?" Katherine joked.

Amy giggled, but said, "No, silly, right before that. That we all love you. Alan, you're just the

bestest boyfriend ever! I know from what my mom was telling me just before you came in that you're feeling a little intimidated. Seven or eight women all at once is a super big number for any guy, I'm sure, especially after all the scary stuff that happened to you at school today. But

I predict you're going to amaze us all again. I'm getting all wet just thinking about how well

you're going to fuck us tonight. Not everyone, m'kay, I know that, but whoever you choose to fuck is going to be soooo lucky! Super duper amazingly lucky..."

Her words drifted off as her eyes went glassy even while she continued to stare right in his

direction. Her hands dropped down into her lap and she seemed to be wriggling around in her chair in every direction.

Susan suddenly exclaimed, "I second that! GOD, is that woman going to be lucky! Damn! Just

think: Tiger's spear, diving deep, deep down her throat. My throat, if I'm one of the lucky

ones. Or deep in my naughty box. Son cock! Plunging! So deep! Sweet cum! Mommy needs that son cock! Fuck me hard! Fuck your mommy good!"

She too had her hands in her lap and seemed to be trying to win a wiggle contest between her and Amy. It looked like she was trying to wiggle right off her chair.

He looked around, and to his astonishment, saw every woman bouncing around and seemingly playing with themselves (except for Kim, who was still recovering from her recent

great climax and was merely staring back and forth at all the most busty women in the room

as they squirmed around in their seats). Susan's incestuous "son cock" talk obviously got a big response out of the others too.

It got to him too, causing his dick to finally get fully erect. Geez! Am I really that inspirational?

Even Akami's totally lost in some lusty never-never land.

He said out loud, a bit chagrined, "It seems like you all like the idea of having sex with me so

much that I don't actually need to be here in person."

But what was most odd was that all the women remained fully dressed. There wasn't a single exposed nipple anywhere to be seen, ever since Xania had put her top back on (mostly), assuming one didn't count those nipples that were fairly visible through the semi- transparent gowns. He figured that the women had made a secret pact that the only exposure that night would be that allowed by the wins and losses of the card game.

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