6 Times a Day

Chapter 1149: Too Much for Alan

Chapter 1149: Too Much for Alan

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Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, WendigosArk, Nizar Alkhalil, Cornelius P. Stranglefart, Jesse Boyer, Tekkadamn, Ambrosius!

But Suzanne devilishly replied, "Oh yes it can. Are you ready to go to the next level?" The challenge in her scratchy voice was unmistakable. "And can someone turn that damn song off already?"

Alan sincerely replied, "There's a next level? No way. This is almost better than the whole body orgasm."

The stereo was turned off, and everyone just listened to the silence for a long moment.

Then Xania ominously intoned, "Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the blindfold."

So they put a blindfold on Alan. Earlier, he would have absolutely refused that loss of control, but now he was like a boneless blob. He was so relaxed that he felt agreeable to almost anything.

He'd already had his eyes closed most of the time ever since Susan stopped dancing, but it was different when he couldn't choose to open them anymore. It heightened all his other senses still further.

For a while, he heard all kinds of rustling in the background, but there was no talking and no touching.

Then, something very cold and metallic brushed against one of his nipples.

"What was that?" he asked more out of curiosity than alarm.

Katherine giggled, "No fair, you just have to trust us. Let's just say that Akami is back in her nurse garb, and she's got all kinds of interesting medical implements to try on you. But don't worry, she'll only use them in a good way."

"Okay. I trust you all."

But no sooner did he finish saying that when he yelped, "What the fuck was THAT?!"

Suzanne said, "That, my dear Sweetie, is an ice cube. You remember ice cubes, don't you? Remember when you used them on Susan? This is the kind of turn-about I've been waiting for. I just took a simple ice cube and slowly slid it across your belly."

"Well..." he started to say in a gruff voice. But then his voice softened and he said, "I suppose there's no harm in doing it again."

That got a lot of laughs, and the tension in the room eased.

"He likes it!" Katherine said happily. "But how do you like this?"

He braced himself, but was still completely unprepared for what he felt next. "Ouch! What the...?! That hurt!"

Xania sighed theatrically. "Oh dear. Our boy doesn't like surprises. Kiddo, Katherine sipped some hot coffee and then sucked your big toe with her hot lips and tongue."

He said, "I noticed, to say the least! But I gotta say, it's weird, but good. Really good. Okay, from now on I'm going to shut up and just let you all surprise me."

So for the next few minutes, he was "assaulted" in a variety of ways. Half the time, he had no idea who or what was touching him. But knowing that he was surrounded by love, he stopped questioning so much and just fully gave in to the sensations.

It seemed that every part of him was being touched at once, and with that many hands available, that wasn't too far from the truth.

Of course, his genitals remained a constant focus, and it seemed there was always at least one feather or hand there. For a while his erection was covered on both sides by something silky, and he (correctly) guessed that was Katherine giving him another footjob with both her feet. That felt so good that he had to call for a strategic break for a couple of minutes lest he blow his load too soon.

His nipples were another constant focus, especially for the hot and cold techniques.

His mouth was off limits for mystery items though, because early on Susan put one of her nipples to his lips and began filling his mouth with her breast milk. He knew what was coming before it even happened because Susan's breasts now always had a subtle but pleasant smell of milk about them. She sat behind the top of his head and dangled her "udders" straight down into his face.

The suckling served very much as a pacifier for him, calming him down when strange touches elsewhere caused sometimes startling sensations.

At one point, Susan paused to switch nipples (she wanted to make sure he'd complete an entire feeding session with her) and began crooning a lullaby she had sung to Alan and Katherine as infants: "Rock-a-bye baby, on the treetop, when the wind blows, the cradle will rock..."

It brought back distant but strong memories for Alan. His eyes were tearing up as he was overcome with nostalgia and emotion, but in a good way.

Susan softly stroked his forehead and cheek until he sighed and relaxed to the point of drifting off to sleep. But then she put her other nipple to his lips and he resumed suckling again, feeling just like a baby. Sometimes she would take her unattended breast and playfully rub its nipple across his face, further overwhelming his senses.

His fingers, toes, and ears were continually touched, as were the back of his knees and the inside of his elbows. Sometimes his feet and other sensitive spots were tickled. He was bombarded with all kinds of wonderful sensations.

He felt his balls gently lifted and then slight brushing between there and his anus followed by something stroking, but he couldn't tell who or what it was (in fact, it was Akami

wearing lubricated latex gloves).

He stopped drifting and tried to concentrate on that sensation, but he couldn't - there was just too much soft, wonderful touching everywhere. He grew increasingly disoriented, imagining that this must be something like losing all sense of time and space while in a sensory deprivation tank.

He couldn't even begin to explain how good it all felt, but in his mind he thought, This is like a blowjob times ten! And with the quality of blowjobs around here lately, that's the highest praise imaginable. It's like feeling Suzanne's cunt squeezing tricks all over every inch of my body.

The five women around him realized that he was slowly working up to a great climax, and they teased him along with that goal in mind. The languid pace slowly picked up. His balls and stiffly waving erection also became more of a focus for their attentions.

Eventually, all the women (including Susan, who had finished emptying her breasts of milk) had at least one body part or object against Alan's extremely happy hard-on. There was an ice cube on one side, coffee flavored hot lips blowing and licking on another side, something he didn't recognize stroking his inner thighs and then circling his cockhead (it was inflated balloons, of all things), and a big feather tickling his lifted balls, while soft stroking continued on the surprisingly sensitive area between his balls and anus.

He'd been quiet for many minutes, but all of a sudden, he shouted, "I'm gonna cum! God, I'm gonna cum! So hard!"

And he did, once the balloons had been hastily removed. He spasmed and groaned incoherently as his first blast of cum went straight up at least two feet into the air.

Akami immediately jammed a lubricated, gloved finger into Alan's anus, and massaged his


That made Alan feel so good that it seemed like he began climaxing again to a greater height of pleasure, even though he'd started cumming already. He felt like a massive wave inside of him overtaking a wave already threatening to overwhelm his consciousness. It was an intense rush of orgasmic bliss.

That fountain of shooting cum only lasted for a rope or two, though. Akami happened to also be the one with the hot lips sliding along the side of his dick right then, so she was in the best position to take advantage. She brought her mouth over the top of his cock and guzzled down everything else that he had to give. She gulped and gulped, pushing her mouth farther down his erection so his erupting cum could shoot straight down into her hungry belly.

His balls heaved and spasmed while they tried to turn themselves inside out in an effort of squeeze out every last drop of cum.

He had no idea what happened after that, though. He was so physically and emotionally overwhelmed by that point that he passed out.

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