6 Times a Day

Chapter 1150: Man oh man oh man!

Chapter 1150: Man oh man oh man!

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When Alan came to a little while later, he remained lying still for a bit before he opened his eyes. The blindfold was gone. A big smile immediately crossed his face as he remembered what an intense and wonderful experience he'd just had. He tested his body and realized that his handcuffs were gone as well. Then his ears perked up and he noticed that some new music he didn't recognize was playing on the stereo.

Some kind of classical music, he thought. That must mean Suzanne changed the CD. Ah well, I guess it is kind of relaxing. I'm sure I'm never going to hear the album "Revolver" in the same way again though. Wow.

He opened his eyes and looked around. Susan, Katherine, and Xania were sitting together nearby, intensely talking. They were all fully dressed, wearing different clothes than what they had been wearing earlier. Though their privates were all covered up, the clothes were all too sexy to wear in public. He already found his lustful thoughts returning again, even if his penis wasn't ready to join in the fun again quite yet.

He quickly discerned that Xania was in the middle of one of her consulting sessions.

He didn't see Suzanne and Akami at first though, but he looked around the room until he could find them. Suzanne had her hands pressed up against the wall and her ass thrust high up in the air. She was wearing nothing but a short skirt, and that was hanging uselessly around her middle. Akami was right behind her, wearing her medical garb again.

Alan thought, Hmmm. She appears to be examining Suzanne's ass quite closely. In fact, it looks like she's examining Suzanne's asshole ... with her tongue? Whoa, man. Sexy! What an evening!

The three others had caught on that Alan had woken up from seeing his head turning. Their conversation came to a hasty stop.

Katherine said so he could hear, "Sleepyhead lives! He's aliiiive!" She giggled.

Alan muttered, "Barely. Wow, guys. That was something else."

Katherine joked, "Well, he's alive, but brain damaged, apparently. He seems to think that we're guys. Big Corinthian Column Brother, take a look at Xania's chest and make another guess about her gender."

Alan did look at Xania's chest. While at first glance he thought her upper torso was well covered, he realized that her cleavage was totally exposed and then some. There was a slit in the front of her top that went nearly down to her belly button. By covering most everything else, it highlighted the almost impossibly deep shadows of her bountiful cleavage even more.

He played along. "Dang. My mistake. That's aaaalll woman."

Xania had been holding a coin in her hand, waiting for Alan to awaken. She lifted her hand palming the coin over her cleavage and dropped it down. Then, grinning, she said to him, "I seem to have lost my coin, and my hands can't reach. Would you do me a favor and poke your long dick in there and kind of slide it all around and up and down to find it? It may take you a while 'cos my breasts all are oiled up. See how they shine?"

Her top had a front zipper on it which was already mostly unzipped, but she unzipped it the rest of the way, and then thrust all of her large orbs out of the opening. Just as she'd said, they were glistening with lubrication.

Susan, who was also wearing a new outfit and sat further down the sofa from Xania, thought out loud, "What a great idea! Why didn't I ever think of that? I'm going to have to keep my cleavage well-oiled every day. Maybe that'll inspire Tiger to fuck me there a little more often. Angel, we can add that to our morning anal lubing ritual. I just wish there was something I could do to prep my cunt and mouth to make them more son-fuckable too."

Alan's physical penis remained as flaccid as could be, but if he had a mental penis to measure his mental arousal, then it would have gotten painfully hard in a matter of seconds. But all he could do was let out a loud groan and say, "Ohhhh Gaawwwd..."

His head flopped over listlessly and stared back in the direction of Akami and Suzanne. He could tell from the way that Suzanne's dangling breasts were heaving, and from how her calf muscles quivered and strained as she perched on her high heels, that Akami really had Suzanne going. Akami looks like she's trying to fit her entire head inside Suzanne's ass crack. Wow, that looks like fun. Mmmm, and that nurse outfit still looks tasty. I wish I had the strength to stand. I'd go get me some of that!

But he hardly had the energy to flop his head back towards the other three women. He was actually a bit afraid to look at them because they were all simply far too sexy to handle when he was completely flaccid. He said to no one in particular, "Can someone get me something to drink? I'm really thirsty."

Katherine got up.

Alan closed his eyes again for a little bit and relaxed. He couldn't believe how thirsty he was considering all of the breast milk he'd been drinking a short while before. But he thought, Given all the cum I've shot out today, I should be chugging a big bottle of water all day.

Then Katherine tapped him on the arm, causing him to open his eyes. She handed him a glass of coffee. "Here you are, mi'lord." She curtseyed theatrically and a little bit sarcastically. Alan considered that curtsey and the coffee, and how he'd made her get him a drink. Also, only as he took the coffee in his hand did he realize that his hands were no longer cuffed behind his back. Finally, he asked, "Was there some meaning behind picking hot coffee?"

"I just thought it would be a fun reminder," she replied.

Alan now spoke to Katherine, Susan, and Xania (since Suzanne and Akami still seemed fully occupied with each other on the other side of the room). "Listen. I don't know what to say. I'm so grateful for what you all did to me. It wasn't just the giving of sexual pleasure; I feel so much better all around. It's like I've been purified. All the cobwebs in my brain have been cleaned out, and all the tension in my body is gone. But at the same time, I feel guilty. Not just about being given the deluxe treatment and all that, but about everything. I mean, I'm the center of attention to an absurd degree, and why? Just because I'm the only one here with a

dick? It's not right."

Xania said, "Did you hear what Suzanne said earlier? You all have a symbiotic relationship here. Everyone benefits. Sure, you climax six times a day or whatever it is nowadays, but just about everyone else in this house cums that much in a day too, which is amazing by female standards. Susan, how often do you cum in a day?"

Susan replied a matter-of-factly, "It varies a lot. But generally as much as my pussy can take before it gets too sore, and then a little bit more. Tiger, you keep me walking on air all the time. Just sitting here in the same room with my son and my master, thinking about how I could get my tits all oiled up so he could fuck them with greater pleasure, big milky tits that he has completely tamed and marked as his personal property I might add, well, it just gets me SO HOT! I could never have believed that such constant happiness is even possible!" Xania had a hard time keeping a straight face because Susan was so amusingly arousable. She thought, Susan practically worked herself into a climax just answering that question. I can't help but be envious of how deliriously happy she is. I think she has more fun just thinking about having sex with her son than I do when I actually have sex with anyone. But she merely turned and asked, "And you, Katherine?"

"Ditto, minus the big milky tits part." She pouted in Alan's direction, "Brother won't let me lactate yet!" Then she continued with Xania, "I average more than six times a day, easily. Before Akami came into our lives, I could hardly cum at all. If I managed to get myself off, period, that was, like, a huge deal. Big brother, I know you were the center of attention just now, but ALL of us had heaps of fun doing what we just did to you."

Alan, slowly reviving, said, "Okay, I expect that kind of treatment every day... Kidding! Just kidding! Seriously, I still feel bad about it." He clicked his fingers as an inspiration hit him. "But I know what'll make it better. We need to do that to everyone else here. Like, Kat we could put YOU on the table next time and give you the full on feathers and ice cube treatment. We'll take turns."

Katherine's face glowed with pleasure at that prospect. "Cool! I'm soooo all over that! You

see? Don't stress. It all evens out. Xania, have you ever seen a cooler, more lovable master? We're just one big happy family here. Bro, that's what you needed today, so that's what you got. That's what lovers do for each other."

Katherine had been thinking about Xania's little coin trick a short while before. Seizing a pause in the conversation, she said, "Oh, Big Pope Hat Brother, could you do me a favor?" "Sure." He sat up a bit and his face immediately showed consideration and concern. Katherine continued seriously, "It's just that, I seem to have something in the back of my throat. I think it's a hairball or something like that. Would you be so kind as to slip your cock between my lips and, well, basically vigorously fuck my face to get it out? Oh, and you might want to deposit a big spermy load down my throat as long as you're back there." Her face finally broke into a very gleeful smile. She was especially proud of her reference to having a hairball, since it played off of her new feline persona.

Xania teased playfully, running a finger down her cleavage, "Hold on. He has to find my coin


Susan jumped in too. "Wait! Tiger, you won't believe this, but I have some kind of annoying itch in the back of my pussy..."

At that, everyone burst into laughter.

Just then, Suzanne wobbled over on unsteady legs to join the others. She and Akami were done

with their lovemaking, and were putting their clothes back on. She said to Alan, "Sorry, Son. Looks like I left you with the Three Stooges." She eyed his crotch. "They don't even have the sense to save their come-on's until you can get an erection. Tsk, tsk. But in any case. I heard every word. I've just never had a chance to have fun with Akami one on one, so we were, um, kind of getting to know each other a little better. However, I was hoping you could get back to the serious conversation you were having about submissiveness."

Alan grabbed Suzanne's hand as it came within range and brought it to his face. He kissed the back of her hand like a gallant gentleman (though he hardly looked the part since he was still lying on a coffee table completely naked).

"What was that for?" Suzanne asked. She was inordinately pleased by his little gesture.

"That's to say thanks for pushing me to try something new. I'm sorry I didn't trust you. If that's what being submissive is, then I'm all for it!"

Akami walked up to the group, as she also finished dressing. "Well, knock me over with a feather. Alan Plummer saying those words? I never thought I'd hear that." She glanced at the watch she'd just put back around her wrist and said to the group, "It sounds like you're on the verge of a very interesting conversation, but unfortunately I can't stay. I don't know about you all, but I'm one of those people who wakes up early every morning, even if it's a holiday. I

need to get some sleep."

"Awww shucks," Alan said. He felt his body reviving more and managed to sit all the way up. He took Akami's hand in his and kissed it just as he'd kissed Suzanne's. "Thanks for everything. Especially thanks for coming."

Akami laughed. "Do you spell that with two 'm's' and a 'u' or one 'm' and an 'o'? Either way,

when I say 'it was my pleasure,' believe me, I really mean it!"

The group laughed.

Akami then said, "Thank YOU, Alan, for having me." She laughed again and said, "Oops,

everything I say seems to have a double meaning. In any case, I really should go. Thanks to all

of you for having me, and Suzanne, in your case I DO mean that both ways. I've been tickled

pink that- ... Wait. Even that can be taken the wrong way!"

The group laughed harder.

Akami asked only half-jokingly, "Alan, you are going to finish tickling my pink slit soon,

aren't you? Despite the four day vacation, I think it's time for another medical examination

this Friday."

"We'll see," Alan replied. He wondered if he went, if Akami would even bother with any

medical procedures this time before the fucking commenced.

Akami frowned. "Hmmm. That's not much of an answer. But in any case, this has to have been one of the best, and certainly the most memorable, nights of my life." Everyone, even a still recovering Alan, got up and saw Akami to the front door.

Alan felt a tad funny about his appearance. He had a habit of at least keeping his shirt on while

having sex, but this time he was buck naked while all the women around him were completely dressed.

As soon as the door closed behind Akami, Xania eyed Alan and said, "Look what we have here. Our own little cabana boy. Our little naked sex slave."

Alan grinned. "Sex Slave Alan, that's me. Now I really understand this whole submissive thing and I seriously dig it as an occasional change of pace kind of thing." Suzanne chuckled a bit condescendingly. "Well, not exactly. You misunderstand completely, if you think that now you can relate to how we feel when you treat us submissively." "What do you mean? I let go. I know what it means to place all of your trust in someone else

and let them do to you whatever they want. I totally let go and just felt. Isn't that what it's all about?" Suzanne rolled her eyes. "Well, partly. But you weren't being dominated at all. Restrained, yes, dominated, no. You were being fawned over and loved. It's completely different, actually. There are so many facets to the BDSM world. You were just taking your first tentative baby steps, at best, into that."

"Baby steps? Well, I gotta say, if that was baby steps, then bring it on! I want the whole


Xania and Suzanne looked at each other significantly, as silent communication flashed intensely between the two of them.

Suzanne asked Alan in a portentous voice, "Do you understand what you're saying?"

"Sure. Earlier, I was really frazzled. But now I'm ready for anything. Yes I'm still weary, but


it's a good weary. It's like, have you ever gone into a really, really boiling hot tub and when get out you can hardly stand? But then there's a deep satisfaction deep in your bones and even a new energy. That's exactly how I feel now. That was one of the most pleasurable

experiences of my life. I wanna see what else I'm missing." Suzanne looked at him intently and questioningly. "Sweetie, I don't think you understand. Actually, I know you don't understand. Do you remember what it was like when Glory

blindfolded you and spanked you? That whole 'Michelle' incident? Do you remember how traumatized you were?"

"Oooh... Yeah. I completely forgot. Dang. That was pretty bad. I didn't like that AT ALL."

Suzanne's voice seemed to take on a darker, smokier tone to it that carried both promises and a not-so-subtle warning. "That was a more typical submissive experience. Except that it shouldn't have been traumatic. If it's done right and you're in the right frame of mind, it can be extremely pleasurable."

He considered that for a long moment, then said, "Well, like I said, bring it on. If I'm ever in

the mood for it, that would be now. And when I made that promise to you, Mother, to allow you to turn the tables, what you're talking about now is more of what I was expecting. So I'm not afraid. Let's give it a try. If I don't like it, we can always just stop. I know what safe words

are for. Let's make my safe word, uh, submarine." (He still had the Beatles' "Revolver" album in his mind.) Xania asked with growing excitement, "You wanna go full on? You sure?" Her face was flushed with anticipation.

"Full on," he firmly replied. "After all, it's good for me to know what you all experience when you're in the submissive mindset. Plus, I really got into the whole giving up of control thing. Whenever I have sex lately, it feels like I'm in the driver's seat, always making the decisions.

People look to me for where to go next and to set the pace. Not to mention that I always feel a big pressure to live up to the high expectations of my vastly overrated reputation. It would be nice to let someone else worry about all that for change and just be ... helpless." Suzanne was extremely excited. She glided over to the underwear cabinet just a few feet from

where they all stood by the front door, muttering, "Man oh man oh man!" With a dramatic flourish, she opened a drawer and pulled out some clothes.

She held up some black leather dominatrix gear. "I didn't dare to dream, but it looks like I can

actually wear this kind of stuff for what it was intended, and not just in a fashion show. Yes! Sweetie, I still can't believe you're only eighteen. You continually impress me with your maturity. Come on, everyone, let's all try this stuff on. Between this cabinet and upstairs, we've got more dominatrix outfits than you can shake a stick at." Katherine joked, "Big Cluster of Celery Stalks Brother, is that true? You want to follow us and shake your stick to test it out?" She giggled.

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