6 Times a Day

Chapter 1165: Time with Xania

Chapter 1165: Time with Xania

After yet more minutes of goodbyes and goodbye kisses, Alan finally found himself in his bed with a naked Xania lying next to him. He hadn't pulled the covers up yet, because he didn't want to miss out on admiring her body. Although he was in no condition for any more sexual play, her body was a work of art that demanded admiration.

He said, "You know, this right now is a dream come true for me. So many times in the past years I've jacked off to magazines and Internet pictures, fantasizing about a woman like you. To actually have a perfect ten in my own bed - it just doesn't seem real."

"You're so sweet." She kissed him on the nose. "Especially since I'm sure you wind up in bed with a 'perfect ten' woman pretty much every single day these days."

"True," he conceded. "But that doesn't mean I'm not super stoked to be here with you right now."

She was flattered, especially since she could see in his face that his enthusiasm was genuine. She smiled. "A perfect ten, eh? I don't exactly get called that every day. I'll tell ya, if my ass and pussy weren't so sore from Susan's spanking and strap-on abuse right now, I'd really show you some perfect ten loving. But I'm going to have to sleep on my side tonight!" She laughed.

He laughed too. "You too? I'm so all over that sleeping on my side idea. I'm hurting in front and back too, since my dick is complaining about too much abuse. Plus, I got more spankings than you did, you know. And that was only after 30. I can't imagine if you two had gone to 100. My ass would be hurting even more than how Aunt Suzy's must be hurting right now, after what Mom did with that paddle."

"Oh, you needn't have worried about your butt. The plan was to go to forty and then switch to... other things. We had all kinds of devious activities planned out for you."

"Really? Like what?"

"Remember how we mentioned you could earn your way out of spankings? We had so many things planned. For instance, we didn't even get CLOSE to denying you an orgasm. That would have been a kick. But don't you worry your cute little head about that. We're gonna save all that for another day. That is, if you haven't given up on dabbling with submissive games, and if your first mother doesn't kill us first."

Alan found himself admiring Xania's collarbone area and her graceful neckline. "Well, as I was telling her, that was an interesting experiment, but I'm in no big rush to repeat it. And don't worry about Mom. She never ever gets like that."

"Well she certainly scared the leather out of Suzanne and me, that's for damn sure. I'd been warned by Suzanne about her 'mama grizzly bear' mode, but I had no idea! We were just playing around, but she was serious, which is what made it so frightening."

"Yeah, I know. I've only seen Mom get stirred up in that way a couple times in my lifetime, and believe me, that was enough. I could see her getting upset because of the misunderstanding, but why did she take her freak out to a new level like that? That's what I don't understand."

"Hmmm..." Xania said as she thought out loud. "I can't say I understand it myself. I don't really get why she has those episodes in the first place, though I hope to talk to her about it soon and maybe start to get some answers. But I have one idea about what knocked her anger to a new level tonight."

"What's that?" he asked. His eyes were busy admiring her taut abs.

"Think about her marriage. Even though she had a pretty loveless relationship with Ron, you can't be married to anyone for twenty years and walk away from that unaffected. She found out recently about his passion for boy butt in Thailand a matter of days ago, and that has to be a big shocker. You know, someone you think you've known for years turns out to be someone quite different. Everything you thought you know about your marriage was a lie. That has to hurt."

"Yeah," he agreed. "I haven't thought about it that much because she hasn't wanted to talk about it. So I figured it's not bothering her that much or else we'd be hearing more about it. Not to mention, I'm having so much sex lately that I can barely even remember my own name most of the time, much less what's happening in Thailand."

"Huh," Xania pondered. "I wonder if one reason she's been so sex obsessed lately is to put all thoughts of her marriage out of her mind. Admittedly, that's just one reason, I think she'd be obsessed without that, but maybe that's a contributing factor."

"I could see that," he admitted.

"So think about this," she continued. "Susan has some deeply repressed issues about her husband basically leaving her for gay sex. Then she gets the impression that Suzanne is going to put vibrators and strap-ons up your ass."

"Oh my God!" Understanding came to him. "She's worried she's going to lose me to some kind of homosexual lifestyle too!"

"That's what I'm thinking," Xania commented. "Of course, she would have been freaking out just from the reversal of roles in the first place, because you being her master is obviously extremely important to her. But that could have caused her to doubly freak."

He laughed. "My gosh. You know what's funny? It was only a couple of months ago when I didn't want anyone to touch my asshole because I thought that was too gay. I still firmly draw the line with anal insertion, but I'd like to think I've matured some on that. But now it's my mom who has homosexuality issues concerning my ass even more than I do."

"I guess that's so. Obviously, in her mind, as in your mind, anal fingering doesn't count. But if you ever try anything more than that, she's probably going to freak out again. In fact, if you were to do anything that might be construed as symbolically homosexual, for instance walk around in drag, she's probably going to have a complete meltdown. Let's just say that the absolute LAST thing Susan ever wants to have happen is for you to turn into another Ron. To have that happen to her twice in a matter of weeks would be too much for her to handle."

He exhaled loudly. "Whoa. I'll have to be careful. I never thought of it that way." He looked at Xania with new respect and thought, How can anyone so drop dead gorgeous be so smart at the same time?

"Well, of course not," she replied. "You knew the spanking was a game, and you didn't have any traumatic associations with playing that game, so naturally it wasn't that much of a problem for you. But for Susan, these kinds of things aren't just games because so much of her self-worth is now tied to her new concepts of who you are. I don't think she has that much self-confidence and relies on you, and to a lesser degree Suzanne, to give her strength and direction. So you have to be mindful of all that if you want to play any more submissive games. Do you?"

He replied, "I'm trying to be open minded, but to be honest, I'm not all that keen on it. The spanking was kind of interesting, but I mostly liked it because I was being jacked off at the same time. I had more fun impaling Aunt Suzy and then the double blowjob. Now, THAT's more my style."

Xania chuckled mirthfully. "Now, why am I not surprised by that? It's the tough life for Alan Plummer. My heart goes out for you in your time of toil and strife."

"Smart ass," he said, but as a gentle tease. He kissed her on the top of her head. Then, with one last long admiring look from her toes up to her face, he turned off the light.

But neither of them was quite ready for sleep. Even though they were physically weary from

so much physical activity, their minds were still winding down.

After a minute or so, Xania spoke. "Can I ask you a question?"


"This thing that was really bothering your mom, about me not committing myself to you, does that bother you too? Honestly."

He gave her question serious thought before answering. "Well, yes and no. On the one hand, I'd love for you to join our family. As more than one person here has noted, you qualify in every way. But on the other hand, I know that you never will. I can see it in your eyes when you look at me and the others. You really like being here, you have a great time, but you don't love it. You don't love us, or at least not in the completely loving way we all love each other. You've got your own life with your own friends and career up north. And that's probably for the best. But you should know you're very welcome to visit here any time you like."

"I think you've nailed it on the head," she said. She giggled, "I've noticed that you're particularly good at nailing."

He paused for a moment then sighed. "You know, maybe it's for the best. I mean, I'm soooo emotionally over extended. I can only have so many emotionally close people in my life."

"That's probably true," she said. "Frankly, I'm amazed by how you manage to love so many women so much. And it's obvious how heartfelt your feelings are, just by the way you look at


He replied, "It's just that they're all so lovable. But some things, they're just not meant to be, you know? In a parallel universe things with you might have worked out differently. I could totally see that. I think you hold back emotionally partly because you know I'm already taken, and not just once but several times over. I already have my core four, plus Brenda now. I keep forgetting about her, but she's looming large in our lives all of a sudden."

He smiled and joked to lighten the mood, "And I'm not just talking about her bustline when I say that. Heck, even as we speak, she's sleeping in the basement. Not to mention who knows what'll happen with Glory. But that's too many already. Far too many."

He paused, and there was just silence in the darkness for almost a minute. Then he said, "The thing is, sex with a constant stream of new people is fun. But then I really get into having sex with some of those people, and that alone becomes a bonding experience with them. Then I find out I like them as people outside the bed, like I do with you, and then I bond even more. The next thing I know, I'm in really deep emotionally with them when it just started out as nothing but some mindless sexual fun. That's a dangerous path. I wish I could have sex with strangers like a completely emotionless jerk, but it seems I always end up getting involved." "That is a problem," she agreed. "It's happened to me too, lots of times. The difference is, people normally fall out of love and break up and THEN pick a new partner. But women just stick to you and stay there. You're like a snowball rolling downhill, picking up more partners all the time."

"I know! It's bad. My problems are multiplying constantly with each new person in my life. I can't say no to sex nor to all these new and deepening relationships. I've got so many things I need to talk to you about. I need your advice on so many things that I don't know where to


She said, "And I can't wait to hear it all, but unfortunately, the sandman cometh. My eyelids are getting heavy. Frankly, I'm a bit surprised you were able to make it to your bed on your

own two feet."

"I know! This has been one of the most pivotal and eventful, not to mention sexual, days of my life. Easily. I guess I'm still a little wired. I would have collapsed hours ago except for that amazing feather massage. That gave me a second wind."

Xania said, "ANOTHER second wind? That's what they should call you. 'Alan Plummer: International Man of Mysterious Second Winds and Strategic Breaks.""

Realizing this was a takeoff of the title of the first Austin Powers movie, Alan said in his best

imitation of that character's voice, "Yeah, baby! Yeah!"

Xania laughed. She thought, Humor is a big part of his charm. He's clearly having such fun, and that rubs off. This house is not just a hothouse of sex, it's fun all around.

His eyes had adjusted to the darkness a bit, and he found himself admiring Xania's silhouette.

Even in the darkness there's no hiding she has such a cracking bust. And those wide hips. Not to mention endlessly long legs. Jesus. I could almost imagine myself getting hard yet again! But there's no way. I barely have the energy to move.

"Good night," he said. Then he finally pulled the covers over both of them. He had been facing

her, but now he turned so she was facing his back. He wasn't being unfriendly, just trying to find a comfortable side position for his still hurting spanked ass.

"Good night." She immediately cuddled up to him, pressing her large bare breasts into his back. She threw an arm over his torso too.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her in close to cuddle a little more intimately. Yeah. This is the

life. Sleeping in my own bed with my own Playboy Bunny. And such a kind and wise bunny she is, too. I

hope that no matter what happens, even though she'll never be family, she'll be a frequent guest. Alan

of last year, Alan of today says: "Eat your heart out!" Within seconds, he fell asleep.

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