6 Times a Day

Chapter 1166: Gloria

Chapter 1166: Gloria

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Gloria Rhymer, history teacher extraordinaire." Alan walked up to Glory as she was reading a book at a table in the town's public library. He took her by surprise with his happy but hushed words.

Glory looked up with mild alarm to find out who was talking to her. When she saw it was a grinning Alan, she relaxed and grinned too. "My, my, my. If it isn't the extraordinary Alan Evan Plummer! Well, I won't say what you're extraordinary at. At least, not here in a public place." Her voice dropped as she spoke while her grin widened.

Alan sat down at the table, directly across from her. He had a book with him and he put it on the table in front of him. "Isn't this a nice coincidence, finding you here?"

Glory smiled but said sharply, "Coincidence, my rear end." She was going to say "ass," but she looked around and saw several people sitting close enough to possibly overhear, and ended up using the less vulgar expression. Then, recovering from that minor embarrassment, she added, "You know darn well I sometimes come to this library on the weekends to do my history research. But what are YOU doing here, young man?"

He pointed to his book. "Homework. I've got a lot of reading to catch up on and this is a nice place to do it. Though admittedly, the possibility that you might be here was a big draw. It would have been an even bigger draw to find you surfing at the beach, though."

She was all smiles. "Oh really? And why is that?" She made sure to whisper in very low tones so even the couple sitting at the table closest to them couldn't overhear.

"It could have something to do with choice of what to wear. I mean, you look great right now, and a lot sexier than in your usual teacher garb. But nothing beats Glory Rhymer in a bikini."

She smiled at first, but then her expression soured. "Nothing, eh? What about Suzanne in a bikini? That is, when she bothers to wear even that much? I imagine she's a wanton sexual dynamo running around naked all the time. Am I wrong? Or Heather. You could go down to that beach she rules like her personal fiefdom and see her strutting around in one right now."

"Now, now, why do you have to be like that? Things have been so good ever since we got back together again, don't you think? I thought we put the whole jealousy thing behind us."

"We have, for the most part, but sometimes I can't help but feel a little bit inadequate. I mean, I don't have gazoombahs the size of small planets, like some people you know."

He laughed at her made-up word "gazoombah." He whispered back, "Well, that's true, but more and more I'm beginning to think that big gazoombahs are overrated. I think yours are nearly perfect: not too big, not too small, delightfully shapely and deliciously firm."

She couldn't believe she was having this conversation in a library with one of her students. But she couldn't stop herself from fishing for compliments either. She whispered, "You're just saying that. Everyone knows you're a tit man."

"I am, but I love yours; they're just the right size for your very athletic body. You want me to prove how much I love 'em right now?"

She chided him by stroking one finger over another in a "tsk-tsk" gesture. "Hold your horses, young man. I'm not sure what you have in mind, but I highly doubt it's appropriate for a public library."

"Hrm. You're probably right about that. Anyways, what are you reading?" He was eager to steer the discussion away from body part comparisons, which could veer into dangerous jealousy territory.

She looked down eagerly at her book and her notes. "You know my fascination for the Roman and Byzantine Empires? Well, I just found this amazing obscure book about Heraclius, a Byzantine Emperor in the early 600's. He really should be ranked as one of the most important- hey! What are you doing?"

He looked all innocent. "Who? Me? Nothing. This is a fascinating topic. Please continue." She leaned forward and whispered to him even more quietly, "Nothing? Then why is your shoe off and your foot rubbing on my knee?"

"Oh, that? I'm just scratching an itch. But never mind about that. Tell me more about this Hercules guy. Why is he so important?"

"It's Heraclius, you doof, and he pretty much single-handedly saved much of Europe from being overrun by the Persians. But never mind about that. Why are you scratching MY itch? Stick to your own itches! And anyway, my knee isn't itching in the first place."

"It's not? I know there's an itch there somewhere. Maybe it's over... here." He slipped his right foot up from her right knee to her thigh. She wore stockings, and he liked rubbing his bare foot back and forth over the slippery material.

She chided him, "You're getting into dangerous waters, young man." However, she didn't close her legs to stop his advance. His footsy game was already starting to increase her pulse rate and moisten her pussy.

"Just like Heraclius," he said.

"What?" She didn't understand.

"Well, you said he saved his empire from the Persians, so he must have gotten into some dangerous waters." He slumped down in his chair so his foot could probe to her inner thighs.

"He did!" Glory was enthusiastic to explain. "He went from having his capital of Constantinople literally besieged on all sides to conquering the Persian capital deep in Mesopotamia in a few years. It was one of the greatest military turnarounds in history." Her eyes narrowed. "But you're just stalling for time, aren't you?"

"What are you talking about?" he grinned as he still tried to play the fool.

She furtively looked all around as she complained, "You distract me with my love for history and meanwhile your foot" - she dropped her voice so low that he could only understand her by watching her lips move - "has slid to very sensitive places. Places it should not be."

He whispered back, extremely quietly, "Oh really? What kind of places?" His roaming foot had slowly made its way to her crotch. His big toe started rubbing up and down her panty- covered slit.

She kept looking around, but no one was paying attention to her or Alan. "You know."

"No, I don't know. How did this Heraclius have such success?"

Ignoring the fact that his big toe was rubbing directly up and down her slit, she explained, "It was a combination of reorganizing the military and economy and incredible personal bravery. He even challenged an important Persian general to hand to hand combat, and won!" She realized that she was getting carried away with her love of history and even raising her voice a bit as she got into it.

She paused, then continued with an annoyed voice and narrowed eyes, "There you go, trying to distract me again. Doesn't your libido EVER calm down? How many women did you have in your bed last night?"

He deliberately ignored her second question and just answered the first one. "No, it doesn't. But it's amazing what a person can do with a toe, isn't it?" He had managed to push her panties aside with his toe and now was poking at her exposed pussy lips. "But if this guy was so great, why haven't I heard of him when I know of emperors like Justinian the Great? Wasn't he from around the same time?"

"Yes, he was, but Justinian is highly overrated, and... Dammit, you're not going to distract me again! You know what, you think you're so clever with your so-called itch scratching and

diversionary talking, but two can play that game."

Alan felt a shoeless foot on his knee, and then it slid all the way to his crotch in a matter of seconds. It was quickly joined by a second shoeless foot. Meanwhile, he kept his one active foot probing up and down Glory's increasingly moist pussy lips.

She flashed a naughty smile at him. "You think your toes are talented? Beat this!" She trapped the zipper to his pants between her big toe and second toe and then pulled the zipper down. Then she used both of her feet to fish his erection out of his fly.

He was impressed. In fact, he was so surprised that he was momentarily rendered speechless. It was one thing for him to tease her in such a public place; he wasn't that concerned as he felt the odds of getting caught were low. All he'd have to do was remove his foot. But sitting in the middle of a library with his entire erection and balls hanging out, and with two stroking female feet around it, was a completely different matter.

She whispered triumphantly, "A-ha! I'll bet even Suzanne can't do that so quickly." She had his erection firmly trapped between the soles of her feet and was giving it a most pleasurable


He loved what she was doing, even though his heart began pounding in fear. He looked around to see if they were getting away with their footsy games without being discovered, but he couldn't see anyone in a position to see what was happening under the big oak table. The two of them were doing their best to look calm and normal above the table, but just to be on the safe side he scooted his chair up to the table until the table edge was pressing into his chest. It didn't help that they happened to be sitting at the end of the table instead of in the

middle of it.

However, even as he got off on the thrill and the rub, he was a bit miffed about Glory's jealousy issues and complained to her, "What's with you and Amy's mother Suzanne? You're always going on about her, her and Heather."

"Sorry. Scratch that comment. It's just that she's so sexy and curvy that she makes me feel inadequate." She dropped her voice down to nearly inaudible again and scanned the room as Alan had just done. She continued to stroke his erection with her feet. "In any case, I can't BELIEVE we're doing this! I'm your teacher, for God's sake! There could be students and other people in here who recognize me!"

He asked, while still pressing his big toe into her slit, "See anyone you know?"

She briefly closed her eyes as a surge of pleasure washed over her. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from moaning. Recovering, she eyed all the people she saw more closely. She didn't know any of the ten or so people in view. "No," she conceded. "But that's not the point. We shouldn't be doing this. Look at that guy over there. He's sitting in such a way that if he really gives me a look over, he's going to know something is up. The fact I'm getting all flushed and pressing right up to the table is a huge clue."

He teased, "I don't remember putting a gun to your head. Uh! God!" He had a hard time keeping his voice to a whisper because she had somehow managed to capture his erection just below his cockhead in the space between her big toe and the rest of her toes. With one foot holding it in a vice-like grip, the other foot was able to stroke it without it flopping


However, this took a lot of coordination and dexterity for her to accomplish. She was forced to slouch further down in her chair to gain better access to his crotch, leaving the two of them slouched in very suspicious positions. Further, it was a strain on both of them to keep their legs stretched out for so long. It was as if they were having an intense arm wrestling contest under the table while trying to pretend nothing was out of the ordinary above the table.

He was still pretending interest in her research. "There's nothing strange happening here." His voice was slightly strained and his attention was elsewhere. "I thought we were just having a nice conversation about this, uh, Byzantine emperor guy. You never did explain why he isn't, um, as famous as, say, uh, what's-his-name... Justinian." "Heraclius," she corrected him, immediately switching into teacher mode again despite all her exertions and distractions. "Unfortunately, later in his reign the Muslims swept out of Arabia in the wake of the death of the prophet Mohammed and conquered much of the Byzantine Empire, wiping out most of his accomplishments. But they were such an unstoppable force that you can't blame - Hey! You got me again!"

He laughed good-naturedly (and quietly). "Suuucker! It's so easy to distract you with history. Gets you every time." He joked, "But then again, talking about seventh century Middle Eastern politics is bound to get anyone hot and bothered."

She sighed. He always gets me in these kinds of situations, reducing me to a quivering mass of post-

orgasmic goo. But not this time! I'm gonna make him squirt and cry out first if I have to get naked and

dance on the table to do it! He's getting close, though. Look at him huffing and puffing and straining. Hee-hee-hee!

She appeared calm above the table even while she was engaged in frantic footsy games under the table. "Young man, you're incorrigible. Whatever will I do with you? You have such a way with the ladies that it drives me batty."

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