6 Times a Day

Chapter 1168: Brenda teasing everyone around her

Chapter 1168: Brenda teasing everyone around her

Susan was extremely nervous. "Suzanne, I don't know about this." She stood next to Suzanne and Brenda at the door of a supermarket just as it was opening, at eight o'clock sharp. Because it was Thanksgiving, the store was only open a few hours in the morning to cater to people who needed to pick up a few last minute items for their Thanksgiving feasts.

Suzanne grabbed Susan's upper sleeve and gently pulled her forward into the store. "Come on. It'll be fine."

The reason Susan was nervous was because Suzanne had insisted they do their shopping while wearing Televibe dildos. There was no good reason for this except that Suzanne was feeling mischievous and frisky, and she figured Alan would be occupied with Xania for most of

the morning. She thought she and Susan could combine business with pleasure, getting their jollies while making some necessary Thanksgiving purchases. She also wanted to continue to weaken Susan's aversion to public exhibitionism.

Susan remained very apprehensive about doing anything sexual while in the presence of any male other than Alan, and there was no telling who else might be shopping when they were there. She agreed to wear a Televibe controlled by Suzanne only if Suzanne wore one that she could control as well.

Suzanne was intrigued by Susan's surprisingly aggressive response, but decided that going along with it could be fun. However, Susan firmly insisted that the two of them remain very conservatively dressed, and Suzanne acquiesced to that too. Susan was braless as usual, but wore a sweater over a blouse and a long dress, while Suzanne wore a turtleneck top and blue jeans. Susan did look fairly innocuous dressed that way, but Suzanne was incapable of turning her sexiness off and the tightness of her turtleneck didn't help with that.

Brenda was with them mostly by luck. She happened to wake up from where she'd been sleeping in the basement and wander upstairs at the same time Susan and Suzanne were in Susan's kitchen double-checking what they needed to purchase at the grocery store. Brenda was fully coherent, though a little bleary eyed, and asked how she could be of help.

Suzanne, mindful of Susan's protests and fears about doing anything sexual while near other men, decided to use Brenda as a diversion. The idea was that Susan and Suzanne would dress conservatively and go to one section of the store while Brenda would dress like a slut and go to another section. What horny guys there might be in the store at that early hour would be drawn to Brenda like flies to honey, leaving Susan and Suzanne to their Televibe games with little to no male presence to worry about.

Brenda immediately split from the other two as soon as the three of them entered the store. She'd had time for a quick shower before they left, and felt very eager to play her decoy role.

As Susan walked down one of the store aisles, she gripped Suzanne tightly. She had a slightly lost look in her eyes. "This is so strange!"

"What?" Suzanne asked as she pushed the shopping cart and actually tried to do some shopping.

"Well, all these clothes, for one," Susan said in a conspiratorial and low voice. "I haven't worn a sweater in who knows how long. And I'm not even showing any cleavage whatsoever! It feels wrong."

Suzanne pointed out as she examined the store merchandise, "But wearing a sweater was your idea."

"I know. It sounded good when I worried about lots of strange eyes on me and I get so uneasy thinking about other men looking at my mommaries - that's just a cute name I've been calling them lately. And of course they belong to you-know-who, just like yours do."

Suzanne rolled her eyes. "Yes, dear."

"So I don't really regret the sweater. But now that it actually comes down to it, I feel horribly constrained. My tits need to be bouncing free! Better yet, I should be pushing them together while my Tiger slides his big thing between them. Oh! And he could be suckling on one nipple while playing with the other and my milk would gush-"

"Susan, focus. We're in a public place. And there are a lot more people than I expected here at this hour."

"Oh. Right. But don't get me started on this dress that goes all the way down to my ankles. It's like I'm in a bad 'old Susan' flashback. This body needs to be naked! And walking around in sneakers feels downright odd. I need high heels! I feel so domesticated."

I think she means domestic, Suzanne thought.

Suddenly, Susan's eyes went wide. "Oh my gosh! That makes me feel SO HOT!"

Suzanne was amused, trying to figure out what had aroused Susan this time. "What?"

"That word: domesticated. It reminds me that you-know-who has thoroughly domesticated and tamed me with his you-know-what. My pussy, my ass, my mouth - they all exist to be filled to the brim with his sperm. I'm helpless to resist, but I don't wanna resist! I love it! Can't we just go back home and help Xania keep him hard and squirting? Maybe my Tiger will feel like a double blowjob or fuck sandwich."

Suzanne just rolled her eyes again. She was happy that at least Susan was keeping her voice down so others couldn't hear. She was puzzled by Susan's selective censorship. For instance, Susan said "pussy," but referred to a penis as a "you-know-what."

Susan's eyes started to glaze over as her imagination got busy. "Or even a triple blowjob. Or, with Brenda helping, a QUADRUPLE blowjob! Just think of the tit power in that one as the four of us all rub our big bouncy racks into each other, jostling for position! Or he could take turns titfucking us all! All that dick taming all that tit. So hot! And then, once the two others wake up, the possibilities are endless! Imagine a SEXTUPLE blowjob. Wow. Why, the very word shows how right it is. Maybe we could have a titfucking contest. God, just thinking about all the different ways to make him cum is making me so HOT!"

Suzanne looked around to make sure no one overheard that since Susan's voice was starting to rise a bit, plus Susan was forgetting to censor herself. She was well aware that Susan got so quickly and easily aroused that she could be recklessly careless about who might be listening. As usual, Suzanne was forced to be the more responsible one.

She said to Susan as she picked up a packet of pre-made salad and put it in her cart, "Hold your horses and keep your voice down. This shopping trip isn't all fun and games, you know. We do have some actual shopping to do. I mean, it's Thanksgiving day and you haven't even bought the turkey yet."

"Oh, poo," Susan pouted. She seemed to focus a bit and even shopped for a minute or two, long enough to put a couple of items in the shopping cart. In a happier tone, she added, "At least you didn't make me wear a bra, even though you put one on. That would just be more than I can take. I might as well throw all my bras out, except for the support ones to keep my tits firm and high for my oh-so-lovable lover."

Suzanne looked around and was relieved to confirm that there was no one near to overhear Susan's aroused ramblings. She worried that Susan might things to reveal her incestuous relationships. Susan had at least promised to be careful in using real names and so far was keeping to that. Suzanne figured that "Tiger" sounded innocuous enough, but it was good to be watchful and careful.

Suzanne asked, "So, how's the Televibe feel?" She had bought Televibes for all the women in the Plummer house after Alan had explained what a hit it had been when he'd used one with Glory, and on the way to the store she'd taken the time to demonstrate the different settings

to Susan.

"Disappointing," Susan replied. "I mean, sure, there's a buzz, but I miss my widdle Tiger. I'd rather be cuddling with him, or better yet, feeling his hot thing in my hands. Mmmm! God, I just love to stroke it and feel that pre-cum soaking into everything. Oh, and then the squish, squish, squish as you just KNOW there's all that cum in there and it needs to come out!" Suzanne rolled her eyes yet again. She exaggerated her chagrined look, knowing that Susan was completely oblivious to such expressions once she got started in on one of her Alan fantasies. But she thought, Well, I suppose it's as good a time as any to give the Televibe a try. She changed the setting on Susan's Televibe from the lowest to one of the medium settings. Then she quickly changed it back.

"Oooh!" Susan exclaimed, just as if she'd been goosed. Her ass bucked back dramatically.

"That was... interesting."

Trying to make sure Susan would get into the Televibe play, Suzanne said, "Imagine that's your Tiger, standing right behind you here in the store. He finds you so sexy that he can't help but pinch your ass a little bit."

Susan liked that idea a lot. She breathed, "More! Hit me with another one, Suzanne!"

Suzanne walked right up to Susan and leaned into her ear. "Tiger thinks you look sooooo edible. He wants to crawl underneath that big dress of yours and lick your pussy right here in the store. Maybe no one will notice that someone is under there. Oops, he's getting down on his knees right now. Here he goes, bringing his face up to your hot box." She changed the setting to "rhythmic pulse" and kept it there, hoping that would crudely imitate the sensation of cunnilingus.

"Mmmm. MMMM!" Susan moaned as she strained not to have an orgasm right then and there. She looked around furtively to see if anyone else was noticing what an erotic experience she was having. Suddenly, she stood up ramrod straight. "Uh-oh! Turn it off! Turn it off!"

Suzanne changed the setting on her remote control back to low. "What is it?"

With a slight head nod, Susan said, "Male alert at three o'clock. I thought Brenda was going to

take care of all those beasts? Oh wait. The guy took off already. But bad Suzanne. You need to get punished for that." She took her Televibe remote control out of her pocket and pointed it

at Suzanne like pointing a garage door opener at a garage. "Take that!"

Now Suzanne's eyes went big. "Whoa! What setting is that one? I like."

"I dunno. I just picked it at random. Uh-oh! Another male at the end of the aisle AND that

woman over there is coming right at us! What are all these people doing shopping before nine o'clock in the morning? And what happened to our decoy, Brenda? I thought she was going to

take care of all the guys."

Brenda meanwhile was positioned at the opposite end of the store, in the fruit and vegetables section. She looked a bit like an extremely buxom and slutty Jackie Onassis because she wore big dark sunglasses to help protect her identity in case someone might know her.

She wore a loose shirt and a very short and low slung miniskirt, plus very high heels. The cut

down the middle of her top was so deep that all of her cleavage was showing. There were deep cuts under the arms as well. Given the tremendous size of her breasts, her top alone was enough to cause a commotion. But her short miniskirt with nothing but the barest thong underneath had the potential to cause havoc as well.

As soon as she walked into the store, all eyes were upon her. It was like in the movies when a gunslinger steps into a saloon and all music comes to a halt. Her outfit, by itself, would not have been that outrageous given that the store was near the beach and people came

in wearing all kinds of things. Both men and women were known to come in wearing bathing suits and the store usually didn't bother to enforce its "no shoes, no shirts, no service" policy as long as at least flip flops were worn and all the private parts were covered. What made Brenda stand out wasn't so much what she wore as the sheer shock of her stunning looks and unique Brenda dimensions. She had the body of a porn star and the big dark glasses made it seem probable that she was a famous porn star trying to hide her identity. With every step she took, her hips swayed and her breasts bounced and sloshed around inside her top like she was carrying two enormous water balloons. It was impossible not to gawk at her. Two male employees quickly appeared at her side, asking if she needed help. When she looked at them hungrily and said, "Oh God, yes!," both of them practically came in their pants. Her eyes lingered on their crotches.

Brenda had never done this kind of thing before. She knew how to selectively tease certain

males by flaunting her big rack, but she'd never been so blatant in such a public place for fear

of drawing the kind of crowd she was now hoping to attract. But she loved it. And she was just

getting started.

When she reached the fruits and vegetables section, with the two employees eagerly trailing behind her, she stopped and said, "I need some help. Which of you want to help me?"

Both of the teenage employees rushed forward, saying things like, "Me! Oh, pick me!" Their professional demeanor was totally forgotten.

Brenda just smiled like a seductress and said, "Okay, I'll pick both of you. We can make a threesome. Would you like that?"

Both the kids were too stunned to speak. Their minds were filled with dirty images of sexual


So Brenda pressed on. "I want to buy some fruit, but I can never tell the good from the bad."

She looked forward and saw a display of bananas. "For instance, bananas. How green is too

green?" She leaned forward to pick up a bunch of semi-ripe bananas and all hell broke loose. A crowd of about six males had been forming behind her. (In fact, these were all the male customers who had happened to notice her since she'd entered the store.) Meanwhile, the two employees stood in front of her right next to the banana display. When she bent forward dramatically, her shirt billowed out, exposing nearly all of her dangling breasts to the two employees. In back, her miniskirt rode up, exposing all of her ass to the crowd behind her, which also gave them a good look between her legs at her pussy. One of the employees, a typical gangly and pimple-faced teen, brought his hands to his loins

and made a strange "Urp" sound. Then his eyes went wide and he shuffled off, still clutching his groin with both hands.

Brenda had a hard time not laughing. Oopsies! Looks like someone here has a quick trigger. He

came already! Oooh, that was fun! Wouldn't it be great to get all of these guys to cum in their pants? But I suppose I'd better tone it down some. I'm going much too fast. However, she was like a train out of control; she was having too much fun to stop or even slow

down. She sauntered to another fruit display, swaying her hips ostentatiously. It seemed like her body was moving more side to side that it was going forward.

Her crowd of admirers followed behind, tongues hanging out. She spent the next few minutes

wandering from here to there, pretending to buy fruit. However, it was all just a ruse for her to

continually bend, stretch, and preen, and everyone knew it. She didn't even have a basket to put anything she might buy into.

Time and time again, she pretended to drop something (even though she had nothing to

drop). She would make a great show of this, verbally as well as visually. She'd say things like, "Oh no! Not AGAIN! Clumsy me. Oh no, and look! All these naughty boys are looking at my bum. I'd better try to cover up my most private spot before anyone gets the wrong idea."

She had a feeling she was going too far, far beyond what Suzanne had told her to do. But she

was having so much fun that she found herself getting swept away in the moment. She loved hearing the cheers whenever she did the next outrageous thing.

Then she came to the watermelon bin. "Ooh! Watermelons! My favorite. But they're so hard to

pick out. Does anyone here know how to pick out a good watermelon? I hear you have to feel them to know the good ones." She held up a watermelon in front of her chest. "Is there anyone who wants to feel my melons?"

The men responded with lots of hoots and hollers (though they were a bit muted as most of

them realized it wouldn't be wise to draw attention and have security break up their fun). Several eyes went to the remaining gangly employee, since he presumably really did know something about picking watermelons.

He stepped forward, but he was visibly shaking with nervousness. Obviously he had little experience with women, and the crowd was further rattling him. But he put on a brave face and said, "Uh, you've got to, uh, knock on them." He walked forward and gently tapped on the

watermelon she held.

But one man in the crowd, a bit larger and older than the teen, grew impatient with his timid assistance. He stepped forward. "Here. Let me help. Lady, I'll feel your melons." He reached out and put a hand on the watermelon she was holding. But instead of tapping on it, he caressed it lovingly. "Now that's how you treat a lady's melon!"

The crowd, which had meanwhile picked up a couple more men (in fact, nearly all the men in

the store not working cash registers or with their wives), again hooted heartily, with lots of


Encouraged, he added, "But don't pick this melon. It's not good." He took the melon out of

her hands and put it back with the others while the employee stood by, gaping in amazement.

Then, smiling with disarming charm, he said, "The best melons are soft. Like, oh, these two

big ones right here." He reached out as if to grab hold of her breasts. However, he chickened out at the last moment.

Again, the crowd erupted into cheers and whistles, even louder this time. Brenda found herself blushing. She thought, Uh-oh! This guy is really aggressive. I can't let things

get out of control. I have to save myself for my son and my master!

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