6 Times a Day

Chapter 1167: Dream? Damn!

Chapter 1167: Dream? Damn!

Another person's voice a short distance away whispered, "I concur."

A number of things happened at once. Glory's body suddenly seized up and she withdrew her feet from Alan's crotch as if she'd just discovered she was stepping on hot coals. She hoped Alan would similarly withdraw his foot from her crotch, but he made no move to do so. In fact, most of his big toe was still inside her slit. She clamped her knees shut, hoping to send a signal to him to pull away and also cover up their shenanigans a little bit better. Finally, she whirled her head around since the voice had come from just behind her. She strained her neck to see who was talking.

It was Xania, but Glory didn't know her by sight, only vaguely by name as the Plummer family psychologist.

Xania smiled calmly at the two of them and whispered, "Hi Alan. Hi Ms. Rhymer." She sat down next to Glory as if she was expected to be meeting them there.

Glory's heart had leapt to her throat. She was in such a panic that she was practically ready to bolt from the library altogether. But she realized from the strange woman's few words that she might not be in big trouble after all. She tried to calm herself and lower her suddenly greatly elevated heart beat.

Alan, by contrast, was completely calm. Xania had slowly and deliberately come to the table from behind Glory so he'd recognize her from a distance. Both he and Xania had angelic, innocent smiles, but there was mischief in their eyes.

Glory's eyes went from Xania to Alan and then back again. She exclaimed in a loud whisper, "Alan! You set me up again! I'll bet you think this is really funny. Who is this, anyway?"

He replied, "Actually, her appearance is as much a surprise to me as it is to you. I only saw her shortly before you did. But I have no reason to be frightened because this is just my good friend Xania."

Glory turned to Xania and held out a hand. "Hi. Xania. Why is that name familiar? Ah yes. Alan's counselor of sorts. And doubtless one of his... well, whatever you call them."

Calming down a bit, she gave Xania the once over. She thought, Xania has some huge boobs - as big as Suzanne's, even! And look at her face. She could be on the cover of a magazine. Hell, she could be on the cover of a porno magazine! Dammit, don't tell me Alan's fucked her too! Of course he has, the horny bastard. How am I supposed to compete with women like her?!

She quietly exclaimed, "Jesus! Look at this woman! And this is your psychologist?! Who's your janitor? Cindy Crawford? And I imagine your dentist is Claudia Schiffer?"

Alan hushed her. "Glory, keep it down. People are staring. And yes, Xania is one of my lovers. Is there anything wrong with that? You're one of them too."

Glory rolled her eyes. "Don't remind me. I must be insane. I really should know better than to do these crazy things with you." She was very mindful of the fact that he still had his big toe in her pussy, even though she'd withdrawn her feet from his crotch. "It's just that you're so..."

Since Glory seemed to be at a loss for words, Xania finished her sentence describing Alan. "Irresistible. I think that's the word you're looking for. Though cute, manly, and lovable work for me, too." She winked at Alan. "And like I was saying, I concur. I live in L.A., so I don't get to see him as much as I'd like. Susan told me he went to the library, so I thought I'd drop by and say hello."

She grinned knowingly as she stared at the way Alan and Glory were both slouching and pressed up against the table. "It looks like you two have been very... busy."

Glory blushed a little bit. She was too flustered to catch Xania's look or insinuation. She looked down at her book and realized she hadn't read a single line since Alan had arrived, and he hadn't even opened his book. "Well, not so much," she admitted.

"Au contraire," Xania whispered. "Of course, I refer to the goings-on UNDER the table, not above it."

Glory's slight blush suddenly turned deep red, because there was no way she could miss that innuendo. She dropped her hands down to her crotch in a new and more blatant effort to get Alan's wiggling toe out of her pussy. "You knew?!" She hissed at Alan and his continued toe probing, "Stop it, young man! Please!"

However, she wasn't really trying that hard to dislodge him because his foot game felt so good and she was aroused. Her fear that she'd been almost publicly exposed only heightened her desire. Her hands grabbed at his probing foot, but she held it more than pushed it away.

Alan just remained silent with a shit-eating grin.

Xania explained to Glory in hushed tones, "Of course I knew. Not that these other people around us know what's going on though, so don't worry. You actually can't see much from above the table, but I made an educated guess just going by the smirk on Alan's face, the worry on your face, and the fact that he's sitting across the table from you in such a slouched position. What exactly IS happening under there, anyway?"

Before anyone could answer, Xania's eyes went wide and she quietly exclaimed, "Oops! I dropped my pencil!" She didn't even have a pencil, but she pretended that she had to go under the table to retrieve one.

Glory was completely flummoxed and speechless. Things had been happening too fast for her ever since Xania had arrived. As it became clear with the passing seconds that Xania wasn't coming out from under the table, she thought, Unbelievable! Some woman who's just about a complete stranger to me is crawling around between my legs in a wide open public place! No doubt, she's staring at Alan as he toe-fucks my open and wet pussy. I wish I could crawl in a hole and die. I've never been so embarrassed in my whole life, but I'm too excited to stop!

As the seconds went by, she sighed and thought, That's the story of my life. Alan's always making me do things I really shouldn't do, but it's all just so damnably exciting that I can't say no to him.

I never should have gotten back together with him, but at least so far I've been having too much fun to regret it. Just so long as we don't get caught!

Right then, one of the librarians, an older man, walked nearby.

Glory felt as if her heart stopped completely. She was half-convinced that she was having either a heart attack or a nervous breakdown. She stayed as still as a statue and prayed. However, the librarian walked right past her and went off to some bookshelves just past her, holding some books. Had he looked down as he passed he would have seen Xania's high heels sticking a little bit out from under the table, clearly showing someone hiding down there. But he remained completely oblivious.

Glory's heart continued pounding so loudly that she felt as if everyone in the library had to be able to hear the drumbeat like thumping. She still didn't feel Xania under the table, but she knew she still was down there. She thought, I can't take these kinds of high stakes games! For Xania, it's no skin off her nose if she gets caught; she doesn't even live here. No one knows who Alan is either since I, at least, have never seen him here before. But all the librarians know me and have helped me find things on occasion. It's not fair!

Time continued to pass. It had been a good minute or more since Xania had gone under the table, and Glory still didn't hear or feel anything down there (except for Alan's big toe still wiggling in her slit).

Glory had slowly calmed down to a manageable level, though the things that Alan was doing with his toe and the fear that the librarian was likely to pass by again soon on his way back to the help desk still had her tense and wildly aroused. But she was most agitated by the realization of just how long Xania had been on all fours beneath the table already. She leaned forward and urgently whispered to Alan, "Just what is she doing under there?!"

Alan whispered back, "She discovered the progress you made, what with unzipping my fly and letting Alan Junior fly free and all. Now her tongue and lips are pretty busy. You should see her tongue, by the way. It's incredible, like the size of two tongues combined."

Glory's eyes bugged out, Roger Rabbit-style. She shouted in urgency, but whispered in volume, "What?! You mean she's giving you a blowjob? Right here? Right now?" Alan looked puzzled and waited a long time to reply, as if he was trying to figure it out. "Mmmm. I'd have to say yes. Definitely yes." His frown turned back to a big smile as he luxuriated in Xania's tongue bath. Seeing Glory get so freaked out and aroused by the danger of exposure made the pleasure of the blowjob that much better.

"I don't believe it!"

Alan was momentarily lost because Xania had almost his entire dick in her mouth and her lips were sliding up and down his slick pole at a remarkable speed. He wanted to cry out, "YES! GOD YES!" but somehow he managed to keep cool. However, between the excitement and muscle exhaustion, he was losing control of his outstretched leg. He was more or less continuing to keep his toe on or in Glory's pussy, but his knee was starting to tap on the underside of the table.

If there was one thing they could do to draw attention in the quiet library, it was to make noises like that. But so far their luck was holding out.

Alan had forgotten completely about Glory's comment, but she finally prodded him, "Well?!"

He managed to respond, "Take a look for yourself."

She stuck a foot out, and bumped into Xania's legs. It appeared that Xania's body was in the

right position for a blowjob, but Glory still had trouble believing she was really doing that. "As if I'm going to go under the table as well? No thanks! Are you crazy? I'll have to believe you, if only because of the ecstatic expressions that keep crossing your face. But dammit,

young man-"

Just then, Xania pulled her mouth off of Alan's throbbing shaft and said in a voice just loud enough for both Alan and Glory to hear, "I'm sucking him, all right. It's great! Glory, you should come down here and join me, I don't mind sharing. There's more than enough inches

of big, fat, long cock to go around."

"Shush it!" Glory complained, even as her arousal level rose still higher from Xania's

scandalous suggestion.

After a few tantalizing, long licks up and down Alan's erection, Xania added, "Is it just all this

hot cock in my face, or is it really actually hot in here? Either way, I'm glad I took my

blouse and bra off."

Glory's mouth practically dropped to the floor. She stammered a bit, then managed to

whisper, "YOU DIDN'T! Alan, tell me she didn't!"

Alan also was getting concerned now that Xania was going too far. He had visions of the three

of them getting arrested and being escorted in handcuffs to a police van.

But he replied honestly, "I have no idea. Not unless I crawl under there." He was too busy

trying to hold back from cumming to realize that he could probe around with his foot to see if

her top was off or not.

However, Xania had been listening to them whispering. She reached out from down below, grabbed one of his hands, and pulled it down to her bare breasts.

Now it was his turn for his mouth to gape open wide and his heart to pound like a big bass

drum with worry. "Um, she did," he finally muttered. His fingertips were just able to reach one of her nipples and by practice or instinct he began gently tugging on it. Glory was ready to have a hissy fit. "But, but, but! But what if someone sees her legs and calls the librarian by, or he happens to wander by again?" Her pussy was gushing, and her whole

body trembled.

Alan was finding it increasingly hard to think, given the expert blowjob Xania was busy with again. He wasn't thinking prudently anymore. He pushed his chair back from the table some just so he could better see Xania licking and sucking with her extraordinarily long tongue. He found it hard to believe she'd really gone topless, but he loved it.

Xania responded by positioning herself more directly underneath him so he'd have more to see. But that also put her in a more blatantly obvious position for any wandering eyes.

Alan was so into it and the pleasure was so good that it seemed to him like the room was spinning. He was no longer able to remember to wiggle his toe in Glory's pussy as his leg started to flail around and his knee banged against the table's underside even more. Yet, ever considerate, he didn't want Glory to think he was ignoring her in favor of Xania, and

he somehow managed to keep the sole of his foot stroking over her bush and pussy lips. The fact that she was holding onto his foot with both hands prevented him from accidentally kicking her.

He tried with all his might to think about Glory's question about what would happen if

someone saw what Xania was doing, but it only made him think even more about how Xania was topless and cocksucking him under the table. Giving up on coming up with a clever answer, he replied with dramatic understatement as he gasped for breath, "That would be a

problem." "Damn right, it would!" Glory replied passionately, and louder than expected. She dropped her voice and said with steely determination, "But I'm not going to be outdone. I'm especially not going to have my sweet young man stolen from me right under my nose by yet another one of his big gazoombah babes."

Her hands had somehow gone from holding Alan's probing foot to gently fondling it, but now

she removed her hands, raised her ass up a bit, and began pulling her panties completely off

her body.

Alan had to remove his foot from her slit so she could take her panties all the way off her legs.

But he was pretty much forced to give up playing footsie in any case because Xania was cocksucking too intently and his leg muscles were ready to give up on him from remaining outstretched that long. He found himself clutching at the edge of the desk with both hands as the urge to cum welled up within him. He was frantically squeezing his PC

muscle. Xania had assumed that the situation was so arousing, he wouldn't be able to last for more than a minute or so, so her stunt wouldn't be that dangerous. But he was continuing to hold out, increasing the danger. She was going all out with her freakishly long tongue, trying all her cocksucking tricks to get him to climax right away.

Glory looked around the room and was amazed that no one was paying them any attention. She reached to her groin and put her fingers in her newly unoccupied pussy lips. She scooped up as much cum there and on her inner thighs as she could, then brought her hand up above

the table. "Look!" She stuck her wet hand out at Alan. "Look how wet you make me. I've never been so wet and horny in my entire life. What am I going to do with you, young man?" Alan spoke confidently. "That's not the question. The question is, what am I going to do to


A shiver ran up and down Glory's spine. She nearly creamed just thinking of all the talented things Alan knew how to do to her. Trying to shake off her stunned feeling, she said huskily, "Promises, promises. Let's see action."

"Um, action is coming. But first, I'm cumming. Cumming! Jesus! Almost - so close! Urgh!"

His voice trembled and he sounded like he was suffering although he was really near the peak

of ecstasy. Glory suddenly was reminded where she was, and put her wet hand down. She spoke her thoughts out loud. "I'm not gonna be outdone by this woman or anyone else!"

After another quick scan around the room, she defiantly took her panties and laid them down

on the desk between her book and Alan's. "What do you think of that?" Alan was so close to cumming that all he could do was let out a kind of ululating whimper.

Glory seemed to be oblivious to his predicament, and was taking it personally that he was so preoccupied with Xania's cocksucking. "Not daring enough? Okay, I'll show you daring. Take me back to the bookshelves back there and fuck me within an inch of my life! People may

wander back there from time to time, but I don't care! Between your foot and knowing what

Xania's doing, I need a serious Alan plowing. Now! And that's an order!" She looked defiant and determined.

Alan, though, was just hanging on, using all his energy and PC muscle control tricks to stave

off a climax. But he knew he wouldn't be able to last for long because once Xania got going with her exceptional tongue, there was no way to stop her until she got the load of cum she desired. As he furrowed his brow and held on to the table edge with a death grip, he gasped

out, "Um, I can't get up! Not yet... Blowjob... so good!" Glory was getting increasingly peeved. She straightened out her skirt and stood up. "I will not

let this woman show me up! Alan, you're going to fuck me now and that's all there is to it!" She was still whispering but her voice was getting increasingly loud and insistent. Between that and the fact that she'd stood up, a few heads were turning in her direction. Or

they could have been drawn in by the way Xania was making louder and louder slurping and moaning sounds.

Glory began walking around the table towards Alan.

Alan was still hanging on, fighting the urge to climax with all his might. But his control was slipping away because everything was so much more arousing that he could resist. Oh no! Gotta hold out for Glory. But Xania... Tongue swirling... Lips sucking... What am I gonna do? Glory...

Xania... Blowjob... Too much!

He reached the point of no return and nearly broke the table, he was squeezing it so hard. Suddenly, he woke up.

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