6 Times a Day

Chapter 1180: CH1177 P@treon [Removed] 3.5K

Chapter 1180: CH1177 P@treon [Removed] 3.5K

Xania's eyes went wide as she heard Suzanne start to make choking and gagging noises, just as Brenda had a short time earlier. Hearing such sexy sounds energized her, and made her nipples and pussy tingle with need.

Susan was even more affected. She was forced to stop her cleaning, and she clutched at her bare chest.

However, Xania was determined to add her input to the conversation. "Let me tell you, Alan, how to deal with Heather. That is, if you're capable of hearing and talking."

He looked down and chuckled. "Yeah, I'm good, for now. But, um, Aunt Suzy, maybe you could keep it quiet before a full-on orgy breaks out."

Suzanne felt like her point had been made, that her cocksucking talents were second to none. She relented, and switched to a more normal bobbing style.

Xania looked skeptically at the lips and tongues busy at his crotch, but continued, "I have a little secret of my own, which is that, although I've never met her, I'm pretty sure I know how she thinks. I say that because I used to be very much like her."

"You?" Alan asked after a stunned pause. "No way! You're totally different from her."

"Okay, maybe I wasn't exactly like her," Xania conceded, "since she seems more than a little extreme from what I gather, but I had a pretty similar personality type. Remember what I was saying to you just a little while ago about how wild I was back in college? Wouldn't you say I was Heather-like back then, Suzanne?"

Oh shit, Suzanne grumbled to herself. Stupid talking. Too much damn talking around here. She was having a great time sucking on Alan's cockhead, repeatedly pressing her tongue into his most sensitive spot just below it. But she obligingly pulled her lips away, and responded, "Um, yeah. Well, Xania, maybe you weren't exactly Heather-like by then, but you did say you were even crazier back in high school."

Xania chuckled in fond remembrance. "Yeah. I suppose I'd 'matured' some by the time I got to college, but I stress that's 'mature' in the relative sense. In fact, I'm still not exactly one of the upstanding pillars of the community, if you know what I mean."

Suzanne wanted to talk and play at the same time, so she whispered to Brenda, "Speaking of upstanding pillars, I've got an idea. Let's trap Alan Junior here in a double titfuck."

"Oh, yes Mistress!" Brenda looked down at her chest. "But what do we do for lubrication? I don't like spitting."

Susan could have helped, but she was in a blissed out daze. Her cleaning efforts, half-hearted at best, were completely forgotten, and she was caressing her big tits as she wantonly stared and licked her lips.

Katherine huffed, "Here, let me help." She went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of virgin olive oil. Silently, she poured some onto Brenda's cleavage, and then rubbed it in. She then did the same to Suzanne. She acted put out about this, but in fact she was enjoying all the breast play.

When she was done she continued to stand there, since the mood had grown highly erotic and the cleaning had been forgotten.

While the two buxom brunettes were repositioning and getting oiled up, Xania continued, "My point is, back then, I was selfish, prideful, obsessed with being popular, and completely hedonistic. To be honest, looking back, I think Suzanne helped me wise up a bit, although she did it in that subtle scheme-y way of hers where I didn't even realize what she was doing at the time. But anyway, I understand Heather's general mindset and the kind of logic she uses. And with a person like that, the LAST thing you want to do is ask for help. That puts you in a position of weakness, and from Heather's point of view, the weak are to be exploited."

There was a long silence as Alan contemplated that. The only sounds to be heard were obscene slurping sounds coming from his crotch. Brenda and Suzanne had begun sliding Alan's erection between their olive-scented, slicked up racks. As if that wasn't arousing enough, they took turns craning their heads down and licking the top of his cockhead.

"Well, I realize that much," he finally said. "If I didn't, I'd probably be dressed in a pink tutu right now and licking her toes. And that's not much of an exaggeration." He briefly looked down at Brenda in her maid outfit and imagined Heather making him wear the same get up. He shuddered inwardly. "My dilemma is, if I can't ask her for help, then how do I get her to do something out of the ordinary to help me?"

"Good cop, bad cop," Xania replied confidently. "I was going to say take the carrot and stick approach, but that probably has too many tempting joke possibilities for certain people around here." She shot a mock-stern look at Katherine, who grinned back unrepentantly. Xania paused, and then said, "Actually, kid, with you it's more a case of good cock, bad cock." That got some good laughs from everyone. Brenda muttered, "Lotta good cock!" She was so carried away by her enthusiasm that she broke the dual titfuck and swallowed his cockhead and then some.

Suzanne understood Brenda's feelings, and tolerated that for a little while.

Meanwhile, Xania told Alan, more seriously, "You need to arrange it so that she's in your debt. For one thing, you should punish her for what she did to you yesterday, so you've got a good opportunity to take advantage of there. But that's not enough. You don't want her to be resentful or she won't give the effort her all. That's where the good cop, or should I say good cock, part comes in. Give her a taste of heaven, a promise of good things to come if she behaves, even as you punish her."

Brenda's lips were sliding fast over Alan's most sensitive regions. "A taste of heaven!" So true! More like a mouth completely crammed full of heavenly nirvana! HNNNG! So GOOD! UNGH! Gonna cum! I'm gonna cum so hard!

Indeed, Brenda was right on the verge. She was using all her willpower not to cum, helped by the fact that she was avoiding any contact with her own privates.

However, Suzanne was getting tired of waiting. She finally tapped Brenda's shoulder and got her to resume their titfuck sharing.

When Alan didn't respond to Xania for some long moments, Xania asked him, "Are you getting this all in, or are your super stacked nymphos getting a little carried away with all that titty fun?"

There was another long pause before he commented, "I'm listening."

He was both relieved and disappointed when Brenda and Suzanne got Xania's hint and slowed their mutual titfuck down. They French kissed for a little while to distract themselves. Xania grinned madly as she got to the kicker. "So here's my advice, kiddo. Go over to her house and fuck her, but fuck her GOOD. You have to do something extraordinary, something you've never done to her before, something NO one has ever done to her before. Then, later on, casually set her up to do something about the football players if she wants to get back in your good graces. I don't know all the details of what you need to know, but I'm sure you can fill in the blanks. Make it an order if you have to, but it's a whole lot better if you don't. If it's an order, she can resent it and rebel against you. Don't push her, just let her think of a way to 'make it up to you' and let her do the rest."

"Dang!" Alan said with enthusiasm. "I really like your advice! Do the solutions to all my problems involving fucking beautiful women?"

Xania grinned from ear to ear. "Not for most people, but in your case, I think, pretty much,


Katherine rolled her eyes in mock disdain. "Why am I not surprised, Big Carrot-Sticky Brother?" She was standing next to Susan now, with her arm around her back.

"Hey," Xania said, "If you're good at something, you go with your strength when you can." She winked lasciviously.

Suzanne made the wry observation, "You know that saying, 'When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail'? Well, Alan definitely has a hammer and every busty and beautiful 'problem' he meets he certainly nails!" She punctuated her point by leaning forward and licking the tip of Alan's "hammer" where it poked up between Brenda's and her heaving


Alan liked that a lot. He basked in the fun and joking, and felt a lot better about the Heather situation and football player problem generally. "I think I finally get it, Xania. If you treat Heather like a dominant, she'll act like a dominant. If you treat her like a submissive, she'll act like the submissive she really is deep down inside."

Xania grew suddenly agitated and walked right up to him. Now, everyone was gathered in the kitchen. "No! No, no, no, no, NO! Heather's not a natural submissive at all!" She couldn't get as close as she wanted, due to Suzanne and Brenda still titfucking on their knees in front of


She looked at the surprised faces around the room. "Now, someone like Brenda here, she's a real submissive." She briefly touched the top of Brenda's head, because it was right there. "But any surface similarity between Brenda's and Heather's behavior during sex is purely coincidental. With the people right here, having sex is as much about love as it is about lust. But with Heather, the most important thing by far is POWER."

Xania stared intently into Alan's eyes as she continued. "Heather is naturally dominant with everyone except the very few who are higher in the sexual pecking order than she is. She treats those rare individuals with the sort of submissiveness she expects from everyone else below her. But I think so far you're the first person she's ever met who clearly bests her sexually, especially since she knows you have a harem, or something close to it. Your prowess just can't

be denied."

She looked down at the dual titfucking, and added, "Nor can your stamina be denied." Susan stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her son. "He really is something special!"

Xania smiled at Susan's immense pride towards her son. Then she pondered the Heather situation with a hand on her chin until she came up with an analogy. "It's like, when lions fight, the loser lets the alpha male winner lightly bite down on his neck. It's a position of absolute surrender. True, Heather gets off on having the tables turned on her. But since she's all about domination and getting to be number one, she's not going to ever give up. As soon as you slip up, she'll be the one with her jaws on YOUR throat. Watch out!"

Alan frowned and said bitterly, "Lovely. Just lovely."

"Hey, if you think that's bad, there's only one thing that could make it any worse for you."

"Oh really? What could that possibly be?" he asked with real worry.

"She could fall in love with you. Pretty much every other woman you're involved with has so

far at some point, so why not her too? If that happens, the Sean handoff plan is toast, and

she'll never let go of you. Imagine being stalked by a moony and desperate Heather. Not


Her point made, Xania took a few steps back. The kitchen was silent for a bit while everyone contemplated her perceptive words. Even Suzanne and Brenda were relatively quiet and still as they considered the Heather problem.

Then Alan said, "Well then, I guess there's no choice but to follow through on your plan and

really give it to her without any slip ups. I'm not too worried about her falling in love with me; I don't even know how capable of love she is in the first place. The snag is, what am I going to do to her that has never been done before? I've taken her in every hole, I've called her every name in the book, threesomes and moresomes are no big deal to her... I can't think of anything that would really blow her socks off, off hand. If I did, I would have done it to her


Now it was Suzanne's turn to smile. She and Brenda still had Alan's erection trapped between their breasts, their dual titfuck had never completely stopped.

But in spite of all that, Suzanne had been paying close attention, and she said, "I know just

the thing you need. The perfect thing for her, actually. Don't worry, you just sit back and enjoy

your double titfuck. Your second mother has everything under control."

He asked, "Can you give me a hint?"

"Nope! Not right now. Later. Just enjoy yourself!"

So that's what Alan did (metaphorically speaking, since he was still standing).

The conversation died out and Brenda and Suzanne picked up their lazy pace so Alan could

cum sooner rather than later.

Susan remained at his side, with her arm around his back. She cooed in his ear, "Tiger, look at you! You have two slutty, stacked goddesses giving you a double titfuck! Meanwhile, there are three more of us, just standing by and waiting for our turns. Including your very own big-

titted sex slave mommy! Does that turn you on?"

He was panting hard and squeezing his PC muscle.

She licked and nibbled his ear. "Do you want Mommy to join in, maybe after you cum? Maybe you should cum on all five of us at once! Mark us and claim us with your hot sperm!" Susan cooed so quietly that the others couldn't hear what she was saying. But they could tell it

was something highly arousing, because he got a pained look on his face as he fought the orgasmic urge.

Susan took his nearest hand, which had been limp at his side, and brought it to one of her massive tits. She whispered some more, "Cum, Son! Let it out! It's time. You've held out for

so long. We're all VERY impressed! But now it's time to paint the faces of your sexy sluts!" Feeling the familiar urge to cum building up, he exclaimed, "Man, I can't believe it, I'm gonna come for the third time in an hour, and I've barely even finished eating breakfast!"

Suzanne spoke her concerns out loud. "Hmmm. that is bad. Sweetie, I'm sure we're going to

want more fun from you later, so why don't we satisfy you with one of those non-ejaculatory orgasms I taught you how to do?"

"Well, I can try. I'm not that skilled at that yet though, so who knows. But okay, let's try."

Brenda was forced to scoot back so Suzanne could take full control of his erection. Suzanne

needed to monitor it very closely, and she also wanted to be in position to apply pressure in the right spots to stave off a real ejaculatory orgasm, if need be.

A couple minutes passed with Suzanne bobbing happily up and down on his shaft, while

everybody watched closely.

Susan was particularly fascinated, and watched everything Suzanne was doing so she could do

it too. This is so exciting! If this works, and we can get it to work regularly, my dream of keeping my

master erect and throbbing nearly all the time will be that much closer to reality!

The others were thinking similar things.

With Brenda, Susan, Katherine, and Xania examining Suzanne's every move, she used all the

tricks she knew to give the most impressive blowjob possible.

It was too much for Alan to take, and he found himself climaxing. But although he felt that

great orgasmic rush, no cum actually shot out.

Suzanne knew his dick would be extra sensitive for a while, so even though it was still hard as steel, she took it out of her mouth and lightly cradled it in her hands. Susan started clapping, and the other women joined in. She thought, Oh my goodness! It

worked! That's such huge news! Suzanne is a genius! We're all going to be gloriously enslaved to his cock even more than before!

He looked down at his still very excited dick, and said, "Wow, that was great. Though was that non-ejaculatory or did you all finally completely drain my balls dry?" Suzanne looked up into his eyes and winked. "Probably a bit of both."

Susan asked, "Wait. No joking. Tiger, did you bust a nut down Suzanne's throat, or not?"

"Not really, Mom. See how hard I still am? But it felt as good as if I really did." Suzanne was proud of herself. She asked Susan, "So, what do you think about that?"

Susan was deep in thought. "Hmmm. I don't know what to think. Son, at first, I was thrilled beyond belief, because this could greatly increase how much time I spend pleasuring your cock. But, then again, I love it whenever you cum. I love it so very much! It makes me feel

warm and tingly inside. But a big part of that is knowing your special sperm will be coating

the insides of a pussy, or sliding down someone's throat, or covering my face or tits. Er, I mean someone's face or tits. But to suck and suck and suck and have nothing come out! I don't think I like that part at all."

Suzanne said, "Don't think of it like that. He's gonna paint you with his cum sooner or later.

This just means that he'll be able to last longer, and feel more pleasure, which means you'll

feel more pleasure too. It's all good."

That made Susan feel better. Still, she asked, "Can't we just increase the number of times he

cums every day? Why not ten, or twelve, or more?"

He groaned. "Mooooo000000000m!"

Suzanne said, "He's right. There are limits. I think we're at that limit already, or at least close

to it. For instance, even right now I'm letting Alan Junior rest a couple of minutes after that close call."

Katherine asked Suzanne, "Could he keep doing that, over and over, and delay his real climax forever?"

Alan fielded the question instead. "I don't think so. It's kind of taxing, just like a normal

orgasm. I feel all worn out and sore, and Alan Junior needs to rest a little bit. Mother, how many times can I have a non-ejaculatory orgasm in a row, anyway?" "Well, Sweetie, I wish you could do it again and again, so we'd have you cumming hard all day long. But as a practical matter, I'd guess two or three times and then your cock would get too

sore and sensitive, so you might as well shoot your load and end the session. Feel like another go round?"

"Nah. Thanks. I was looking forward to spraying all over you and Brenda, but I do need to pace myself. I gotta say though, this whole non-ejaculatory thing is pretty cool. Maybe that can help me stretch the envelope of just how much I can do in a day."

Brenda spoke, "Maybe, Master. But I agree with Mistress Susan. On this side of things, it's just

not the same without that spermy explosion."

Suzanne nodded. "Yeah, that is pretty nice. It's not something one would want to use all the

time. But think: when Sweetie wants to keep going but he just can't hold out anymore, he can

do this. Then he can keep going after only a short break. It's like having his cake and eating it


Even Susan was impressed with that argument.

Alan dressed, making clear his penis was done for a while. Even though he didn't ejaculate,

the orgasm had left him satisfied, and he had to go do some errands. The group broke up after that. Clothes were put back on, and everyone went back to work.

Susan was being a tough taskmaster. Suzanne had to go back to her house to work more with Amy on preparing a feast over there.

It was a very good morning for Alan so far, all in all. The only sad thing was he had to kiss Xania goodbye, because she expected to be gone by the time he got back from his errands.

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