6 Times a Day

Chapter 1181: Ginger 4K

Chapter 1181: Ginger 4K

Alan acted as if he were leaving home right away, but in fact that was a ruse. He went back to his bedroom and gave his applications to UC Berkeley and UCLA a final lookover. He spent a while rereading his essays, but in the end he liked what he'd written so he didn't change anything. Then he put his documents in the pre-stamped envelopes that Susan had thoughtfully left for him.

He got in the car and drove to a nearby post office to ensure a late mail pickup. When he got there he checked the pick-up times on the box to make sure that he had not missed the last pickup. Confirming that he was in time, he dropped both applications into the slot.

Phew! That was pretty big. Too bad there's no one around to celebrate with. I've got other applications to do in the weeks to come, but I've got a feeling that the Berkeley one is the one that'll count. Unless I manage to get into Stanford, somehow. But nobody is THAT lucky, not even me.

He headed to his next destination, 'Stephanie's'. He was in such a good mood that he loudly sang along to the songs on the radio.

Alan parked his car and walked into "Stephanie's," the lingerie and sex shop that had somehow become the only one the Plummer family used, even though there were a couple that were closer. He had to make this his first errand because of the previous arrangement to pick up his purchase at exactly ten o'clock.

The door was locked and the store was dark. Alan knocked several times, and finally a very attractive college-age woman wearing a white beret came to the door.

"Hi, may I help you?" she asked.

He gave her the once over. Cute. Now, there's a nail I wouldn't mind hammering. He chuckled to himself. But he kept a poker face, and said, "Yeah. Are you Ginger? We spoke on the phone yesterday?"

"Right. I assumed that was you. Let's see... Your name is Alan, right?"

"That's right."

"Okay. Wait here. I'll go and get your purchase." She made to lock the door.

But before she could, Alan said, "Wait! Before you do that, can I ask you a favor? There are just a couple other things I need to buy, if I could. Real quick. I know it's weird, but I wanna give some Thanksgiving Day presents, so I need to buy some stuff today."

Ginger eyed him closely. She wasn't supposed to let customers in the store when it was officially closed - it would be an ideal situation for a robbery. Ah, what the hell. This Alan looks like the epitome of the All American nice guy. He's probably the teacher's pet and a straight A student to boot. I can just tell; I know people. He wouldn't hurt a fly.

She warned him, "Okay, but there will be a ten percent premium on anything you purchase, just like with your special order."

"No problem." Alan knew he was woefully behind when it came to giving gifts and showing his appreciation. He thought back to the double titfuck Suzanne and Brenda had just given him and decided that there was no way he could ever spend too much money on gifts. "I'll be like five minutes. Ten minutes max. Is that okay?"

Ginger nodded.

Alan rushed inside and zoomed straight to some cat-themed clothes he'd seen through the front window. Knowing Katherine's sizes (from having taken a peek at her wardrobe and Susan's just before leaving), he grabbed a few things and was off to the cow-themed clothes before a minute was up.

All the while he was rushing around he kept asking Ginger questions which started to tickle her curiosity. For instance, he asked, "If I'm shopping for a woman who's like five foot five, fit, and maybe just a few pounds overweight, but who wears a 34J bra, does that require any kind of special fitting or can she wear regular outfits?"

After a few more questions like that, Ginger got the impression that he was buying things for a number of women, all of them extremely well-endowed in the chest. In fact, she grew so intrigued by the mystery his purchases presented that she told him, "I can see you're buying a lot of things for a few different people. Since I'm going to make a nice commission off this, feel free to take your time."

Alan let out a big sigh of relief - he'd been running around like a chicken with his head cut off. Slowing down, he directed his attention to one of his must-have purchases. "Um, where would your, uh, necklaces be?"

Ginger pointed him to a range of ordinary necklaces in the front of the store, where the less risqué items were on display.

Alan frowned. "Not like those. I'm thinking more like, well, kind of like... collars." He blushed. "You know, kind of like an S-and-M kind of thing?" He felt awkward talking about such things, not to mention he loathed shopping in the first place.

"Ah. I know exactly what you mean. Here, you haven't been to the back of our store yet, have you?" She led him through a door to the X-rated part of the store and took him to a whole collar section, including ones with metal studs, locks, and more.

Alan picked out some very simple, basic black ones. They didn't scream out 'S and M' and were about as unobtrusive as can be while still being collars. He figured that would be safer if any of his women wore them in the outside world. After some questions about neck sizes, he picked up eight collars, all of the same exact design. He figured he needed one each for Katherine, Susan, Suzanne, Amy, and Brenda (even if Suzanne probably wasn't ever going to wear hers), and he bought a few more just to be on the safe side. He couldn't ever imagine the likes of Christine or Glory wearing one, assuming he ever had special relationships with them in the first place, but he certainly could imagine Heather wearing one, and he figured it was better to be safe than sorry. If he were to come back a couple of years later, he might not find the exact same type.

Ginger raised a questioning eyebrow after seeing him pick out so many, so he lamely explained, "Um, ah, I'm buying stuff for a, uh, dance troop."

"Dance troop. I see..." she said, but she didn't buy his explanation for a second. However, she couldn't figure out what he was really buying all these purchases for. This is like the most stereotypical Joe Average nice guy imaginable. It's not like HE is gonna have two girlfriends, much less eight. Maybe he's like a gofer for a porn shoot or something, although that doesn't really make sense because he seems like he could even still be in high school. The mystery deepens. This guy is really intriguing me!

Alan ended up buying two more collars of a different design, along with seven of the original design. He figured that somehow it wouldn't be right to have Heather wear the same type of collar as the rest of his harem. Then, if Simone wanted one, she'd need to have the same type of collar Heather did, or Heather might get all pissy about hers being the nicer kind, or something like that.

As he was finishing up with the collars, he happened to spy a necklace that held a little metal plate with the word "BITCH" engraved on it instead of the usual jewels. He pumped his fist

and exclaimed, "YES!"

Looking around the more risqué section, he noticed other things with words on them and asked, "Um, you wouldn't happen to have anything at all in the store that says 'bitchslut' on

it, would you?"

"No, I'm afraid not. However, we do have some items that say 'bitch' and other ones that say 'slut.' For instance, that 'bitch' necklace you're holding. We've got another one just like it that

says 'slut.'"

"Sweet! I'll take that too. Can you arrange it so the 'slut' chain is a little longer than the 'bitch' chain so the one can hang below the other?"

"Yeah, sure." Ginger eyed him with even more curiosity. Okay, this is really starting to bug me. What is the DEAL with this guy?

Alan was like a kid in a candy store. Normally he did hate shopping, but he found himself enjoying the experience this time, mostly because he knew almost every gift he bought would end up benefiting him too. He could barely contain his excitement as he thought about the sheer visual bonanza he'd get back home, if nothing else.

He'd picked out nice costume pieces for Suzanne, Susan, and Katherine, but he knew Amy wasn't big on wearing clothes in the first place, so he wanted to get her something else. Feeling increasingly awkward, he asked, "Um, what would you recommend as a gift for

someone who is, uh, anally minded?"

Ginger took him to a different section and showed him a few things.

Alan eyed the anal beads on display there. He was trying to act cool, like he knew exactly what everything in the store was all about, but his cluelessness showed on his face. He guessed the string that looked like a cheap plastic necklace was meant to go inside the ass, but he couldn't understand why that would be so special.

Seeing his confusion, Ginger said, "I know, they don't look like much. But each time one of those beads passes through the anal sphincter, it causes a great surge of pleasure. And you see the types where the beads get progressively bigger? Let's just say a lot of ladies will pass out before they can make it through the string."

"Okay. Let me buy one of both kinds." Thinking of Brenda and her anal desires, he added, "Actually, better make it two of each."

Ginger thought, I really want to know what goes on with this guy behind closed doors! He's coming across all experienced on some things and a complete babe in the woods on others. And just what is he going to do with a rush-ordered specially sized giant dildo, anyway?

After a while, Alan remembered the ten percent extra holiday fee and started putting things back. He figured he'd come back another day to get everything except for the things he

planned to give later in the day.

Ginger asked him about that and when he explained, she waived her fee. She was going to make a great commission anyway since he was buying so much, and she wanted him to make his purchases when she was manning the register.

Finally, he went to the counter and paid for everything using a credit card Susan had given

him recently. He'd ended up spending over fifteen hundred dollars, nearly cleaning out his

entire savings.

But after he paid, he didn't leave. There was an entire jewelry section near the checkout counter and he found himself glued to the display of rings there.

Ginger slipped behind the rings counter. She was really happy about this development because rings could mean really big purchases. "See anything you like?"

"Yeah. Each one is better than the next. But the problem is, I only have about five hundred

dollars left, and that's if I clean out my bank account, too. If I want to get different rings for four, no make that five, special ladies, what are the nicest ones you think I can get for about a

hundred dollars apiece?"

Ginger's curiosity was about at the bursting point. She asked, her voice dripping with disbelief, "And this is for your... dance troop?"

"Yes." He wasn't very convincing when it came to blatantly false lies. "They're putting on a

kind of a sexually-themed play."

"Uh-huh. You're what, eighteen or nineteen years old, and you're in charge of a dance troop."


"Of a group of women, some of them nearly six feet tall, with their breast sizes ranging from

D cups all the way up to H cups. And you say they're dancers..." Her words oozed with

disbelief even as she struggled to remain polite.


"And this play of theirs is so sexual that even anal beads are used. In public. On stage."

"Um, well..."

Her usual rule to be nice to the customer was losing out to her great skepticism. "That must

be some dance troop. Please let me know where they perform so I can check them out. I'm sure they'd be very popular, especially with the guys."

"Look. Okay, so I'm not buying this stuff for a dance troop. What difference does it make?"

"Well, the more I know, the better I can advise you on your purchases. When you say special ladies, just how special and romantic do you mean? Are you thinking of something along the

lines of an engagement ring? Some kind of commitment ring? Am I close?"

Alan tried to act cool. "Let's pretend and say you are."

"Five of those kinds of rings? All different?"

He nodded, growing increasingly embarrassed as her guesses hit too close to home. "Well then, anything you buy for just a hundred dollars apiece is just going to be an insult. I'll

tell you what. Why don't I void some of your other purchases and you can buy those another

time? If you spend a thousand five hundred on rings instead of just five hundred, now there, that's starting to get a little better."

"But it still wouldn't cut it, would it?" he said gloomily.

"No. To be honest, I don't know just how special these ladies are, but judging from the rest of

your purchases, they're very special indeed."

Alan, hoping to buy everything in one fell swoop, had bought all manner of sex toys and accessories, not to mention the giant dildo he'd ordered over the phone yesterday for Heather. He knew she was alluding to that, but he remained poker faced.

She took his silence for confirmation and continued, "I'm guessing you'd want to start at a

thousand dollars a ring, bare minimum, not a mere hundred. Rings are very special gifts to women - very, very special. A hundred dollar ring to signify a special relationship? You might as well get one out of a box of Crackerjacks, to be brutally honest." "Urgh. I was afraid you would say something like that. Truth be told, this is the first time I've

bought any of this kind of stuff."

"You don't say." Inside, Ginger was screaming to herself, That much is fucking obvious! So what

the fuck is going on?! Am I supposed to believe you've gone from zero girlfriends to having at least five

busty Amazons all at once?! And what the hell is with him saying, "four, no five?" Does he not even know how many girlfriends he's got?! But on the outside she just smiled politely.

He asked, "Are you going to be open tomorrow? Because I'd like to keep my purchases but

scrounge around and see how much more money I can come up with, then come back here to take another look at the rings." "Unfortunately, no. We're closed for the whole Thanksgiving break, actually. But I'll tell you what. Since five rings would be a very sizable sale, not to mention you've piqued my curiosity

more than just a little, what if we make the same kind of arrangement for tomorrow as we did

today? Could you come around, say, six? I promise you that for all your purchases, discretion is our middle name."

"Thanks. Yeah. I've heard good things about your store before, actually. If I went to a more conventional jewelry store and bought five, uh, 'commitment rings' all at once, that would probably get some tongues wagging. But I know you can be trusted."

Ginger smiled. "Hey. I live pretty close to the store, so it's not a big bother for me."

He thought intensely, trying to figure out where he could get the money for some decent

rings. Then he concluded, "Okay, it's a deal. I'll see you tomorrow at exactly six in the evening then. Thanks again for everything, especially for putting up with all my weird questions." "No worries. Thanks for shopping at 'Stephanie's.""

After he'd left, Ginger ruminated intensely about him. That has be the most curious customer I've

ever had, and I've had quite a few oddballs in here with the strangest sexual fetishes. Hmmm... He said I could be trusted with something secret too. How would he know that? What was his name again? Alan? Weren't there some tall, busty Amazonian types in here the other day, and weren't they talking about an... ALAN! Oh my GOD! Could this be the guy they were talking about?! It has to be! But it can't be! He's just a fucking kid, for Christ's sake.

Holy shit! Those were like the most smoking hot women I've ever seen collected in one place! And Suzanne! She's one of them. I KNOW her! She's been in here fairly often, though sadly she never fell for any of my come-ons. God, she's so smoking hot! She's like a real live Jessica Rabbit, with reddish-

brown hair and impossible curves. Not to mention that friend that was playing around with her at the day care center with the unusual name, something with a Z, I think. I don't remember her talking about a master, but the other ones were all going on and on about how great their master was,

especially that busty one that I had running around the store all tied up and naked. What was her name? Susan! Damn! She's just as smoking hot and busty as Suzanne! Hell, they were all busty. Now those absurdly huge breast sizes he was giving finally make sense!

Are you telling me that this kid, this ordinary teenager who doesn't even have a clue how to buy a collar, is the master of THOSE women? Jesus H. Christ! It can't be. But it HAS to be! It all fits. She calmed down as everything slowly sank in. Then with a start, she rushed out of the store

without even locking the door behind her to see if Alan was still in the parking lot. But he had

gone. Damn! Just missed him. If only I'd put it together sooner, he could be fucking me already. "Alan." Duh! I was on the lookout for masters named Alan, but he didn't even remotely fit the master profile, so I didn't think. Whatever the hell he has going for him, I wanna get a taste of that for myself! Oh yeah,

baby! I'm all over that idea. AND, hopefully he's gonna come back tomorrow at six for those rings. Excellent! What an ideal trap, just him and me in the store all alone.

I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get inside his pants. I noticed he had a nice package in those shorts

of his, but FIVE women the likes of Susan and Suzanne in his harem? Oh man! He must be the greatest fucker since Don Juan or SOMEthing. Who knows, maybe he's got a twelve inch dick. But whatever it is, this is definitely going to require some special preparation so I can snare him for myself.

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