6 Times a Day

Chapter 1184: Heather continued!

Chapter 1184: Heather continued!

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Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, WendigosArk, Jesse Boyer, Tekkadamn, A1, Angel Beltran!

- [3K words]

Heather instantly realized there was a male intruder in her room, and that he was completely naked. Furthermore, she was acutely reminded that she was naked too, except for the towel in her hand.

In less than a second, and before she could determine the identity of the intruder, she found herself screaming.

This was a very un-Heather-like thing to do. She prided herself on not being afraid of anyone or anything. What's more, having boys unexpectedly sneak into her room through the window wasn't exactly uncommon. But in the last two weeks or so, she'd made clear to her usual lovers that the window was no longer open. Having sex with other guys just wasn't worth the complications since Alan had started rocking her world. She'd played around a little, but it hardly felt better than masturbation. If she wanted to get her rocks off, she had fun with Simone every day, and Simone could just come in through the front door.

So her gut reaction was that the intrusion was unwanted, probably some former lover who hadn't understood the message that the window was now closed. She immediately began covering up her privates with the small towel in her hand.

But even as she did that the scream died in her throat as she realized that the intruder was none other than Alan.

It took her several seconds to digest that. After everything that had happened recently, especially considering how he'd caught her plotting against him only the day before, for him to be standing naked in her room seemed completely incomprehensible.

He could tell she had recognized him even though she was still too stunned to speak. He smiled. This is great. I should sneak into more bedrooms.

But Heather could roll with the punches as well as anyone. Her shock and fear quickly morphed into unbridled lust as her wide eyes began blatantly checking him out.

The sunlight poured through the window like honey, framing his nude body in a soft glow. She realized with great pleasure that his cock was fully erect already. To her eyes, he looked good enough to eat. Something about his posture though, the lazy arrogance of it perhaps, made her feel like this was actually his room she'd walked into instead of her own. That turned her on, too. He was the only boy she knew who didn't crumble in the face of her intimidating persona and body.

Her pussy began lubricating and her nipples popped to instant hardness as she contemplated his hard body and even harder dick. Noiselessly, the useless towel slipped out of her hands and fell to the floor.

Alan smirked, pleased with her reaction and especially with her signs of instantaneous arousal. He asked, "So Bitchslut, do you like what you see?"

The word "Bitchslut" set her on fire, especially from the confident way he delivered it. She felt a tingling shiver spread outwards from her rear end, the little hairs on her buttocks rising up in goose bumps as her ass fluttered in anticipation of the pounding she hoped and prayed it would soon receive.

Alan's come to take care of my ass. Gaaawd, I love it! He's acting like he owns it! What a great surprise! This is better than even the biggest anal dildo!

"Sir?! What are you doing here?" she whispered urgently, unable to hide her shock.

He was extremely pleased that she'd reflexively called him "Sir" rather than by name without being reminded to do so. It showed that she was internalizing the use of the word.

"My parents are home right now, and if we- I mean, if you- um..." she trailed off, a little lamely. "We can't get caught!" she hissed, trying to cover her rising sense of panic.

He chuckled. How delicious. Now the shoe's on the other foot. Is this the same Heather Morgan who demanded I fuck her on the hood of her car in a school parking lot where any and every passer-by could see us?

He strutted towards her, his surging confidence contrasting with her unusual nervousness.

But before he reached her, there was a knock on the door.

"Princess? Are you okay? I heard you screaming." It was an older female voice.

Heather's eyes grew as big and wide as Alan had ever seen them. She stared at the door, fearing that her mother Helen would open it.

But she quickly recovered and said, "Oh, Mom, uh... I'm fine. I just stubbed my toe getting out of the shower. Damn, that hurt."

"Oh. Well, I'm glad you're finally up. I could use your help in the kitchen in a little while, my little Princey-cakes."

"Okay. Just give me a holler, Mom. "

Unfortunately for Alan, his confident pose had been shattered by the interruption. He'd frozen in the middle of the room with a panicked look on his face. Now he remembered why he didn't make it a habit of sneaking into bedrooms in strange houses - it was dangerous!

But then, barely after Helen stopped speaking, it hit him that her mother had called Heather "Princey-cakes." He found that incredibly amusing. Despite the danger, he found himself chortling. It was all he could do not to break out into loud laughter.

Heather, seeing the danger of his laughter, quickly closed the distance to him and put her hands over his mouth. "Sssh!"

He managed to keep his laughter down to a muffled chuckle. But by the time she took her hand away, his fear at the close call was forgotten.

With her hands removed, he could talk again. He whispered, full of mirth, "Princess? Princey- cakes? What, are you three years old, still?"

Heather, mortified with embarrassment, rolled her eyes and tried to make light of it.

"Parents. God, they're so embarrassing."

He was pleased because he had her off balance again. He turned his head down from her face to her body and began blatantly ogling her.

She was surprisingly bashful, dropping her head down as she let him check her out from just two feet away. She tried to look away, but her eyes slowly drifted back to his erection. She licked her lips in anticipation.

He immensely enjoyed the mesmerizing hold his maleness seemed to exert over her. The silence stretched out between them, broken only by the unmistakable sounds of mounting arousal in Heather's quickening breathing. He waited until he felt the time was right, and then reached out with a gentle caress of his fingertips to lift her chin until she looked him in the eyes. He knew when he saw the passionate plea in her face that he had her right where he wanted her.

Her face was still filled with uncertainty and worry. "Sir, I'm so glad you're here. But... My parents. If they catch me... You saw what a close scrape we just had. If that was my dad instead of my mom, and he opened the door... You'd better be able to move fast out that window."

Alan chuckled again, smothering his fear with bravado. "You never cared about getting caught before. In fact, I remember that when I was here in your room before you practically seemed to relish the idea of your dad catching me. So why are you acting so different today?"

She hemmed and hawed as her chin remained caught in his grip. Finally she murmured, "I know you won't believe me, but that was then, and now, well, I care about you. I don't want to see you hurt. I know you're full of surprises, but you can't tell me you're some kind of karate expert too. He'll clobber you."

He knew Heather's father Frank was a giant slab of a man, and he had no wish to tangle with him. Normally he would have been more prudent and come back another time, but this was the only time he was sure he could have with Heather today, so he was determined to brazen it out. He decided that if worse came to worst, he'd simply flee, but until then he'd have to act completely unfazed by danger or she would pounce on his fear.

Leaning forward while holding her captivated by his touch, relishing the feel of her faintly trembling with anticipation, he gently whispered, "But we won't get caught, will we, so long as you can keep quiet through your orgasms... Bitchslut."

Her doubts and fears dissolved on the spot as he kissed her on the lips to stifle her squeal of

giddy pleasure.

He figured that a few soft, gentle kisses would get her in the mood for some fun and games. He'd only intended to get both their minds off fears of being discovered by the adults in the house. When she started to eagerly respond, he broke off and said quietly, "Before we proceed any further, you and I, I want you to understand something very important. Are you listening

to me?"

Her eyes simply widened and she nodded, nervously.

"Good. I want you to understand that you are still being punished for yesterday. You may not

think that what I'll be doing to you here, now, this morning, is punishment. Or at least you might not think so at first, so I want you to get this, without misunderstanding me, before I begin. You have EARNED everything I'm going to do to you. Got it?"

She looked at the floor and nodded. His words made her apprehensive, but very excited too.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"Yes, Sir, I get it."

"Good. Now, do you remember what I said, and you agreed to, about being punished?"

"Yes, Sir," she miserably answered. "We agreed that if I refused my punishment, even once, that we, you and I that is, that we were through." The idea of being through with him seemed beyond unbearable at that moment. An urge welled up within her to fight for him, and even fight him if necessary, to prevent that from happening.

He gathered up her hands from where they hung limply against her sides and brought them to

his lips, brushing her knuckles with the lightest of kisses.

The unexpected tenderness of his gesture gave her goose bumps all over again. "Exactly," he murmured. "If you want to quit, you're free to quit at any time. I won't stop

you. But if I can't trust you, or if your word means nothing to you once given, then I want to have nothing to do with you." He paused significantly to let that sink in. "Now, will you accept your punishment for being disobedient, not just once, but multiple times yesterday, or am I simply wasting my time with you?"

She didn't even hesitate. "Punish me. Sir." Standing up straighter, she stood back, raised her arms above her head, and thrust her chest out proudly, offering all of her body to him. Ha! I'm so fuckin' sexy! How can he resist this body? She ran her hands through her unbound hair,

letting it cascade down her back. She actually welcomed the chance to be punished. She wanted to please him.

He prodded, "Are you sure? Not going to change your mind about it?"

She felt a surge of defiance rise up within her. "Are you questioning my determination? Sir?" She looked down and gazed longingly at his stiff, protruding erection.

He smirked, "No actually, just your decisions which led you to this point. Well, that and your trustworthiness. After all, I'm not screwing around with you for my own personal pleasure here. This is for your benefit, not mine. You're the one who wants this, so I'd advise you to stop biting the cock that fucks you. Got it?"

She felt a mutinous fury start to rise up within her. She was torn inside. On the one hand, she

took it as a given that she could do or say any damn thing that pleased her at any time. But on the other hand, alienating Alan and not being able to feel his dick plunging in and out of her ass ever again was too horrifying an idea to contemplate. She wanted to say something just to piss him off, but there was also a voice inside of her screaming at her not to do it. Seeing the expression on her face and feeling the tension in her hands increasing, he cut her

off before she could say or do something stupid. "Tell me, have I been fair with you? Have I been honest? Have I in any way lied to you or deceived you regarding my intentions? Have I not given you fair warning when you were crossing the line? Have I in any way violated your

trust by doing things I said I would not do? Be honest with me. Have I not been fair and just with you?"

His comments really set her off. She wanted to say the most vile and hateful things to him, claw his eyes out. Not because he'd lied to her or betrayed her trust, but because he'd been with another woman, Glory. She wanted to say, "NO! You act all fair and nice, but at the same time, you're pumping gallons and gallons of your seed into that skank Glory and not into me!"

If there was one thing Heather couldn't stand, it was the thought of losing, especially to a

rival. As far as she knew and believed, Glory was her only real rival for Alan's attentions and affections. She knew all about him and Amy and strongly suspected he was with Katherine too, but she considered them mere powder puffs. She felt like she knew them well and knew just how to deal with them when the time came. Once her voice recorders captured the proof of Alan's incestuous relations, the two of them would be at her complete mercy. But Glory had backbone, and many advantages due to her being a teacher. Not only that, but Glory was pretty much the only excuse Alan had to not be with her in the school theater room every day during lunch, banging her brains out.

However, she bit her lip to stop from speaking and tried to think. The problem is, he has been fair. He's been honest, and damn him, he always fucks the shit out of me, and he has to enjoy it. But he

somehow gives reasonable excuses for what he does to me, like he's doing it all for my benefit. It's so fucking annoying to always have to face him up on that high horse of his! I wish he'd be more underhanded. Then I'd know how to deal with him.

"Okay, fine," she growled sullenly, "you have been fair, and just, and haven't lied to me, as

much as I hate to admit it. Somehow, all your efforts to improve me always seem to involve

you fucking me whenever you like, but nevertheless I can see a kind of twisted logic to how what you're doing could help." She tapped her foot impatiently, setting her artificially- enlarged tits bouncing. There was entirely too much talking going on for her tastes, and not

enough anal sex.

"Do you admit that you've only gotten what you deserved, and trust me to give you not only what you deserve, but what you have also earned?"

Her temper briefly got the better of her. "We wouldn't be going through all this if you'd just

fuck me more already, SIR!" she snarled, though at least she remembered to keep her voice

down. She was trying to look him in his eyes, but her eyes kept drifting down to his erection, just bobbing straight out, frustratingly untouched and unused at the moment. She turned to the side and struck a sexy pose, hoping to remind him of her sexy ass.

He favored her with a cold, cruel smile. "I'd be fucking you more if you'd ever learn to behave

yourself and stop trying to destroy everyone else I care about. Your horny Bitchslut ass would be my personal cum dumpster if I could ever fucking trust you and didn't have to keep punishing you all the time for pulling stupid shit that I've told you, clearly, repeatedly, and in no uncertain terms, NOT to do."

She flinched, as if she'd been slapped. She felt the blood drain from her face, and along with

it, her anger. It galled her more than she wanted to admit that he was right. On the one hand,

she wanted to beg forgiveness and really mean that she would never do anything like that again. But on the other hand, she knew there was no way she could share him with Glory and the others. She had to have him, ALL of him, by any means necessary. She knew making promises she couldn't keep would only get her in more trouble, so she kept silent.

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