6 Times a Day

Chapter 1185: Heather - Please touch me THERE!

Chapter 1185: Heather - Please touch me THERE!

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[2.8K words]

Alan sighed, as if suddenly wearied. "Trust me, Bitchslut, if you'd play by the rules I'm giving you, instead of cheating them, fighting me, and backstabbing everyone in sight, I'd be fucking you a lot more. So would your new boyfriend that I'm lining up for you to prove yourself worthy of being MY girlfriend. But no, you-"

Surprised, she relaxed her sexy pose and interrupted. "Wait, do you really mean that?" She belatedly remembered to add, "Sir?" She remembered him hinting about getting another boyfriend for her, but she hadn't really understood what that was all about and didn't think he was serious about it.

"Yes I really mean that. When did I ever lie to you, especially about something as important as this?"

"But don't you want me just for yourself? Amy's told everyone that you sleep with whomever you want, but she doesn't. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd be willing to be monogamous, when it comes to men that is, if you would go steady with me like you're doing with Amy. I wouldn't cheat on you, really. You may not believe me after what you saw me do to Rock, but cheating just doesn't have the same appeal when it comes to you. I actually feel, like... bad, for some reason." A genuinely puzzled expression crossed her face, as if she was dealing with new emotions.

He almost burst into laughter. It sounds like she's starting to figure out what guilt feels like. Well, I guess that's progress. "Heather, you know you're on the S-Club list now. In fact, you're at the bottom of the list. That means that people like Dean can fuck you whenever he wants."

"Are you really serious about that list? Why put me at the bottom of the list when I deserve to be at the top?"

"I am serious. And that's merely one reason, to teach you some humility. Plus, if you're going to act like a traitorous slut, we'll treat you like one."

"Shit. I don't want to be fucked by Dean. That would be a boring chore now that I know what real fucking is like. I want the best, Sir. I want YOU!" Her whole body wiggled and writhed in frustration. She was going out of her mind from too much talking when her body had such urgent needs. Her pussy was getting moist just standing there.

"Well then, listen to what I'm saying. Being in a monogamous relationship with me is a big deal, much less being an official girlfriend. I know you need a lot of sex, and I try to be a considerate guy, so I wouldn't want to neglect you most of the time. That would be a commitment for both of us. But you'd have to prove your worthiness first, which you haven't exactly been doing so far. That's where the other boyfriend comes in. I know the dirty way you treated Rock. You have to prove yourself with someone else before I'd even THINK about making you one of my exclusive lovers."

"Well, bring him on then, dammit. Sir, let me get through whoever this pipsqueak is so I can get back to you. I'll hate every minute of it, but I'll do it if that's what it takes."

Inwardly, he sighed. The plan was to get Heather to go out with Sean using the lure of the test boyfriend idea, and then get her hooked on him permanently. But the whole plan seemed wildly improbable, especially given her attitude. So he complained, "You see? That's the problem, your attitude. If you go in with a hateful, impatient mindset, you'll never pass the test. The thing is, he doesn't want to put up with a hand-me-down, spiteful, half-trained, untrustworthy, toxic shrew like you've been this past week any more than I do, and your little performance yesterday isn't helping your cause any. Worst of all, I can't say I blame him. After all the grief you've given me, I have to wonder what it is that I see in you, especially since you're just this side of hopeless, it seems."

She stiffened up and thrust her chest out again. She knew he always really liked that. She purred, "I know what you see in me, Sir."

He yawned ostentatiously. "So you've got a tanned, hard body. Big fucking deal. I fuck women who put you to shame every single day."

"But you were a total nerd just a couple of months ago," she noted.

"Okay, maybe I was a bit geeky, but I never was a 'total nerd.' Besides, things have changed. I only bother with you out of pity."

"That's impossible, Sir," she said confidently, still preening. "My body is simply perfect. There is no girl out there who could put me to shame."

He replied, "If that's the case, why don't I fuck you every day? You're not even in my top ten." (That was an exaggeration, but not by much.) "I'm not talking just girls at school, I'm talking women. Hell, one woman I'm banging right now has J-cups AND they're all real, unlike these." He reached out and toyed with her hard nipples.

She visibly slumped as her confidence sagged, causing him to let go. She knew the other girls at school, and was confident she was better than any of them, but this talk of other women threw her for a loop. "What are you going to do with me, Sir?" she asked nervously.

"Right now? Punish you, and then, I'm going to test you, all weekend long. If you fail your test, you're through, and it was nice knowing you. If you pass, then maybe I'll see if you're ready for some other tests to prove you can act like a decent human being if you really put your mind to it."

She pictured a weekend filled with sex with Alan. As long as she was with him, she was confident it would be great. (Little did she know, being with her wasn't part of his plan at all.) She stood up straight and tall again, swelling with pride. "I can do anything if I put my mind to it. I'm ready. Sir."

"Ready for what?"

"My punishment, Sir."

"Just like that?"

Rather than answer with words, she let her actions speak for her.

This caught him off guard, because he hadn't expected such a swift and dramatic transition from prideful yet shamefaced schoolgirl into a hot-to-trot nympho.

As much as she had enjoyed the simple sweetness of being kissed by him, she wanted and needed more than that. She also felt like she had something to prove to him. Having him appear out of nowhere in her bedroom like this was just too exciting, and now that she'd thrown caution to the wind, she wanted him to fill all of her holes at once.

With startling swiftness, she reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into her embrace. She crushed her big breasts against his chest, wanting to feel his muscular naked flesh pressed against her own. She stood on one leg as the other hooked itself around his thighs and pulled his hips firmly into her crotch, trapping his rampant cock up against her lower belly and cleanly shaven pubic mound.

She felt her hips humping urgently, rubbing her wet and parted labial lips over his balls and grinding the stiffening shaft of her clit into the hard root of his cock. Her fingers lifted up and twined themselves in his hair as the insistent intensity of her kissing mounted. Her hands were on him everywhere at once while she thrust her tongue into his mouth and moaned with

wild fuck lust.

He knew that sex with Heather was a never ending battle. True, it was an extremely pleasurable battle nearly every step of the way, but it was a battle just the same. Just like Xania said, he had to keep the upper hand with Heather at all times and he could never let her sexually overwhelm him.

So, to regain the initiative, he gradually amped up the intensity of his kissing as he firmly held her in his arms, but also slowed down the frantic pace. Slowly, as if by force of will, he managed to damp down the urgency of her kissing and calm her body by limiting her movements within his tight embrace.

After some long moments, she seemed to give in and melt into his arms. She was confident from past experience that he knew how to rock her world better than anyone, better even than Simone. So, even though she had an overwhelming desire to do everything with him at once, she let him steer. She gave up her not so subtle efforts to position her slit so his dick could

slide right into it.

Starting with soft, feathery caresses to the back of her neck and spine, he let his hands drift agonizingly slowly down the tautly quivering muscles of her back while gently yet firmly pressing his lips and tongue against hers, continuing to kiss her.

He carefully drew his hands slowly around her waist from her back until his splayed fingers were brushing the taut muscles of her tightening abs. He deliberately refrained from moving his erection, even though it was insistently pressing into her lower abdomen, so he could heighten the tantalizing tactile sensations he was giving her elsewhere. It was a good thing they were still kissing, because that helped to stifle her loud moans. Savoring the sweetness of her surrender under his delicate touch, he gently leaned forward against Heather while softly pressing his tongue into her now yielding, hungry mouth as he slowly but steadily took control of their kissing. In leaning forward he slowly pressed against her upper body, forcing her to arch her back slightly in order to maintain lip contact. As she did so, he slid his hands down and around behind her until his open palms could grab a firm, dominant hold on the tautly quivering cheeks of her magnificent muscular ass.

The effect on Heather was immediate. Her whole body shuddered violently as his hands cupped and kneaded her buttocks. She moaned her lust as she felt his fingers dig into the crack of her ass and start pulling her butt cheeks apart, testing their resilience and their firm resistance. She could feel sweat dripping into the crack of her ass as his strong hands held her butt open while squeezing her glutes between his fingers and palms. Her asshole throbbed, powerfully, reminding her of its presence and needs.

She thought, Now, that's what I'm talking about! What he does to me! Jesus! It's not right that any

man has this much control over me. I should resist and put him under MY spell. But it feels too good to stop! I'm like putty in his hands, his strong hands. This is what I've been craving all morning, having a REAL MAN fill his hands with my butt and take his pleasure while playing with my ass. Damn! He

OWNS my ass!

As Alan toyed with her butt cheeks, he thought, I have to admit, for all her other faults, she

certainly has a fantastic ass. Amy's may be the most squeezy and tightly fuckable, but Heather's is so strong, so firm! And I love how I can get all "Bad Alan" on her and not hold back. And it's so great how she melts and coos at my every touch. She needs to learn who's boss. Soon Bitchslut, soon you'll be all mine, to do with as I please!

Her ability to contain the rising tide within her was rapidly breaking down. Not only was she

moaning for release, but she couldn't stay focused enough to maintain her continued kissing with him. She buried her face in his neck and shoulder, softly biting the manly scented flesh she found there to try and stifle her moaning. She was also acutely conscious of his throbbing erection, trapped against her highly sensitive, cleanly shaven pubic mound and resting on her lower belly. Sometimes, it pressed directly against her erect clit. Yet so far he hadn't touched

her pussy with his hands.

To her even greater distress, he hadn't touched her anus either. Please! Please touch me THERE! I need it so damn bad, you fucking bastard!

Hearing the change in pitch and increased volume of her moans, he judged the time was right. With calculated slowness, he repositioned his grip on her behind so that when he pulled her ass cheeks apart this time, his middle fingers could reach out and stroke her desperately needy asshole with his fingertips.

Her response was so reflexive that with a strangled cry she jumped up onto him and wrapped both her legs around his hips. Shaking like a leaf, she clung to him fiercely, mewling like a lost

kitten as the wetness of her soaking labia straddled the underside of his throbbing erection, still trapped between their bodies.

His hands still cupping her trembling ass, he held her against him as she gasped and panted

for air. After that first tantalizing touch, he left her asshole alone, knowing that she was on the edge of a great climax already.

Bringing his lips closer to her ear, he flicked his tongue over the sensitive outer shell before commandingly whispering, "Quietly, Bitchslut. You have to be... quiet."

She just groaned loudly in frustration, the pout evident in her tone. She could feel herself

receding from the brink of orgasm, but at the same time she already felt the foundations being laid for a bigger and more powerful orgasm than this one would have been. She felt his tongue tickle her ear and shivered as he admonished her for being noisy. It reminded her that what they were doing was extremely dangerous. She worried that if her father Frank found out about what his precious daughter was doing, Alan might not get out of the house in one piece. She hadn't ever told him this, but the last boy caught in her room was pummeled in the stomach several times and yelled at before being unceremoniously dumped on the front lawn to try and slink off under his own power. To make things worse, her dad had made her watch while her lover crawled off their property in disgrace.

But the thought of getting royally screwed, right under her father's nose, and while he was in

the house no less, made her blood boil with lust. She wanted to be quiet, but she could only groan even more lustily.

Alan pulled back a bit. "You know what? We can't go on like this or we'll get caught for sure. Why don't you go and put on some music to cover what we're doing?"

She looked over at her stereo. It seemed to be miles away because she'd have to leave his

embrace to reach it. "Now, Sir?" she pouted.

"Yes, Bitchslut. Now." He thought, I like how she's calling me "Sir" today without needing to be reminded. Well, for the most part. The more she accepts her position under me, the less these encounters will have to be dangerous power struggles every single time. "Her position under me" - so literally true. He chuckled to himself.

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