6 Times a Day

Chapter 1187: Sir, your Bitchslut needs a good hard fucking!

Chapter 1187: Sir, your Bitchslut needs a good hard fucking!

Current Patreon Members:

Bronze Tier:

Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, WendigosArk, Jesse Boyer, Tekkadamn, A1, Angel Beltran!


When Heather came back out of the bathroom with the tube of anal lube in her hands, Alan wasn't where he'd been when she left. Instead, he was standing in front of her full length mirror. But he wasn't admiring himself (his modesty wouldn't let him); he was more just staring through the mirror.

She paused momentarily in the doorway between her bedroom and her bathroom to admire her lover's body. To think, I used to think he was a nerd. Well, maybe he still falls into that category in school in some ways, even with that hunky body, but I've got me a serious case of nerd luuuuve!

She giggled at her silliness and just kept on staring until prompted forward by the tingling of her rear end and the itchy hot sensations deep inside her to get on with it. She came up behind him, where he could clearly see her in the mirror first, and silently handed him the lube she was carrying.

But instead of immediately cracking it open, he set it aside and pulled her over in front of the mirror. He positioned her exactly as he wanted her, feet apart, hands at her sides. He watched her watching him in the mirror.

He stood behind her and rested his hands on her shoulders. Leaning forward to whisper in her ear again, he said, "Do you remember what happened the last time I had you in front of a mirror like this, Bitchslut?"

She shivered as the memories of that time in the theater room together flooded through her. She felt her hips buck momentarily before she could still them. She sighed happily and closed her eyes, her lips parting in a breathy sigh. "Yes, Sir, I remember."

"Open your eyes," he growled, commandingly. "Look at yourself. Watch yourself. Tell me, honestly, and quietly, what you see in the mirror and what you're feeling. And most importantly, HOLD STILL! I'll tell you this right now, you're not only being punished right now, you're also being tested. This is a test of your self-control, to see if you still have any left. Understand?"

She straightened up slightly and watched herself in the mirror as instructed. "Yes, Sir." She prided herself on her self-control and felt confident she could pass any test.

He leaned back away from her so that their bodies were no longer touching. He then reached around her arms hanging at her sides and cupped her breasts, squeezing her sun-darkened nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, teasing and rolling them.

Instinctively, she moaned and thrust her chest out into his hands, indicating her approval. Her eyes reflexively flicked over to look at his reflection, to see his reaction.

His fingers pinched her nipples cruelly as he hissed, "Eyes on yourself, Bitchslut, not on me. And did I, or did I not, just tell you to hold still?"

She looked at herself and was surprised to see the look of shock on her face. She straightened back up again, and as she did so he relaxed his painful grip on her nipples, but he didn't release them.

"Sorry, Sir. I just couldn't help myself."

"Exactly..." he replied, as if that somehow explained everything.

She wasn't sure she understood everything that he was implying, but she knew enough to realize that she'd already failed a very small test because she wasn't taking things seriously enough. She resolved to not be caught out of line so easily again.

"What are you thinking, Bitchslut? What do you see? What do you feel?" he crooned softly, as his hands started caressing her remarkable breasts again, gently, yet at the same time, possessively. "Tell me. It's important."

Taking a deep breath, which pressed her chest into his hands a little more assertively, she let out a sigh of pleasure before answering. "I see my lover's hands holding my boobs. It feels great."

"Is that ALL that you see? All that you feel? Nothing else?" Something about his tone of voice sounded disappointed, remote, as if he'd somehow been expecting more from her.

She looked at the reflection of his hands playing with her chest, watched as his fingers kneaded and squeezed the firm flesh there. Even as she watched him grope and fondle her chest, she felt renewed tingling between her legs. Her shaven pussy began to reawaken, to moisten itself.

"No, I feel something else. My pussy. My pussy is starting to get wet." Simply saying that, she felt it flood even more, as if it was rewarding her answer.

His fingertips gently teased her hard nipples. "Starting...?" he asked, as if not entirely believing her.

"Okay, um, not starting, like from the beginning, but, um, starting, as in, really getting going now."

"Really?" he asked, as if she might be lying. "Let's see if you're telling the truth, shall we?"

Releasing her right breast, he skated his hand downwards over her taut abs, teasing her with his touch. His fingertips took turns tempting her navel, stroking and poking into the depression there in her otherwise flat belly as if in imitation of a series of lovers taking turns, fucking her there.

She had to resist the urge to grab his hand to force it lower. She desperately wanted to cry out, "Fuck me now!" but she knew that if she did she'd fail the test. She didn't know what the test even was, but she knew it involved her having to show her self-control.

After a few more minutes of this sexy torture, she was delighted to feel his hand resume its downward plunge. But instead of reaching between her thighs and fingering her wetness as she'd expected, his palm settled over her pubic mound while his fingers splayed to the sides of her moistening labia inside her thighs.

With his palm firmly cupping her pubic mound, and his scissoring fingers squeezing her lower lips between them, he was able to create incredibly intense sensations all throughout her pelvic region, seemingly by doing almost nothing. Just the faintest twitching of his fingers sent tantalizing flickers of arousal all throughout her body.

She felt her clit harden and throb with desire, but smothered by the folds of her clitoral hood, she could only feel the echoes of his digital manipulations of her sex. Maddeningly, he appeared to be in no hurry to give her the sort of direct clitoral stimulation that would almost certainly have sent her tumbling into the orgasm she now badly wanted. Instead, he seemed content to let the sexual tension simmer, bringing her to a slow boil rather than to a sharp climax. Never before had she felt so "in the palm of the hand" of one of her lovers, so at the mercy of the capriciousness of his whims, and it was both terrifying and exhilarating for her. Between his splayed fingers, he alternately squeezed and pulled open her juicy labia lips, loving the soft sucking sound they made when he pulled them apart and the obscenely suggestive squishing noise they made when he squeezed them together again and gently rubbed them against each other. He felt the involuntary bucking of her hips as he played with her pussy mouth, teasing her, tempting her, testing her, knowing full well that she wanted more stimulation than he was giving her right now. Instead, he deliberately let the

anticipation build for both of them.

Moving in closer behind her, but being very careful not to touch her with his rampant erection, he carefully transferred his left hand from her left breast to her right, deliberately tickling her sensitive flesh and hardened nipple with the short hairs on his forearm.

Her breathing quickened and she moaned softly as he established a firmer, more powerful grip on both her tits and pussy.

His fingers on both hands began to clutch and cup her more tightly, more possessively. He leaned in to kiss the curve of her neck where it met her shoulder, making her shiver with sexy chills as his lips brushed against sensitive places she hadn't even known were there before.

"Seems like you're telling the truth..." Alan finally whispered, as her juicy pussy continued to make obscenely sexual noises with the aid of his palpitating fingers.

Fuuucck me! she thought, as she slumped back against him, her head lolling on his shoulder. Fuck me already! She'd put up a very strong resistance, lasting many achingly long minutes in the face of his relentless sexual teasing, but she could only take so much. She knew she shouldn't say it, but her body simply gave her no choice: "Please, Sir," she groaned, wistfully, "I want it. I need it."

His hands immediately stopped what they were doing, pulling her back from the shoals of


She whimpered in frustration. She didn't understand how he could have so much patience and self-control. She figured that any other guy she'd ever been with would have cum a couple of times by now and would probably be struggling in vain to get hard again.

He growled, "Stand up straight, Bitchslut, and look at yourself in the mirror. I'm not going to

tell you again."

She struggled to obey.

"Now, get back in position and HOLD STILL! I shouldn't have to keep telling you to hold still. It's very easy to understand, and also, a test of your self-discipline, to see if you have any at


He moved back into position behind her and his hands resumed their sexy manipulations of her body. "If you can't even pass a test as simple as this then I'm just wasting my time with you, since you'll never be able to complete your Inner Bitch Taming program. In which case, we might as well say our goodbyes now. So, what's it going to be?" Heather's eyes opened widely in shock. Her first instinct was to whirl around on him and beat him with her fists and cry and scream and somehow take control of the situation, anything to stop the torturous teasing of her body that was driving her to a fever pitch. But then she immediately realized that if she did do that, he'd immediately flunk her out of his life and leave her, just like he'd said he would. If there was one thing she had come to believe in dealing with him, it was that he didn't screw around or make idle threats. If he said he was ready to dump her, right here, right now, then he almost certainly meant it. (That wasn't entirely true, as even he didn't know how much he was addicted to her, but luckily for him she didn't know that.)

She wasn't willing to bank on the chance that he was bluffing on this. She felt a yawning pit of fear open up in her belly. If he left her, getting him back would be next to impossible despite all of her methods of persuasion, that much was abundantly clear. Nothing I do works on him! Even my secret schemes against him crash and burn. It's so depressing and yet... I love it! Trembling with the act of will it required of her, she carefully and deliberately resumed her assigned posture, with her feet apart and her hands dangling at her sides. She watched with amazement as she saw the transformation in herself from being fearful and nervous to secure and determined as she settled into her pose and accepted her position, literally, in his hands. She felt surprise as the fires of her passion suddenly flared higher, burning hotter and more brightly within her.

Good God I love this man! she thought. I just have to stop fighting, stop scheming. He owns my ass, my body, my soul. I may rule the school, but when it comes to him I really am nothing more than his cum dumpster. My goal should simply be to please him as best as humanly possible so he can please me. She said with confidence, "Sorry Sir, I won't fail you again."

He kissed the back of her neck, tasting her skin with his tongue. He felt her body start vibrating as she forcibly willed herself to keep still.

"Good," he said, "if you hadn't been able to control yourself even that much then there'd

have been no hope for you. But since you've passed this little test, it's time to proceed to the next phase, so long as you don't forget this lesson and suffer a relapse."

He kissed her neck and shoulder again, but more sensually this time. He could feel her

response, her quickened breathing, but she managed to hold still (for the most part). "Now, my badly behaved Bitchslut says she 'wants it' and 'needs it' and that's fine with me. I like my Bitchsluts hot and horny. But the real question is, where does she want it, hmm? And does she know that badly behaved Bitchsluts get ignored and left high and dry, while well behaved Bitchsluts get it early and get it often? It's so hard to tell what my Bitchslut wants, a hard fucking or a big fat spanking, let alone if she will EVER learn to be well behaved and stop doing massively stupid shit."

She blushed in shame. She'd known that her plan yesterday involved some risks, but she

hadn't realized until now just how fed up with her he was.

"Your Bitchslut is sorry, Sir-"

His hands squeezed her painfully tight, conveying his anger. "Sorry you got caught, Bitchslut,

or sorry you did it at all?" he hissed. He didn't like being this mean, but felt he had to go

through with it.

She couldn't stifle a small cry of pain. "Sorry about both, Sir. Sorry for doing it, and sorry for

being caught." In truth though, she was a lot sorrier about getting caught. She still felt that what she was doing was for his own good, to help him rid himself of the likes of Glory.

"Keep quiet, Bitchslut..." he mumbled, "keep your voice down. We don't want to be discovered, do we?" The throbbing bass-heavy music could only cover up so much. She watched her damp hair go flying in the mirror as she emphatically shook her head. I'm not

gonna let anyone or anything interrupt us now, least of all my annoying parents! His cock is gonna slide into my ass pretty soon now, I can feel it!

He loosened his grasp, but kept a very commanding grip on her highly sensitized, private

areas. Just to keep her distracted, he started kissing and licking the back of her neck again. "Now, where was I?" he asked rhetorically, wetting a part of her spine with his tongue and enjoying the way it made her practically vibrate with the effort to hold still as he resumed mauling her chest and pussy. "Ah yes, needs. I don't know if you've heard or not, but as your Inner Bitch Tamer I am more than aware that Bitchsluts have needs. Very special, and particularly intense, needs. The problem is that some Bitchsluts have different needs from others, so it's not always easy to tell what their special needs are."

He nuzzled her ear, liking the way her breath came in short panting gasps, betraying her

arousal. "Can you tell me what you need?" he whispered.

Heather watched the shudder run through her body as she answered. "Fucking," she

whispered back, her voice dripping with lust, "Sir, your Bitchslut needs a good hard fucking,

and she needs it BAD! I'd prefer it in the ass, as you know, but I'll take it in any hole just so long as it's your cock giving it to me!"

"Ah yes, fucking. All Bitchsluts need their fucking. Lots and lots of fucking. Why, if they have to go without, even for just a few days, they become unhinged, deranged, a danger to themselves and to others. The question is though, do they prefer being fucked by real, meaty, Bitch Taming cocks, or do they prefer their plastic Bitch Training toys that can stay hard

forever if need be?"

As far as she was concerned, there was no contest. As much as she loved her Bitch Trainers, not a single one of them could ever hold a candle to a real Bitch Taming penis. "Real. Hands down, no questions asked, Sir, the real thing is always better. Always." There was no need for her to lie about that. Anal dildos were great, and the bigger the better,

but nothing could compare to how good Alan felt to her. Under his skillful hands, it seemed as

if her whole body was on fire. She felt tingles in places where he wasn't even touching her. The anticipation for what he was building up to was killing her.

He kissed her behind her ear. "Good. Very good." He nibbled on her earlobe, drawing a small

gasp of pleasure.

She felt her asshole throb powerfully; the itchy hot burning lust she felt in there was making it harder and harder for her to keep her hips still. She kept having flights of her fantasy of throwing him on the floor and raping him with her horny ass (if one could even use an ass as a

tool to rape with).

Alan was having so much fun that he'd gotten caught in a sexual fog, just like Heather. But

with her so far gone, he took the time to pull back a bit, shake his head in an effort to clear it,

and assess what he was doing. This isn't just about having fun, he told himself. I'm here for a purpose.

He tried to recall what the purpose was. Oh yes. The football players. Not only do I need to stop her from stabbing me in the back, but I need her help with them right away. I've gotta play good cop, bad

cop, except I'm the only one here so I've gotta play both cops. First, I'll finish getting her all worked up, and then I'll lower the boom on her.

He said, "I want to show you how good it can be, if you don't try to cross me and my friends.

Would you like me to get to know your ass a little better?" He shifted his position so that his throbbing erection could come to rest in the humid valley between her buttocks. The effect on Heather was immediate and electrifying. She choked back a sob as her body

threatened to betray her and collapse on the floor. The feeling of his erection resting in the crack of her ass was like tossing gasoline onto the open fires of her arousal. Keeping her eyes

on his reflection, she couldn't trust her voice to answer coherently, so she merely nodded emphatically instead. "Well, if that's so, then perhaps a little inspection is in order. Keep your feet apart and your

hands at your sides. And most importantly, keep quiet and keep still! This may take a little


He released his hold on her and stepped away. Now it was time for him to unleash the surprise that Suzanne had suggested to him just before he left home. Heather missed his hands on her body almost as soon as he took them away, but then she saw

in the mirror that he was getting down on his knees behind her, even going so far as to get comfortable. She ached to reach back with her own hands, to pull her ass open for him to "inspect," but she knew now that she had to keep her hands at her sides and do as she was told

if she wanted him to keep going. Her entire ass was on fire with anticipation. She didn't know what he was going to do exactly, but she knew that she'd love it. When she felt his fingers grab her buttocks to pry them apart, she felt like crying for joy. When she felt a completely unexpected breathy hot wetness touch her asshole, she nearly pole-vaulted to the house next door.

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