6 Times a Day

Chapter 1186: Do you promise never to go against me again?

Chapter 1186: Do you promise never to go against me again?

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Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, WendigosArk, Jesse Boyer, Tekkadamn, A1, Angel Beltran!

It took a lot of willpower, but Heather managed to pull away from him. She decided that since she had to go to the stereo anyway, she'd put on the sauciest walk she could muster. She wanted him to want her as much as she craved him. Her ass sashayed back and forth almost comically as she slow walked to the stereo.

"Anything you like in particular?" she asked, her voice dripping with sex. They both knew she was talking about her body, not any choice of music. She bent over at a perfect stiff legged ninety degree angle to give him a great view of her luscious ass under the pretense of reaching down to get at some CD's.

He just chuckled and stared with a lusty gaze. As if I need to get any more aroused than I already am!

Since he hadn't answered yet, she spread her legs wider and wider, as if she had to get down further to get to the better CD's at the bottom of her collection. But she deliberately kept her legs ramrod straight.

He watched lustily as he saw a big drop of cum drip from her pussy to the carpet. He thought about how tight yet slippery her pussy would feel. It took a lot of willpower for him not to just walk up to her and stick it to her.

Then, turning to the question of music, since they did have to put on something, he realized that he had no idea what kind of music she liked. In fact, he hardly knew her tastes at all, aside from a few random facts such as her having a thing for Kramer on "Seinfeld." So he shrugged and said, "You pick."

She put on something that he didn't recognize. It was all slow beat and bass, which fit the situation perfectly. It was crotch grinding music.

She'd walked away from him slowly, but now she practically ran back into his arms. She squeezed him tightly and nuzzled her face into his shoulder as if she'd been away from him for months, not a mere minute or two. She wrapped one of her legs around his again as she snuggled up against him.

He was amazed at the depth of her emotion and the intensity of her lust. "Bitchslut, do you think you can keep quiet?"

Clutching him fiercely, she submissively whispered in halting breaths, "Ye-es, Sir. I-I'll be q- qui-et." Her whole body trembled as she nearly climaxed just from being in his arms like this.

He gently kissed her still damp blonde hair. He was surprised at how much he was enjoying this encounter already. He could tell there was something different going on that had never happened between them before. He had a feeling this would be a pivotal day that would set the tone for the rest of their relationship.

He freed himself from her octopus-like embrace to cast a critical eye over her. He grabbed her chin and forced her to look him in the eye again. He wanted to ask, "What's with you today? Why are you so vulnerable, so un-Heather-like?" But he knew that approach would not do.

He studied her critically for a moment, as if searching for something inside her. "Are you sorry?"

"Yes. Yes, Sir!" She stiffened even more and barked the words, as if she was a private addressing an officer.

That came too quickly and easily. He took a deep breath and then looked her squarely in the eye. "No, I don't want you screwing me over again and then saying sorry afterwards, no matter how sincere the apology. I've had enough of that shit from you. The key question is, do you promise never to go against me again?"

She gave that question some serious consideration. I'm having such intense feelings for him lately. Is this love? This must be what love is like. I would actually feel horrible going against him. Just seeing him today makes me feel so good - I can't lose that. But on the other hand, I wouldn't really be going against him, per se. I'm only going against Glory and all his other loser sluts. They're SO unworthy of him. I'm actually doing him a favor to get them, and especially HER, out of his life.

If he wants sexual variety, then that's what Simone and the other girls under MY control are for. All the best looking girls are in my group... Well, except for Christine and a couple of others. I can reward them and him at the same time every time I allow him to fuck one of them. A win-win that will only increase my power!

So, with complete sincerity from her twisted logic, she looked him in the eye and said, "Yes. Sir."

He eyed her closely. He was impressed with how sincere she looked, though he suspected that since she was Heather, there had to be some kind of loophole or complication he wasn't seeing yet. Still, he said warmly, "Better. There may be hope for you yet."

He let go of her hands and quickly slipped a hand between her inner thighs. His fingers quickly found the slippery wetness of her arousal as he traced his fingertips in, around, and through her parted labia.

She gasped and her hips jerked, but she managed to contain herself as he fingered her pussy.

"As I recall, Bitchslut," he said casually, as if fingerfucking her pussy were perfectly routine to the point of being ordinary, "I asked you to get yourself tested again for any STDs to make sure you're still clean. Did you do that?"

She tried to act cool, but the increased wetness between her legs and the breathy sound of her voice betrayed her. "Yeeess," she answered.

He stilled his fingers, but didn't take them away from her crotch. "And the results?" he asked.

She sighed and looked up at him. "All good. I'm still clean, Sir." she whispered. "I have the papers here in my room, if you don't believe me." She grinned as she recalled how happy she'd been when she'd gotten the results in the mail just the day before.

"I'll trust you for now, but I'll look those over before I go. Of course, that means that your pussy is mine now, too. I think I'll give it a poke today just to mark my claim, Princey-cakes."

Her whole body shuddered and tingled as she heard him say that. She was so far gone that she didn't even react to his use of her mother's silly nickname for her. As far as she was concerned, if he was going to fuck her he had the right to call her anything he wanted, although she very much hoped it would be "Bitchslut."

He pulled his juice-slickened fingers out from between Heather's legs and gently popped them into her mouth.

She immediately started sucking on them, tasting the flavors of her own rising excitement.

"Then I have only one other question for you," he said, pulling his fingers from her mouth. Tracing the curve of her jaw line, he looked her in the eyes. He let his voice thicken with desire as he asked her, "Is my Bitchslut cleaned out, lubed up, and ready to take it?" He looked at her

intently. "ALL of it?"

She looked away, embarrassed. Her all-over tan darkened as she blushed.

"Y-your Bitchslut is cleaned out, Sir, but she hasn't been lu-lubed up yet," she said, haltingly. Her asshole throbbed, the itchy hot feeling inside intensifying. She wanted to offer the excuse that she didn't have time because she'd just gotten out of the shower, but thought better of it. "I didn't know you'd... surprise me like this... On a holiday, no less..."

He pulled her back into his arms, but didn't enfold her in an embrace. "You do realize you need to be ready for me twenty-four hours a day, don't you? Your ass exists solely for me to use, solely for my pleasure, any time of day or night, holiday or not. Do you plan on taking holidays from being my Bitchslut?"

"No, Sir!" she shivered with excitement, but at the same time she mentally recoiled, Who does he think he is, with his supposed ten women better than me? That's a fucking lie. I'm Heather fucking Morgan, queen of the whole fucking school! If he owns my ass, it's because I WANT him to own my ass! And my pussy too! She paused in her thinking. Wait a minute. That doesn't even make sense. He could see her resisting, and trying to organize her thought. So he added, "Imagine I wake up in the middle of the night and I'm feeling horny and in the mood for some hot Bitchslut ass. What's going to happen if I crawl in through your window at three in the morning, lay down on top of you as you're sleeping, and shove my cock into your butt? Will it be all lubed up and ready for stuffing?"

She found the idea so exciting that she practically swooned. "YES!" she shouted in a

triumphant whisper.

"Good," he whispered back, hotly, into her hair. "And I don't mind if you forgot this one time, because it means that I shall have the pleasure of doing it myself." Tingles and tremors of lustful excitement rippled up and down her body. Her asshole fluttered in anticipation. She was so giddy and weak in the knees that she actually fell forward, forcing him to hold her up. Dammit! He plays me like a fiddle and there's nothing I can do

to stop him! The other guys are nothing to me; they're a joke. But Sir... Sir, you own my SOUL! It feels

too good to resist!

He chuckled when she didn't move to get up again. "Go and get the lube so we can start your punishment, Bitchslut."

She practically flew to the bathroom in her haste to obey.

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