6 Times a Day

Chapter 1192: The offer to join our group is always open! [1188]

Chapter 1192: The offer to join our group is always open! [1188]

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The Plummer house had a sun deck on the second floor, over the kitchen area. Lately, it hadn't been used much since the house's occupants were usually in a state of semi-nudity or nudity, or probably expected to soon be in that state. Even though the sun deck was really an unenclosed part of the upper floor, there was much more danger of being seen there.

But that's where Suzanne and Xania now stood, fully clothed. Suzanne had asked Xania to meet on the sun deck wearing something respectable, precisely because it would eliminate the temptation to fool around and because she wanted to have a serious discussion. Because of the sun deck's remote location and lack of in-house camera system, it was an ideal place to have a private conversation.

Suzanne said as she admired the view, "Xania, I need some advice on a really difficult matter."

Xania said jokingly, but also with serious intent, "You do realize I'm not a psychologist or counselor, right? I only play one on TV."

"Of course I know that. But you've been pretty wise with your words lately, and I don't know anyone else I can discuss this with. You see, for a long time now I was so caught up in the quest of getting the Plummer family sexed up that I never really stepped back to look at the bigger picture. Now that my goals are pretty much accomplished and my schemes are more or less successful, I can look at what I've done. Sure, in most ways it's great and I wouldn't change a thing even if things didn't always go as I'd planned. But in other ways I look at what I've done and feel... distressed. Guilty."

Xania cocked an eyebrow at her former roommate. "Guilty? Why? It's not because of the incest factor, is it?"

Suzanne shrugged that off with a chuckle. "What, that? No. Hardly. It's mostly about Susan. I try so hard in all my schemes to use them to make people happy and at the very least do no harm, but I feel like I've abused her. More to the point, I've brainwashed her. I mean, look at her! Yeah, she's happy, okay, pretty much deliriously happy all the time, but she's practically non-functional in the real world. I've warped her brain! Every day, every single day for weeks on end, I would literally talk to her for a couple of hours at a minimum about how great Alan's cock is, how there's nothing better than sucking on it, and so on. Basically, I totally brainwashed her!"

Xania pointed out, "But her old conservative beliefs were a form of brainwashing, too. Except that she was profoundly unhappy deep inside back then, and look at her now. She IS deliriously happy."

Suzanne replied, "So you're saying the end justifies the means. Well, that's my motto too, usually, and I don't have any problem with that. Usually. But the problem is I went too far! Way too far! I mean, I praised Alan and his cock so much that it's downright unhealthy. And the funny thing is, I think it boomeranged back on me and I ended up brainwashing myself in the bargain! I praised him to the high heavens so much that before long everyone in the house started believing it, and Alan picked up on it and his confidence surged and he started porking girls everywhere he went, and that reinforced the praise and the whole thing just grew and grew in some kind of recursive positive feedback loop!"

"And that's a bad thing?" Xania asked, trying not to smirk.

"Well, not for Alan, obviously!" Suzanne laughed. "He's totally loving life, as usual. But look at Susan. And Brenda. Even Katherine a little, though her case isn't quite so bad. My brainwashing has turned them into such addicts for Alan's cock that it's just not healthy. I feel terrible. I'm worse than the Moonies and the Hare Krishnas put together!"

"If you were able to change Susan that much, why not just change her back?"

"That's the problem, and this is what scares me! I LIKE what I've wrought! Susan and Brenda are naturally submissive and I'm naturally dominant. I like turning them into nymphomaniacs and sex pets. I get off on it! It's something I only just realized this morning. I've been telling myself that what I've been doing is necessary to further my scheme, but a lot of it isn't. I kept pushing and pushing 'cos I wanted to see Susan be completely and utterly sexually free and wild, but I pushed way too far. Then others got caught up in it, like Brenda. And ME! That's what's so ironic. How did I wind up just another nympho in Alan's growing harem when I'm the one who schemed to bring the harem together in the first place? It's my own damned fault. But I'm having so much fun that even though I know I should be stepping back and changing things, I just can't."

"Or simply don't want to."

"Or don't want to, yeah." Suzanne had a sour look on her face, like she'd just bit into a slice of lemon. She hated admitting these things to herself, much less to her friend.

Xania thought about all of that. "Hmmm. Curious. I can definitely believe everything you said. But is it really all that bad? Sure, things have turned out pretty strange and extreme, but as long as it works and everyone's happy, what's the downside? Aside from your wounded pride, that is. Isn't everyone having the time of their life?"

"Yes, but, well, it's mostly Susan that I'm worried about. Brenda seems happy as a clam and I hardly did anything to change her into what's she's become. She saw what was going on and eagerly dived in head first. I doubt there's any way to change her back even if all of us worked on it together. But Susan! She's my best friend and I betrayed her trust in a fundamental way. I kept telling myself it would be okay because it was for her own good, but at some point I crossed a line from saving her from her prudish ways to turning her into a mindless sex toy simply because I could. That really hit home when I attempted to do some shopping with Brenda and Susan this morning. I mean, Susan's just not functional in the real world anymore! If she were to go shopping on her own, I could seriously picture her winding up licking her way up and down a zucchini as she mumbled about her Tiger, oblivious to all the people staring. And who's to blame for that? ME! Some best friend I am!"

"So where do you think things should go from here?"

"Xania, basically I'm asking you to keep me from my worst excesses. I don't want to go back to how things were two months ago, but we need to put Susan on a more even keel. Can you talk to her and test her?"

"Test her? How?"

"Well, for instance, do a little shopping with her before you go. I'm sure we'll discover some last minute things we forgot to get in the next hour or two. I'm just as bad as she is now, so if I went we'd end up scandalizing the whole store. Again. But you could go and just kind of observe from a distance. See how functional she is. Maybe I'm a big part of the problem and she'd be fine without me there blathering about Alan's big tasty cock every five minutes."

"Okay, I can do that."

"And talk to her. Since I am, for once, caught in my own web, I don't have much perspective. But maybe you can see where she is, and where a more healthy sexual level is, and try to dial her back down to the healthy level."

"Well, I'll try. But frankly, Suzanne, I don't think things are as bad as you fear. For one thing, you forget about the time frame. Everyone in this house is going through a sexual explosion. It's like when someone gets converted to a new religion and they become a complete fanatic about it. I had an aunt like that who was born again. For like six months I could hardly stand to be near her. Everything was a miracle. If her husband wanted chicken for dinner and she'd bought chicken that day, it was a miracle. Now she's still religious but she has perspective about it. She looks back to her fervor then and has a good laugh. I think that's what's happening here, too. You're all feeding on each other's energy and excitement, but that can't go on forever at such a fever pitch. Things'll chill out, but the harem and your extremely joyous sexual life together will still be there."

"You think? God, I hope you're right. To be honest, I've started to worry about Susan just completely flipping out."

"No, that's not going to happen. Suzanne, you and I are both very sexual beings, but we've had vastly different lifestyles since college. You've gone down the normal suburban path - in your own distinctive style, mind you, but still a pretty vanilla path, all in all. I on the other hand live in Santa Monica and hang out with some of the freakiest and most sex obsessed people on the planet. And what's interesting is how they all manage to keep it together in the real world. People leaving a wild orgy to do their shift at some boring place like Taco Bell. I see things like that all the time, especially in the porn industry where almost everyone has a second job to keep afloat financially. It's really not the lucrative industry everyone thinks it is, except for a couple of fat cats at the top who rip everyone off."

Xania sighed, thinking about how she had to struggle to get by working as a dental assistant, something she didn't really want to do. Then she continued, "But I digress. My point is, I've seen a lot of people come and go, people who can keep their shit together and people who can't. Susan can definitely keep it together. She's very well grounded with those traditional values of hers. It's just that now she's adjusted her value system to include odd things like the 'Big Tits Theory.' That's one of the wackiest excuses for submissiveness I've ever heard, but it works for her and it makes her happy, so what's the harm, really? She needs a value system to live by and she follows that, well, religiously. She's an extremely predictable person and she's not going to flip out. Trust me."

"I suppose I knew that already, but it's good to hear you confirm it." Xania nodded. "The fact is, Susan's world has changed. It's filled with sex, sex, and more sex. So her adjusted value system is a good fit with her new reality. If Alan's medical treatment came up and you didn't take steps to quote, brainwash her, unquote, she'd be helping him out but beating herself up about it every single day. Sure, her attitude now is a little over the top, but things are a little over the top around here in general. For instance, where's Alan right

now? Isn't he off fucking that bitchy Heather chick?"


Xania prodded, "Probably? You think he went over there to play model trains with her?"

Suzanne grinned wickedly. "Okay, definitely." Her gaze drifted from Xania to the view of the neighborhood as she lasciviously licked her lips. "If I know my Sweetie, he's balls deep in her ass right now and melting her brain through sheer lust." Just thinking about it sent little shivers racing up and down her spine.

"Oh, you can bet on it. He and I talked about Heather some earlier and I advised him that she needs regular vigorous buttfucking to stay more or less in line, since that seems to be her preferred hole. I'm sure that even as we speak she's bent over and screaming his name as that big telephone pole of his slides in and out of her taut bronzed butt." Suzanne found herself feeling hot and overdressed all of a sudden. Her gaze returned to Xania and she began to mentally undress her. Xania's outfit, while conservative, still exposed some cleavage since she hadn't brought any clothes with her that didn't.

Suzanne's eyes were glued there, down Xania's creamy valley. If I can't have my Sweetie at the moment, Xania's legendary tongue, "The Snake", will certainly do in a pinch! I love the things her tongue can do to my pussy; it's almost like a little Alan Junior, stabbing in so deep! ... No. I came here for serious talk. I can't lose my willpower every five minutes like some people around here or there would

be chaos. "Suzanne?"

Suzanne forced herself to look up to Xania's face. "Yes, please continue."

"So as you see, that's the reality of the Plummer household now. The frantic pace of sex may slow down, but he's still got to do his thing six times a day. You all are having a non-stop barrel of fun in your new harem lifestyle. So we don't want Susan to change back TOO much,

now do we?"

"True," Suzanne replied. She found herself thinking, Heather's pretty smoking hot. I wouldn't mind taming her ass myself every now and then with a big strap-on. I'll bet I could teach her some humility! Yummy. But knowing that Xania was waiting for her to say more, she had to give herself a little shake to get Heather out of her head.

Suzanne continued, "But we've also been extremely lucky. We need to be grounded so we

could deal with any disaster that might befall us. For instance, what if Alan were to go somewhere far away for a month or more? Even something relatively small like that could push the new Susan over the edge, don't you think?"

That brought Xania up short. She nodded. "Well, that would be tough, and there would be a

lot of crying and gnashing of teeth. But the thing is, you all have each other, both as sexual outlets and to lean on emotionally. Sure, sometimes one or more of you can get carried away, but ultimately you're all best friends and lovers. Frankly, I envy you. I'm pretty much on my own up there in a big and heartless city."

Suzanne stepped forward and enveloped Xania in a hug. "Thanks. You ARE really good at this

counseling stuff. Now can you go have a talk with Susan before you leave? I know you don't have much time before you have to head back north."

"It would be my pleasure. I was already planning on talking to her anyway about some of

these same things. I may not really be a psychologist, but she thinks of me that way and I'm happy to do what I can." Xania smirked and licked her lips. "Besides, she tastes good." Suzanne had to stifle a grin. "Thanks. And remember, the offer to join our group is always


Xania looked regretful. "I know that, and it does look like a better and better offer all the time. But I have to be honest, it would never work out with me. I can't open myself up to Alan because I know he could never be enough man for me, not if I have to share him with so many others, and maybe not even if I didn't have to share him. The bottom line is, as you know, I'm highly sexed and my appetite for it has only increased since college, if you can believe that. So I need a lot more flesh and blood cock than he could ever deliver, maybe more than any one man can ever give me. If I ran around with other men, which I would, that would cause no end

of trouble for the group. I just can't settle down with any one guy, period. But I do look on your group and envy you all."

They continued to hug for a long time. Suzanne felt like a great weight had lifted from her


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