6 Times a Day

Chapter 1193: So Close! F*cking Heather near her Dad

Chapter 1193: So Close! F*cking Heather near her Dad

Back in the Morgan house, Heather, who was bent over with Alan impaled in her behind, went rigid as she heard the sound of her father Frank knocking on her bedroom door. In her mind's eye she saw him turning the knob to her door and walking into her bedroom. She could picture his red and angry face as he discovered that his "Precious Princess" had a boy's cock buried balls deep in her ass, and in her own bedroom no less! Her anal sphincter clamped down painfully tight onto Alan's erection, her fearful crushing grip rendering it impossible for him to pull out. Paralyzed with terror at the prospect of being discovered, she couldn't think of what to do.

"Princess? You in there?" Frank asked in his booming voice.

Both Alan and Heather stared in horror at the door handle as it jiggled.

Alan, realizing that Heather had only a few seconds to answer before her father came charging in, tried to ignore how her asshole was doing its damned hardest to crush his cock to a pulp. Despite the increasing pain, he wasn't growing flaccid at all. If anything, the danger and excitement was just making him more aroused and engorged. He managed to whisper in her ear, "Tell him he can't come in. Say you're not decent!"

Willing to grab any lifeline, she yelled at the door, "You can't come in! I'm not decent!" There was no need for her to feign panic at this point. For the life of her she couldn't remember if she'd locked her door or not.

At the same time she said that, there was a rattling of the door knob. Both Alan and Heather very nearly passed out from sheer terror, but luckily that's all it was, a rattling.

Then Frank said from the other side of her bedroom door. "Oh. So that's why your door's locked. What are you doing?"

Heather turned her head to look at Alan, forgetting momentarily that she could see him perfectly well in the mirror in front of them. Her expression desperately, silently, begged him for help. The close call with the doorknob rattling had scared the wits out of her in a very literal sense. She was trembling all over in fear, despite the fact that the door was really locked.

But Alan was thinking clearly and quickly, largely motivated by the fear of Heather's big and bulky father beating the shit out of him. He whispered into her ear, "Exercising in the buff. What do you want?" He was very grateful that the bass heavy instrumental dance music was still playing, to help drown out his whispers.

Her eyelids fluttered as she pushed her ass back against him. Regardless of whatever else was happening, the danger of being discovered was a huge turn-on and she was powerfully aroused, even though she didn't want to be. She wanted to say or do something to get herself out of this mess, but all she could think about was how deliciously wicked and wonderful it felt to have her ass completely stuffed with cock.

Her entire asshole squeezed powerfully around his shaft as a form of non-verbal approval for his good suggestions. The delicious innuendo of saying something so deceptively simple to her father appealed to her tremendously, especially since it was technically true.

Sighing loudly, and with a melodramatically grumpy undertone, she said to the door, "Exercising in the buff. What do you want, daddy?"

"Oh." Obviously Heather wasn't about to open her door, and clearly her father was somehow disappointed by that. "Uh, Princess? Your mother and I got you a present for today and she wanted me to give it to you. Could you please open up?"

She groaned loudly, in lustful frustration, shuddering. She could feel a tremendous orgasm coming on and hoped her groan didn't sound as wantonly orgasmic as she felt.

"Yes Daddy, just a sec." She sighed mightily towards Alan, rolling her eyes.

Frank asked, "What's taking so long? It's taking you like a minute to answer each of my questions. Are you on some kind of slow drug or something?"

This time she sighed more convincingly. "No, Daddy. I'm finishing up my reps. I can't just stop my exercises in the middle." She had a naughty thought and added, "I'm just finishing up flexing my gluteus maximus to the max, okay? I'll be done in a minute."

"Well, hurry up. I don't have all day."

Heather should have taken the opportunity to get herself together. She at the very least should have thrown some clothes on while letting Alan find a good hiding place. But she was so aroused that she couldn't resist doing exactly what she said, and flex her gluteus maximus, the muscles in her ass cheeks. She squeezed and released, over and over, trying to get Alan to cum right away.

As she flexed and squeezed, her butt repeatedly crushed Alan's trapped erection, but she wasn't as tense as before so he felt a lot more pleasure than pain.

He urgently whispered, "What are you doing?! Stop and let me out! We have to do something!" But at the same time, as her ass relaxed and his cock started to have some freedom of movement, age old natural rhythms and instincts took over. He found himself thrusting in and out with the inch or two of mobility that she allowed him, rather than withdrawing completely. It just felt too good to do anything else.

At the same time, he was so frightened that he was on the verge of passing out. If he could have made his penis go flaccid he could have pulled it out easily, but the problem was that he was simply too aroused. Even thoughts of a naked Henry Kissinger eating fried chicken didn't do the trick as usual. After only two or three thrusts he regained enough sense to at least try to pull out once and for all, but her ass was just too tight. He only ended up thrusting back and forth even more than before.

She misinterpreted what he was doing. Despite his clear words, she didn't think he was trying to pull out; she thought he was taking advantage of the situation to give her an even better fucking than before. She thought, Oh God! What a stud! He doesn't care about the danger. In fact, he thrives on it! How can I resist?! He's all man!

She was so overcome with this that she let out a yell, forgetting the danger. Luckily, it was a wordless cry, but it was loud enough to be heard over the music and through the door. "Princess! What was that?" Frank rattled the doorknob some more, though to no effect.

That finally snapped Heather out of it. She struggled to pull herself together enough to yell at the door, "I just stubbed my toe. I'm coming!"

Alan figured that at this point she'd make an effort to relax so he could pull out and he could hide. He looked around for possible hiding places. He considered her bathroom. That seemed a lot better than the closet, since the closet doors were closed and opening them to close them again might sound suspicious, even over the music on the stereo.

But unfortunately for Alan's peace of mind, Heather remembered that "coming" has two meanings. She imagined that she'd been yelling "I'm cumming!" to her father and that got her so aroused that she really did start to climax.

Alan could feel her ass trembling like an earthquake was hitting it, and realized that she was getting off. He whispered forcefully and urgently, "NO! Not now! Do something useful!" With great determination, she managed to damp down her orgasm before it really got going. It was a good thing, too, because she was so unbelievably aroused that she was liable to scream like a banshee if her control slipped even a little bit more. However, being ordered not to cum in and of itself was a big turn-on for her. In fact, just about anything Alan did or said at this point was going to be a turn-on for her, because she was that far gone.

All these events were happening quickly. (While there had been long pauses, Frank had been exaggerating when he'd said that it took her a minute to respond.) But this time it had been over a minute since Heather had said that she needed to finish her exercise repetitions, and that was far too long. She finally decided to do something about her dad. Looking at Heather's face through the mirror, Alan saw a steely look of fierce determination take light in her eyes. The powerful vise-grip of her asshole on his cock, rather than slackening, actually increased. Alan felt his eyes starting to cross from the crushing pressure Heather was now, deliberately, exerting on him (of that he had no doubt). She then reached back with both hands to grasp his hands where they hung limply at his sides and, imperiously, settled one of his hands on her muscular ass cheek and the other she drew forward to cup and knead her breast on that side.

The look in Heather's face convinced Alan that she'd made her decision already. She wasn't going to let him "out" while she faced her father, which also meant she had no intention of putting any clothes on.

As quickly as that, she'd turned the tables on him. Now she was the one calling the shots and he was the one along for the ride, not vice-versa.

Alan was concerned, but he figured it was a little better that at least she was finally doing something about her dad and not just making him fuck her ass some more while her father

waited impatiently. That was madness.

Clutching Alan's hands to her intimate flesh, and still deeply impaled on his throbbing manhood, Heather locked eyes with him through the mirror and jerked her chin towards the


Alan's eyes widened with comprehension, and when he nodded, the two of them started carefully shuffling sideways, in unison, towards the bedroom door together. When they got right in front of the door, Heather snuggled her ass back against Alan, making

sure she securely had him deep inside her mighty anal grip. She then tightened her buttocks and spread her thighs a little wider for him to ensure he wasn't going anywhere. She let go of his hand that she'd been keeping pressed onto her ass cheek and reached out to unlock the door. Her other hand kept his other hand pressed into and gently kneading her cupped breast. Because they were both so close behind the door when Heather opened it, she could only open it up less than a foot before the wood would be pressed against her front. Standing upright on one leg, she leaned sideways at the hip until just her head, neck, and a part of one bare shoulder could be seen through the slightly opened doorway, but the edge of the door demurely hid the rest of her nudity (and Alan) from her father's sight. She hooked her other leg up and back around Alan to help steady herself.

If Alan had ever had any doubts about Heather's general level of fitness and athleticism, this one little move put a lot of those questions to rest. He also realized that although where she'd placed his hands on her body was intimately sexual, they were also in almost (but not quite) perfect places to "spot" her for the pose she was now in, leaning over to look out the door. As crazy as it was, she knew what she was doing and just how to do it.

"Finally!" Frank complained as he saw the door open a crack.

But Heather was in her element, now that she'd recovered from the shock, and she went on the offensive. "What?!" she rudely barked. "You know how much I hate to be interrupted when I'm exercising."

Frank looked down at the fuming face of his wild child daughter. (At least, he assumed that

she was fuming, although the red flush on her face was actually due to something else.)

Frank was a military man and very straight-laced. He had no incestuous feelings toward Heather; he would have been repulsed and appalled by the very idea. On the other hand, he was a red-blooded heterosexual male with a healthy sex drive who certainly admired a gorgeous curvy female, even when she happened to be his daughter. He felt his erection growing, not so much by what he could see as by what he imagined lay on the other side of the door. (Little did he know just what a sight that would be, with Heather still rhythmically flexing her strong ass muscles around Alan's pulsing rod.)

He also was aroused by Heather's disheveled, uncombed, and unbound hair. He was struck by how similar a woman who had just been exercising looked to a woman who had just had sex. (Again, little did he know.) But remembering that this wasn't just any young hottie, but instead his own daughter, he forced himself to do the gentlemanly thing and look away. "Easy there, girl, easy." Frank chuckled. He was very accustomed to his daughter's imperious moods and they had less effect on him than just about anyone else. After all, he was a veteran in frequently dealing with similar moods when it came to his feisty wife Helen. He said jovially, "I just wanted to give you a little present from your mother and me, especially since we both now think you're old enough." He reached out with a small box. Heather impatiently reached out to grab at the box. She had to adjust to let go of the door handle and grip it with her other hand so she didn't fall over.

Frank had no doubt she could make the adjustment, but it was still fun to see her wobble ever

so slightly as she shifted before stretching her arm out through the open doorway for her present. Of course he had no idea that the main thing keeping her upright was the throbbing dick deep in her butt and a pair of hands desperately clutching at her chest and ass. Alan had been doing his best to stay still, quiet, and calm. He thanked his lucky stars for the throbbing bass music, because it seemed to him that the squishy noises coming from Heather's ass could be heard a mile away. The last thing he wanted to do was encourage her insanely dangerous behavior by thrusting in and out, so he didn't. But he sure as hell wanted to pound her into the door with his dangerously aroused dick, and then keep fucking her until she begged for mercy, and then fuck her even harder after that.

Frank pulled the box back just as she was about to reach it. He wasn't going to let her jerk him

around and bitch.

"Daddy!" Heather pouted. Even as she did, she repeatedly clenched and unclenched her powerful anal muscles around Alan's stiff erection.

Holding the box just out of reach, he teased, "Still hate to be rudely interrupted?"

Heather replied, "No, of course not, Daddy. It's just that you came at a bad time and took me

by surprise. Sorry for being snappy. What's in the box?"

Realizing that was as close to an apology as he was ever going to get, Frank brought the box within her reach. But before she could open it, he opened it himself. Heather watched the top of the small black velvet covered jewelry box come open.

Then Frank brought out the two small sapphire-studded earrings that were inside and put

them in Heather's outstretched hand.

This was the time for Heather to duly "ooh" and "aah." She did, except that she was so

aroused by Alan still being impaled in her ass that her words came out far too loud and enthusiastic. "OOH! AAAH! OH! YEEESS!"

Frank chuckled. "I knew you'd like them, but really..."

"I LOVE THEM! GODITSSOGOOD! I meant... they're so good! Thanks, Daddy, they're great!" Alan had been having a hard time breathing. He kept holding his breath in fear until he was

forced to breathe. With those kinds of exclamations, he thought that he and Heather were found out for sure. He braced himself for Frank's livid red face to peer around the door edge, and then to feel the blows of Frank's meaty fists on his face.

But Frank was unaware of that. He just thought that Heather was still breathless and red from her workout and that she really, really liked the earrings. He smiled at her unusually enthusiastic reaction. Neither Frank nor Helen was around much to raise Heather well, but they did love her and felt guilty about the neglect. They tried to make up for their lack of time

by showering Heather with gifts. As a result, she expected big gifts even on non-gift giving holidays like Thanksgiving. To get a big response from someone as jaded by gifts as Heather was a very pleasant surprise.

Frank played up the moment, happy to stretch out this bit of quality time. "They're not much,

really. But I wanted to give you this before you get your big gift at dinner. You'll see why. Your mother and I can't tell you just how much we love you."

In an instant, all the haughty bluff and bluster went out of Heather. "Daddy..." she breathed,

suddenly at a loss for words, deeply touched by this unexpected gift. She was so moved that she even temporarily forgot to keep her ass flexing going.

"How about a kiss for your old man, seeing as how he's such a nice guy, hmmm?" Frank asked

kindly. Heather considered how she could kiss her dad without exposing Alan or any of her privates. Frank didn't consider Heather as a potential sexual partner, and the feeling was more than reciprocated by Heather. The very thought of having sex with her father would have elicited a loud "Yuck!" from her. She certainly didn't want her father to see any part of her naked. So, with her shoulder resting against the edge of the door, she leaned forward just a bit and

stuck her head out some more. She puckered her lips and closed her eyes, making it clear that Frank was to close the distance for the kiss.

Frank obligingly leaned in and kissed her cheek, then placed his cheek over her lips so she could kiss it. "Thank you Daddy," she whispered, genuinely moved. Although Heather didn't think of her father in a sexual manner whatsoever, she did get off on

the idea of doing terribly naughty sexual things behind his back. She loved thumbing her nose at authority and getting away with murder.

She'd done many naughty and devious things in her life, but so far nothing was as deliciously sweet as kissing her father innocently on his cheek while standing naked and flexing her ass powerfully around her lover's hot and rigid erection. It was all she could do not to cream on

the spot and yell for joy.

Behind her, Alan was struggling to stay not only absolutely still but completely silent as Heather's asshole rippled all around him. He too was engaged in a near life or death struggle not to climax. Only for him, it really did seem like a life or death issue. He knew that if he and

her father got into a fight, the former Marine would be the stick and he would be the piñata. "You're welcome, Princess. Happy Thanksgiving." Frank kissed Heather's other cheek before straightening up. "Oh, one other thing. Your mother says she'll have everything ready in a little less than an hour from now. I presume you'll be joining us?"

"Yes Daddy, I'll be 'done' by then!" she smiled knowingly. Her asshole squeezed Alan strongly, giving him no illusions as to her double meaning. With the danger passing, she started to work her hips some, shifting forward and back a little bit on the firm pole that she couldn't get enough of. "I'll be down when you're ready." "Okay, Princess, I'll tell her. You'd better get on with your exercises."

"I WILL! Oh, yes I WILL!" Her hip movements were increasing, but luckily all the action was

taking place behind the door and out of Frank's sight. "THANKS AGAIN!" Frank looked at her a bit quizzically, but finally just smiled and said, "Anything for you." Then with a friendly wink, he walked off.

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