6 Times a Day

Chapter 1195: Helen heard it all!

Chapter 1195: Helen heard it all!


"Okay, let's bring this class to attention," Alan said after the slap in an officious and slightly bored sounding voice, as if lecturing.

Heather was struck speechless, literally. No one had ever spanked her in her entire life. She probed her feelings but didn't know what to think of it.

Simone said through the phone, "Alan, did I just hear the sound of Heather getting spanked?!"

"Yes, but I'm trying to bring the class to order." He was hoping to start a role-play and hoped Simone and Heather would naturally catch on.

But Simone was still fixated on the spanking and absolutely giddy about it. "Cool! Ohmigod! I'm going to get seriously comfortable here! Screw going downstairs to help my mom. I only wish there was some way I could watch... OH! But there is!"

Simone briefly explained to Alan about a webcam on Heather's computer, and had him point it in Heather's general direction. The picture quality was low and the computer was a good distance from Heather's bed, but Simone was absolutely ecstatic to at least be able to see something.

Alan though was getting antsy. He'd been taking his sweet time driving Heather insane with anticipation, but now he worried about finishing before her father returned from what could be a relatively short errand.

So he started to speed things up. "As I was saying, class, today we shall be examining the subspecies of slut known as the bitchslut." He slapped Heather hard on her ass again, but this time he held on after the slap and turned to fondling her still quivering buttock.

He continued to talk as if he was a biology professor describing an animal brought in for display in front of a class. "I was lucky to obtain a prime example of the North American Buxom Breasted Blonde Bitchslut. As you can see, the bitchslut at rest assumes a pose with her ass in the air and her face buried in a pillow. The ass is naked and up high as a rutting display, by which this indiscriminate tramp is hoping a male passerby will see her display, stop, and be tempted to fuck her insatiable asshole. The face is in the pillow to muffle the expected loud 'Fuck me harder' cries once the rutting begins."

Simone spoke. "Professor?"

"Yes?" Alan couldn't see Simone, but he imagined her raising her hand.

"What do bitchsluts eat?"

"We'll be getting to that later, and I'll be personally feeding her in front of you all. But, in short, they mainly live off semen and pussy juice. All bitchsluts are naturally bisexual, so we'll need some female volunteers to join me for some of the feedings." He finished his comment with another loud smack.

That caused Heather to finally speak. "Um, Sir? May I ask why you're spanking me?" She was extremely frustrated at her blindness caused by the blindfold as well as her lack of mobility from being tied up.

"No, you may not." Alan brought another hand crashing down. Then he addressed his imaginary class. "As you have just heard, some bitchsluts are capable of limited speech. Most know only a few simple phrases such as, 'What's a girl gotta do to get fucked around here,' and sometimes the best they can manage is the occasional 'me so horny' or 'fucky-fucky.' But we're lucky in that our specimen today is highly intelligent, for a bitchslut, that is, and can string together two and sometimes even three sentences at a time." He brought another hand down hard on her other butt cheek.

Simone asked another question through the phone, disguising her voice to make it seem she was a different student this time. "Um, Professor, why do you keep spanking her?"

"Excellent question!"

Heather groaned in irritation, because he had ignored her when she'd essentially asked the same question mere moments before.

That groan resulted in another ass slap. "Bitchsluts are rebellious and treacherous creatures by their very nature. So they are in constant need of punishment." He brought another hand crashing down.

"Ow!" Heather had been silent about the spankings so far, but couldn't help but shout out a bit that time. She still hadn't made up her mind about spankings. She hated the pain, and he was in no way going easy on her, but she couldn't deny that her arousal level was off the charts already and still spiraling higher and higher.

"Bitchsluts," he continued, "are also in constant heat, just like a cat in heat." He began probing her dripping pussy folds. "So they must be constantly fucked as well, or at the very least fingered."

Simone again pretended to be a student. "Sounds like they're extremely high maintenance. A real pain in the ass."

"Yes, they are," he agreed. "A very BIG pain in the ass." He spanked her especially hard to emphasize that point. "Some do say that bitchsluts can be tamed, but a tamed bitchslut is only slightly less rare than a unicorn. The taming process can only be achieved through rigorous and exhaustive training, a long..." - he couldn't help but crack a smile - "and very, very hard process. A tamed bitchslut is a treasure beyond price, but the question is, is it worth all the work? To find the answer to that question, we must look to the..." - again, he laid into her butt with another spanking - "ass."

He brought his spanking hand down so he could knead and squeeze her ass cheeks with both hands. "As you can see, class, this bitchslut has excellent raw potential, better than most others we've seen today, but that raw potential still needs to be thoroughly developed and refined if it is ever to be fully realized in all its exquisite grandeur."

Heather squirmed her hips, pushing her ass back into his groping hands while moaning her approval. "A tamed bitchslut is a treasure beyond price." She loved those words and already knew that she'd never forget them. Yes! Tame your Bitchslut, Sir!

He continued lecturing his imaginary students. "Take this latest specimen, for example. From your readings, you should all recognize the tell-tale characteristics we see here. The responsiveness to gluteal fondling, the addiction to anal stimulation," - he flicked a finger over her anus, making her gasp and shiver with renewed need - "the overwhelmingly powerful sexual drive, bordering on an obsessive/compulsive need, for penile contact and penetration HERE" - he briefly poked his index finger deeper into her anus, eliciting a loud and needy moan - "to attempt to satisfy what are essentially insatiable cravings to be allowed to intimately massage and ultimately worship the biggest, the best, and most powerful of cocks."

He went on, officiously, "It is, of course, the goal of every bitchslut to make of her ass a firm and beautiful shrine, dedicated to the passionate worship of Bitch Taming cocks, which if properly pleased and pleasured, will leave an offering of hot, rich, thick and creamy cum deep inside the hidden sanctum of their Inner Bitch."

"YESSSS!" Heather groaned, throwing her head back and arching her back with pleasure. Already she was imagining Alan impaling her ass with his cock once more and pumping enough cum into her butt to fill a milk bottle.

"As you can see, class," he inexorably continued in an almost bored voice, while his hands kept kneading and squeezing her rear, "this bitchslut has a long way to go before becoming worthy of such exalted status."

Heather was shocked out of her happy reverie. Wait! What?! What do you mean I'm not-

In actual fact, he found her ass to be nearly perfect in every way, without even so much as an unsightly mole or scratch on her firm skin. But he complained, "Note the substandard development of the gluteus maximus in this specimen. No self-respecting tamed bitchslut would settle for anything less than the 'Buns of Fuck Me Steel' minimum standard, which, as you can see, this bitchslut here has the potential to achieve, yet has willfully and neglectfully chosen not to attain so far."

"Hey!" she protested out loud. "I exercise every single day!"

He immediately brought a hand down for a particularly hard smack. Then he brought his other hand down on her other ass cheek, before resuming fondling of her pussy lips and ass crack. "See what I mean, class, about their inherently rebellious nature? You would think it would be easy for them to simply spread their legs and get royally fucked, but no, they're always complaining. That's why the ones bred to not speak often go for higher prices than the gabby ones like this one."

Heather bristled and squirmed about, frustrated by the irony of being called "gabby" when in fact she was barely speaking at all. Her head was filled with things to say, many of them biting, but she knew that if she did she would just get more slaps. She had vague notions of revenge against both Alan and Simone, but her lusty feelings were too overwhelming for her to concentrate on any specific vengeance details.

Simone spoke now in a pretend male voice. "Professor? May I ask, why settle for such an ordinary ass? Everyone in class knows that Simone's ass is the hottest and most fuckable one around." She couldn't help but chuckle as she finished saying that.

Heather drew breath to protest, but then remembered Alan's harsh spanking hand and thought better of it. Instead, she fumed inwardly. "Most fuckable?" That's a laugh! I'm going to absolutely strangle her. Trying to steal My Sir!

He spanked her again anyway. Then he answered, "True. But Simone belongs to the hardbody subspecies 'Hottie' and is in no way a bitchslut specimen. We will be studying Hotties next week, up close and personal. When that time comes, I'm sure that I'll fuck, uh, I mean, use,

Simone as one of our sample specimens."

Simone giggled through the phone, obviously delighted with that answer. "I hope you will!"

Then she said, "But wouldn't you agree that the asses of highly skilled trained athletes like Simone are naturally superior to the lazy asses of spoiled cheerleader bitchsluts who think that raising a paper pom-pom constitutes work?"

Heather growled quite audibly. She clenched her fists, but found that unsatisfying. She

wanted to reach through the phone to strangle her best friend. How DARE she?! Her ass, superior to mine?! HA! I'll show her! She'll live to regret the day she said that! I'll make Alan put her and me

together, butt to butt, and ask him which ass to fuck first, and he's going to fuck MY ass, every time! And if Alan picks her first that'll just show that he's saving the best for last, so either way I win. HA! Alan responded to Heather's growl with another smart spank. But all the while he continued to probe and knead with his other hand, and sometimes both hands. He was perversely pleased at how red both her ass cheeks were getting.

Heather though was appalled at herself. Between the public spanking and being treated like a wild dumb animal being scientifically examined, it seemed that he had found two new ways to humiliate her at once. In her mind she truly felt like she was in front of a real class, so her sense of humiliation was acute. Her arousal was even more intensified, since she got off in a big way from public exhibitionism. Even before the spanking started, she was insanely aroused from the close call with her dad, then from Alan taking his sweet time building up her anticipation. She rightly prided herself on her willpower and resolve, but the strong-willed blonde couldn't take it anymore.

She broke down and began openly whimpering. Her body shook from sobbing even though

she wasn't actually shedding tears - yet. "Sir! Please! Please! I beg of you, please! I can't take it anymore! If I don't cum soon, I'm gonna DIE!" She wanted to cum again that very instant more than she'd ever wanted anything in her whole life, and yet she strained with all her might not to since he hadn't given her permission yet and she didn't want to lose him.

He spanked her yet again, which elicited a louder groan of arousal and frustration. He said dispassionately, "As you can see, bitchsluts are insatiable. This one's ass, admittedly, has impressive inherent strength, not to mention internal capacity. But regrettably that's not enough. What this aspiring bitchslut lacks is the internal finesse so crucial to so many of the

arts of anal sex."

Heather squirmed nearly violently. The frustration in not being able to climax was killing her.

Had her arms not been tied behind her back, she would have thrown herself at him like a wild

animal and sexually ravaged him. As it was, all she could do was moan louder, "Please, Sir, PLEASE! I'm begging you! Let me CUM! FUCK MY ASS! Please!"

She shivered and sighed as a couple of his fingers surreptitiously slid down into her ass crack and gently, sensually stroked and massaged her incredibly sensitive anus. His touch promised so much more. She whimpered loudly in frustration and need.

"Indeed," he smiled, "this bitchslut is overdue to begin working on her regimen of anal

exercises, which will transform her horny ass from a mere fuck hole into a veritable fucking


He took his hands away and stepped back, amused by the immediate whimpers of protest that

followed the absence of his touch.


He had never heard such an intensity of naked need and desire in anyone's voice before, which

was saying quite a lot considering all his recent sexual adventures. He was moved (and his dick was extremely inspired) to finally give her some sexual satisfaction.

"Heather?" He called her name gently, for once using her name and caressing her body with

his voice. Clearly his little role-play was over. "Are you ready to start learning how to do your anal exercises like a good bitchslut?"

She nodded vigorously, sending her hair flying. She was so far gone that she had few thoughts of any kind. There was just a throbbing need to get fucked pounding through her head that

was almost as intense as the most painful migraine headache. But she briefly realized, Alan's going to fuck my ass, and in my own bed!

She'd been fucked by many other guys in her own bed before, but in her current state the fact that he was going to do this to her right now hit her like a life-altering epiphany. It seemed like the most profound and important sexual act in her entire life. It was like she was a virgin

in all things all over again.

She felt a curious tingle spread all over her body as she deliberately spread her legs in silent

invitation to her lover to use and abuse her exposed and defenseless rear end for their mutual pleasure. The realization that she wanted it to be Earth-shatteringly good for both of them, rather than just for herself, was something of a surprise in and of itself.

He was glad the spankings were over because he knew her father could return at any time.

Alan had a rough idea how long it took to drive to from the Morgan house to Safeway and

back, and felt confident that her dad couldn't possibly have returned yet. And that didn't even take into account the time he had to spend shopping.

But Alan knew Heather had very little self-control remaining, and frankly, neither did he;

they both were too hot and sweaty and mad with lust. So, with her dad's pounding fists on his mind, he went back to Heather's drawers and rooted around for another pair of panties.

It was physically painful for him to walk around because his erection was so stiff and in need

of release. Holding his erection to stop it from bouncing around just made matters worse because the desire to stroke it until the cum started flying was almost irresistible.

But he managed to make it back to her and stuffed her wadded up panties into her mouth as a


makeshift gag to help stifle the screams he knew she would soon be making. Before coming back to the bed he also put on a different CD. He had a hard time finding something to play, his classic rock collection didn't mesh well with her collection of mostly reggae, rap, and hip hop. But he found a CD of Bob Marley's greatest hits that he liked, and he turned the volume way up. He hoped that would be enough to save his skin from her burly father. He began to groove to the song "Could You Be Loved?" and that helped to calm him down some. However, there was one very important thing that Alan forgot amidst all of his excitement:

although Frank had left to go to the store, his wife Helen, Heather's mother, was still at home.

Little did Alan know it, but his spankings had eventually caught the attention of Helen from all the way downstairs where she was working in the kitchen. She'd come upstairs to investigate the sounds, so despite the music playing and the intervening door, she'd managed to hear Heather shout things like "I'm begging you! Let me CUM! FUCK MY ASS! Please!"

Helen knew that her daughter was a man-eater - Heather chewed up her boy toys, then ruthlessly spat them out and kicked them to the curb when they no longer amused her. Helen had been quite a man-eater herself in her high school days, so she secretly approved of and admired her daughter's handling of boys, even though she superficially tut-tutted at Heather's ruthless antics.

Helen knew all about Heather's promiscuous ways, keeping tabs on her boy toys of the moment, but she was always very circumspect about not letting her daughter know how much

she knew. Up till now, none of Heather's lovers had impressed Helen much, except maybe as eye candy. But here was a boy who had obviously turned the tables on her daughter and sent Heather to heights of ecstasy that Helen only used to know on rare occasions back in her wild college days and had since almost forgotten.

Helen, like Heather, was very elitist, so she was scandalized to realize that her daughter had

been reduced to begging a boy for anal sex, of all things. But she was also more than a little intrigued and even a bit jealous.

She listened raptly through the door to try and learn more, but was frustrated when the music changed and the volume increased. She couldn't hear anything interesting at all. Then she heard Frank come home and had to go back downstairs. She resolved to find out, and quickly,

who this mystery boy was and just what he was doing to her daughter that had Heather so enthralled.

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