6 Times a Day

Chapter 1194: Enter Simone! [1190 Ch in P@treon]

Chapter 1194: Enter Simone! [1190 Ch in P@treon]

After closing the door on Frank, Alan and Heather both held their breath while they carefully listened to her father's footsteps grow quiet. Moments later, they heard a stair creak as he made his way downstairs.

Alan could still feel his heart pounding in his chest. What he hadn't expected though was being able to feel Heather's heart pounding in her chest too. But with her slumped back against him as she was though, he could.

"Holy shit!" he whispered in relief to Heather. "I thought we were doomed!"

Heather's feelings about the matter were quite different. With both hands she reached around behind herself, grabbed Alan's butt cheeks, and pulled him hard into her ass, grinding her hips against him and trying to work a tiny fraction more of his cock into her powerfully throbbing asshole. At the same time she'd half-turned and started kissing him so insistently, and with so much tongue, that he was convinced she was trying to lick his tonsils.

The near discovery by her father of herself and Alan engaging in forbidden anal sex had fired up her libido to almost impossible new heights.

"Exercise me, Sir!" she moaned, releasing the reins on her lust. "Exercise my Inner Bitch! Sir! Your Bitchslut wants to learn to do her exercises!" Her asshole tightened onto his erection in a crushingly powerful grip, which just didn't let go. "Oh yes! Exercise my Bitchslut ass!" she moaned with need.

He thought, And just like that, she flips the tables on me once again. Who's really in charge here?

But then he decided, I am! Despite her powerful grip, at long last he decisively pulled his erection out of her ass.

She moaned far too loudly for his taste. She wiggled her hungry ass enticingly. "Don't make me beg! I need it!"

He was rarely truly angry, but now he was angry. "Shut up! Shut up and sit down! God dammit, that was the most insanely stupid thing I've ever seen anyone do." He pointed a finger at her accusingly just as she turned around in surprise to look at his face. "Now, I'm going to go take a piss. You just sit there, and shut up, and don't do anything stupid! Sit still! Do you understand?!"

She was confused. She was so insanely aroused that all she wanted to do was fuck and fuck and fuck some more until she passed out from indescribable joy. She couldn't understand why he didn't feel the same way. But for the moment, it was easiest to just agree. "Yes, Sir."

"Good." He stormed off to the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

In truth, he didn't actually have to go to the bathroom, he just needed to get away from her, and this was as good an excuse as he could come up with on the spur of the moment. But once he was in the bathroom his body decided that it was a good idea after all, so he took the

opportunity to use the toilet once his erection subsided slightly.

While he was pissing, he thought, Man, I'm so done with her! She's not a bitchslut; she's just a crazy ass bitch. When I'm done in here, I'm gonna climb right out her window and out of her life! I don't need this stress! Sure it was fun, okay, incredibly and indescribably fun, but I probably aged ten years before it was over! Jesus H. Christ! I've seen her dad before and he's built like a tank! I can't believe I was stupid enough to come here of my own free will.

He started thinking back to what kind of crazy idea might have caused him to do such a foolish thing. Then he remembered just how much he needed her help, and right away. Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT! I can't leave now! Sis and Amy are in danger with the football game coming up tomorrow and I haven't done a single thing to get Heather's help for that. Fuck me!

Having finished emptying his bladder, he paced around the small bathroom. Mindful of the fact his penis had just been in Heather's asshole, he also took the time to wash it clean. Then he considered what to do next.

Man alive! I have to go back out there? Being alone with Heather in her room is like being trapped in a small space with a hungry lioness and nothing to defend myself except a cheap plastic spoon. Jeeee- sus! And she's so aroused that the first thing she's gonna do is attack me and stick my dick back up her butt.

Well, I guess there are worse things that could happen than that. As long as it's gonna happen, I might as well enjoy it. At least THAT won't be a problem. Both of us are on fire. This'll probably be an assfuck for the ages. And somehow I still haven't cum yet, and God knows that would feel great. But I should use the opportunity to bring her to heel. She wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't so TOTALLY FREAKIN' INSANE! Someone needs to do something with her, and it looks like it's up to me.

With a heavy sigh or two, he finished washing his hands, composed himself, and went back out to face her.

As he opened the bathroom door, he didn't know what to expect. His mostly likely guess was that she would be waiting right outside, ready to fling herself at him the second he emerged. He steeled himself to be ready for her to pounce.

But to his relief, he found her on the other side of her bedroom, on all fours on her bed with her ass high up in the air and pointed towards the bathroom door.

She was facing away from him so she couldn't see him, but she heard the bathroom door open. "Finally! Your Bitchslut is waiting! Give it to me, Sir! Please!"

He started to say, "I'm pissed off. You know, I don't even know if you're worthy of the Bitchslut name. What you just did-"

But he stopped abruptly because Frank could be heard shouting from not too far away. At first Alan assumed Heather's "Your Bitchslut is waiting" comment had been overheard and again he envisioned his face pummeled into a bloody pulp. But then he heard what her dad had to


"Princess? Can you hear me? I'm going to Safeway to buy a few things. Anything I can get for you?"

Heather immediately turned off her sexy insatiable-bitchslut voice in favor of her daddy's- little-girl cutesy voice. "Yeah, Dad! Ice cream! Ben and Jerry's. You know the kind I like, the cookie dough!"

"One pint of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough coming up!"

"Thanks, Dad! You're a peach!"

Frank's voice grew distant as he yelled back, "Don't eat the whole thing like last time!"

Alan listened for a minute or two. While they were waiting, he said very quietly, "How you can

eat pure fat like that and still keep your figure is beyond me."

She grinned, since there was a compliment buried in there somewhere. "It's a gift," she

boasted. "Some people have just got it."

"A gift," he said dubiously and sarcastically.

"Hey, I can't deny it if I have a genetically superior body. What's the point of denying what you and I both know to be true?"

He was going to say a few choice words about that, but remembered about Frank and held up a hand to silence her.

After another long pause as they listened in vain for any more sounds of Frank, Alan finally asked, "Is he gone?"

"Wait. Let me check." She got up from her lewd position and went to one of her windows. Generally speaking, her room looked out over the Morgan family backyard, but from one window she was able to see part of the curving road that led up a hill to her house. She waited and then said, "That's his car. See the blue Beemer? We're completely safe now."

"Well, that's a fucking relief," he admitted.

The buxom blonde was immediately getting back into the same position on her bed with her

ass up.

"Heather, you've been a very bad bitchslut. You could have gotten me killed back there. It's no skin off your nose if your father finds you. You'd just bat your pretty blue eyes and coo, 'Oh, I'm so sorry, daddy-waddy.' I'm sure you could turn on the charm and keep him from getting too angry. Meanwhile, he'd kick my ass all the way to Canada."

"I'm sorry, Sir. Why don't you punish me with a big hard assfucking? Use my body any way you please!" She wiggled and squirmed her hips lewdly in invitation.

He took stock of the situation. Man, this is just too weird. Here I am, standing naked in the head cheerleader's bedroom, talking to her ass while she tries to coax me into fucking her up the butt. The truth IS stranger than fiction. Maybe I had a horrible accident a couple of months ago and I'm really in a coma and dreaming? Well, that wouldn't explain how I even know all these centerfold beauties in the first place. Hell, if my life is just an extended dream or Twilight Zone episode or something like that, I might as well enjoy it while I can!

He said, "No, that's hardly a punishment for an anally insatiable bitchslut like you. What WOULD be a good punishment?"

There was a long pause, surprising him that she seemed to be sincerely considering the


She thought, I HAVE been a bit bad. He deserves at least some payback, I have to admit. And he is my Inner Bitch Tamer. I should at least throw him a bone. Finally, she replied in an

uncharacteristically tentative voice, "A... spanking? ... Sir?"

He thought, Just when you think it can't get any weirder, it does. Now the most beautiful and popular girl in school is begging for me to spank her... I've got to admit, it's a pretty damned good idea! Without speaking, he began rooting through Heather's cabinets. He found her underwear drawer and picked out a particularly thick black pair of panties. He walked over to her and put

the panties on her head.


"A good bitchslut doesn't speak unless spoken to."

Guessing what he wanted, she tied the panties around her head and over her eyes like a

blindfold. She actually didn't want to see because she knew from recent experience with him that being blindfolded would heighten her other senses, plus she liked being completely at his mercy, so she put it on very securely.

He opened a few more drawers, but realized it would be hard to find the other thing he was looking for. So he asked, "You got any rope? Or something I can use like rope to tie nasty

bitchsluts up?"

She shivered, tingles of lustful excitement racing through her. He was turning her into a bondage aficionado. "You know, I think way back in the foot of my closet there are some boxes of old toys. There should be some jump rope in there."

He found the jump rope. (He was tempted to examine her old toys to find clues to help understand her psyche, but his erect cock was demanding satisfaction, and soon.) He quickly tied her hands behind her back without saying anything more.

Then he went to her phone and called Simone. He knew all the waiting was driving Heather up

the wall, and he wanted to prolong her anticipation. "Hey, Simone?"

She answered by speakerphone, sitting at the computer desk in her bedroom. "Oh, hi. Alan, is that you? I didn't even know you have my number."

"I don't. But I'm at Heather's and she has it on her speed dial." Simone joked, "I know. I'm number six on her list of her ten favorite friends. The first five of course, are Heather, Heather, Heather, Heather, and Heather."

He laughed and joked back, "You should be glad you made it that high, since I'm looking at

the list here and seven through ten are Heather too. Hey, is this a bad time to call, what with it being Thanksgiving Day and all?"

"Well, it's not the greatest, but I can gab for a little while. What's up? No wait, let me guess: Heather's being baaaad."

He gasped in poorly feigned stage shock. "How did you know?!"

"Call me psychic. Hey, why don't you put the phone near her tied-up ass and then hit the speakerphone? Then we can have a three-way and I know how much you love three-ways." She giggled.

He did as she suggested, but asked, "How did you know I have her tied up?"

"Like I said, I'm psychic. But besides that, it's easy. If she had her hands free, she would have grabbed the phone away from you already." Simone's next words were directed at Heather, now that Heather could actually hear both sides of the conversation. "Hey, girl! How's he

treating your bitchy ass today?"

"Not well enough!" Heather complained. "He's torturing me with all this waiting and WAITING when I desperately need a spanking!"

"Whoa." Simone whistled in genuine surprise. "You sure that's Heather? Her voice sounds like Heather, but she actually WANTS a spanking?! This must be a crank call."

Alan and Heather together briefly explained the gist of how her father had almost discovered them. Both of them were brief because they wanted to get on with things.

Alan though made a point in chastising Heather that Simone was his Assistant Bitch Trainer

and needed to be addressed respectfully as "Ma'am." He also warned her that she was not allowed to cum until he said so and if she did she would be punished severely.

With that out of the way, and feeling that with her dad gone he didn't have to worry about making noise for at least the next ten minutes, he got Simone's and Heather's attention by spanking Heather loudly on her ass.

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