6 Times a Day

Chapter 1197: " I'm gonna learn to be his perfect fuck toy"

Chapter 1197: " I'm gonna learn to be his perfect fuck toy"

Putting the dildo on the floor by the foot of the bed and safely out of sight, Alan crawled up onto the bed so he could take Heather's gag out. She was gasping for breath so desperately that she needed the gag removed just to catch her breath. So even though he took it off, she was in no condition to talk. He took her blindfold off but decided to leave her arms bound for a little while longer.

He thought as he looked down on her panting body, Not that many weeks ago, she wouldn't even deign to speak to me. Now she just agreed to strip naked and suck my cock in front of a crowd. True, it's just a fantasy, but the power of her reaction is how she imagines it's for real. What a turnaround! I have to admit, I feel such a surge of power at times like these. I feel like some kind of crystal meth addict who could lift a car. It's not healthy. I need to calm down. Stay grounded. I can't let her corrupt


Damn. She looks so emotionally staggered and all around overwhelmed. I hope I didn't do TOO good a job on her. I still have to think about the Sean handoff, you know. I keep having the urge to be more intimate with her, but the one thing I can't do is let her fall in love with me.

Sitting on the edge of the bed to recover a bit more, he looked around the room and saw live footage of Simone on Heather's computer screen. The computer was a good fifteen feet away and at an angle from where he was so he couldn't see much on the screen except black nakedness. But he'd completely forgotten Simone was still on the line and now he was reminded that she was.

He waited a minute or so until his power surge was mostly under control. Then he said out loud while staring nowhere in particular, "How am I doing, Simone?"

"Awe inspiring! Man, I am SOOO wishing I could be Heather right now. Just look at her, limper than a wrung out dish rag. I'll bet she doesn't know what her own last name is, she's so fucked out. When are you going to do that to me, minus all the 'cum dump' crap? She goes for that shit in a big way, but not me."

"All in good time, Bitch Trainer Assistant Number One, all in good time."

"Oh, so there's lots of Bitch Trainer Assistants now?"

"No, I'm just trying to be inscrutable and mysterious. Kind of a combination of Captain Picard and Charlie Chan; they both like saying 'Number One' a lot."

Simone quipped in a stereotyped Chinese accent typical of the old Charlie Chan movies, "I see. Make eet ah-so, numbah wan."

He obligingly groaned at the word play, pretending to be annoyed, even though he was impressed by her quick wit.

Simone let him breathe for some moments; he was surprisingly winded and sweaty, especially given that he hadn't actually done that much physical activity. But the emotional intensity was physically draining. Making small talk, she said, "Daah-yum! That is ooooooone big Bitch Trainer! Where did you get that? I didn't even know they made 'em that big."

"I had to get it special ordered," he admitted.

Heather, while nearly half dead from orgasmic overload, was alert enough to hear them talking. She caught that he had special ordered the dildo, and that fact filled her heart with gladness. One, it confirmed just how big and special the dildo had to be, and two, it showed more deliberate thought, planning, and effort on his part, increasing the meaning of the gift. She wanted that dildo to completely fill her ass and she wanted it bad.

She thought in all seriousness, Why AM I such a bitch? I don't want to be. If the others would just accept my natural superiority then there would be no need for all the fighting and scheming. Now he's gone and done such a kind and thoughtful thing in buying that for me. In fact, it's the best gift anyone's ever given me! Sure, Mom and Dad shower me with all kinds of expensive stuff, and I know they're going to get me a Trans Am for Christmas, but I'd rather have Alan's Thanksgiving Bitch Trainer than all those other gifts combined!

What could I possibly do to make it up to him? Sure, I could try to satisfy his every sexual whim and spread my legs to eagerly take his big cock in any hole if he so much as raises an eyebrow in my direction, but I'm doing that already! Grrr! And it's not like he wants stuff. All he ever wears are simple T-shirts and shorts and all the other stuff that he owns that I've seen is simple and functional. He doesn't seem to want for anything.

But I just HAVE to make it up to him! I'm in love!

Alan and Simone continued to idly chat until Heather heard Simone ask, "So, what are you going to do with her now?"

"Hmmm. Good question. You do know, I'm completely winging this, don't you? True, I've been working up to getting my rocks off, but beyond a simple-"

"Oh SHIT!" Simone interrupted in a kind of yelled yet fearful whisper.

Sensing the need for quiet on Simone's end, Alan whispered, "What?"

"It's my mom!" Simone whispered back. "She's knocking on the door!" Simone shouted loudly in a sing-song voice for her mother's benefit, "Coming, Mother! Give me just a minute to get dressed!" Then she whispered to Alan, "What a come down! I've got all kinds of errands to do. At least I just had a nice cum. Oh well. Give it to her good for me. Gotta go!" Simone disconnected the phone line. The webcam view of her on Heather's computer went black as well. However, she had been recording what she was seeing almost the whole time and she kept the recording going. She figured that at the very least, Heather would want to watch it again, and she certainly planned to use it as inspiration in her own future masturbation sessions.

Alan turned off the speaker phone feature, killing the buzzing tone. Then he turned his attention back to Heather. "Well, Bitchkiddo, looks like it's just you and me. Coherent yet?"

"Uh! God!"

He joked, making reference to his earlier pretend class lecture, "That's how I like my bitchsluts, the non-gabby kind. Ready for some more fucky-fucky?"

"Uhh-h-h-h-hhhh..." Her moan was filled with anguish and weariness, like it was her last breath on Earth.

"I take that's a yes," he teased. "Actually, Simone's been teaching me how to translate your moaning sounds. I think you just said, 'I want to lick the soles of Simone's feet clean.' Is that right?"


"No? How 'bout, 'Let me bask in the glow of Simone's radiant glory'?"

"Alan! ... I'm... going... to... kill you!... And... that... fucking... piece... piece of... best friend!" She was too winded to say all she wanted to say; she was going to say "piece of shit" as just the start of a long string of curse words directed at Simone, but she decided to cut it short so she could simply breathe. She'd made her general point, though.

He laughed. He was glad though that her hands were still tied behind her back, given the murderous look she was giving him. Her helpless physical position and tough anger were completely incongruous. "She lives! Hmmm. Maybe Simone isn't as good a translator as I thought she was. I could have sworn there was something in there about Simone's radiant glory, at the very least. But since you're all rested up now-"

"UGH!" Heather had never felt so completely exhausted. It seemed to her that she was drowning in sweat.

He hardly skipped a beat. "I figure it's time to teach you some new anal sex skills, seeing as how we need to bring your ass up to at least minimal bitchslut standards of taming." "Can it wait?" She was still limp as a wet noodle and catching up on her breathing. "I'm going to ignore that since you didn't say 'Sir.' Now, let me tell you about something I call the 'anal wave.' I don't know if anyone else calls it that, and I couldn't find any mention of it on the Internet, so I gather it's pretty rare. But this very sexually talented woman came from out of town this last week and did it to me real well, and then was able to teach it to one of my regular lovers. I know not everyone can learn to do it, but some women can. Let's see if you have the anal strength and control to be one of the elite few who can master this special


Heather liked the sound of that. She was always trying to be more elite and special. She attempted to sit up.

He took pity on her and finally untied her hands.

Just then, the Bob Marley song "Is This Love?" happened to be playing. As Marley sang,

"Is this love,

is this love,

is this love,

is this love that I'm feeling?"

she sang back in her mind, "Yes! Yes it is!" That helped give her the strength to rise.

After sitting up, she rubbed her sore arms. Her ass hurt her even more and sitting on it was quite painful, but once up she was too tired to change positions. Then she tried to concentrate on what he wanted her to do despite her extreme exhaustion.

He grinned at her predictable reaction to being challenged. "So... Let us begin, shall we?"

"Yes, Sir." She wiped the sweat from her brow.

"Okay. I'm no expert on this, but this is what I remember from when it was explained to me.

There are muscles inside your butt that help squeeze waste out of your body. Normally, you don't really think about it; it just happens. The 'anal wave' is when you take conscious control of the process and learn to squeeze from deep to shallow slowly. The result is a series of rolling contractions on the embedded erection which I can personally attest to as feeling fucking fantastic. Basically, it's the anal equivalent of the pussy muscle squeezes that can be mastered by doing Kegel exercises. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I think so. Is it a hard thing to learn?"

"I believe that it is. I gather most people can't learn it overnight, though some are lucky or

maybe just built to do it more easily. As a man, I don't know firsthand, but I think it could be like learning to overcome your gag reflex so you can deep throat. It goes against your natural instincts, but it's something you can do if you can control yourself. Do you know how to deep


"No, Sir," she admitted. If asked about deep throating before, she would have just laughed and mocked the very idea. But now she felt shamed and inadequate that she couldn't do it.

"Well, obviously, that's going to change. Your body is a fuck shrine built for the sole purpose of pleasuring my cock. I expect you to begin daily Kegel exercises, deep throating exercises, and anal wave exercises until there's nothing your body can't do to make me happy. Is that

clear?" "Yes, Sir." And surprisingly, she meant it too.

"You say that now, but frankly, I don't think a selfish and spoiled girl like you has what it takes to be a truly talented and tamed bitchslut."

His earlier words came back to her: "A tamed bitchslut is a treasure beyond price." She

thought, I'll show him! He doesn't think I've got what it takes, huh? Well, I'm gonna be the most talented and tamed bitchslut there ever was! I'm going to please his cock with more skill and in more ways than he ever even dreamed possible! Someday soon, he's going to humbly apologize for daring to doubt the strength of my sheer willpower!

She said through gritted and clenched teeth, "Frankly, Sir, I'm offended that you have any doubts about my determination to please you. I'm willing to do whatever it takes."

"So you say," he said in an obviously doubtful voice. Now that he was starting to understand her mindset better as he grew to know her, he was learning how to goad her to get her to do what he wanted. If done correctly, it was as easy as taking candy from a baby. "You'll see! I heard what you said earlier about how a tamed bitchslut is a treasure beyond price." Suddenly shy, she asked, "Did you really mean that?"

"Yes I did. But I also meant what I said about tamed bitchsluts being almost as rare as

unicorns. You might have what it takes to learn things like the anal wave and deep throating -

someday - though I doubt it. But I'm almost positive that taming you is a desperate long shot, at best."

"Not true, Sir! I'm starting to feel more than a little tamed already. If I'm willing to rip my clothes off and get fucked by you on command, any time, any place, in front of anyone, doesn't that show at least some taming?"

"Well, perhaps a little," he said, his voice deliberately begrudging and doubtful.

"I know I can do it!" She was reviving quickly now. The challenge he was presenting her was

turning her lethargy into excitement.

"You think you can, but you have no idea. You know what a tamed bitchslut would do?"

"What's that?"

"Imagine we're both in a room with Glory and Christine. If asked, you would take my hand and guide it to Christine's bare breasts so I could fondle them, then you'd hold my dick and guide it in to Glory's eager pussy. And not only would you do those things, you'd do them gladly and with a smile on your face."

She blanched. Holy shit! There's no way! I'd kill both of them with my bare hands first!

He saw her reaction and said, "See what I mean? You can't even begin to imagine what it

means to put someone else's pleasure before your own. But let's see at least if you have some hope of learning something like the anal wave. Put your knees on the floor and hang off the edge of the bed so I can nail your ass."

"Yes, Sir." She'd lost some of her enthusiasm when she heard his tamed bitchslut test. She

wanted nothing more than to be tamed now, but couldn't see how she could put aside things like her hatred of Christine and Glory if that stood in her way. She began to get an inkling of the kind of mental control demanded of highly advanced martial arts students. Man, that sucks! Anything but either of them. Maybe if I just eliminate Glory and Christine, then the

test for being a tamed bitchslut would be a lot easier. I don't mean kill or hurt them of course; I'd never really do something like that. I just mean completely eliminate them from Alan's life, eliminate his interest in them, and theirs in him. Hell, I'm gonna do that anyway; this'll just give me an extra incentive. Then that's a lot more Alan for me!

As soon as she was in position, he knelt down between her legs and spanked her on the ass.

"What the hell was that for?!... Sir?"

"I saw a scheming look on your face as you were repositioning. I don't know what you were thinking, but I know it wasn't good." He spanked her again, even harder this time.

Shit! He can read me like a book. I've got to be more careful around him. He thinks he's gonna get the

best of me, but I'll show him! I'm gonna learn to be his perfect fuck toy and there's nothing he can do

to stop me from doing it! Hee-hee-hee!

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