6 Times a Day

Chapter 1198: Ass F$cking Heather

Chapter 1198: Ass F$cking Heather

It took a couple of minutes, but Alan eventually fit his cock all the way back into Heather's quivering ass. Lying on top of her kneeling body, he fucked her butt for a little while to "warm up" again. Because of his long action-free rest after her big orgasm, he wasn't on the edge anymore, but he greatly enjoyed getting back close to that level.

With both of them feeling good and not too winded, they began practicing the anal wave technique. Or, at least they tried to. In fact, he knew little more than what he'd just explained to her. He knew Xania was great at it (she'd done it to him this morning, in fact) and that she had somehow taught it to Susan, but he wasn't there when that happened so he didn't know what Xania's teaching methods were. (As it so happened, Susan was a rare natural in the technique and didn't need much teaching.)

But they tried to soldier on just the same. He figured that because of the seemingly unique rippling pressure her asshole could exert on him involuntarily during the throes of her anal orgasms she'd at least have some measure of aptitude with controlling the flexing of her unusually powerful internal muscles when trying to do so deliberately. But whenever she tried to deliberately flex around his impaling cock, it seemed like all she could do was an all- or-nothing effort, rather than the controlled cascading ripple he was asking of her.

The act of trying was most enjoyable for him, because he was generally either thrusting in or out or having her clench down on his erection when it was stationary and fully inside her. So even when she did the anal wave "wrong" it still felt very, very good.

But it was also clear that no progress was being made. As good as fucking her was, he knew it could be a whole lot better if she could only master this. So finally he said, "Okay, it seems like you need some help here, so I'm going to give you some corny philosophy. I'm totally talking out of my ass here, so to speak, but maybe it'll work. Think back to the Star Wars movies. Even you saw those, right?"

She reflexively groaned. "Oh God. Nerd alert."

He spanked her hard on both ass cheeks.

Did I say that out loud? Shit! "Sorry, Sir."

"Answer the question."

"Yes. I even saw the crappy one. "The Phantom Something or Another.' Sir."

"'The Phantom Menace.' And yes, it was kind of crappy. In any case, think back to when Obi Wan Kenobi is trying to teach Luke Skywalker The Force. He tells him to feel The Force and they do those exercises where Luke swings his lightsaber without being able to see. Do you remember that?"

She thought, Good God. Major nerd alert this time! I wish he could be as socially studly as he is sexually studly. Then there'd be no stopping us! All the other girls would drop dead with envy when I finally make him completely mine. And there's no doubt that I will, even if I have to do stuff like this stupid anal wave thing first. But she just said, "Uh, yeah?"

"Well, let's try something similar. I know you've always had a very selfish conception of sex. It's always been about you. For instance, before me, you refused to even consider giving a guy a blowjob. I'm sure that was because you were thinking, 'What's in it for me?' But in fact, by giving the other person pleasure, and that person trying to give you pleasure, there's a positive feedback loop that brings you to higher highs than you could ever achieve with purely selfish sex alone."

"I think I experienced some of that a little while earlier, Sir. I was trying to make you feel really good, and it made me feel good when you did."

"Good! Maybe there's hope for you after all. Hell, I still think it's a long shot, but there's a slight chance you might even be tamable."

She felt a flush of excitement all over to hear him say that. Her asshole flexed happily around his erection (although still not the way he was trying to get her to do it).

He added, "So try to recapture that feeling and expand on it. Don't think of the mechanics of what's happening in your ass; just try to think about how you can move your ass in a way that'll give me more pleasure. Maybe if you try that, the anal wave will happen on its own." So she tried that. She even thought back to the old Star Wars movies and tried to capture the vibe of Luke being taught The Force. She remembered a wizened little green Muppet saying something like, "Do or do not. There is no try." For some reason, that line had stuck in her mind. She attempted to give in to her feelings and focus on nothing but pleasing her lover.

The results were better. She still didn't do the anal wave, but she was doing something closer to it. Instead of just an all the way on or all the way off clenching, she was managing something in between. For instance, she could do a slower and softer clench. And sometimes, rarely, she could clench just part of her asshole, though she couldn't manage a deliberate ripple effect.

Still, Alan was very pleased. They'd been practicing for about fifteen minutes when he smacked her ass again (but in a congratulatory way somehow) and said, "Good! Very good! I'm proud of you. Where's the selfish and bitchy Heather now?" He gently petted her back while rooting his stiffness around in her warm asshole.

She basked in the compliment. Fuck me, this feels GOOD! How much better will it be when I actually get the hang of this anal wave thing?!

"That's enough for today," he said.

All the while, they had been growing closer and closer to mutual climaxes, because failure or success or in between, every part of this anal wave practice felt great for both of them. Now he began slowly sawing in and out of her ass. He reached out with both hands and casually ran them up and down her back, sometimes curling around her torso to play with her dangling boobs.

But in this new mood of his, his manner was gentle and loving. She loved it, especially when he ran his fingers through her long blonde ponytail.

Heather had fucked quite a lot, but she had never done anything close to what people called making love. Before Alan, most of her fucks were of the fast and furious variety. But she discovered that she liked what he was doing now, slowly and gently, as much or more than any wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am fucks she usually craved. Then, when he lay on top of her back, kissing and nibbling her ear, cheek, and shoulder while whispering deliciously slutty endearments and encouragements, she nearly lost it. She would have had a great big orgasm except that mixed in with his loving coos was his specific order not to cum just yet.

Despite the lazy pace (neither of them were even particularly winded or sweaty), he knew that he'd have to cum soon. So he began working to the finale by saying, "There, you see? You have so much untapped potential. I could feel you were trying to please me, not just yourself. Everything feels different, somehow. You can do it, the anal wave and so much more. You just need to practice. Lots and lots of practice so your improving buttfucking technique can help you to tame your Inner Bitch. Because as much as I'm going to enjoy training you and taming your cock worshipping ass, you're going to love it even more than I do. And that, my dear Bitchslut, is a promise."

"YESSSS!" she hissed, arching her back and lifting both herself and him partially off the bed for a moment before slumping back down with him on top of her. She squirmed underneath him as she felt tingles of sensation start to spark and flare within her as her asshole began throbbing insistently and quite uncontrollably.

"Feeling good? Does it feel good to give pleasure?"

"Oh yes! God yes! It's like... ecstasy!"

His thrusting pace started to increase a little as he felt the surge towards orgasm beginning its inexorable rise within him. He was trying to time his words carefully. "Ahhh, but what would feel even better? What do bitchsluts love more than anything?"

She pondered that, and then honestly replied, "I don't know! I don't know if feeling even better is possible!"

He pulled his hips back, drawing his cock out of the hotly clenching interior of Heather's ass until only the head remained within her tight anal grip. "It is! Think!"

She felt his rapid withdrawal from within her, but pinned under his weight as she was she

couldn't thrust back to recapture what he was taking away from her. Afraid that he might pull out completely, when she was approaching another climax, she clamped down hard on him to prevent a total evacuation. After feeling deliciously full back there for so many long minutes, she became acutely aware of the sensation of emptiness in her backside as her asshole continued to pulse and throb uncontrollably, now on nothing rather than on his sexy penetrating thickness.

He wanted to draw things out even more, tease her until every fiber of her being was completely fucked out, but his body wasn't cooperating. He hadn't cum since he'd arrived in her room and his cock just couldn't take it anymore.

"I don't know!" She cried in increasing desperation. "Assfucking? More assfucking, Sir?


Realizing he only had seconds left before he came, no matter what he did, he started pushing back into her.

As soon as she felt the inward pressure on her anus, she loosened her death-grip on the head of Alan's cock. "Thank you, Sir!" she gasped in gratitude, shivering with delight as her anus slid the sexy length of him once more and his thick cock once again took up commanding residence inside her hotly massaging and welcoming interior. "Oh fuck me, yeah!" she


He panted huskily, suddenly finding it difficult to even speak, "More than a-any-thing else, bi-itch-slu-uts lo-o-ove..." He grabbed her by the hips and started pulling her, hard, into his groin, straining to get that last tiny fraction of penetration into her.

"What?" she breathily gasped into the pregnant silence, feeling herself right on the edge of yet another soul-shattering orgasm. Her asshole throbbed mightily, sending her reeling as wave after wave of pleasure flooded her senses.

"CUM!" He hissed triumphantly, "Bitchsluts love cum!" His cock twitched and jerked wildly within her. "They love Bitch Tamer cum deep in their asses!"

At first she wasn't sure she'd heard him right. After all, he had never, ever cum in her ass before. On her ass cheeks, yes, but never inside. At first, it was just happenstance that he hadn't cum inside her there, but more recently he had purposely held back from doing so, saying she wasn't worthy yet to experience it.

So she didn't know what to expect. If anything, she'd been expecting to directly feel something awesome and momentous, maybe something like the pressurized force of one of her enemas, to let her know conclusively that he was now filling her ass with more than just his cock. The fact that she didn't feel anything of the sort was, initially, something of a let- down for her. But she did notice that his cock was throbbing and jerking inside her in the most deliciously sexy ways.

And then she felt something. It wasn't the internal "hosing down" she'd been expecting, but was rather a profound sense of satisfaction as she felt a warm liquid fullness deep inside slowly start to spread outwards and somehow flow deeper into her.

Ever since Alan had first fucked her up the ass a couple weeks ago, she'd been feeling

something new and aggravating: an itchy hot craving to have the inside of her asshole "scratched" by him, somehow, deep inside. Being anally penetrated by one of her Bitch Trainer dildos, or better yet by Alan himself, had massaged that itchy craving to bearable levels, for a while, but hadn't offered real relief.

But now, as he continued to pump rope after rope of thick hot cum into the steaming depths of her upturned ass, she began to, at long last, feel real relief from that maddeningly unscratchable itch. It finally started easing as he filled her up with his cum. Thanks to the unusually long and intense teasing he'd gone through with her since he'd arrived in her bedroom, he had more cum to give than even his usual generous standards. It seemed to her as if he was pouring out a torrential flood into the clasping confines of her butt. She was already so close to cumming that these feelings, plus the mere mental knowledge that he was really cumming inside of her, pushed her into the orgasmic abyss that opened up

to swallow both of them.

As their mutual orgasms continued to play out, her unexpected feeling of contentment

continued to spread throughout her body. Blissful and intimate feelings of being made whole, complete, even loved, washed over and through her. She felt like she was drowning in the rising tide of an ocean, drowning in ecstasy. It was such an overwhelming feeling for her that she completely passed out, even as her asshole continued to milk his cock in an attempt to drain his balls dry of every last precious drop of his seed.

When Heather awoke, she found herself in a completely different position. She was lying in Alan's arms, being held by him while feeling the warm afterglow of their mutual exertions. She had never been big on any post-orgasmic cuddling, so this was pretty much a brand new thing for her. She'd also never come close to feeling for any boy what she felt for him, so she was blindsided by how happy and content she felt in his arms. She simply had never felt that

good before. It seemed to her like all of her experiences with him had culminated in this moment of epiphany.

She looked up into his face lovingly. This was the inner Heather that Alan had been striving to

free, Sean's "angel" that was nothing like the ordinary bitchy Heather. Briefly, in that shared moment, she really did look angelic.

Her asshole felt absolutely incredible, even though Alan Junior had vacated her ass altogether. She could tell his cum was still inside her and in fact drooling out a little bit. She

clenched her anus tightly shut to try and keep any more of his cum from escaping her. She shifted her weight a bit and luxuriated in the resulting squishy sensations deep within. She decided that as good as it felt to have a dildo filling her butt, having her ass filled with cum

was much more satisfying.

She asked him in a quiet purr, as if she still couldn't believe it herself, "You came? You came

in my ass?" "Yep. You didn't deserve it, mind you" he said sternly, even as he kissed her hair gently. "I'm

still pissed at your recent behavior, not to mention almost getting me killed with your dad. But even badly behaved bitchsluts need something to be thankful for, today of all days, and I did want to reward you for trying so hard to learn your anal exercises. And most importantly, I want you to know how good it can be if you tame your Inner Bitch."

"So good..." she sighed reverently. Then she nuzzled her face into his neck and kissed his

throat. Heather simply didn't nuzzle, nor was she the type to coo or purr or snuggle. This tender kind of thing was the sort of "lovey-dovey crap" that she frequently mocked. As much as she was enjoying herself, old habits die hard and her bitchy exterior soon reasserted itself.

The next time she looked into his eyes, he saw that the good Heather had disappeared. There

was some subtle and inexplicable difference. But still, he was pleased. He was confident that at least some seeds had been planted.

He thought, And now, the football players. That's what I'm here for, after all. But I can't blow it now

and get sidetracked by all this unexpectedly pleasant intimacy. At least a better attitude from her might eventually help with the Sean hand-over. Regardless, I have to keep to the plan and be subtle. He brushed her lips with his fingertips, saying, "You see what I mean, about giving? Try to do

for others and see how it turns out. And I'm not just talking about sex, either. Try doing nice things for the people you love and see if they're returned. By not being bitchy all the time, you won't be able to revel in your power and glory as much, true. But you'll find other pleasures that are ultimately even more satisfying and rewarding." "I'll try." Her voice was still disarmingly weak and vulnerable.

He thought, A-ha! She's taken the bait. Now it's up to Simone to reel her in. Simone should call her

late afternoon-ish and talk to her about my problem with the football players and then leave it up to Heather to take the initiative to help me out before the game. If I forced Heather to help, she'd drag her feet all the way and do a subpar job, and then she'd demand payback later. This way, maybe she'll

actually do a good job. It's a risk, but I think it's a good, calculated risk. Plus, there's an outside chance it could actually help tame her inner bitch.

Heather was thinking too. Now that the bitchy side of her had reasserted itself, she thought, That was fucking incredible! He's right. Giving is good, at least in certain cases, because it gets me more. I never understood when people said giving is better than receiving, but now I do. It's better 'cos

when you give gifts, people give you even more stuff back! He's taught me an amazing lesson: altruism is just a more subtle form of greed.

Now, more than ever, I need to redouble my twin goals. One, please my Sir in all ways as best as humanly possible so he'll take me as his main lover and girlfriend and cum in my ass every single fucking day! And two, eliminate the competition. I need all of Alan, all the time! I'm not gonna share

him with a bunch of other needy girls, much less the likes of Gloria Rhymer! You think he's gonna love you like he loves me, Glory? Ha! In your dreams, loser!

Once he and I are an inseparable pair, there's no telling what I'll be able to do. I'll have love, great sex, money, AND power. The sky's the limit!

Her thoughts then switched to a much more pertinent and practical matter as a physical sensation become impossible to avoid. Damn, my ass! It's on fire. Did he really have to spank me that much and that hard? I don't think I'm gonna be able to sit for a week. But it was soooo worth it!

Alan finally remembered the time. Looking at the clock, he realized he was running a bit late, but thankfully not too late. If he left immediately, he'd still have time to go home, get ready, and pick up Glory. He quickly began putting his clothes on; a shower would have to wait until

he got home.

He thought, If Heather only knew that I'm leaving her to spend time with Glory, she'd have a conniption fit. And the same is true if Glory knew where I'm coming from to meet her. I'm walking a

pretty dangerous line here, juggling so many women in my life. But on the other hand, life sure as hell is never boring anymore!

He figured that based on how his life had been going lately, there was a fair chance his cock

would get fondled when he got back home. So he washed his privates in Heather's bathroom while she lay blissed out on her bed, exhausted and recovering.

Finally dressed and holding his backpack as he prepared to crawl out her window, he said to her, "I've hidden your present, the big dildo, somewhere around here. But you are under strict instructions NOT to look for it, is that clear? Like all your Bitch Trainers, you're not allowed to

touch or even look at them without permission. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir," she said from where she lay sprawled on her bed, even though she could hardly

wait for him to leave now so she could search for it.

Frank had long since returned home. But while he had no clue about what Heather had been

doing up in her room, Helen certainly did. She didn't have another chance to go upstairs and listen at Heather's door since her husband was puttering around the house. But she knew all about the window Heather's lovers used, so she positioned herself at the kitchen counter in a spot where she could watch the backyard and see anyone who left by the window route.

Eventually, her patience was rewarded. It was just for a few seconds and from a long way away, but she saw Alan quickly scurrying through the backyard on his way to his car. She was initially surprised and disappointed. She'd been expecting some kind of perfectly sculpted, muscular Adonis, but what she saw looked more like the generic boy next door, perhaps even a bit bookish. That actually left her even more intrigued than before. Helen still didn't know

his name, or anything about him, but she resolved to fix that soon. Just like her daughter, she

had her ways of getting what she wanted.

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