6 Times a Day

Chapter 1199: Glory

Chapter 1199: Glory

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Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, WendigosArk, Jesse Boyer, Tekkadamn, A1, Angel Beltran, Volare007, Leif, Cocobig, SingCheck, Nizar Alkhalil, Carlos Heredia and Juanma VK

Glory stood before a full length mirror in her apartment, looking at her outfit. Does this make me look fat? I think it makes me look fat. No, everyone tells me this is one of my best outfits. But what if I've gained weight, and this dress magnifies it? Maybe I need to wear something more daring.

Arrgh! Listen to me. I sound like some kind of teenage girl. Why did I ever agree to do this? Is it too late to back out? It is. I just know it's going to end badly. How did I ever get in this mess in the first place? Glory thought back to what led her to her current situation, with Alan scheduled to come and pick her up for the Thanksgiving meal at any moment. It had all started the evening before.

Glory was vacuuming her bedroom when she heard the doorbell ring. She didn't have any friends who just stopped by without calling first, at least not since she'd recently broken up with her boyfriend. She assumed it was some kind of salesperson and kept vacuuming. But the doorbell rang again, so she went to check it out.

She looked through the peephole first. The person was standing close to the hole and all she could see was a mass of curly dark reddish-brown hair. She could tell it was a woman from the hair, so she felt safe enough to open the door. But she regretted it as soon as she did.

"Suzanne! My, isn't this a surprise! Nice to see you!" Glory was all smiles.

Inwardly, she cursed, Shit! Not HER! She's nothing but trouble. I know it! And look how I look. Shit, shit, shit! Look at the miles of alabaster cleavage. You'd think she's off to the Academy Awards ceremony or something. She always dresses so nicely, and I look like some kind of couch potato. Heck, I'd have to put on something nicer than this to even look like a slovenly couch potato. Shit!

Actually, Glory's outfit didn't look half bad, and she kept her apartment nice and clean, but she found herself with a strong need to impress Suzanne. She knew that Suzanne lived over in the millionaires' neighborhood and that her apartment would barely qualify as guest quarters over there. Her heart was pounding way too loud.

"Good to see you," Suzanne said jovially. "Sorry for dropping by unannounced. You don't mind?"

"Mind? Are you kidding? It's a treat." Inwardly she cursed, Damn and double damn! This is a living nightmare. I feel so embarrassed. She added, "Come on in! Please, sit down and make yourself at home."

"Thank you. I don't mind if I do." Suzanne took a seat on the big sofa in Glory's living room.

Stalling for time, Glory asked, "Would you like some coffee?"

"Yes, please. Thank you."

Glory brought the coffee, and then sat on the love seat directly across from her. "So. Let me guess. You're here about Alan. Is there some kind of crisis?"

Suzanne smiled, causing Glory's heart to pitter patter. "Good guess, but no, there's no crisis. Well, not an immediate one at any rate. I just wanted to invite you to a Thanksgiving meal tomorrow at the Plummer house. Alan, his sister, and his mother will be there, and so will I and my daughter Amy. You've met all of us at one time or another. Sorry for the short notice, but I just found out that you'll be spending Thanksgiving all alone and we can't have that. It wouldn't be neighborly."

It was true that Glory was planning on having her Thanksgiving meal alone, but that was only because she'd had plans with her boyfriend which were recently canceled when she broke up with him. She hadn't told that to Alan or anyone else though, so she couldn't possibly see how Suzanne could know that.

She asked, "That's true, but, hey! How did you know?"

Suzanne waved a hand dismissively. "Oh, I ran into what's his name in the supermarket. Your old boyfriend. Garth, I believe. We got to talking and he mentioned how he felt bad that you two would both be alone for the holiday. So of course I just had to do something since I already consider you my friend."

That was all true, technically speaking, but what Suzanne failed to mention was that she'd deliberately "accidentally" run into Garth a few days earlier precisely to pump him for information about Glory while appearing to just hold a casual conversation with him. She'd learned quite a few useful tidbits, including some surprising and enticing hints about Glory's sex life after Garth started wondering aloud if he'd lost Glory because his bedroom skills weren't good enough. When Suzanne was at her manipulative best, she had a way of getting people to reveal more than they normally would have.

Luckily, Glory didn't think to question how Suzanne even knew who her boyfriend was in the first place. (In fact, in recent days Suzanne had been putting out feelers about Glory and trying to learn everything she could about her to gain an edge.)

"Oh, I see." Glory was a bit disappointed that Suzanne had a legitimate reason to have found that out, because now she didn't have any good excuse to turn the invitation down, yet she had to. "Thanks for thinking of me and for coming all the way here to ask me in person, but I... I just can't."

"Why not? If there's a scheduling conflict we can move the time around to better suit you." "No, it's not that... You're making it really hard for me to wiggle out of this, you know, but that's exactly what I have to do. I just can't go there."

"You can't? Why?"

Glory was getting a little upset and the irritation showed in her face. "Why? You ask me why? You know why! Actually, there are several whys. For one thing, to be blunt about it, it would be too awkward, knowing what I know about everyone there."

Suzanne purposely played dumb, giving her a blank and uncomprehending look.

"You know!" Glory added with frustration. "The fact that everyone there has been...

intimate... with Alan. EVERYOne. Do I make myself clear?"

"Oh. That." They both knew she was talking about incest, though neither wanted to say that word out loud. She lied, "You know, it's odd, but I've been around that so long now that I

don't even think about it anymore."

"Well, I do!" Glory crossed her arms defiantly.

"Look, I know it must seem strange, but I can assure you that a meal at the Plummer house is exactly the same as a meal anywhere else." She added naughtily to herself, Except for all the times someone is blowing my Sweetie beneath the table or at least Susan is serving everyone in her erotic apron and spreading her legs to offer up her tasty pussy juice for dessert, hee-hee. Suzanne continued with a sincere and even slightly offended face, "It's not like some kind of wild orgy breaks out. I'm insulted that you'd even think anything like that. When you come over, there won't be the slightest hint of anything untoward or sexual. It'll just be family and friends sharing a meal."

Glory huffed, "And all of them are buxom bombshells who just happen to be sleeping with the one and only male there. That right there is extremely untoward, if you ask me!" She briefly glanced down at Suzanne's own buxom chest, and then quickly looked away. Suzanne frowned. "Oh dear. I was afraid you might say something like this. Let me cut to the chase. Glory, I talked to you recently about you and me working together to help save Alan from his excesses. Remember how we talked about how we'd work as a team to make sure he did his homework? Well, we still need to be doing that kind of thing. I know you've broken up with him and frankly I can completely understand and sympathize with why you did that." She lied again, "I'm not here to try to get you to change your mind about that."

"You're not? Then what's this about?"

"Of course I'm not! I really am here to invite you to Thanksgiving dinner. As for Alan, it's bad enough sharing him with as many women as I do now, so why would I want to share him with one more? That's less time with him for me. Don't worry, I'm on YOUR side. Haven't you ever had a lover and then gone on to be friends with that person? Or at least had people you know who did that? It's common, unless maybe the break up was especially bitter, but that wasn't the case with you and him, so why can't the two of you be friends?"

Glory harrumphed indignantly, "Well, I don't know if you could say that we broke up, seeing how we were never going out. Yes, I was his sexual plaything. One of many. I suppose he thought it would be a real coup to add a teacher to his list of conquests and I foolishly acquiesced. He'd amuse himself during lunch with me sometimes, unless he was off bopping one of his cheerleader floozies. So if you call that going out, then we were going out, I guess." She finished with a bitter, "Ha!"

"Come on, you know it's not like that. He loves you."

Glory wanted to lash out at Alan, but since he wasn't there she shot daggers into Suzanne's eyes instead. "Yeah, me and probably a dozen others, for all I know. Big deal." Suzanne held her hands up defensively. "Okay, okay, relax. I know what you mean. The same thing happened to me. Look at me. Look at you. Look at all of his lovers. We're all centerfold


Glory was about to protest that, but Suzanne beat her to it. "Oops! Don't say it! I know what you're going to say, that you don't fall into that category, but you're wrong. You're sexy. You're hot. You're a very desirable woman." Suzanne knew that Glory felt intimidated by the Playboy model appearances of the other women and that was one important reason she didn't want to attend, but even though she was buttering her up, she really meant it.

Glory found herself blushing. Her heart was beating hard again, just after she'd finally been calming down. SUZANNE thinks I'm hot! Wow! What is it about this woman? I don't have the slightest bisexual bone in my body, but this woman just does something to me that I can't explain! Suzanne continued, "My point is, Alan clearly is a very remarkable young man. I've never been forced to share any of my lovers with anyone before; I never so much as considered such a crazy idea. And yet now I do. It is an embarrassing thing to admit to, so I know EXACTLY how you feel. But one of the remarkable things about him is that he is fundamentally such a decent young man. He's got such, well, decency and incredible capacity to love and be loved, that I have no doubt he has what it takes to love me and others too. And I do mean love, heart and soul. He loves you, Glory. I know it for a fact because he talks about you all the time."

"He does? What about?"

"Oh, you've been his favorite teacher for two years, at least. It's always been 'Glory says this' and 'Glory says that.' Believe me, I've known all about you for a long time now." "But how can that be? You're not his mother; you don't live with him."

"No, but Susan and I have been best friends since he was born. I changed his diapers countless

times. I'm about as close to being a mother as a non-family member can get. In fact, he even calls me 'Mother' sometimes, and calls Susan 'Mom."" She figured Glory would figure out Alan had two mothers sooner or later, and she was trying to slowly break the news to her. Oh great, Glory thought bitterly. More incest, or at least near incest.

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