6 Times a Day

Chapter 1201: Suzanne - I'm just so GOOD at this.[1197 @PT]

Chapter 1201: Suzanne - I'm just so GOOD at this.[1197 @PT]

Somehow, amidst all that laughter, Suzanne and Glory forged a new and closer bond between them. Still chuckling, Suzanne took Glory's hands in hers and stood up. "So, we'll count on you there then? Twelve noon. Are you doing anything at that time?"

"No, but I-"

"Excellent! The dress is slightly formal, but not too formal. Everyone will be wearing very conservatively cut outfits. I can assure you that there won't be any sexual vibes in the air whatsoever."

Glory replied, "Good."

"Okay, then. I should get going. Give me a call if you have any questions, as you probably will. No need to bring anything. Here, let me write down my number for you. You have a pen?"

Glory let go of Suzanne's hands - reluctantly - and went to find a pen. As she did that, she thought to herself, I guess I agreed to go... somehow. I did, didn't I? Suzanne can be awfully persuasive. She could almost be a professional hypnotist. What with the charisma pouring off her, why, you could practically bottle and sell it!

She stared off into space, thinking about Suzanne's voluptuous body and sultry face. And her looks! My God, her looks! She really could sell snow to the Eskimos, from her looks alone!

But I suppose it's for the best. I do need to transition to a platonic relationship with him, and I don't know if I can do it alone, unless maybe I just live like a hermit for a couple of weeks to make sure I avoid him. But with Suzanne standing by me and watching out for me, I feel a lot better. I think I can do this! Yeah! I know I can!

Glory finally found a pen and paper and brought them back to Suzanne.

She waited while Suzanne wrote down her number, even though she already had Suzanne's number somewhere. As she waited, she couldn't help but gawk at Suzanne's beauty. She could feel her heart racing so much, she had to consciously force herself to look and act normal.

As Suzanne handed the paper over, she tenderly took hold of Glory's hand again. "Thanks so much for doing this, Glory. I can tell you and I are going to be very good friends. You won't regret this."

Glory wasn't so certain. She had a bad feeling about it. But at the same time, she felt that it was somehow inevitable that she should attend. She asked, "Do you promise that nothing will happen between Alan and me? Sexual, I mean?"

"I promise that you'll be completely safe at the Plummer house. I swear to God! Nothing will happen to you there. I won't let it!" Suzanne had worded that very carefully. She'd been thinking ahead, hoping that Alan would drive Glory home afterwards, where maybe something could happen.

Suzanne left after some more inconsequential chit chat.

Suzanne waited until she was alone in the elevator heading back to her car before she felt it was safe to celebrate. YES! She threw both arms in the air in exultation. Then she pumped her fists a few times before regaining control of herself.

"Eeeexcellent! Eeeexcellent, Smithers!" Bwa-ha-ha-ha! Tee-hee-hee! I've got to work on my Mr. Burns voice. Oh boy, that was difficult, but fun! I feel so delightfully evil. But as usual with my schemes, it was all done for good and noble reasons. She's such a goner now, and she doesn't even know it! Sweetie will be boning her before, mmmm, say, two o'clock. Three o'clock at the latest.

I'm so psyched!

The thing is, they really do need each other. Glory keeps denying the obvious. For instance, I saw that excited gleam in her eyes when I asked if she was afraid of throwing herself at him during class. She WANTS me to deceive her! I'm just helping her cut to the chase so she doesn't have to go through weeks of waffling and misery before inevitably returning to his sweet, sweet embrace, not to mention a happy reunion with Alan Junior. And at least I wasn't lying about her importance to him. My Sweetie really could turn into "Bad Alan" without her being there for him.

That "We'll lick his thing together" comment was kind of risky though. I can't believe I actually had the cojones to say that! The key was to enunciate it juuust clearly enough to get to her to ask, yet still leave room for her to doubt later. It'll be all the sweeter when we do lick his thing together someday; I'll be able to tell her about what I was really thinking that moment and we'll both have a good laugh. But getting her to laugh there was key to breaking the tension and breaking her resistance.

I'm just so GOOD at this, hee-hee! It's a lucky thing I have a code of ethics or there's no telling what kind of mischief I could get into. It does feel in a way like I'm stabbing her in the back with so many lies, but I'm confident that she'll thank me for it later. Still, I shouldn't get into a habit of acting like this with my friends and future friends. I just didn't have any alternative this time because she's been so foolishly headstrong about leaving him.

The thing that frustrates me though is that I can't reveal the outline of my ethics or people would be on to me too much. For instance, I don't lie about promises. Technically, it's true that I'll prevent Sweetie from having sex with her while in the Plummer house. As soon as they go out the door together though, whammo! They'll probably end up doing it on the front lawn. Hee-hee-hee! Well, okay, that's overstating things quite a bit, but I've got a very good gut feeling about his chances as long as I can get her to actually show up.

God, scheming feels good. That's one disappointment about my current lifestyle. Everything's going so wonderfully that I just don't have enough good excuses to scheme. Oh well. Tee-hee-hee!

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