6 Times a Day

Chapter 1202: Chapter 1198

Chapter 1202: Chapter 1198

Shoutout to new Patreon members - Carlos Heredia and Juanma VK!

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Bronze Tier:

Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, WendigosArk, Jesse Boyer, Tekkadamn, A1, Angel Beltran, Volare007, Leif, Cocobig, SingCheck, Nizar Alkhalil, Carlos Heredia and Juanma VK

--[4100 Words]

As soon as Alan entered his house through the garage door, he went straight for the kitchen, looking for his number one mother.

Susan was in the kitchen, working with Brenda on last-minute cooking and cleaning. She was fully clothed, since she didn't expect him home yet. Katherine and Amy were not in sight because they were cleaning elsewhere in the house.

As he got closer, he spied the two busty women grooving to the music on the CD player. The song was "Pearl Necklace" by ZZ Top. When the chorus came around, Brenda and Susan stopped what they were doing, looked at each other, and zestily sang, "A pearl necklace! / She want a pearl necklace!"

He grinned widely at seeing that, sneaking in even closer. Before Susan even had time to fully recognize him and say hello, he had her in his arms. He gave her a great big hug. It wasn't primarily a sexual hug, but more of a loving, comfort hug.

"Whoa!" Susan said with a big smile, turning around in his arms to face him. "And hello to you too! What brings this on, Tiger? Not that I'm complaining."

Alan seemed to be trying to bury his whole body into hers, he was squeezing her so intently. "I have good news! A little while ago, I dropped the UC Berkeley and UCLA applications in the mailbox. And don't worry; I double checked that there were enough stamps and there was a pick-up later and everything. It's done!"

Susan responded predictably, but Alan loved it just the same. "Son, I'm So proud of you! You're the BEST! I just know that you're going to get in to your top choice!" She kissed his lips with passion and a lot of love too.

When the kiss ended, he muttered, "Thanks, Mom. The truth is, YOU'RE the best. You give me so much confidence." He kept on squeezing her close.

Susan said brightly, "This calls for a celebration!" She looked down meaningfully towards his penis, although she couldn't see it since their bodies were pressed together tightly. She added with a happy smirk, "I wonder how we can celebrate... Hmmm... Brenda, what do you think? Can you think of any slurpy, spermy ways we could make him happy? Maybe with our mouths, together?"

He looked over at Brenda and said absent-mindedly, "Hi."

Brenda replied, "Hello, Master." She bowed low. She added, "It would be my pleasure to serve." Then she added, less like a sex slave and more like a friend, "And by the way, congratulations!

You're going to love Berkeley. That's where I went to college, you know. And if things go like they should, I'm going to be your new next-door neighbor up there!"

He smiled at that, not knowing how to respond. Finally he said modestly, "We'll see. I might not get in. Or I could get in someplace better. It's too early to start making plans, that's for sure."

Susan managed to squeeze a hand between their bodies, working that hand towards his crotch. As she did, she asked, "How are you feeling? You look a little... tired."

He replied, "I am tired. I'm beat! I just came from Heather's place. It was a lot of fun, but so draining."

Susan teased as she clutched at his crotch, "You mean you just came IN Heather's place, don't you? Her special naughty place. Did you tame her haughty cheerleader ass nice and good?"

"I guess, but I don't wanna talk about it."

"Oooh! You did! That's my big, strong boy! Speaking of draining, I'll bet you could use a nice long congratulatory cocksucking! Let Mommy and Brenda help to drain you dry of all that nasty sperm." She began fumbling for his zipper.

"No, Mom."

She misunderstood his objection. "No, of course not! What am I thinking? You want to skewer Mommy's pussy and nail her good and hard! Come on, Brenda, help me here. Guide it in and then give his face a nice tit massage." She had failed to get at his zipper quickly, so she simply pulled his shorts down instead.

He said wearily, "No, it's not that either. Look at me, Mom, my dick isn't even hard. I need to recharge for a while. Can we move to the love seat in the other room and just cuddle and hug? I don't mean sexually, I just want to draw comfort and strength from you."

"Sure. Wow, you really must have fucked up a storm over there. Come on, my cutie Tiger; let Mommy take good care of you."

As they walked to the living room, he thought of the ZZ Top song still playing, and asked Susan, "So, do you know what a 'pearl necklace' means?"

She looked at him incredulously. "Of course I do! I've known that nearly as long as you've been splattering your tasty loads all over my face and chest. And Angel was kind enough to put the song on my most favorite song mix of all time, so I get to sing about it and think about it every day. In fact, just hearing that song, I can practically smell the sperm, and I get all tingly down below."

He grinned some more. "Silly me. I should have known."

Brenda, still dressed in her lewd maid outfit, followed them until they were settled in the living room. Then she asked, "Master, is there anything I can do to help? I could massage your feet. Or my breasts could make nice pillows for your weary head. Either one of them, in fact." She leered at his "little head" to make her intentions clear.

But he was too weary for any kind of sex. Sheesh! What did I ever do to deserve this kind of royal treatment? This isn't right. Yet he found himself saying, "Actually, the foot massage thing sounds nice. I'll just lay down next to Mom here and kick my feet up so you can reach them. Does that sound doable?"

"Perfect, Master." She would have much preferred helping either of his heads to massaging his feet, but she was happy to help in any way.

Susan asked, "Tiger, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Mommy?" "Sorry, Mommy, but I've got years of habit to unlearn. But, uh, don't you both have more important things to do than pamper me? I mean, Glory will be over soon." "Nothing is more important than servicing and pampering the master of the house," Susan said confidently. "It's what your big-titted sex pets do best! But still, let me call Amy and Angel in here so they can keep an eye on some things still cooking in the kitchen. You know, now that I have two daughters, I'd like to call Amy something more than just Amy. Hmmm. I'll have to think about that." She cupped her hand to her mouth. "Aaaaaamy! Kaaaatherine!

Come heEEEEeere!"

The two girls scurried from elsewhere in the house to the living room.

Katherine looked at Alan, and saw he was naked from the waist down and cuddling next to a newly topless Susan. She was a bit surprised to see his penis was flaccid. She also noticed a topless Brenda sitting at the foot of the sofa massaging his feet. She giggled and said saucily, "Looks like someone here is having fun."

Alan had closed his eyes a short time before as he started to truly relax, but now he opened them and looked to his sisters. To his surprise, both of them were wearing French maid outfits just like Brenda's, except theirs were actually designed to keep their breasts covered (though just barely). "Man alive! Look at you two! I feel like I'm at a cosplay convention or


Katherine giggled some more. "What's that?" Amy asked.

Alan explained, "It's short for costume play. It's a popular thing in Japan where people dress

up in costumes and then get together to show them off."

As if by some silent signal, both Katherine and Amy began turning around, modeling and preening in their indecently skimpy maid outfits from all angles as if being photographed.

Katherine asked him, "You like?"

"Yeah, definitely! But why? I thought everyone here was real busy working."

Amy answered, "We are, silly, but as long as we're gonna work like maids, Sis suggested we should look the part!" She giggled along with her sister.

Alan asked, "Where did those outfits come from? Did they just materialize out of thin air?" "No, you silly willy!" Amy replied while rolling her eyes.

Katherine elaborated, "Brenda has more French maid outfits than you could shake your big stick at. True, she's a bit shorter than us, which means they don't quite fit, but that has some benefits. Look, you can see a bit of my slit even when I'm standing still."

Amy added, "Actually, I borrowed this one from Mom again, since you liked it when I wore it for you before. Unfortunately you can't see my cunnie with me wearing it, since I'm not as tall as she is, but you can when I go like this." She lifted the front of her skirt. Katherine then pivoted and bent over. "And look what happens when I turn around like this!" She spread her legs and bent over slightly to help show off her pussy.

Alan said with a bit more energy, "Do I have the two best sisters in the world or what? I'm gonna fuck both of you so hard that my cock's going to come up your throats!" Katherine wiggled a chiding finger at her brother. "Promises, promises, Big Feather Duster


Susan gave Amy and Katherine some instructions, sending the two of them off to the kitchen. Then she said to Alan as she stroked his unruly hair, "So, Tiger. What's bothering you? I know it's not just the stress of giving Heather the ass taming she so richly deserves. What's on your mind?" Her hair stroking became gentler as she asked, "Is it about Glory?"

He quickly went from happy to sad. "It is. You know me so well. I've been running at 1,000 miles an hour it seems, just living from moment to moment. There's too much going on for me to think very

far ahead, you know? So when I was at Heather's my mind was full of nothing but Heather."

Brenda looked up over the sofa with a leering grin. She cupped her hands in the air in front of her as if holding breasts, and teased, "I'll bet it wasn't just your mind that was full of nothing but Heather. I understand she's quite the big-titted hottie, even if hers are partially fake."

He smiled. He was glad to see that Brenda was showing some spirit like that and not just having a robotic "Yes, Master, No, Master," kind of attitude. "You're not entirely wrong there, Brenda. My hands were definitely full of some Grade A top sirloin Heather ass most of the time, now that you mention it. Man, I wish I could have taped the whole thing. It was pretty spectacular. I'll tell you all about it later."

"I get hot just thinking about it!" Brenda let go of his feet and pulled on her nipples with both


"Me too!" Susan enthused. "It makes me so HOT! Oh God, I've gotta get more comfortable!" She pulled herself up to yank the rest of her clothes off, and then threw them to the floor. Then

she went back to cuddling up against her son.

She kept a hand on his penis even though it was flaccid, because she loved any kind of contact

with it. But then she remembered he'd specifically asked her not to touch it, so she let go and cradled his balls instead. (She figured that, technically, he'd only said not to touch his penis, and if he didn't want her to pleasure his balls, he'd say something. He didn't.)

"Did you give that saucy bitch a good spanking?" Brenda asked eagerly. "As a matter of fact, I did," he admitted, a touch of pride bringing a smile to his lips.

Both Brenda and Susan let out almost orgasmic moans when they heard that. The two of them

tried to talk at once, they were so excited and full of praise. Both of them wanted him to physically demonstrate on them just how he'd spanked Heather.

He grinned. Just think if I told them about how Heather's dad almost caught us, and how we

kept going anyway. Man! I have the power to make them both cum buckets at any time, if I just mention that. That's so cool!

Instead he quieted them by saying, "Let's not talk about that right now. I'm trying to think

about the whole Glory situation."

Brenda meanwhile, discovered a happy way to play with her breasts and massage Alan's feet:

she began essentially titfucking one of his feet with her expansive cleavage. Her breasts were so big and soft that it felt surprisingly good.

Dang! Only with Brenda. Her tits are so big she could hide my entire foot in her cleavage. Well, practically! He thought about what a sight the three of them would make to a stranger, and then imagined Suzanne walking in on them. He asked, "By the way, where's Mother Number



ered, "Oh, she's dropping Xan off at the train station. You

missed a chance to

say goodbye to her, unfortunately." She was lazily playing with his balls as if experimenting

with Ben Wa balls.

"Wait, what? Xania came here in a car."

"Yeah, but she lost her car for a week in a bet to you, remember?"

"But she won the bet!" he protested. Brenda said emphatically, "No, Master. A well-hung, naturally superior male such as yourself

could never lose to a beautiful and busty woman. All you can do is best them, tame them, and fuck them into submission until they beg to be your nympho slaves!" He just rolled his eyes at Brenda's unrealistic attitude. She'd even said it with obvious complete sincerity as if it were some sort of established scientific fact. He turned his head to

look into Susan's eyes for support, but she was nodding in emphatic agreement with Brenda. He pointed out, "But I DID lose the bet. Besides-"

Susan interrupted. "Brenda's right. Don't worry your cute little head about it. Xania insisted

on leaving the car behind. It was probably her way of signaling that she secretly wants you to

fully tame her and bring her into the harem."

"No she doesn't," he protested. "She-"

Susan silenced him by laying a finger across his lips. "Ssssh. We don't have much time, so tell

me what's worrying you about Glory." She wanted to avoid touching his flaccid penis since he'd asked her not to, so she reached under his T-shirt and began stroking his chest with one

hand, while the other continued to stroke his hair.

"What's worrying me? Everything! It was like I was saying a little while ago. Leading up to

going to Heather's and then while I was there, all I could think about was problems related to Heather. But then when I left her place, pow! It hit me! It's coming up on the big meal and I'm not ready for Glory, mentally, emotionally, or in any way. What should I do?"

"You're asking my advice?" Susan asked.

"Of course I am."

"But I'm not as wise or clever as Suzanne or Xania. Maybe you should wait, because

Suzanne'll be back soon."

"No, I want to hear from you. You're my number one mom and I love you. You give good

advice too. Just so long as you don't say, 'Tame her with your big cock' and that kind of thing.

Think from your brain and not from your milk-laden big tits." He reached out and gave each one a honk squeeze, making her giggle.

He added, very seriously, "How do you think I should deal with things when I see her?"

"Well, you DO want to get back into her pants, don't you?" Susan asked in a decidedly un- motherly husky tone.

"Of course I do, but that doesn't mean it should necessarily happen. I want what's best for

HER. She's a teacher and could easily get fired if we were to get caught. She's also really big on this whole monogamy thing, and I have to respect that."

Susan frowned and said hotly, "And she's also a fool! Monogamy. Ha! That's for ordinary people. If your medical six-times-a-day diagnosis is not scientific proof of your sexual superiority, then I don't know what is. She must be mad if she thinks a terribly cum-filled boy like you should be expected to be content with just one woman! That's craziness! Doesn't a

smart woman like her know anything about the Coolidge Effect? I ought to give her a piece of my mind!" "Now, Mom, you've gotta promise to be on your best behavior." Brenda butted in from the foot of the sofa. "Master, can I make a suggestion?"

"Go right ahead."

"Well, as you know, we, meaning this new family and harem, are not exactly poor. I have

more money than I know what to do with, and nothing would make me happier than to share

some of it with all of you."

He didn't know what to say about that.

She continued, "If Glory loses her job, I'd be more than happy to pay her salary for the rest of

the year. Even beyond, if need be. That way, she doesn't have to worry so much about getting caught." "Thanks, Brenda. That's very generous and considerate. But it's not just the money. It would hit her reputation big time to get caught with a student, and she might not be able to teach again. It might even make the newspapers. And what would she do for a job?"

"If I could be so bold, Master, she could home tutor you exclusively! Or maybe you, Amy, and Katherine. Just think about the possibilities! Glory could teach you right here, dressed in some scandalously sexy outfit of course, while the rest of us take turns giving you stealth strokes

and stealth sucks, all day long!"

Susan gasped lustily at that prospect. WOW! If that could happen, my life would be perfect! My mouth waters just thinking about all the extra cocksucking I could enjoy! Brenda asked, "Is there such as thing as a stealth fuck? I don't know, but it would be fun to

find out! In fact, there's no reason why orgies and learning can't go together." She got a faraway look in her eye as she fantasized about the possibilities. Then she bent her head down and kissed his foot still sandwiched between her pillowy boobs. "Thanks for the idea, Brenda. I have to admit that idea has got a lot of appeal, but I have to

say no. School is what's keeping me grounded and sane, insofar as I'm still grounded at all. I need to mix with other people and do normal things sometimes. Besides, my dick needs many hours a day of rest too, and school forces me to take that rest, minus a little lunch fun here and

there. There's such a thing as too much pleasure."

Brenda looked crushed. But she rapidly got over her disappointment by switching positions

and starting to titfuck his other foot.

Susan pouted at the lost opportunity. "Oh, poo! Excellent suggestions though, Brenda. I like the way you think. I like it a lot!"

The two of them shared a knowing smile with each other, bonded together by the strength of their desire to sexually please their master. Their expressions also conveyed an unspoken understanding along the lines of, "Let's get together later to discuss this and find a way to

make it happen!"

Alan though, missed seeing that look.

Then Susan said to her son, "In any case, you should tell Glory about the money offer, just as a

fallback option so she won't worry so much."

He replied, "I'm not so sure that's such a good idea, Mommy. She's an independent woman,

and while the idea of being a 'kept woman' like that may be very appealing to you and Brenda, I get the feeling that she'd be more offended and insulted by the offer than receptive and accepting. Besides, Brenda, I don't think it's right for me to take any money from you. That would cheapen the relationship we have. I want it to be all about lust, and eventually love, with no possible hint of other motives."

Brenda started to say, "I want that too! But..." She was going to say that while she agreed with that sentiment, in her mind her slavery was total, which meant that anything she owned technically belonged to him. However, she worried rightly that he wouldn't react well if she

said that. She decided to wait until their relationship was on firmer ground before surfacing



Susan said, "Those are good points, Son, but the offer still stands, right Brenda?" "Right, Mistress. I get so wet just thinking about it! Dressed in a French maid suit where I

belong, on my knees between your legs sucking cock for hours and hours while Glory teaches


"Me too!" Susan enthused. "Brenda, we could do it together. There's enough room between his knees for two!"

Brenda squealed excitedly, "Two tongues are better than one!"

Susan and Brenda reached their arms out and briefly looked at each other and clasped hands,

sharing another tender moment bonded by their mutual love of being buxom cocksuckers. Brenda added, "Just think! Glory could wear some super-sexy outfits to teach in, to help Master stay hard as much as possible. Can't you just picture her constantly bending over and leaning forward, working with us to keep his dick happy?"

"I can!" Susan lustily agreed. "And when she takes breaks, she can suck him with one of us

while the other one struts around posing and preening our naked bodies!" Katherine and Amy had been listening to the conversation, although they were keeping their

distance for now. While leaning over the kitchen counter, Katherine shouted out, "What about Amy and me?" Susan's eyes lit up. "Oh! Of COURSE you two need to be there. Why, that multiplies the possibilities so much! Just think! Why, before Glory even arrives each morning, Angel, you


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