6 Times a Day

Chapter 1204: Chapter 1200 [2.4 K words]

Chapter 1204: Chapter 1200 [2.4 K words]


It was the sound of someone with a scratchy voice loudly clearing their throat.

Alan stopped making out with Susan, but before he could turn to see who it was, he knew the answer.

Suzanne had returned from her errand. She said sarcastically from a short distance away, "Well, well, well. Looks like everyone here is hard at work getting things ready for Glory's imminent arrival."

Brenda froze, uncertain about what to do. She continue to hold Alan's erection, but she stopped licking it until the situation became clear.

Susan though, wasn't meek or embarrassed. Alan had a hand on one of her huge tits and another on her ass, and she was basically sprawled all over him, but she made no effort to move away. She didn't even take her hands off his cock and balls. "Suzanne, don't worry! I've got everything under control. The fact is, the house is clean and the food just needs a little bit of watching. We're at the point now where we're cleaning things for the second time just to keep busy and not get too nervous. I'd much rather cuddle with my cutie Tiger than get all obsessive compulsive like I do before most parties."

"Fair enough," Suzanne admitted. "But still, there are other things that need doing you haven't even thought about, and there are always last minute things that come up... Other than Sweetie's cock, that is."

Susan had no answer to that, and just tried to look chastened.

Seeing that she wasn't in trouble, Brenda resumed licking her way up and down Alan's long, hot shaft.

Suzanne brought a hand to her lips and whistled. "Katherine! Amy! I want you two to stop what you're doing and stand up. We're having a family meeting!"

Katherine and Amy disengaged from each other and stood.

Suzanne rolled her eyes. "Jesus Christ. Am I going to have to wear one of those, too? No, don't answer. Let's get this show on the road. Brenda, please stop with the cock-licking already and pull your top back up." Seeing that Amy had just taken a seat, she added, "Angel, please sit over there next to Amy where you can see me. Now-"

"Excuse me," Susan interrupted. "Since it seems like you're going to be doing most of the talking, I just wanted to suggest to my Tiger that this is a good time for him to note that my breasts are getting heavy and full of milk."

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "I noticed. They're up to at least I-cups." One of his hands was cupping one of her tits, and he gave it a strong squeeze. "I love 'em!"

She swatted him playfully. "No, silly, I'm saying you should suck on my nipples."

"Yes, ma'am!" As he positioned himself to do that, he said, "Don't worry, Mother, I'll be paying attention to every word." Then he latched on to a nipple and began milking his mother.

"You'd better," Suzanne warned ominously. "This is very important. I know I've gone over this with most of you individually or in groups, but I want to repeat everything to everyone to make sure we're all on the same page. And Brenda, when I said stop with the cock-licking, I didn't mean you could switch to giving him a handjob. Sheesh!"

Brenda very reluctantly let go of Alan's erection altogether. It started to wilt almost instantly due to Alan's exhaustion. She resumed playing with his feet instead.

Suzanne stared at each person one by one until she was sure she had everyone's attention.

Alan seemed intent on licking the milk that was flowing freely from Susan's left nipple, and one of his hands had found its way down to Susan's pussy, leaving Susan already panting with lust.

But Suzanne figured that this was probably as good at it was going to get, as far as attention getting went, especially since she figured his penis wouldn't remain untended for long. So she said, "If you don't mind, let me reiterate the rules for behavior while Glory is here."

A collective groan of annoyance rose up from most of the women, even the obedient Brenda. But no one made any snide remarks as they just waited for Suzanne to say her piece.

Susan, however, just moaned as her letdown reflex released her milk into her son's suckling mouth.

Suzanne, seeing she had everyone's attention, more or less, began her lecture. "Some of this you've heard me say in the last day or two, but some of it is new. I'm going to go back over the rules for dress and behavior. Remember: NO playing with Alan's penis in front of Glory! NOOOOOO cocksucking or licking or stroking of any kind! I can't stress that point enough. You're not even allowed to so much as mention penises whatsoever! And that goes for his balls too. This party is going to be rated G. Not even PG, but a solid G! There's gonna be more sex in a Barney the fucking purple dinosaur cartoon than at this party, if I can help it."

Susan said breathily, "That's all well and good for you to say now, but what if Tiger's big fat thing gets hard during the meal? Look at him now! He's been slowly reviving and he's already three-fourths of the way back, even without anyone touching it at the moment. How can you expect me to just sit there and do nothing for an hour or more if his cock desperately needs tending?"

Suzanne chided, "Susan, we've been over this. That is the kind of sacrifice we have to make to be sure this party goes well and at least isn't a disaster. Sweetie has to go hours and hours at school five days a week without any cock tending; he can make it through an hour or two just fine."

Susan moaned, "But this isn't school. Why should he suffer at home? What if we have some kind of secret signal and if Tiger pops a happily throbbing boner, we can find a good excuse for a couple of us to sneak off and give him a double blowjob?"

"No! That's far too dangerous. But that does remind me about one of my new ideas. All of us, including me, have a habit to find ourselves somehow on sexual topics and the next thing you know, we're all panting and wet and begging for cock. That's not gonna happen this time. We should have a secret signal; not one to sneak off for some cock tending but a warning signal to calm down. I suggest a kick on the shins beneath the table. If that doesn't work, then we'll use the code word 'dolphin.' But mainly we should use the kicking method because it's more subtle."

The others generally nodded in understanding, so she went on, "I've been thinking about the seating arrangements. Brenda, as we all know, will not be there because her very appearance would put Glory off. There's just no hiding Brenda's gargantuan hooters, and they would assault Glory's self-confidence before the party even starts. I'm sorry, Slave, but you'll have to sit this one out I'm afraid. Besides, you have your own special meal to look forward to with Adrian later in the evening."

Brenda nodded meekly in acceptance. She thought, In a way, I should be proud I can't be there. I'm just too obvious a sex slave to be anything less than a threat to Glory. besides, my breasts are just a little too large for polite company. Not even Susan with her newly milk- filled tits can say that! My brilliant Mistress Suzanne knows that I belong in a topless French

maid outfit, or

less, and any attempt to turn back the clock and make me pose as a normal person just won't do. I live to serve my master!

She thrust her chest out as it swelled with pride, and she kissed Alan's foot, because it was close at hand. These were the kinds of things that made Brenda very happy to be alive.

Suzanne continued, "As for the rest, I definitely need to sit next to Susan. Amy, since you seem more level-headed than most, I think you should sit on Susan's other side. You think you can help me kick her when she starts to get carried away?"

"M'kay. No pro-blame-o."

"Good. Sweetie, naturally, will sit at the head of the table. Being that he's the 'man of the house' and all that." She grinned and playfully winked at him. "Glory will sit on his right, then Katherine, then Amy, then Susan, then me on his other side."

"Hey!" Katherine complained. "I can understand Brother and Glory sitting next to each other, but who elected you to sit in the other seat closest to him?"

Suzanne said, "Let's face it. Putting Susan there is just asking for trouble. And you and Amy have a dangerous tendency to play under-the-table games. So that leaves me. The way I've arranged it, it's nearly impossible for our more uppity family members to play footsie under the table with him without Glory or me noticing." The way Suzanne looked at Katherine sternly when she said "uppity family members" left little doubt who she was talking about.

"Awww, shucks," Katherine pouted. "You're no fun."

"No, I'm not! Not today. You're right about that. This is no time for fun and games. This meal could be very pivotal for Alan and Glory's whole future together, and I will not, NOT, have anyone ruin it by playing footsie or making some stupid comment like, 'Please pass the cock sauce.' I cannot stress this strongly enough: he needs Glory back in his life, as either his friend or lover. She's the key to keeping him level-headed and grounded, just as I told her yesterday. It was practically the only thing I didn't have to lie to her about, and that doesn't make me feel very good. Things are very delicate, and the incest factor just makes the whole situation that much more tenuous. One false move, one inappropriate comment, and she could flee the

house in a panic."

"Awww, Mother," Katherine said, "I think you're making too much of this. Brother will see Glory, Glory will see him, they'll make googly eyes at each other, and that's all she wrote. End of story. They'll probably run upstairs to fuck like rabbits before we even get to the salad."

Suzanne glared at Katherine, silently staring her down. Suzanne rarely brought her intimidating persona to the surface because she was almost too good at using it effectively, but she did so now.

Katherine's joking bravado dried up under her second mother's withering gaze. She realized

that Suzanne wasn't in a playful mood about this and that not only was her attitude out of line, but the outcome between Glory and Alan was less certain than she'd assumed. She dejectedly dropped her head down.

Her point made, Suzanne continued, "I have my hopes about what could happen, big hopes, but Glory is really determined to steer clear of anything more than a platonic relationship. You have no idea how tough it was to get her to even come to this party in the first place. I had to use every trick in the book. And then I was thinking it was a done deal, but she called no less than twice this morning to cancel. Even I don't know how I got her to change her mind yet again; she might still chicken out at the last minute. We're going to have to pull out all the stops to make sure their reunion goes well. Angel, I shouldn't have to remind you that you very nearly ruined things with Christine. This is no time for an uppity attitude! This is the time to make up for your past misdeeds and live up to your 'Angel' nickname." Katherine seemed a bit petulant, but said, "Okay, fine. I'll be super double extra good."

"You'd better! Amy, Susan, the same goes for you too. Is that understood?"

All the women nodded obediently.

Alan, while carefully listening, just kept on suckling at his mother's breasts. Meanwhile, Brenda had commandeered his feet again. She'd gone from kissing them to massaging them some more with her huge pillowy tits.

"Good. Now, let's review the rules in more detail..."

Suzanne went on to review a long list of do's and don'ts. She was nearly done with it when she

got a call on her cell phone. It was from Glory, so she went to another room to talk to her in


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