6 Times a Day

Chapter 1205: Chapter 1201 [2.4K words]

Chapter 1205: Chapter 1201 [2.4K words]

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Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, WendigosArk, Jesse Boyer, Tekkadamn, A1, Angel Beltran, Volare007, Leif, Cocobig, SingCheck, Nizar Alkhalil, Carlos Heredia and Juanma VK

As soon as Suzanne was gone, Katherine said to Susan, "You know, Mom, I was thinking. It's true what you were saying before about how terrible it would be for Brother to have blue balls the whole time Glory is here. I don't think Suzanne understands just how painful that can be." "No she doesn't!" Susan agreed emphatically. "How can she, since she's not a man? Of course, I don't know exactly either, but I'm sure it must be terrible! As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing worse on God's green Earth than to see my Tiger suffer from the deadly blue balls. Or even potential blue balls. Even if he's flaccid, he could get hard at any moment and eventually possibly start to get blue balls at some point, so the only thing to do if you see his cock in any kind of ready state is to stroke and stroke and suck and suck and fuck and fuck until he bursts forth with more spermy goodness!"

Katherine giggled at Susan's boundless enthusiasm. "I'm with you there 100 percent, Mom. So don't you think we should team up to drain him totally dry BEFORE Glory comes over?"

It was like a light bulb went off above Susan's head. She immediately broke into a wide smile. "What a BRILLIANT idea! All four of us can work together as a team! Tiger, what do you think of that? Who's pussy do you want to fuck first?"

Alan was doing quite nicely. He was still alternating suckling on his mother's nipples while Brenda alternated between a regular foot massage and her more unique

titfuck-with-his-foot style. Although Susan's breasts were dangling directly down onto his face, he was able to watch Suzanne during her lecture, and also to ogle either Brenda at the foot of

the sofa or Amy and Katherine as they waltzed about in their French maid outfits. He'd noticed with glee that his two sisters were finding a lot of excuses to bend over and pick things up right in front of him.

But as happy as he was, he knew he could be feeling even more pleasure. He thought, It's true, I do have to pace myself. But I was exceptionally patient with Heather. I could have cum all over the place but I limited myself to just the one time. I should reward myself a little now with a nice climax. There is some merit to getting that out of my system before Glory gets here. Not to mention, I can satisfy four women in one stroke. Well, probably lots of strokes, in and out! He chuckled to himself.

So he disengaged from Susan's nipple, and said, "Okay, that's not a bad idea. Mommy, I've still got some milk to drink, so why don't you and I stay like this? Sis and Aims, you two could make a nice double blowjob for me. Brenda, since my knees are bent over the sofa arm, why don't you sit on one of my knees and grind your pussy on it?"

The two girls started taking their clothes off even before he finished talking.

Brenda replied, "Okay, Master, but could I lick it a little bit too first, just for a while? I kind of need it. I don't want to miss out!"

"Sure, why not? If you can find room."

So the group repositioned themselves. Before long, Brenda, Amy, and Katherine were all happily licking up and down his thick shaft. It was tough to fit all three heads around his erection the way he was sitting, but they managed. Sometimes Brenda licked and sucked his balls to make sure they were well tended too.

That's how they were when Suzanne came back into the living room a few minutes later. She was already talking

as she briskly strode in. "Okay, gang. Slight change of plan. Glory is- WHOA!"

She couldn't miss the sight of three busy young women wearing nothing but French maid headpieces gathered around her son's dick, their heads all bobbing up and down. She could hardly see Alan or Susan beyond them for all the commotion and happy licking. She whistled in surprise, then said, "Looks like you all have been busy!"

Since Susan had the only unoccupied mouth, she said, "We were just thinking it would be a good idea to drain Alan Junior dry before Glory comes over. Think how much simpler things'll be if he's flaccid the whole time."

Suzanne stood there watching from a few feet away. After a long pause, she said, "You know, that's not a bad idea. Unfortunately, there isn't much time. That was Glory on the phone and she

was calling about clothes. To make a long story short, she's getting anxious over what to wear. At first, I'd assured her that we all would dress conservatively and completely cover ourselves up like old nuns. But she wants to make a big splash with Sweetie and wear something provocative and exciting. So that means all of us need to reconsider our outfits... Hell-looo? Are you listening? Is anyone hearing me?"

Susan said "Yes," while the rest responded with "Mmmm-hmmm's" and nods.

"Well, okay. I'll at least pretend someone is paying attention here. The bottom line is we all need to up the sexy factor with what we wear so Glory won't feel out of place with the outfit she described to me, and yet we need to keep it toned down enough so that she'll be the star and none of us will upstage her. This will require careful thought, and there's isn't much time." She clapped her hands together. "Come on, people, let's get moving!"

Nobody moved. While the women all wanted to follow Suzanne's instructions, they were having too much fun licking and stroking.

Suzanne impatiently stamped her foot. "There's no TIIIIIME for this! Come ON! Look, Sweetie has to go pick Glory up in ten minutes, and he needs to shower and dress too!"

Susan was in lactation ecstasy. Her words came out slowly and full of lust. "Would it be so bad if she's a little late? Everything's under control in the kitchen. I'm aware of the time. What's

the rush?"

"What's the rush? What's the rush?! Come on, people, we've got things to do! And don't make this room smell like a whorehouse again. We've used God knows how many cans of air freshener and kept the doors and windows open for hours on end, and it still doesn't smell right. Damn! There's too much wet pussy here. Everything is gonna be ruined!"

The only sound that followed was a lot of sexual squishy noises.

Suzanne was right; the room really did smell like wet pussy. Even her pussy was moistening the more she watched the three lickers slurping away with total satisfaction. "Grrr!" Suzanne clenched her fists in frustration. "You all see why this is so important that Alan and Glory get back together? I'm the only one who's half way responsible around here! I

need help!"

Impulsively, she strode forward, grabbed Amy by her medium-length copper-colored hair, and pulled her away from Alan's shaft. "Amy, you may be a Plummer now, and one of Sweetie's sex slaves, but you're still my daughter too. Since so many of your clothes are up in Katherine's room these days, or in the underwear cabinet, I want you to go find an outfit close to what I just described."

"M'kay, Mom. Geez!" Amy sounded glum, but now that she'd been pulled away from Alan's intoxicatingly delicious erection, she found obeying her mother to not be that difficult after all, so she ran up the stairs.

Then Suzanne got to Katherine. She was about to pull on her hair too.

But at the last second Katherine pulled away from her brother's crotch on her own. "Okay, okay, I get the picture. I'm on double-plus-good behavior already. I'm going." Suzanne watched as she went up the stairs, walking instead of running as Amy had.

Then Suzanne turned her attention to Susan. She thought, Oh boy, it's going to take a crowbar

to get these two apart. And things are probably starting to burn in the kitchen. too. Susan's such a space case lately.

She said, "Sweetie, can you do me a favor and stand up? Otherwise, I know there's no way a whole herd of buffalo could get your number one mother to move."

It was an ordeal for Alan to move, especially since Brenda now had sole possession of his erection and was giving it a mighty good sucking, with all the suction of an industrial vacuum cleaner. Plus, his face was buried in his mother's cleavage. He was having fun "motorboating" a little bit. But he really wanted everything to go well with Glory's visit, so he gathered up the necessary willpower and managed to stand - eventually.

Susan looked at him desperately and reached out with both hands towards him like she was falling off a cliff and only he could save her.

Suzanne commanded, "Susan, don't look at me or Sweetie like that. This is called tough love. You go in your kitchen right now and make sure everything's still okay. Check on the turkey. Then meet me upstairs. I'll have to limit my clothes selection to what's in your room. Now,


Susan scurried off. She was still buck naked, so she clutched her breasts to her chest as she hurried away.

That left just Alan and Brenda, both now standing in front of their tough taskmaster. Suzanne

considered the situation and said, "Sweetie, I'd like for you to take a shower. You're still sweaty and cummy from what was obviously a fruitful visit with Heather. I can't wait to hear

all about it

later. But the idea to get your rocks off before Glory comes over has a lot of merit. And Brenda,

since you won't be at the party, we don't have to worry about your dress. Why don't the two of you go upstairs and shower together? Slave, I'm ordering you to both clean his body and clean his cock of all that nasty cum buildup."

"Yes, Mistress! That's an order a slave can love!"

With a salute, Brenda grabbed Alan's hand and the two of them ran up the stairs, giddy and joking like two happy newlyweds heading to their bridal suite. Brenda had to clutch one arm across her chest to keep her mammoth tits from bouncing too much.

Suzanne shouted as they were almost at the top of the stairs, "Don't take too long! Sweetie, I'm afraid you're going to be a little late picking up Glory as it is, but don't be too late!" "No worries!" he shouted back after he'd already gone out of sight down the upstairs hall.

Suzanne, now left alone, realized that she was the only one the whole time who'd been dressed in something approaching normal clothes. She sighed. I feel like the bad guy here. Why am I always the one who has to be the bad guy? First I had to lie my ass off with Glory last night, and now this. Nothing will ever get done around here, it seems, unless I make it happen.

She sighed again. I can tell this is how it's gonna be from now on. It's like I'm the mother to five kids,

including Brenda and Susan. Hell, especially Brenda and Susan! Sheesh. All I can say is, nobody better mess Glory's visit up, or I'm gonna be seriously pissed. This group absolutely has to have another tough cookie like myself or it just can't function! I wish it could be Xania, but that's a long-term long shot, so that doesn't help much now. If it can't be her, it has to be Glory. What if I hadn't happened to be here to whip them into shape? They'd probably all still be fucking an hour later with Glory calling and calling in vain to find out why no one's picking her up. The mind boggles.

She sniffed the air - it smelled like sex. Damn. I'd better get the can of air freshener again.

Suzanne was in Susan's bedroom with Susan picking out clothes when Glory called her again. Glory had had a change of heart about clothes and now she wanted to wear something much more fancy and formal. Suzanne agreed, cleverly making it seem like the change wouldn't be much trouble at all for anyone.

When Suzanne got off the phone, she thought to herself, Well, that just bought us all some more time. She can't expect Sweetie to be on time to pick her up when she changes this from a semi- formal to formal occasion five minutes before he's supposed to go! And it's a good thing, too, because that damned boy takes forever to cum these days! I wonder how Brenda is faring in there, all by


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