6 Times a Day

Chapter 139 "So Does That Mean You're Completely Smooth Down There?"

Later in the day, after Ron had revived from his traveling ordeal enough to leave for a round of golf with a friend, Susan and Suzanne took off to do some shopping.

As soon as they were in private, Suzanne asked Susan what she'd done with Ron the night before.

Susan confessed that she hadn't really done anything at all. She appeared to be very sad about it. In reality her feelings were very conflicted.

Suzanne, though, was secretly delighted. She thought, I'd predicted to myself that Susan wouldn't get intimate with Ron, and it's extremely pivotal that I was right! This means Susan has essentially given her heart to Alan. I'll bet she simply couldn't get our cutie out of her head, and given my strict instructions not to do anything with Ron while thinking of Alan, she couldn't do anything with Ron at all! Hee-hee-hee!

Everything is coming along nicely. Susan doesn't know it yet, but her marriage is already doomed. Goodbye prudish, Bible-thumping, married woman; hello big-titted, cocksucking, son-loving mommy! We're gonna have more fun than probably even I can imagine at this point.

The two of them shopped for clothes. At Suzanne's urging, Susan ended up buying a lot of "scandalously" sexy outfits. They didn't overtly talk about it much, but it was clear the purchases were meant for Alan and his "need" for "visual stimulation." Ron didn't figure into their thinking at all.

Soon after the two mothers left, Katherine cornered Alan and got him to agree to shave her pussy. She wanted it shaved so her naked, soon-to-be-painted crotch would be less noticeable for the cheerleading practices starting the next day.

Once it was done, Alan inaugurated the new look with a fresh fingerfuck while still in the bathroom.

Then Katherine wanted to reciprocate with a pleasant blowjob. She pouted, "Isn't it time for you to ask me to suck you off?"

"But I, uh..." He could barely wrap his head around her startling suggestion.

"Like I said, it's about time already that you ask me to suck you off."

They both laughed, albeit a bit nervously from the sexual tension suddenly present in the room.

She continued more seriously, "Really though. Anytime you want it. Anytime, Bro. Don't make me wait. After we did it last night, why not today?"

"I'd love to, Sis, you know that. But I'm still worried about the risk. You never know when someone might come home."

"That's not stopping you from giving me a nice finger bang."

Alan had his finger in her snatch again, even as she said that. "True. But it just seems like we could cover this up more readily. If you really got into a blowjob, I know that I'd be so overwhelmed by the pleasure that a whole herd of elephants could escape my attention."

"What if I were to suck, but suck at sucking?" she giggled.

His resolve was weakening. What if we're really careful? It wouldn't take that long. I mean, this is my gorgeous sister and she's so eager!

She suggested, "Hey, what if we try a sixty-nine? Have you ever done that? It would be just like now when you're fingering me, except that I'd be busy sucking you off too."

He was even more tempted by that. However, he cautioned, "That would double our odds of getting caught, wouldn't it?"

Before Katherine could reply, they heard a knock on the door. "I heard some noises. Anyone in there?"

Each of them breathed a big sigh of relief, for it was only Amy. Luckily, too, they had locked the bathroom door. What if it had been Mom or Ron? they thought simultaneously. They were treading a very dangerous path.

"Uh, yeah. It's me, Aims. Don't come in," said Alan.

He and Katherine each looked around frantically, but they had been so careless that neither of them had brought any clothing into the bathroom. Luckily, there was one big towel that hung on a rack, so Alan wrapped it around his waist. He figured he could walk out in that, but it left only hand towels for Katherine.

Then he heard Amy say, "Bo, are you in there alone? I thought I heard you whispering to Kat, too. Isn't she in there with you?"

"Yeah, I'm in here too," Katherine said glumly. "Just hold on a sec." They had both been whispering up to the moment they'd heard the knock on the door, so it was futile to deny it. Katherine just hoped that Amy hadn't managed to actually hear what they'd been talking about.

"Why are you both in there together?" Amy asked quizzically.

Alan figured the truth, slightly altered, was the safest way to go. "I was helping Kat shave. She needed my help."

"Can I come in?" asked Amy. "It's hard to talk through this door. And why the whispering? No one else is at home."

"Yeah, just a minute." Alan whispered quietly into Katherine's ear, "We can tell her an innocent version of the painting and shaving. She'll probably learn about it within a few days anyway. You could use her as an ally in this situation with the cheerleaders."

Katherine nodded. She didn't see any alternative.

He got out the shaving cream and used it to cover the area around her pussy while she sat naked in the bathtub.

Only then did Alan finally open the door while wrapped in a towel, with razor in hand. His dick still hadn't gone flaccid, so he used the hand that was holding the razor to keep his boner pushed safely down between his legs, where it couldn't create an embarrassing bulge in the towel.

"Whoa!" said Amy as she walked in and shut the door. "Hiya! What are you guys up to?" Her eyebrows were raised because not only was Alan wearing a towel, but Katherine was sitting in the bathtub completely nude, not even attempting to cover herself.

"I'm shaving Kat's private parts," Alan replied casually, as if Katherine's nudity wasn't even worth mentioning. "It's a long story. Do you want to hear it?"

"Sure," said Amy happily. "I love stories."

Alan was relieved that Amy seemed to take Katherine's nudity in stride. Somehow, he'd suspected that would be the case, since they all knew well that Amy was very much in favor of nudity.

He explained briefly how Katherine had forgotten her panties and how he'd had to help by painting a pair on her during lunch. He skipped over the incestuous parts, like how he'd repeatedly fingered her and how he'd used binoculars to watch her at practice. As he kept talking, he realized he didn't really have an explanation for why she had to keep her pussy shaven for a full week.

"So then," he said as he winged it, "um, it turns out the reason why Kat forgot to wear her underwear was because she lost them. So we special-ordered another pair, but they won't be ready until next week. In the meantime, we thought she should keep doing this paint thing until the new underwear comes in. It's really no big deal. Happens all the time. Do you remember how, who was it, Demi Moore, had a painted-on suit on a magazine cover a few years back?"

"Yeah, I think so. But why not just wear different underwear?" asked Amy.

Good question, thought Alan. "Ummmm, ... because we went shopping but we couldn't find any that were the right size, shape and color. You know how they're a special cut. You can't find them everywhere, especially in black."

He'd made up the 'special cut' and everything else, but Amy seemed to completely believe his absurd explanation even though she was a cheerleader herself and wore the same kind of panties.

"M'kay," was her only reaction. "So why are you shaving her now?"

"Well, on Friday we thought that her hair down there might be showing. But if it's smooth nobody will notice that her panties are painted on."

"Wow, that's really weird," Amy said with more emotion. "You're really brave, Kat. I hope I never lose my cheerleader underwear! Then I'd have to cheer without any panties too! That would be scary!" She unconsciously grabbed at her crotch.

"Yeah, it's scary," Katherine replied. "It would be really embarrassing if anyone found out. Do you promise not to mention this to anyone else - to not talk about it unless it's just us three?"

"Sure! I've been good with the secret about the bet, haven't I? All these secrets about panties lately - it's funny!" Amy laughed.

Alan and Katherine forced themselves to laugh with her. They'd gotten a little less cautious about keeping the noise down, now that Amy had confirmed that the coast was still clear.

Then Amy asked Katherine, "So does that mean you're completely smooth down there?"

"I sure am," Katherine replied. "Alan was just finishing. Would you like to see it?"

"M'kay!" Amy clapped her hands together in happiness while moving in closer for a better look.

Katherine used the shower wand to rinse off the shaving cream.

"Wow! I've never seen anything like that before. Mine is really hairy."

Feeling emboldened, Katherine decided to take a chance. "It feels really different. Would you like to feel it?"

"Can I?" Amy asked with obvious curiosity.

Katherine nodded. She thought, Aims is such a nice person, but she can sure be an airhead sometimes. I can't believe she's buying this!

Amy knelt by the tub and began to rub her fingers over and around Katherine's pussy. "It feels so smooth ..." she said. "I think I like it better than mine. Mine is too hairy!" She suddenly pulled her hand away.

"Why did you stop rubbing, Aims?" asked Katherine, as if she were offended. "Didn't you say you wanted to touch it?"

"Yeah, but I just remembered that I'm not supposed to touch there. Mom told me I'm not allowed to touch myself down there, like, at all! So I don't think I'd be allowed to touch your naughty place either."

Alan cut in and pointed out, "Remember what I told you before. The rules Aunt Suzy has given you don't apply to close friends like Sis and me. Your mom's trying to protect you from strangers."

Katherine added, "So if you want to keep rubbing, I don't mind at all. Especially that little nub at the top. Make sure to rub that a lot. Did Aunt Suzy say why you shouldn't touch yourself?"

"No. I don't remember. I just remember she said that it was bad. Very bad." She still kept her hands away from Kat.

"That's because of all the hair," said Katherine. She felt very naughty because she was actually enjoying telling these seemingly harmless lies. "You've heard about STDs - sexually transmitted diseases - haven't you?"

"Yes," said Amy bashfully.

"That's how they often get transmitted, by things living in the hair. So if you touch your hairy pussy, you might get sick. But since I'm shaven I don't have that problem."

"Oooh, that sounds great! I wanna get shaved too! Bo, would you shave me? Please? Pretty please?"

Alan considered the idea. Kat wasn't the only one feeling pretty naughty. We shouldn't really be taking advantage of Aims like this; she's so innocent and naïve. Aunt Suzy is always saying that we have to protect her.

But that thought came without conviction. Still, how can I resist? She's almost as scorching hot as her mother. Although... What if we get caught? With the three of us in here, it would be real trouble! But I'm sure that no one will be back for at least two hours, so maybe it's worth the risk.

Finally he answered, "Okay, but just wait a minute; I have to get some stuff." He ran to his room to get some clothing, then grabbed some of Katherine's clothing from her room too. He figured that if they were all wearing clothes, that would stop things from going too far, so he wouldn't totally betray his need to protect Amy.

By the time he got back, Amy had already taken off all her clothes. She stood there smiling, completely buck naked.

"I didn't want her to get her shirt wet," Katherine explained, barely suppressing a knowing giggle.

Alan had previously seen Amy naked a surprising number of times, but always too briefly to get a really good look. He'd gotten the impression that she wanted to be a nudist, because there had been plenty of times when he'd walked in on her only to find her almost completely undressed. Sometimes it had even happened in his own house! But, each time, she'd very quickly covered up with her hands or put her clothes back on.

There were other times when she'd worn only the barest of outfits. For instance, one time he'd spent several hours posing for her as she sketched him while wearing only a minimal, almost-transparent bikini. He'd had an erection nearly the entire time, and a bad case of blue balls.

He had the impression that she simply didn't understand the effect that her curvaceous body had on men, just as she maybe didn't understand why people wore clothes in the first place. It had been extremely frustrating for a horny young guy like him.

Now he could stare at her as long as he liked. Aims really does have a hairy pussy, much more so than Sis did. I wonder what she'll look like when she's bald down there. Only one way to find out!

He looked at the clothes he was carrying, and then down at the towel he was wearing. He decided that the clothes really weren't essential and the towel would suffice. If Aims and Kat want to be naked, that's okay. In fact, that's awesome! The main thing is that my dick needs to stay hidden by this towel. Otherwise, there's no telling what'll happen, and I certainly don't want to get Aunt Suzy that pissed off at me.


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