6 Times a Day

Chapter 140 Kath & Amy

Alan had Amy sit on the far rim of the tub, bracing her feet against the near-side rim with her legs spread wide. Katherine didn't really need to be in the tub, but had remained sitting there and now looked like she didn't want to move. This left her sitting crosswise to Amy with her legs below Amy's. Since she was sitting upright, this placement left Amy's legs at chest level right in front of her.

Alan knelt next to the tub where he could reach between Amy's legs to her pussy. Once he was in position, he took a good, close look at her bush. His erection was now below the tub edge, out of her line of sight. He decided, Once again, I can't help but conclude this is a pussy that needs a good, solid fucking! Unfortunately, today just isn't the time, especially with Ron in town. But no reason not to have a little fun, right? Let's see just how far she lets me go with her. He used a washcloth wet with hot water to soften her pussy hair, then covered the area around her snatch with shaving cream, preparing to shave it.

He was looking for an excuse to put his fingers in her pussy because he couldn't resist the temptation to explore. "Um, Aims, sometimes shaving down there can make a woman break out in a rash. You can get red and bumpy all over. Especially the first time, it happens a lot. You can also get a rash and bumps on the inside of your vagina, which is really bad, 'cos you might not even be aware of it. So while I'm shaving you, I think it's best if I check inside your vagina with my fingers to see if any bumps are developing. If they are, then we might have to stop for a while and get that problem fixed first. Is that okay with you?"

Alan half expected Amy to say, "What do you take me for, a complete idiot?"

But she just said "M'kay!" in a happy, singsong voice.

Since Kat was sitting right there, with good sight angles on Amy's pussy, he asked her to do the shaving. He said, "Amy, I'm going to have Kat shave you, because she's a girl too so she knows that part of a girl's anatomy really well. Also, she's at a better angle to shave you carefully, so that she doesn't nick you. While she's doing that I'll just check you for bumps."

With that, he began to finger her pussy while Kat started to shave her.

Katherine sat with Amy's leg pressed against her breasts, carefully shaving Amy's pussy. She was obviously having great difficulty holding back her laughter.

"We don't want to cut you," Alan continued, "so whatever you do, don't move a muscle. Don't even turn your head. Keep your eyes closed too. Really closed."

Amy immediately squeezed her eyes shut.

Katherine took that as an all-clear sign and began to lewdly finger herself with her other hand, alternating with her shaving strokes on Amy. She went all out, stimulating her clit with her thumb while probing within her cunt with curled fingers for her own G-spot.

From his position, Alan could see what his sister was doing to herself. He figured that Amy would remain totally unaware of it because of her position and her eyes being shut so tightly. The whole lewd scene really turned him on.

They both counted on Amy being obedient; she wasn't about to disobey and run the risk of being cut by the razor when she'd been told to hold still.

Alan had gotten incredibly aroused by his abuse of Amy's trust and by what Kat was doing. He knew it was wrong, but he just couldn't help himself. Below the tub edge, his erection stood straight out between his legs, pointing through the tub wall straight at Amy's cunt. His hardness was completely unencumbered.

He began to stroke himself slowly, in synch with fingering Amy. But he was careful not to take it too far, for fear she would feel his motion coupled through his body and open her eyes to see what he was doing.

He told himself, Even if Aims were to open her eyes, which is pretty unlikely, she probably wouldn't see what else we're doing before we had time to stop. Besides, she trusts us so much that we'd be able to talk our way out of it, I'm sure. The main thing is that we're still not corrupting her too badly - as long as I keep my cock away from her pussy.

Time passed. No one was in a big hurry. Katherine didn't do much shaving at all, because she was much more interested in playing with herself and watching her brother play with himself. She shaved a little of Amy's pussy hair every now and then. Sometimes she had to move the hand that had been stimulating her own pussy directly to Amy's crotch to hold Amy's leg clear while she shaved the edges of Amy's pussy. Then it would dive right back to her own crotch to play some more. She shaved Amy at just a fast enough pace to keep the pretense going.

Meanwhile, Alan was having a field day playing with Amy's pussy. He said, "Aims, you have a remarkably tight pussy, do you know that?" He meant it too. It wasn't that he had enough experience with pussies to make comparisons, but she was gripping his probing fingers so tightly, apparently involuntarily, that he figured (correctly) that it was uncommon.

She replied, "Nope. Is that really true?"

"I think so. And that makes checking you for bumps really difficult. I can hardly check anything at all right now. But I've heard that if one fingers a pussy long enough, the muscles relax and it kinda opens up. Then I'll be able to probe deeper and really figure out what's going on with all those bumps."

Amy added, "And things'll get kinda squishy too. That'll help you, won't it?"

"It will. In fact, things are getting pretty squishy already. But that's good."

"M'kay. Cool. But please hurry up, will you? 'Cos I'm feeling all weird and tingly down there."

Katherine said encouragingly, "That's good too. The more tingly you feel, the more relaxed you'll get. So just give in to those tingly feelings."

Amy raised her eyebrows, even as she kept her eyes closed. "Are you sure? 'Cos right now, I'm feeling really tingly. Super double duper WAY tingly, even."

After a few more minutes, Katherine finished shaving Amy, so she put the razor down. Even going at a snail's pace, she couldn't prolong the shaving forever.

But Alan said, "Hold on, Aims. We're not done yet. We still need to get to the bottom of this 'bumps' issue. You're finally relaxing some, so I'm making progress. We can't stop now."

"Awww. Do we have to keep going? I'm feeling so way weird. I've never felt this way before!"

Now that Katherine had finished the shaving, she was able to concentrate on fingering herself fulltime. She asked Amy, "Does it feel good?"

"Ohmigod! It feels soooo good! Bo, you can totally check me for bumps anytime you want!"

Alan loved the sound of that. Between the joy he got from getting Amy so aroused and the pleasure from his self-stroking, he was losing all control. He constantly ran his fingers around the inside walls of her pussy, as if he were really checking for bumps. Plus, it turned out his comment about needing her to relax so he could go deeper was not complete bullshit. Once that happened, he was able to push his fingers into her as far as they could go, as if he were checking for the really hard-to-reach bumps.

After a minute or two, it became clear that Amy was struggling really hard not to writhe around while sitting on the tub edge, since she'd been told to keep completely still. She asked rather urgently, "Can we stop for a minute? I'm having a really way super hard time not moving. I think it's your checking for bumps. It's making me not just tingly but downright shaky!"

He grinned; she was just too cute. "Alright, I'll stop, but keep your eyes closed and hold still." He realized this was for the best, since it was obvious that Amy was about to climax and he wanted to prolong her pleasure if he could.

Cumming was something Katherine had done just a minute or two earlier, and fairly noisily, too.

Even with his intermittent stroking, Alan was getting pretty near his own climax, mostly due to the eroticism of what they were doing to Amy. He stopped stroking himself to take a strategic pause.

"Tell me, Aims," he said while they all waited and recovered. "Have you ever masturbated?"

"No, but I've heard about it though," she replied brightly. "What's it like?"

At that both Alan and Katherine couldn't resist laughing out loud.

"What's so funny?" Amy asked.

Finally, Alan responded, "Well, it's just that masturbating is somewhat like checking for bumps. But it's kind of different."

"Oh! Well then, I think I'll like it," she said in her usual bubbly manner. "'Cos I totally like this!"

"I think we can continue, so keep still," Alan finally said after everyone seemed to calm down and his boner was ready for more stroking pleasure. "Before we finish up here, we need to complete our checking for bumps."

Amy asked, "But aren't you already reaching into me as far as you can get?"

He had to think fast. "That's true. But the bumps might only start showing up around now. That allergic reaction can often be delayed some minutes after the shaving is done, so it's good to keep checking for bumps for a while."

"M'kay. I'll try to keep still," said Amy out of the corners of her mouth, "But it's really hard to do when you're checking for bumps."

"Do your best," Alan said. "Now that we're not shaving you, it's okay if you have to move around some, but definitely keep your eyes closed no matter what."

He began to finger her pussy again, working on her G-spot more vigorously this time.

Seeing that he was back in action, now that she wasn't shaving Amy, Katherine reached over the tub edge and began massaging his very needy erection. He was so aroused by playing with Amy's cunt that the addition of what Katherine was doing to him was almost more than he could bear.

Amy soon began to wriggle around in response to Alan's fingers.

"That's okay, Aims. Move around if you have to, but don't even think of opening your eyes!" Alan added this last part because Katherine was blatantly masturbating him only a few feet in front of Amy. It might be very bad news if Amy were to open her eyes, but he was so close to cumming by this point that he threw caution to the wind.

In fact, he was so horny that the thought occurred to him, Hey, Aims is a totally hot fox and she's sitting in the nude right before me. Why am I only playing with her pussy and acting like the rest of her body is a no-go zone?

He said, "Aims, it seems like you've been working out a lot lately. You're looking really fit. Is it okay if I check out just how fit you are?"

"M'kay. Hey, I'm glad you noticed, 'cos I've been losing weight. I was starting to get a little bit chubby."

"Well, you're definitely not chubby now, that's for sure." He ran his free hand up to her firm tummy, and then slowly caressed down to one of her hips.

She sucked in her breath. "Mmmm! I don't know if you should do that. I'm super tingly already, and that's making me even MORE tingly!"

He had been alarmed at first at her resistance, but relaxed when she shared the reason why she wanted him to stop. "Don't worry about it. Tingly is good. You definitely have a body you can be proud of." He loved running his hand over her smooth skin, maybe even more than fingering her pussy, since he'd been doing the latter for such a long time already.

She replied proudly, "Really? Wow! I've been working out really hard every day to get in shape for you."

Alan didn't really notice the "for you" comment since he was so extremely aroused, but Katherine did. She was starting to get a little jealous, since Alan was focusing so much of his attention on Amy while Katherine was the one now doing the work to make his cock feel really good. She asked, suspiciously, "'For you'?"

Amy replied, "Yeah, for you. For all you guys, so you'll be proud of me and won't think I'm the fatty around here. It's you all who matter; I don't care what a bunch of lame-o strangers at the school think."

Alan leapt on that opportunity. "Well, you're not fat. Trust me. Although you do have some fatty tissue, for instance up here. It looks good on you." He bravely reached up and caressed one of Amy's big breasts.

Amy responded by sucking in her breath and moaning, "Ooooh..."

Katherine didn't like that at all; she was growing very jealous. So she reached out and grabbed Alan's exploring hand. When he looked at her, she gave him a disapproving look, like he was pushing their luck too far.

He didn't notice her anger because he realized that she was right: he probably was pushing their luck too far. He let go of Amy's boob and went back to just fingering her for a while.

But, as it turned out, it didn't make any real difference because he couldn't take all the stimulation anymore. He urgently tapped Katherine's shoulder to get her attention, then made a face to let her know he'd just passed the point of no return.

Between fingering herself and giving Alan a handjob, Katherine had been having such a great time that she hadn't given serious consideration to what to do if and when Alan actually had to cum. She only had a second or so to react, so she instinctively pointed the tip of his dick at the side of the tub. His cum landed all over it, making soft splatting noises, but Amy seemed not to notice.

Alan was a bit chagrined when his climax ended and he'd recovered enough to see what a mess he'd made. It looked very incriminating. But then he realized that his towel was within reach, so he used it to wipe the outside of the tub. He hoped that if Amy noticed the white blobs on the towel, she'd mistake them for shaving cream.

When he saw that his sister had reached another climax of her own a minute later, he said, "Okay, I think we're done." He made sure the towel was securely around his waist again as he sat up on the edge of the tub.

"Done?" said Amy, eyes still closed. "Are... are you sure you don't need to check for any more bumps? I had a really interesting feeling. I think it might be really good if you check for bumps a little more - for at least another minute!"

Amy's slit was leaking a lot of juice; she was obviously right on the verge of a major climax as well (though she apparently didn't recognize it as such). Her labia were distended and had darkened considerably from the blood that had rushed to her groin due to Alan's stimulation.

The smell of her vaginal juices wafted into the air and filled Alan's nostrils. "Are you feeling flush and tingly?" he asked.

"Oh yes! Very flush and very tingly!"

"I'm afraid you may be getting an allergic reaction," he lied. "Sometimes it doesn't just manifest itself with bumps, but there are other symptoms. When that happens it's important to check for bumps even more vigorously. We'll do that again in a few minutes. In the meanwhile, let me clean the last of the shaving cream off you." He picked up the shower wand and rinsed her pussy, paying particular attention to letting the water hit her now exposed clit, as well as cleaning the shaving cream and juices from her thighs. When she shook in a water-stream-induced climax, he turned off the shower wand and said "Now you can open your eyes and check out your new look!"

As Amy came out of her climax, she opened her eyes and looked down at her pubic mound. But that wasn't good enough, so she got off the tub and stood up, walking in front of the bathroom mirror. "Wow," she exclaimed as she stood there in the nude. "Neat-o!" Her shaved pussy made her look a year or two younger, although she couldn't logically be that young, given the size of her impressive boobs.

"It looks great!" said Katherine. She lifted herself out of the bathtub, knelt in front of Amy's pussy, and asked, "Can I touch it now? You know, to check out my shaving job."

"Sure!" said Amy.

"Feels smooth ..." Katherine cooed as she ran her fingers over it.

"Oh, geez, Louise! That makes me tingly too. Everything is just too tingly today!" Amy giggled.

Katherine giggled too, all the while touching Amy's most sensitive spots, including her clit, deliberately ramping up her arousal yet again.

"Does that mean I can touch myself down there now?" Amy asked a few moments later.

"Yes. But keep it a secret, okay? Everything in here today is totally a secret."


"That reminds me," said Katherine. "I think it's time we check for more bumps. Don't you think so, Bro?"

Alan was pretty wiped out from his orgasm, since guys couldn't recover as quickly as girls. So he just said, "Yes. Definitely a good idea, Sis. Why don't you help her out this time?"

Katherine began to thrust two fingers into Amy. She passed a knowing look to Alan, who had ended up standing behind Amy, while playfully motioning with her free hand that he should take off his towel.

He shook his head 'No.' Now that he'd climaxed, his duty to protect Amy from getting too involved sexually had come back to the fore. He was sort-of okay with what they'd done so far, but he figured it would be prudent to keep his dick away from her.

"Make sure to check all the hard-to-reach places, Sis," he added helpfully. Although his penis was now helplessly flaccid, he was still getting off at the sight of his sister fingering Amy's pussy and working her clit.

Amy flailed her arms every which way, while once again closing her eyes. "Oooh! This feels so totally weird! Kat, I'm feeling so... so... GOOD! God! What do I do with my hands?"

Alan's libido was still at the fore so he suggested, "Grab your boobs!" Then he needed some excuse for that, so he added, "Um, see if things are tingly up there too!"

She not only grabbed at her boobs, but she started fondling them. Within seconds, she said, "Oooh! Things are really tingly here too. What does that mean?"

He couldn't think of a quick answer to that, so he changed the subject. "You can open your eyes now if you want."

She opened her eyes and looked down at Katherine's probing fingers. "Ooooh! Wow. That looks really weird." She giggled. "Kat, you look really sexy doing that."

"Um, thanks." Katherine wasn't sure how she should reply to that. She wasn't as good as Alan at thinking up on-the-spot bullshit explanations.

Alan realized that, and changed the topic again. He didn't want them to talk about sex, since they were supposedly just "checking for bumps" rather than doing something sexual. He said to Amy, "Now that we've shaved your pussy, you'll need help keeping it shaven in the future. As you can see, it's a two- or even three-person job. It has to be shaved very closely, and each time it's important to check for bumps, especially since you were feeling flush and tingly. You can have Sis or me help you out anytime. When you first start shaving a pussy, it's important to shave it at least a few times a week."

He decided to throw caution to the wind, since she seemed to believe everything he said on this topic. "Actually, it wouldn't hurt to shave it every day."

"Y-y-yes," replied a very aroused Amy. Her big boobs jiggled and shook along with the rest of her body, which made Alan start to think of excuses to play with them as well.

Katherine turned her head back to Alan and smiled widely. She mouthed the word "Thanks" at him, because she loved the idea of "checking Amy's bumps" on a daily basis. The possibilities for fun seemed endless, particularly now that she found herself lusting after Amy quite a bit.

After a minute or two, Alan asked, "Little Sister, how is it going there? Have you found any bumps?" By this point, Amy was rotating her hips wildly as Kat fondled her clit.

"Well, Very Big Brother, funny you should-"

But Alan never got to hear if the elusive bumps had been found, because at that very moment he heard the faint sound of the garage door opening. He interrupted his sister and said, "We have to go! Aims, Mom is home and I don't think she'd understand what we were doing here. You know how prudish she is. You two take your clothes and go to Kat's room immediately. Now! I'll clean up in here."

Katherine reinforced the message by saying, "Yeah, you know our mom. She can be so stuck in her fuddy-duddy ways. It's better if we keep this whole shaving thing a secret from her. I wouldn't be surprised if she thought shaving down there is some kind of sin."

Luckily, Amy seemed to sympathize. "Yeah, I know what you mean. My mom is totally that way too. I mean, she won't even let me go naked except when I'm alone in my room. Talk about a total bummer! I'm glad you two are way more cool than that."

They had a few minutes before Susan was likely to head upstairs, so they managed to wrap everything up without suspicion. As it turned out, Susan stayed in the kitchen for a while putting away groceries before she came upstairs.

Alan took a shower, to better cover their tracks. Even though it could only have been his mother at that hour, he was still shaken by how close they'd come to being caught.


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