6 Times a Day

Chapter 144 Ron Cheating?

On Monday morning, Suzanne again decided it was time to begin a new effort to push Susan's sexual awakening forward. It had been five days since Susan declared a new resolve to back off from anything sexual with Alan. Susan had been extremely restrained, but even with Suzanne usually restraining herself from trying to further indoctrinate her with her usual sexual spiel, Susan's resolve had slowly weakened. Ron's presence served as a restraint, but not as much as Suzanne had expected it to be.

Suzanne figured that she could nudge Susan along so she'd be primed for action when Ron left. Suzanne still didn't know whether Susan was bisexual or not, since she'd never shown any sign of being so. Nevertheless, Suzanne suspected her best friend had the potential to become bisexual.

Suzanne knew that her own body was extremely sexually sensitive. Furthermore, she knew that Susan's body was very similar to hers, at least from the neck down. So it stood to reason that Susan could be aroused just as easily. In fact, the evidence was that Susan's breasts were even more responsive than her own. So Suzanne theorized that once Susan's prudish barriers and beliefs fell away, between the great love they had for each other and their easily aroused bodies, it would be surprising if they didn't get physically intimate.

Suzanne could hardly wait, but she knew Susan would have to completely give in to her lust for Alan first. Susan's belief that homosexuality was a sin was so strong that she would need to completely rethink her ideas on sex and sin before Suzanne could make progress on that front.

Susan had told Suzanne that she was going to make another effort to be intimate with Ron on Sunday night.

So as soon as Suzanne came over that morning, after she'd checked to make sure they were in the house alone, she said, "Susan... I take it from your silence that things didn't work out too well in bed between you and Ron last night?"

Susan had seemed happy as could be, but she broke down and started bawling almost immediately. She buried her face in her hands and cried and cried. Between sobs, she said, "No! Not at all! Nothing on Saturday, as I told you. He looked so darn weary, and I couldn't stop thinking about my cutie Tiger! Am I a terrible wife, or what? Then, last night, I psyched myself up to do something with him, but he went to bed as soon as the party ended, saying that he was still very tired and needed to get onto a California time schedule because of jet lag! It's like he's not attracted to me!"

Suzanne let her cry for a while. She figured she didn't need to spell out explicitly any of the conclusions that Susan was reaching on her own.

As Susan's sobs started to diminish, she finally added, "I think he's cheating on me. No, I know it! He was feeling fine enough to play golf yesterday afternoon, but he had no energy for me last night!" That led to a new bout of gut-wrenching sobs.

Once Susan had calmed down, more or less, Suzanne had a long talk with her. Suzanne encouraged Susan to believe that Ron was having an affair. Suzanne had no doubt that Ron was cheating; she had evidence that she didn't want to share at this point in part because it would make Susan feel even more miserable. So she was trying to break things to her best friend slowly.

However, she'd also been delaying sharing the full truth of what she knew about Ron until it served her larger strategic purposes. Now she decided the time was right, so she began setting some more wheels in motion and revealing a little more. She hoped that by getting Susan to see the light about Ron, that would open the door for Susan to have more sexual fun with Alan, which was the key to Suzanne's bigger dream of a new sexually intimate family.

She suggested, "You know, you shouldn't feel bad about your sex life with Ron. Even before he started cheating on you, the problem wasn't with you; it was with him."

"What do you mean exactly?"

Suzanne was tempted to reveal that Ron was secretly homosexual, but she didn't feel Susan was ready to hear that, at least not until after Ron left again. She hinted obscurely, "Well, let's just say I have reason to believe he's the reason for any sex problem you two might have had at any time throughout your entire marriage."

"What? You mean his low sex drive?"

"Yes. Well, that's part of it. But maybe also he's just not the kind of guy who is attracted to someone like you." Suzanne didn't want to reveal the whole story right away, but she wanted Susan to start to realize that something was very wrong, and that it wasn't just simply what she expected.

"Suzanne, are you saying I'm unattractive? I can't see it myself, but everyone says I'm some kind of raving beauty. Even you tell me that from time to time."

"You are, you are! You're gorgeous! He couldn't ask for a more beautiful and desirable wife. You should hear how your Tiger raves about you."

She lifted her head with hope. "Really?"

"Really! He rhapsodizes about your breasts in particular in a way that's nearly poetic. And the other day I accidentally caught him masturbating, and I heard him muttering about his 'big-titted mommy.'"

"Oh dear." Susan was starting to get aroused hearing that, but the (fictional) mention of catching him masturbating reminded her of how she'd rushed into Alan's room last night after hearing him cry out her name in ecstasy. Thinking about that incident frightened her much more than aroused her. "He's still committing the sin of Onan?"

"He is. Do I need to remind you of that well-known Christian saying, 'It's better-"

Suzanne was cut off, because Susan finished the saying for her. "'It's better to shoot your seed down into the belly of your mother than on the ground.' I know. Believe me, I know; I tell myself that many times a day."

Suzanne secretly smirked, since that wasn't the actual saying, but rather a version she'd altered for Susan's sake. She plowed forward. "Good. Never forget it. He loves your gorgeous face too, and everything about you from head to toe. And think about how often random yahoos on the street shout lewd things at you, or how pushy guys can be to you at parties. You're a total knockout, and you know it deep down. Your looks aren't the problem at all. What I mean is, different people like different things. You know?"

"No, not really."

Suzanne was frustrated because Susan was completely missing her subtle hints. Besides, things were getting too heavy and depressing and her attempts to arouse with talk about Alan seemed to be having no effect at all. So she suggested a break. "Susan, regardless of the situation with Ron, everyone's still counting on you to provide visual stimulation for Sweetie. Look at me and then look at you. Couldn't you try a little harder to let your beauty show?"

"But what about Ron?"

Suzanne grabbed Susan's hand and pulled her up. "Here, let's go upstairs and play dress-up. I'll show you how you can dress conservatively and not show much, but still give off a sexy vibe."


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