6 Times a Day

Chapter 145 Again Suzanne's Brainwash

So they went to Susan's bedroom and tried on different outfits for a while. Susan had never cared much about clothes before; for her, deciding what to wear was just another daily chore like brushing her teeth. But Suzanne made dressing up fun and exciting, plus Susan now had the powerful incentive of trying to get her son to have an erection as frequently and for as long as possible. As a result, Susan's depressed mood slowly passed.

However, after an hour or so of that, the conversation eventually drifted back to Ron. They discussed Susan's future and the possibility of her divorcing him. Susan grew panicky about money because she didn't think she could make it financially without Ron. She had never held a paying job in her life, plus her children were about to start college, which would be very expensive.

Suzanne, however, had the facts behind her. "Susan, first of all, no one is saying that a divorce is a must at this point. We're merely thinking about options. But if you did divorce Ron, you wouldn't have to worry. I know your finances probably better than you do, since I spend so much of my free time managing my investments and helping you with yours. True, almost all of your family's money is in Ron's name, but that doesn't matter because it's a community property state, so you'd get half of it in a divorce. And it's a lot of money - about five million dollars, plus the value of your paid-off house, all of it earned during your marriage. And you'd get alimony. Based on what Ron earns, that would be at least a hundred thousand a year."

Susan asked, "But what if Ron were to stiff me? I know it's not like him; he's basically a nice guy and his parents would never forgive him. But what if?"

"True," Suzanne conceded, "it's good to consider a worst case scenario. But he has an equity interest in his business, and he won't give that up - it's worth a lot more to him if he keeps it than if it was liquidated by sale to his backers. He'd end up screwing himself a lot worse than he would you, so he won't just abandon you and stay in Asia where our courts can't get to him. But more than that, there are things you don't know. Things that would disturb you. Unfortunately, I can't tell you just yet."

"Again, you're being too cryptic. What do you mean?"

"Never mind that for now. I need to confirm some more information before I start making big claims. But the long and the short of the financial picture is that I can guarantee with 100 percent certainty that you and your children won't suffer financially from a divorce, if it comes to that. I swear to God as your best friend I would never lie about something like this."

Susan looked at Suzanne curiously. "Please don't play games with me. Why can't you tell me about these mysterious things you're hinting at? They sound like things I need to know!"

"And you will. Soon. Very soon. But I just need to make sure of a few things first. Can you wait for that? I'd rather avoid telling you something that might turn out to be untrue."

Susan nodded reluctantly.

Suzanne got uncharacteristically sentimental, because she felt she needed to express how much she was willing to help her best friend out if need be. "However, there is another secret I can tell you that'll help your financial future. Susan, I love you. I really do. You know I'm an only child - you're like the sister I never had. Hell, you're closer than that."

"I love you too, Suzanne. I feel the same way. 'Best friends' doesn't even begin to cover it. But how will that save me in a horrible divorce?"

"Do you think I'd leave my best friend twisting in the wind? Not to mention your kids, whom I love almost as much as if they were mine. As successful as Ron is in business, Eric's in a bigger league. You know my family has more than double the fortune yours does. You know I spend hours almost every day researching and wisely managing my investments, Eric's investments, and even yours and Ron's. You know how well I did getting in early with the Yahoo stock, for instance. The bottom line is, the money I have in my own name is worth a very large chunk of change. If you were to divorce Ron and didn't have enough to keep your current lifestyle, I'll make up the difference! I really will. Just the interest on my separate property is about equal to the alimony you'd get from Ron. Sending Tiger and Angel through college and whatever else comes up, we'll tackle it together."

Suzanne had been deceiving Susan a lot recently, but she figured that was okay because she was doing it for Susan's own good. But on this, she meant every word.

Susan was so moved she stood up and smothered Suzanne in a great big hug. "Oh, Suzanne! You're just the best friend I could ever have! What would I do without you?!" But then she stared into Suzanne's eyes aghast. "But I can't accept that offer from you! That would be wrong. A horrible imposition! It just wouldn't be fair to you!"

As they stared into each other's eyes from inches away, their big racks pressing together, Suzanne replied, "Hey, it's my money, and I get to choose how to spend it. Besides, I'm rolling in dough. I'm worth almost as much as you and Ron put together, and that's not even counting my share of my community property with Eric."

She continued, "Face it: both of us are filthy rich. You live the fairly frugal lifestyle that you grew up with, but not me. For instance, I easily have ten times the clothes you do, and I always buy the best of everything, while you shop at Costco and Walmart. The fact is, I have more money than I know what to do with. If I want to spend it to make you, Sweetie, and Angel happy, why can't I do that instead of buying a hundred more pairs of shoes I'll only wear once or twice?"

Suzanne grinned impishly. "You wanna turn me into Imelda Marcos or something? I know Sweetie loves seeing us wobbling around in high heels, but to him one pair of high heels is the same as the next! All that matters is that our calves are shapely, our asses are firm and lifted up, and our big breasts wobble when we walk. You know what happens then, don't you?"

Susan did, since Suzanne had been touting the advantages of wearing high heels so frequently lately. Plus, playing dress-up had put her back in at least a semi-sexy mood, and the way their racks were rubbing together certainly didn't hurt. "Mmmm, I do. Tiger's gonna have a stiffy!"

"That's right. If I had more money, I seriously wouldn't even know what to spend it on. The best things in life, like Tiger's thick and tasty stiffies, can't be bought with money. Come on, let me help you! If the tables were turned, wouldn't you do the same?"

Susan thought about that, then replied, "You know I would. But still, I'd feel horribly guilty accepting your money."

"Well, it's all just a hypothetical anyway - IF you get a divorce, and IF Ron doesn't pay enough alimony. Frankly I don't see how he could stop from splitting the community property no matter what he tried, because my power of attorney to manage it means that I have to sign off on any changes! And then there are other things I'm working on that'll only help the financial situation even more. Trust me! The bottom line is, you have enough worries on your mind; you don't need to worry about money. I won't let you down."

In truth, Suzanne really would be glad to share her fortune with Susan, though she was also confident that she wouldn't be forced to because she expected Ron to remain abroad to avoid paying alimony. She didn't just say Susan was closer than a sister, she meant it. But part of that closeness was the sexual attraction. As she continued to hold Susan in a tight embrace, their lips so close that their noses were nearly touching, Suzanne had a nearly overwhelming urge to kiss her best friend on the lips. Realizing that she wouldn't be able to resist doing that for long, she broke the hug and stood back.

Susan also felt an electric tingle, and also found herself tempted to kiss, but she decided it was just an agape love, plus gratitude for Suzanne's generous offer to help. As close as they were, the two of them had rarely said "I love you" to the other, so this was a big moment. She felt relief that the hug was broken, even while she was so happy that she wanted to fling herself onto Suzanne and squeeze her forever with an even more powerful hug.

Suzanne said, "Look, there's family and then there's family. It's not always a genetic thing. For instance, when Sweetie was diagnosed with his special condition, I didn't hesitate. I knew I'd have to help him in any way I could, even with my hands and lips and tongue, because he means that much to me. Heck, daily if need be. I know you'd do the same for him, because your love for him is that strong. Because that's what real family does: they help each other when they need it most."

Now that Suzanne's self-imposed moratorium on trying to break down Susan's prudish barriers was over, she found all kinds of opportunities like this to subtly and sometimes not so subtly get her themes across.

The two busty mothers continued to talk about Ron. Susan wanted to confront Ron directly about his cheating, but didn't know how to go about it.

Suzanne suggested, "I think it's better you don't say anything to him or let on at all. His visit here is just for a short time, and he's probably been cheating on you for ages, so what's the difference in letting things go another week or two? Then, when he's back in Thailand, I know just who to contact to find out for sure about his cheating."

Suzanne knew that Susan needed some hope to cling to about Ron, at least for the time being. So she added, "Besides, maybe this whole thing is just a terrible mistake. Right now, you should give him the benefit of the doubt and be your normal self until I have hard evidence."

"But you make it seem so certain," Susan whined. "And how can I act normal around him?"

"Just remember, in this country it's innocent until proven guilty. And remember that you've been a cold fish sexually for twenty years. Now that you know what sexual pleasure is really like, can you see how tough it would have been for him to go without that for so long? Many, many husbands would have cheated if they had a wife, who, for all intents and purposes, and I'm sorry how harsh this sounds, but if they had a wife who looks like a porn star but in bed is no better than a blow-up doll."

Susan sniffled. She was still recovering from her earlier crying spell, and was prone to cry again. "You're right. I've been a horrible wife. Horrible!"

"Think of it this way," Suzanne suggested before Susan got too weepy. "Ron obviously is having trouble being sexually attracted to you. It's something that eventually happens in almost all marriages at some point. Maybe he has some screwed-up ideas about sex. Plus, remember that you were brainwashed by your parents and church into thinking that sex is only for procreation. That hasn't helped your situation a bit. I don't know the kind of crazy stuff they teach in the Midwest, but I sure am glad that I didn't grow up there!"

"Hey! That's not very nice."

"No it's not, but neither is the guilt and subjugation of women that that wacked-out church you and Ron grew up with pounded into your heads."

"Okay, I'll admit I did pick up a certain kind of ... fear, I suppose, of sex, but 'wacked-out' is way too unkind. They're good people!"

Suzanne rolled her eyes when Susan wasn't looking, but she realized religion was a personal subject and decided that now wasn't the time to get Susan even more upset after all the previous talk about Ron cheating. So she plowed ahead with her argument. "I'm sure they're well meaning, and I'm sorry for saying 'wacked-out.' In any case, don't give up just yet. Some marriages have survived worse. Maybe you and he could have a sexual revival which could lead to an overall revival of your marriage. But not yet. First, we need more information. Just play dumb for the rest of his time here at home. Don't try anything new with him sexually because that'll set off his alarm bells. Can you do that?"

"I'll try."

Suzanne let that conversation sink in for a while. She was confident things would go just as she wanted them to. The very last thing she wanted was for Susan and Ron to have a strong sexual relationship, but it served her purposes to give Susan that temporary hope. Susan was fully capable of making intelligent decisions on her own, but she was also naturally submissive. If Suzanne took charge and gave strong advice, Susan almost inevitably followed her lead. This was especially true about anything related to sex. Susan knew she was a babe in the woods whereas Suzanne somehow always knew exactly the right thing to do.


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