A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 31: mirror_world

Chapter 31: mirror_world

The black shadow ghost comes out of Jia Guan's room, which has been scared out of consciousness, and comes to the corridor.

The black shadow ghost feels like he's overdoing it, is he that scary looking? He was racking his brain to think how he should grasp the degree, when floating to the corner, but suddenly felt something wrong.

Already a ghost, he was certainly fearless, turned his head, and immediately noticed something strange.

That's the mirror at the end of the hallway.

Surprisingly, the mirror reflected his appearance.

"This is ......"


Wuji Gu is half asleep and half awake, feeling like he is in a noisy space.

The sound of footsteps kept ringing around him, as if there was a group of people walking around him constantly.

Numerous eyes fell on him, making it very uncomfortable.

Wuji Gu subconsciously opened his eyes and saw a pair of eyes staring down at him, those eyes were full of confusion, and they probably didn't know what they really were.

But of all the sightings, only one carried a look of resentment.

That person is--


He woke up.

Wuji Gu sat up and picked up the phone next to him, showing that the time was already seven o'clock the next morning.

Thinking about the weird dream last night, he couldn't help but frown. Like the previous copy, the dream he had must have been connected to this copy, but for the time being he couldn't think of anything from it.

As he looked into the room, Wuji Gu suddenly paused.

This room, something is not right.

No, not only the room, this whole space is not right.


When Jia Cheng got up after a night on the sofa, he saw Wuji Gu sitting next to him, looking at him with a serious expression. Master Gu?"

Wuji Gu reached out and cupped Jia Cheng's chin, examining it carefully.

The fact that Jia Cheng was at such a close distance, he didn't dare to breathe, of course he didn't dare to have any illusions about Master Gu, but being sized up like this by his idol was indeed very nerve-wracking! In addition to Master Gu's identity and this serious look, Jia Cheng is worried that he is going to die.

Finally Wuji Gu let go of his hand with a relaxed tone, "Well, you are Jia Cheng ."

"Master Gu, what do you mean by that?" Jia Cheng's entire body was not good, "Would I still not be me?"

"That's not necessarily true. Look, is this room different from before." Wuji Gu said.

"It seems to be a bit strange?" Jia Cheng looked around, but this was not his room in the first place, and he was too tired yesterday, so he couldn't see what the problem was for half a day, but felt that everywhere was filled with an indescribable weirdness.

"All the facilities in the room are upside down, completely different from yesterday." Wuji Gu mused, pulling open a curtain on one wall, and immediately a one-person-high mirror appeared before their eyes, reflecting almost the entirety of the room, "It's as if ...... we've all entered the world of mirrors."

If Jia Cheng hadn't mentioned that the mirror gave him a feeling of discomfort, and the system's words also emphasized the mirror, he wouldn't have thought of this point at once.

[That's right, by this time. Only then do you finally notice that this, here, is the very world within the mirror]

[Main Quest Update: Investigate the relationship between the world in the mirror and the outside world, and find out the truth about Jia Cheng back then].

Hearing the system's words, Wuji Gu could be sure that his suspicions were indeed correct.

"What, what?" Jia Cheng now abruptly noticed that everything in the room did seem to be reversed from before, and turned white with fear, "Then what do we do?"

"Don't worry, there must be a way to go back." Wuji Gu reached out and touched the mirror in front of him and felt an extremely dense Yin energy, but it did not go through.

And I wonder how on earth they got into this world of mirrors yesterday.

Wuji Gu also turned to pull aside the curtains, from the floor-to-ceiling windows to look out, the villa outside a large number of gray fog, will be completely surrounded by this area, the sun can barely penetrate a cent, full of dull.

The garden originally looked exquisite and beautiful, but now it is completely different from before, very dilapidated, as if no one to prune the general, the shadow among the trees is feeling like hiding something.

Use this scene directly to shoot horror films without any problems.

"It seems that the previous plan is not completed, now so, it is estimated that even if you want to leave can not leave. There is no signal on the cell phone, so you can't contact the outside world." Wuji Gu said so, the heart did not feel strange, after all, this is a copy of the system ah, where there is so easy to let the people inside to escape, just do not know which people were swept into this bizarre space in the end ......

After all, there might still be some kind of 'human' presence in the mirror.

Jia Cheng was unsettled to the extreme, but after all, he had the experience of bumping into ghosts many times, and was not as directly scared silly as before, he still had some thoughts about the current situation, he suddenly realized something, "Master Gu, is that black shadow ghost still there?"

Wuji Gu shook his head, "It didn't come back."

"No way." Jia Cheng spoke with a bitter face, "Is it possible that it has also mixed with the ghosts in this villa? When the time comes, they will come together to deal with us?"

"Not so much." Wuji Gu said, "We are the ones who are more familiar with him, how can we help some strange ghost we just met. I think it might be trapped somewhere too."

"It's obviously a ghost, and something can happen to it?" Jia Cheng was very surprised.

"That's not necessarily the case, after all, ghosts and ghosts are different from each other." Wuji Gu murmured and spoke, seemingly remembering those things in the previous copy, and looked at Jia Cheng again , "Well, let's go outside first and see how the others are doing, you can also rest here if you don't want to go, but I don't know if anything unexpected will happen."

Jia Cheng extremely does not want to go out, but his heart knows that he stays estimated to die faster, immediately hardened his head to follow Wuji Gu, anyway, Master Gu must be safe around!

The corridor is obviously upside down, even if you don't notice in the room, come out even the most retarded people can realize that the situation is not right.

Just then, a scream sounded out abruptly.

"It's Hui Hui." Jia Cheng's heart jumped abruptly.

The two men immediately ran towards the place where the sound came from, and it didn't take long to see Huihui Fang sitting on the ground with a frightened face, and a maid standing not far away, and from their angle they couldn't see each other's faces at all.

When she saw someone coming, Huihui Fang ran over quickly. She wanted to grab her cousin's hand to complain, but found Jia Cheng running behind Wuji Gu before her, and cautiously peeking out from behind like a rabbit.

Huihui Fang : "......"

Jia Cheng's original towering image collapsed in the mind of a young girl.

"Is everything all right?" Finally Wuji Gu asked Huihui Fang, his tone as gentle as a spring breeze, afraid that if he was not careful he would scare the other side, "What's wrong?"

This is the normal development! Huihui Fang seemed to have reacted at this point, and her tears of fear suddenly came down, and she suddenly felt that the Wuji Gu in front of her was reliable to the extreme, "That, that maid, she, she's not human!"

Only then did the two look clearly at the maid standing over there, her face blue and white as if she were dead, her pupils also unnaturally dilated, her face expressionlessly swept them away, and she continued to lower her head on the floor and cleaned.

But the weird thing is that the broom in her hand is already extremely broken, making the cleaning picture look even stranger.

Huihui Fang It was the moment she came out and suddenly saw this maid that she became frightened like this.

"Is this maid's face familiar to you?" Wuji Gu asked.

"Of course not familiar with it!" Huihui Fang said with a panicked tone, "I've never seen her before, what the hell is going on, now ......"

Jia Cheng's face was bitter, thinking that I guess everyone was all together, but it was also fortunate that the others hadn't come back, while speaking soothingly: "Hui Hui, wait until everyone else is together, I'll come back and explain to you."

Wuji Gu was over there thinking. Since he is not familiar with it, it means that the ghost here is not a projection of someone's reality, but is already in this world?

And it looks as if the other side does not mean to harm people, but rather like they have been performing some kind of duty, is this the world's bondage to ghosts?

Wuji Gu pondered, and then slowly walked over.

Jia Cheng and Huihui Fang, both frightened, looked nervously at Wuji Gu's back, at which point they could see traces of their relatives.

"Hello?" Wuji Gu greeted tentatively, while carefully observing the other party, from such a distance, he clearly saw that the clothes on the other party were already very worn out, and the style did not look like the one worn by the maid he saw yesterday.

The maid had no intention of replying to him at all, but just kept on cleaning, but with this broom it could not be cleaned in any way.

Wuji Gu thought to himself, knowing that the other party would not be able to take care of him, so he turned around and returned to Jia Cheng, " Jia Cheng, do you know what strange things have happened in this house in the past? Did something happen to any of the servants here a few years, or a dozen years ago?"

According to what we just saw, this bizarre mirror world is most likely caused by the previous owner of the house, or whatever Jia Cheng's previous generation was, and this is the time to ask Jia Cheng, of course.

"Master Gu, this, I'm not sure." Jia Cheng's face was depressed, feeling that he was obviously Jia Cheng's person, but could not be of any use, it was too disappointing for Master Gu, "I never cared about these things, but this is our Jia Cheng ancestral home, it should not have been handled by others... ..."

"So that's it." Wuji Gu nodded, then it would only be someone related to Jia Cheng, so maybe it would be a little better to find.

Just then, a cacophony of voices came from below.

"It looks like the others have already arrived downstairs, so let's hurry up and get down there too."

The three immediately headed downstairs, and on the way Wuji Gu found many more mirrors around, in this mirror world, there are far more mirrors than in reality.

As several people walked through the corridor full of mirrors, a hand suddenly stretched out from it and grabbed it in Huihui Fang's direction.

Huihui Fang almost subconsciously avoided the way, but a stumble is about to fall towards the stairs, Wuji Gu grabbed her to prevent the tragedy.

This villa may be because the construction of the earlier, the stairs are very steep, in this mirror world has also become more terrible, if so directly fall, even if not dead also have to be seriously injured.

"Gu, Master Gu? Thank you so much!" Huihui Fang covered her chest in shock and looked at Wuji Gu and was moved to tears, now she felt that Wuji Gu was an angel coming down to help her.

"It's okay, be careful next time." Wuji Gu casually reminded.

"Crap, it's too scary." Jia Cheng is afraid to go near the mirror again.

When Wuji Gu arrived at the hall, Jia Guan and the third master and his wife were already waiting there, all three of them looking unwell and obviously in shock.

They of course woke up to the bizarre situation of the villa. Luckily, the maids they met, although bizarre, would not make a move on them, which brought them safely to the hall.

As for the outside world, the bizarre fog and haphazard growth of weeds, look at the heart of fear, where dare to go out.

"What the hell is going on here?" The Third Master's face was extremely ugly, but his eyes carried a few hints of panic, as if something was beyond his expectation, "How did this place turn out like this?"

Jia Guan had to reassure them on the sidelines, but in fact even he himself met a ghost last night, a time can not find any strong words of comfort, the heart can only sigh, it seems, is that thing more than twenty years ago ......

When he saw Wuji Gu and the others, Jia Guan immediately went up to him and checked if Jia Cheng was injured, and was relieved when Jia Cheng repeatedly assured him that he was fine.

"Everyone." Wuji Gu opened his mouth to the crowd and spoke directly about the current situation, "As you should have noticed, this place is haunted. If I'm not mistaken, we are trapped in the world of mirrors."

"Don't be ridiculous!" The Third Master was so excited that he came up and grabbed Wuji Gu's collar, "You must have done something! Tell me, what do you really want-"

The tall and strong Shu San and the relatively slender Wuji Gu, a person have to pinch a sweat for Wuji Gu. Huihui Fang's face changed and his heart lifted, fearing that the beautiful young man in front of him would be hurt by the third master.

But in the next moment, along with the booming sound, but the strong body of the third master was directly put down on the ground, Wuji Gu himself is standing aside as if nothing happened.

The third master looked at Wuji Gu in shock, just now he actually did not even have the slightest resistance, simply could not believe that this is the strength of the man in front of him.

"If you talk properly, I can still explain properly." Wuji Gu spoke slowly and methodically, sweeping the several people in front of him, although there is no threatening meaning in his tone, but not much more, "but if you do, I will not be polite."

Now it seems that this copy of reality is no different from the ordinary copy, the only thing that becomes troublesome is the complete lack of cooperation from teammates.

The original different attitudes of the crowd suddenly changed, after all, the situation is not right, the Wuji Gu martial arts value and visible to the naked eye amazing, if something really happened may not be able to fight, or first a good attitude is more reliable.

Shu San was helped up by his wife, and did not dare to say anything else, he was afraid of this Wuji Gu.

Jia Guan even remembered what Jia Cheng had said before and looked at Wuji Gu with a look no longer as disdainful as before, could it be that this third-rate starlet really had the ability to deal with ghosts? If he can really solve the things that happened here ......

As if noticing what Jia Guan was thinking, Wuji Gu turned his head, looked at Jia Guan steadily, and asked, "Jia Guan, how long have you been in this house?"

Jia Guan's originally subtle expression was suddenly tinged with pride, clearly proud of his work at Jia Cheng, "It's been decades, I've been working for Jia Cheng since I was young, the young masters were all raised by me, no one knows Jia Cheng better than me."

"That would be great." Wuji Gu's tone was tinged with delight, feeling saved a lot of trouble, "Then I want to ask you, this house, has anything strange happened before? Something to do with those mirrors here."

At that, Jia Guan and Shu San's faces changed, and Jia Guan insisted, "Of course nothing has happened, these mirrors are just ordinary decoration."

"Jia Guan, what is happening now is a matter of life and death for us, and it is obvious that something is wrong with this mirror." Wuji Gu said, "I hope you are not hiding anything, otherwise, everyone will never leave here."

Although at first the people were prejudiced against Wuji Gu, thinking that he was just a fox friend of Jia Cheng, but at this dangerous moment, Wuji Gu was so calm that the others were undoubtedly given a shot in the arm and had more trust in him.

Jia Guan opened his mouth and looked at the young master Jia Cheng next to him, before he settled down and told everything.

After all, even if it is Jia Cheng's secret, now if we do not tell this outsider, maybe they will all die in this bizarre place, the others also forget, Jia Cheng young master is absolutely can not be accident.

It turns out that an incident happened to Jia Cheng more than twenty years ago. At that time, Jia Cheng's grandfather, the head of the family at that time, had a younger brother who was in his twenties, even younger than Jia Cheng's father and eldest uncle.

The youngest uncle, perhaps because it is the relationship of the oldest son, the body is very sick and weak, has only been able to stay at home to recuperate, the character is also unpredictable, often make some of the behavior of the next person can not understand.

But it is said that he is very handsome and talented in some ways, and if not for his really bad health, he should still be able to have some fame.

On a subsequent day, without any warning, he suddenly committed suicide by slitting his wrists in his room and was found dead. It is said that the scene was so bizarre that those who found the body were frightened to some extent, and several of them later committed suicide.

This incident is just the beginning, after that, some weird things happened in Jia Cheng from time to time, often people saw some kind of weird shadow in the middle of the night, and were scared to the point of mental problems, a time when people are afraid, they say that the dead brother-in-law has returned as a ghost. Many servants began to resign, after all, money is not as important as life.

This incident even affected Jia Cheng's career, at that time, the then head of the family consulted a master, and finally laid these mirrors in various parts of the house, and the master also said that these mirrors must not be touched, so that the ghost of the young uncle can rest in peace.

After that, everything seemed to be quiet again. Jia Cheng also suppressed the news, after all, is such a bizarre thing, and do not want to let it continue to spread, the result is that now, like Jia Cheng such a silly white rich second generation actually do not know anything about their own family.

"Look at the situation now, could it be that person again ......" Jia Guan's face became very complicated.

It is also because of this experience that Jia Guan was scared to the point of losing consciousness by the black shadow ghost yesterday, after all, it evoked a shadow in his heart.

Jia Guan himself is also a person who has experienced a lot of things, which is why I think Wuji Gu looks unreliable and does not have the temperament of a high person, but now there is no choice.

Next to Shu San couple's face has been white, but try to reduce their presence, not at all to speak, of course, attracted the attention of Wuji Gu.

Jia Cheng is all a shock, completely did not expect the family actually had such a thing! He all began to feel that he had actually grown up safely for so many years before was not easy.

" Jia Guan , are you sure that the death of that little uncle is not related to Jia Cheng?" Wuji Gu opened his mouth, now this situation, it is difficult for him not to remember the first copy of the boss encountered.

"Of course not!" Jia Guan said indignantly, "I swear on my life that Jia Cheng is not yet capable of such a thing, and the death of that young master at that time was a blow to the Jia Cheng people. Everyone didn't expect this."

Wuji Gu looks Jia Guan so excited also does not look like a lie, feel that the truth may not really be so. Besides, you don't have to use a stunt twice!

"So what the hell do we do now, what do we have to do to get out? That Jia Cheng young master in the end is trying to do what?" Huihui Fang spoke fearfully, "Even if those ghosts don't come to harm us, who knows what will happen if the things here are eaten ...... to stay in this place forever, it's better to die."

"That would be something to ask Jia Guan." Wuji Gu looked at Jia Guan again, "I think that senior person also said something else, do you still remember?"

"This." Jia Guan's face stared up, thinking seriously, "Indeed said. That person said that if something still happened afterwards, absolutely not to smash these mirrors, or else something more terrible would happen, and also, and ...... too much time has passed, I'm no longer sure."

"Jia Guan, now is not the time to think about it!" Jia Cheng hurriedly spoke up, he was already scared to death, if this thing was over, the first thing he would do is definitely move out immediately.

"I remember, that high person once wrote some notes, all put in the study! Since nothing happened after that, everyone thought it was completely fine, so no one bothered to read it." Jia Guan hurriedly spoke.

The crowd was relieved, at least now they know what to do to get out of this hellhole.

Just when they wanted to get up and go upstairs, along with a creak, a side door was suddenly pushed open, and the crowd suddenly looked tense.

The one who came in was a servant who moved with the utmost stiffness, followed by other servants who all had plates in their hands and expressionlessly set the dishes in cutlery on the table.

It just so happens that everyone has a plate in front of them.

"Everyone, please dine." The body of the servant in the lead was so stiff that it made the hearts of those who saw it tingle.

Several people are actually a little hungry, although the situation at hand is bizarre to the extreme, but still sat down and tentatively uncovered the plate in front of them.

After looking at the scene in the plate, the crowd immediately sucked in a breath of cold air, these dishes look completely rotten, there are bizarre bugs crawling on them, and the fine tableware formed a stark contrast, this to eat it is estimated that life is lost.

"This ...... is better for you to take it down." Huihui Fang spoke stiffly.

The maid turned her head coldly and seemed to have a cold smile on the corner of her mouth, "This food must be finished or you cannot leave from here."

"Do we dine when you tell us to dine?" The third master's heart a burst of fire, although these people are weird, but should also be the same as the other servants in this house will not do, he has long felt suffocated because of the previous Wuji Gu matter, now bullying soft and fearful of these servants up, "also do not look at what status they are, since they are servants, should listen to the master's words! "

"Third master, you calm down!" Jia Guan hurriedly said, "The high person once also said that those spirits should not be disturbed ......"

The words only fell, the faces of the few servants in front of me became more and more hideous, and even their bodies underwent a mutation, and now they already look like monsters compared to the image that was only slightly bizarre just now.

Several monsters are getting closer and closer to Shu San. Shu San now realized that it is not good, subconsciously back a few steps, legs are weak, subconsciously pleaded for help: "Help, help ah ......"

"Wait." Wuji Gu's voice rang out abruptly.

Several of the servants stopped moving and turned their heads to look at Wuji Gu with a creepy expression.

Huihui Fang and others are afraid to breathe, the monster in front of them is like crawling out of a horror movie, just looking at them all feel the spiritual pollution, not to mention what and the other side of the dialogue.

Only Jia Cheng looked at Wuji Gu with excited eyes, he was the kind of fanatic fan who was always confident in Wuji Gu no matter what, "Master Gu will be fine!"

Next to Jia Guan full of pessimism, heart sighed, only hope that if something happens to Wuji Gu later, Jia Cheng young master not too sad.

"You're up so early and busy, you've all worked hard." Wuji Gu said while walking forward, patted the shoulders of the servants in front of him and spoke with concern, "We are not hungry yet, why don't you guys eat something first."

He felt that the ghosts in this world are also really not easy, they have become ghosts and still so social animals, so professional, let him appreciate. This food should be delicious for them.

The servant in the lead stared at Wuji Gu with a scrutinizing look, as if he couldn't figure out what his purpose was.

Everyone else thought Wuji Gu was crazy, what was he doing now, greeting the ghosts to eat? Why is his attitude as if he is greeting ordinary colleagues to eat, these ghosts will listen to him?

Wuji Gu was looked at by the other side like this, suddenly thought of something, the face changed.

While the others thought he was scared as an afterthought, Wuji Gu turned his head and picked up the plate, then walked over to the maid who had turned into a monster, as if he hadn't seen the other's horrible appearance.

"After all, you are not too physically convenient, you can't eat by yourselves, so let me help, it's okay, right?"

The servant slowly changed back to his human form and stared intently at Wuji Gu , who also stared intently at him with a passionate look that was simply irresistible.

Servants: "......"

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