A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 32: This guys a fucking faggot!

Chapter 32: This guys a fucking faggot!

Others: "......"

So face to face, the servant finally approved Wuji Gu, nodded and opened his mouth, but have reached the limit of normal people can bear when he did not stop, the whole picture has become like a horror movie scene.

At the same time, the original miserable food in the hands of the crowd, but also turned into a fresh and attractive look, and even faintly smell the aroma of food.

Of course others have seen that image before, even if the stomach is hungry again is not possible to stuff this into the mouth.

Wuji Gu thought that someone's eating face is too miserable, usually how miserable ah, while naturally feeding something to the servant in front of him to eat, there is a sense of fulfillment in the heart to do a good deed.

Several people over there looked at this horrible picture in front of them, with different faces, if not they are still standing around a few people want to run away.

The impression of Wuji Gu in their hearts has completely changed, after all, if only a third-rate star in a vase can do this! This is definitely an amazing strength! No wonder Jia Cheng looked like a dog licker before, it turned out that he had already seen the strength of other people's master Gu.

When the plate of food was all settled, the maid closed her mouth and nodded to Wuji Gu with an expressionless face, "Since you have finished your share, you may leave."

"As for the others ......," the servant swept them a glance, with what seemed to be a bit of mockery in his eyes, "they too will have to settle for the food in front of them, or they will not be able to leave."

The others where they dare to eat these things, but also Wuji Gu in the front to take the lead, they went to the surrounding servants with a hard head.

The other servants are just low-level ghosts, with no consciousness of their own, who naturally open their mouths when told to do so, saving them the trouble.

These are the people who are usually served, where there is experience in serving others, let alone now or to feed such a terrible monster, each of them are anxious, afraid of accidentally make any mistakes.

And Wuji Gu, at this time, is still chatting awkwardly with the servant in front of him.

"How long have you been working here? Do you usually have a break?" Wuji Gu felt more and more that it wasn't easy for the ghosts in these copies, all working for free for the boss, "Does it mean that they don't even get paid?"

The servant across the table did not say a word and was able to remain calm, but the more he listened to Wuji Gu's words, the more silent he became, and even his expression became more subtle.

In Wuji Gu's eyes, the people in front of him were poor ghosts who were being oppressed, and he felt even more compassion in his heart, and he must finish liberating these poor people.

"Then do you know how we can find the owner of this mirror world?" Wuji Gu spoke again tentatively.

He guessed that the biggest boss in this copy must be the young master of the Cheng family who died by suicide, based on his ability of association, but he just didn't know what the role of the mirror was in this world. Sure enough to leave this world is estimated to have to find the truth of everything to do, of course the fastest speed is to go directly to ask that boss himself.

The servant's expression changed when he heard Wuji Gu's finally normal question, and I don't know why Wuji Gu always felt a sense of relief for him.

"Give up, you guys are not going to make it. It is impossible to leave this world, just wait until tonight ...... that lord's power will reach its peak, and you, will stay in this world forever."

After explaining these few words, after that no matter what Wuji Gu said again, this servant is also not a word, but at least Wuji Gu has got a message ...... tonight is definitely an important moment, if we can not find clues before then, the night they will have to sit and wait for death.

What's more, they have nothing to eat in this world, continue to go on physical strength is also consumed, when the time may not even run away.

This time is too tight, Wuji Gu could not help but frown.

With the efforts of a few people over there, all the food was finally settled, and the servants left with the rest of the dishes.

Only a silence remained in the hall.

Cold sweat dripped from their foreheads, knowing what a terrible place they were trapped in, and their eyes subconsciously looked to Wuji Gu for help.

The Third Master stood up abruptly, his long-suppressed emotions finally exploded at this moment, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I can't stay in this place anymore! You can play with that ghost yourselves! I'm leaving!"

With that, the third master pulled his wife on and walked quickly in the direction of the gate.

Jia Cheng did not bother to care about him, they themselves have not slowed down, where can still go to stop what to do with death, or Jia Guan saw this scene, rushed forward to try to persuade.

But the moment the Third Master pushed open the door, it was as if he saw something extremely frightening, moving quickly to close the door and retreating in shock.

"What's that!" With a look of panic on his face, he kept whispering under his breath, "How could there be a monster like that! Things aren't supposed to be like that ......"

"What's wrong?" Wuji Gu hadn't thought before that the Third Master could run out, after all, they were already trapped in this space now, and even if they walked into the fog outside, they would just end up coming back on their own. But I didn't expect them to encounter things before they even left the door.

Wuji Gu went to the window and lifted the curtain, immediately saw the outside garden, there are extremely slender, almost two meters tall shadows in the shuttle, their twisted limbs just look at it to cause a sense of discomfort.

Seeing this scene, the crowd's faces turned pale.

That body twisted shadow no matter how you look at it is not a simple existence, if you fall into the hands of a monster like that ...... they may never have thought they lived for so long at home will appear such a terrible thing, this time even if you can live out should have a psychological shadow.

"No wonder the garden looks so messy, so it's all because of this?" Wuji Gu secretly thought, "But these shadows also do not look like normal ghosts, and I have not heard of so many people dying outside, this mirror world of ghosts in the end is how ......"

The Huihui Fang behind suddenly let out a scream at this point and took several steps back in extreme fear, her hands clutching her clothes tightly.

The third master originally wanted to scold her for what was going on, but when he saw where Huihui Fang's eyes were, his body also stiffened.

On the other side of the hall where the floor-to-ceiling windows, a huge eye emerged, which still had blood in it, gazing at the crowd with a resentful look.

It did not break the window directly, but the gaze constantly wandered, when the gaze fell to the crowd, and even a few shakes of awe emerged.

"What the hell is going on with this, this monster!"

"I don't know! But it seems like it can't break the window, is it that we are not in danger for the time being ......"

Immediately after that, the door came with the sound of being thumped. It is also fortunate that the Cheng family's villa gate is of high quality, which was not directly knocked open, but even so, now also constantly emitting unbearable sounds, minutes to support.


The people knew that they could not stay here, and they hurriedly ran in the direction of the second floor, Wuji Gu paid attention to the surroundings along the way, and he suddenly found a mirror that looked ordinary in the place directly opposite the floor-to-ceiling window.

There are just too many mirrors in this villa, not even sure if this mirror is just a coincidence or not ...... The scorn in the eyes of the monster outside the window just now, is because of this mirror?

"Master Gu, hurry up!" Jia Cheng's panicked voice from the front came, "If the monsters from outside come in, we'll be in trouble!"

Although he thinks Master Gu is very fluffy, but the face of such are free from the category of ghosts of monsters ...... Master Gu probably can not deal with.

"Hmm." Wuji Gu nodded, withdrew his own gaze, and ran quickly after Jia Cheng toward the stairs.

And after he averted his eyes, there seemed to be a black mist faintly emerging from the otherwise ordinary mirror.

A flash of awe passed through the eyes outside the floor-to-ceiling window, and they moved away. The hall was calm again, except for the door that was still being banged against.

After stepping on the staircase, the crowd realized that this staircase and the previous contrast when down more steep, and the wall next to it is plastered with mirrors, their appearance is clearly reflected.

If it is a normal time, there is a mirror beside you is not much, but in this haunted place always makes people feel very creepy, and even feel as if there is a constant line of sight from the side staring at them.

Also on Wuji Gu here to go very natural, because he was in the last copy of the entire evil god sight rape, has long been accustomed to this feeling ......

Nothing happened along the way, and just as the foremost Third Master's wife was about to leave the stairs, she was reflected in the mirror and suddenly looked hideous, reaching out a hand to the outside world and grabbing it directly towards the Third Master's wife.

"Danger!!!" Huihui Fang cried out in alarm.

In the nick of time, Jia Guan behind her gave a violent push, and the Third Master's wife stumbled completely off the stairs and fell to the floor.

After the absence of the woman from the outside world, the hand of the female ghost in the mirror was instantly transparent, which she reluctantly disappeared into thin air.

"What the hell is that ...... these mirrors are too scary too." Huihui Fang spoke in awe.

"Let's go." Jia Cheng hurriedly said, "Wuji Gu is still at the end of the line.

The others felt more and more creeped out by the reflection of themselves in the mirror, and all hurried up to the second floor.

Now it seems that the mirror in this house is in no way a way to leave this world, but on the contrary, it is a terrible existence that can kill people.

Wuji Gu, on the other hand, vaguely felt a familiar aura in the mirror, which was the aura of the black shadow ghost he put out before ......

"Does it mean that he is also trapped in the mirror in this house?"

Consider that this is indeed the most likely thing to happen now.

After everyone went up to the second floor, the third master immediately helped his wife up, at this time the woman is no longer as arrogant as when we first met before, because the panic makes her body shivering, with a few moments of surprise and shock in her eyes, muttering something under her breath, "No, how can this be... ...we obviously ......"

"Third Lady, are you all right?" Jia Guan inquired.

The third master's wife tried to stand up, but found that her foot was broken, and her face changed dramatically.

But what a broken foot means at a time like this speaks for itself, and the crowd looked a little worse for wear.

Although the third master and his wife do not have a good relationship with them, but we are at least relatives, it is impossible to watch each other just like that.

"Let's just find a room and let her rest." Wuji Gu opened his mouth, to which the others agreed, all of them now somewhat unsettled.

At least this is their own home, familiar with that is very familiar, Jia Guan quickly found a room without mirrors to put miscellaneous things, let the crowd into the rest.

This room is very small, it is also full of all kinds of miscellaneous things, there is not even a window. If not for the current situation, it is estimated that Jia Cheng and others would not have bothered to come in for the rest of their lives.

Without those mirrors, the outside world can not hear any monster movement, the hearts of the people are a lot more at ease, feel safe for the time being.

"Speaking of which, there were some things that made me care earlier." Wuji Gu's eyes looked sharply at the third elder couple and his tone was much colder and harder, "What are you two hiding? Better tell me all the truth, otherwise I might not be able to find out exactly how to get out of here."

After all, these two people have not specifically concealed their situation, vaguely revealing the look and words, obviously means they know something.

The Third Master still wanted to struggle a bit and spoke, "Where am I hiding anything-"

Next to the third master's wife is already fear to the extreme, the foot injury reminds her that if she can no longer solve the problem at hand, she may never leave this bizarre place, directly interrupted her husband's words, "I say, I say it all."

The other three were amazed to hear this, they were too flustered and frightened to notice the difference between the two before.

The third master's wife gritted her teeth and told what she knew.

The situation at hand did involve them, and because they were dissatisfied with the way they were treated in the family, these two tried to get into trouble. At this time, however, they were suddenly contacted by a person who said that the big house all relied on the good feng shui of the place where they lived in the house to hold the power of the family business, and that by changing the feng shui of the house, they would be able to do the same as the big house.

Originally, they also did not believe, but the other party is to know a lot of things, and can even project some secrets that only they themselves know, so that the third master and his wife immediately believed most of the two.

Before this incident, the man also instructed them to do something, and then really seems to be the time to make the two people much better luck. In this case, the couple believed in the man, and learned that the mirror in the house also affects feng shui, and then according to each other's instructions, the mirror in Jia Cheng's room tampering.

That's why Jia Cheng got a new mirror, and then the bad luck started.

Although the third master has a little memory of the person who committed suicide, but he was staying in the field when he was young, did not witness everything that happened in the process family. And thinking that nothing has happened for so many years, what does it matter if you just move the mirror, or your own future is more important, who knew that things would just develop to an unmanageable degree.

After listening to their words, Jia Cheng was so angry that his eyes went cold, what's the matter? No wonder he was so unlucky, he met a ghost twice outside, if not for Master Gu, his body would have been cremated by now!

Jia Guan and Huihui Fang look to the third master couple's look also subtle up, although their identity is impossible to say anything on the surface, but what is thinking in the heart no one knows.

"So that's how it is." Wuji Gu nodded: "It seems that because of the tampering you guys did, it caused these mirrors to change ...... Originally they were supposed to be unable to affect reality, so nothing else happened to the Cheng family for over twenty years. But now, that has changed."

So think about it, this mirror world has existed for a long time.

Jia Cheng heard footsteps from outside when he was a child, presumably ringing from the mirror, but he was just a child at the time and certainly didn't notice this and thought it was a visitor to the house.

Although, Wuji Gu also doubts that he triggered a copy of the task, is not ahead of the speed of this mirror world will pull them in ...... but anyway, it should have turned out to be the same, he has no mental burden.

"How can things be like this." The third master muttered, "We all did what the man said, but something like this happened ......"

"You all may not be aware that someone wants to make a move against the Cheng family now." Wuji Gu said, "And that person who is in contact with you guys is probably not trying to help you guys from the beginning, but just trying to make a move against the Cheng family."

Jia Cheng immediately sneered and spoke, "Where else can such a good thing happen? Are you satisfied now? Our Cheng family will be destroyed by your hands!"

"What did you say?" Although the Third Master was very weak-hearted, he could not allow this nephew to point at his nose and lecture him, making him feel like he had no shame.

"Wait, Second Young Master, Third Master, this is not the time to quarrel." Jia Guan hurriedly persuaded up, "Let's just quickly listen to what Master Gu has to say."

"That's right." As soon as Wuji Gu said that, Jia Cheng, who was still aggressive and wanted to fight with the Third Master, immediately sat back down and looked at Wuji Gu with adoring eyes.

The others: "......" although already know, but you are too doggy!

"What we should find out now is who that person really is, otherwise it's useless even if we can get out." Wuji Gu said, his eyes fixed on the third elder, "How exactly did you contact that person?"

Several times before, I have encountered people or ghosts involved with that mystery person, but those people have not provided any useful clues ...... but this time it should be different.

"At first it was introduced by other people, and later all met with him at his residence in the city." The third master also knew at this time that he was deceived, indignantly spoke: "But I have had people investigate the details of this person, it is said that the capital side Jia Ning's people ...... Jia Ning in this business so famous, I did not suspect this."

Also because of this, they had previously watched Wuji Gu on the news before they were afraid that Wuji Gu would not find out that they had moved ...... to run so hastily.

This is the first time Wuji Gu knows about the person behind the curtain, and the Jia Ning, which he should obviously be hearing about for the first time, has an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Master Gu, you must save us!" The third master's wife was now without the despised look she had before, the panic inside her made her scared to the core, "I know we did something bad, but we shouldn't die here like this!"

"I know, and I'll work on it." Wuji Gu said.

" Jia Ning's people are certainly not as powerful as Master Gu, surely they can solve the current problem!" Jia Cheng did not know what to compare over there, and suddenly remembered something, "But since it was caused by the mirror in my room, it just so happens that a monitor was put in yesterday, can we find anything if we go and look?"

"You can't go over there now." Jia Guan's face changed and she spoke up in a hurry: "To get to the second young master's room, you must pass through that place ...... the room where that person committed suicide! Although that room is now sealed off, but ......"

"That's right." Wuji Gu nodded, he intuitively also felt that he could not go over to that place, there is a kind of ominous omen, "after all, this mirror world and reality are not exactly the same, should be able to change according to the ghost's mind, that room to go will definitely be dangerous."

The crowd fell into silence, after all, think about it will know that place will certainly be dangerous to the extreme, that is the place where the most terrible ghosts die ah!

"Then it's really better to go to the study first." Wuji Gu made up his mind, "Does everyone have an opinion?"

Everyone else shook their heads.

The third master and his wife is no longer want to go out to face the ghosts that may appear in this villa, and moreover is not easy to move, they are ready to stay in this coffers.

Wuji Gu had planned to go there with Jia Guan, who was the only one who knew exactly what had happened, and who knew exactly what the information looked like.

Jia Cheng and Huihui Fang also did not want to stay behind and followed them out.

After the others left, the house suddenly fell silent and a sense of fear immediately flooded the hearts of the third oldest couple. When have they ever encountered such a situation in these decades.


An almost inaudible sigh suddenly sounded.

"Did you hear anything?"

"You misheard me! There's clearly nothing here ...... Wait?!"

The two men turned their heads and noticed with a start that two mirrors had appeared on the originally empty wall.

The mirror clearly reflected the faces of both of them, but with a grim look.


Four people towards the location of the study, the good thing is that the study is on the second floor up not far away, do not have to walk much further, otherwise who knows what will happen again on the way.

Along the way to see the mirrors placed around, the hearts of the people with a few uneasy.

"I really want to just smash this mirror and forget about it." Jia Cheng couldn't help but speak in frustration, "I obviously feel that something will go wrong, but I can't do it."

"Second young master you should not get excited, this may make the situation more troublesome." Jia Guan said hurriedly.

"Of course I'm clear." Jia Cheng sighed. Jia Cheng sighed and quickly followed Wuji Gu in front of him again.

After that, the process of several people entering the study went unexpectedly smoothly, all of which made people feel a little unscientific.

Just after pushing the door to enter, they instantly understand why it just went that smoothly, it turns out that trouble is waiting here.

The study is actually full of mirrors, each angle is slightly different, reflecting countless people, giving a sense of eeriness.

And the rows and rows of bookshelves placed next to each other also make people realize how difficult it is to find the target here, and there is so much information here, and to find something from so many years ago.

"Let's hurry up." Wuji Gu went straight in, he knew there wasn't much time left, it was already noon, and if he waited until dark, I was afraid something terrible would happen.

The others also walked in with their heads held high. According to Jia Guan, it was very old information after all, so it should not be left outside, and we had to look for it in the box in the corner.

The crowd moved quickly to the corner, moved the box inside, and looked up inside quickly.

Perhaps because this is the relationship of the mirror world, the text of the information is reversed, adding considerable trouble to their search, even if they find what is suspected to be the target, it takes half a day to identify the text on it.

And at this time, the surrounding mirrors reflecting the figures of the crowd seems more and more bizarre, so that they are alert to the extreme, but can not find any obvious problems, the spirit are tightened up.

At that moment, a hand suddenly reached out from a mirror and was about to touch Jia Guan, who was closest to the mirror.

Wuji Gu felt the breath is not right, turned his head on a glance to see, fiercely pulled Jia Guan away, the hand fell empty, immediately retracted.

Jia Guan now saw the retracted hand, face suddenly white, the body subconsciously away from some.

"Be careful, these mirrors could be dangerous."

They are afraid to imagine what will happen if people are pulled into the mirror.

"There is not much time left for us." Wuji Gu continued to look at the information on the floor, "The mirror in this room should have some restrictions, but as time passes the restrictions will disappear, and then, the things in the mirror will have nothing to worry about ......"

By that time, if they had not found the information, they would have had to flee.

At this moment, Wuji Gu's eye corner suddenly noticed something, crouched / body quickly from a pile of information to pull out a few sheets of paper.

What really caught Wuji Gu's attention were the mirrors drawn on them.

Jia Guan immediately said, "Yes, this is it, I remember."

"Since we have found it, let's go quickly." Wuji Gu said so, to turn around, but eyes suddenly fixed on a certain place in the mirror.

The others sighed with relief at Wuji Gu's words and rose from the ground.

Huihui Fang seemed to have a numb leg and stumbled when she stood up, Jia Cheng next to her tried to help, but Wuji Gu stopped her.

"Master Gu?" Jia Cheng looked at Wuji Gu with surprise, of course he did not question Wuji Gu was wrong to do so, he just wondered why he did such a thing.

"She is not Huihui Fang anymore, don't let her touch you." Wuji Gu said as he told the others to back off.

In just turning around, his eyes fell on the mirror and he clearly saw what was written on the paper.

What was written on that piece of paper was that if there was an accident, the person who was pulled into the mirror would be replaced by a ghost.

And that ghost disguised as a human, and even have a part of that person's memory, the disguise is extremely difficult to identify ...... the only way is that because it came out of the mirror, that ghost and the reality of the person is reversed.

Although the Huihui Fang in front of you at first glance does not seem to have any problems, but Wuji Gu is after all Wuji Gu, subconsciously observed everyone else very carefully, and directly noticed that the details of the other person's clothing and before is completely reversed.

"What did you say?" Huihui Fang With shock and disbelief, the whole person seems to have received a huge blow, and his eyes suddenly turned red, "I didn't, I didn't do anything ah, I am Huihui Fang ......"

Her words seem to carry an indefinable meaning of confusion, as long as there is a little doubt in the mind, will therefore be affected by the mind.

Jia Guan looked all a bit intolerant and said extremely descending wisdom, "Is there really a problem? She just looks like an ordinary person ......"

' Huihui Fang ' also gazed sadly at Jia Cheng behind Wuji Gu again, after all, in her vague consciousness, she could feel that the owner of this body and Jia Cheng were the most familiar, if she started with this person, there must be no problem, " Jia, can't you recognize me too? I am Hui Hui ah."

"I pooh, since Master Gu said so, you're definitely not Hui Hui! Still trying to confuse me!" Jia Cheng's voice filled with indignation rang out.

' Huihui Fang ': "......"

This guy is a fucking faggot, right?

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