A Divine Farmer

Chapter 117

Chapter 117 - He Could Do Anything

Negotiating that bend proved challenging indeed. It was the same treacherous spot where Chen Yaru's car had previously skidded due to the slippery road.

However, merely a single tire track wasn't adequate for Liu Changyue to collect the 200 yuan. It appeared that traversing from her residence to the road posed considerable difficulty.

Even Gouzi could devise numerous schemes for demanding exorbitant sums. In comparison, Liu Changyue was remarkably adept at brazenness.

“I don't think that's wise!” Wang Tiezhu was fearless in most situations, but confronting an unreasonable woman posed a dilemma. You couldn't hit her, you couldn't scold her, and even if you did scold her, it might not make any difference. What other recourse was there?

“If we acquire passage through this land, would it alleviate a significant portion of our troubles?” Zhang Xiaoloong inquired.

“Not only would it alleviate a multitude of troubles, but the entire route would become much smoother. The curve here is excessively sharp. No matter how well the road is constructed, caution would always be warranted when passing through. However, if we cut diagonally from this point, it would eliminate such issues. Hence, I'm suggesting we attempt it. If successful, splendid. If not, then we've exhausted our options,” Guo Gang explained helplessly.

“I'll approach her about it,” Zhang Xiaoloong resolved after pondering for a moment.

This decision wasn't solely for the present but would significantly influence the village's future development. Settling for less now could lead to greater complications later, particularly if they abandoned the endeavor without even attempting it. That wasn't Zhang Xiaoloong's modus operandi.

Despite Wang Tiezhu's skepticism regarding the outcome, he accompanied Zhang Xiaoloong to Liu Changyue's residence.

The low earthen wall was on the brink of being drenched by the rain, offering a clear view of the yard from outside. The yard's elements were decrepit and shattered, resembling an abandoned space.

“Is Aunt Changyue at home?” Zhang Xiaoloong inquired.

The creaky door of the dilapidated wooden house swung open, revealing Liu Changyue, appearing worn-out. Upon seeing Zhang Xiaoloong and Wang Tiezhu, she appeared taken aback, struggling to find words.

“What's the matter, Changyue? Aren't you recognizing us?” Wang Tiezhu appeared perplexed. Liu Changyue was typically loquacious, never one to remain silent. Why the sudden change today?

“Uncle Zhu, Xiaoloong, what brings you here?” Liu Changyue seemed unsettled and even a bit apprehensive.

Zhang Xiaoloong found the situation peculiar but proceeded to address the main issue. “Well, Aunt Changyue, here's the situation. The village intends to construct a cement road to the city. However, the curve on your property is too sharp. We're hoping to discuss this with you, to see if there's a possibility of passage through your land.”

“Indeed, if the village acquires your land, they'll allocate another plot to you. Additionally, Xiaoloong will offer financial compensation. How does that sound?” Wang Tiezhu added.

Liu Changyue glanced at Wang Tiezhu, then at Zhang Xiaoloong, before nodding slowly. “Alright then, do as you please.”

Wang Tiezhu had plenty to say initially, but upon hearing those words, he found himself at a loss for words. His heart sank.

When did this woman undergo such a transformation, becoming so agreeable? Was this still Liu Changyue? Could she be under some sort of influence?

“Aunt Changyue, is everything alright with your family? Can we assist you in any way?” Seeing the other's troubled demeanor, Zhang Xiaoloong offered assistance.

Liu Changyue seemed lost in thought. After a prolonged silence, she finally grasped Zhang Xiaoloong's concern. Tears welled up in her eyes instantly.

Moving forward two steps, her legs weakened, as if about to kneel before Zhang Xiaoloong. “Xiaoloong, I acknowledge my error. There's no need for you to be upset. Whether you chastise or reprimand me, it matters not. I take full responsibility for what happened to Big Tian and Little Tian. They're innocent children. Please, don't hold them accountable…”

Zhang Xiaoloong swiftly steadied her. “Aunt Changyue, what are you saying? Why would I ever trouble Big Tian and Little Tian?”

Her words perplexed both Zhang Xiaoloong and Wang Tiezhu.

“What nonsensical talk is this? Xiaoloong has been tirelessly occupied with greenhouse duties and road repairs. He scarcely has a moment to spare. How could he possibly bother with the children?” Wang Tiezhu still harbored suspicions, wondering if there was some ulterior motive.

Glancing toward the room, Zhang Xiaoloong inquired, “Aunt Changyue, please elucidate what's happened with Big Sky and Little Tian. Perhaps I can be of assistance.”

Liu Changyue's voice carried a hint of relief. “It would be a blessing if you could lend a hand. I know it's not your doing, but I inadvertently damaged your greenhouse with my workers. It was the Wolf God's retribution. Since then, Big Sky and Little Tian have been afflicted with high fevers, delirium…”

Gradually comprehending, the two men pieced together the events.

Liu Changyue had already regretted shattering the glass that day. That same night, rumors circulated that the greenhouse's glass had miraculously regenerated.

Liu Changsheng and Ermao ventured to the greenhouse again, only to encounter a pack of wolves led by Zhang Xiaoloong. That night, the village echoed with the howls of wolves.

While other families remained unscathed, Liu Changyue felt singled out. She believed it was the wrath of the Wolf God, seeking retribution.

The following day, the children fell ill with fever.

Liu Changyue became increasingly convinced that her actions had provoked the Wolf God's ire, resulting in her children's suffering. She surmised her debt to Zhang Xiaoloong, exceeding a hundred thousand yuan, led to this punishment.

Resorting to various rituals and medicines, she attempted to alleviate the children's condition to no avail. Their fevers persisted.

The relentless torment of the past days had taken its toll on Liu Changyue. Her appearance was worn, her fear palpable, dreading the moment she closed her eyes.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xiaoloong swiftly entered the house, finding the children lying in bed, visibly unwell.

He reached out to check their pulses. Though lacking formal medical training, his connection to the Herb Growing Art allowed him to discern their condition.

“They're a bit startled and have caught a chill,” Zhang Xiaoloong observed, furrowing his brow. “It's been days. Why haven't you taken them to the hospital?”

“I…” Liu Changyue had attributed their affliction to the Wolf God's punishment, never considering seeking medical help.

Additionally, there was another crucial factor. Even if she wanted to seek medical assistance, she lacked the means to afford it, anticipating rejection.

The peculiar nature of the situation puzzled her. Despite numerous children in the village, hers were the only ones affected by the wolf pack's howls. Once the cold set in, their fevers became recurrent, as if they were subject to divine judgment.

“Xiaoloong, can you save them? If the children recover, I'll be at your service for whatever you require in the future,” Liu Changyue implored.

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