A Divine Farmer

Chapter 118

Chapter 118 - Yaru's Asking for Help

“Aunt Changyue, fret not. They'll be alright,” Zhang Xiaoloong reassured swiftly.

Should the fever persist, it could escalate into a grave issue. Thankfully, he arrived today.

Not only did Liu Changyue beseech him with such humility, even if the formerly shameless Liu Changyue stood before him, Zhang Xiaoloong wouldn't simply stand by as the two children suffered.

Extending his hand, he gently massaged the children's heads, silently invoking the Herb Growing Art. After channeling its energy through Little Tian's body, the adverse effects of the fright began to dissipate. More than half of the cold energy had vanished, and even their complexion gradually regained normalcy.

Regardless, rumors about him were becoming increasingly enigmatic. He had even summoned a pack of wolves before everyone, evidently unafraid of being perceived as a wolf deity.

Since the day he shattered the glass, he grasped that to fend off bullying, he must exude strength to the point where everyone feared him. Otherwise, any slight improvement would incite envy and invite trouble.

“Alright,” Zhang Xiaoloong affirmed, pausing briefly before retracting his hand. “Later, head to Uncle Yang's place and ask his child to prepare two doses of medicine for the cold. They should recover after taking a few doses.”

Liu Changyue, incredulous, hastened over. Upon inspection, she noticed the children's serene expressions. They appeared to be sleeping peacefully, showing no signs of the delirium from before.


She abruptly knelt to the ground. “Xiaoloong, I apologize…”

“Aunt Changyue, what are you doing?” Zhang Xiaoloong rushed to assist her, but this time, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't lift her up.

“Previously, I shattered your glass without consideration, driven by greed for Liu Changsheng's land. It's all my fault. Slap me twice. Slap me…” Liu Changyue wept, “If you do, I'll feel better. I truly didn't realize how valuable your glass was. Otherwise, I wouldn't have damaged it…”

Wang Tiezhu sensed that Liu Changyue might genuinely regret her actions this time. The guilt weighed heavily on her, compounded by her fright from the wolf pack.

Yet, Wang Tiezhu couldn't help but marvel. Zhang Xiaoloong's prowess was extraordinary. He even commanded the respect of a wolf pack, a feat beyond ordinary capabilities.

“Let's not dwell on the past. Brother Fusheng has been absent for a while. If you encounter any hardships, just let me know.” Zhang Xiaoloong proposed suddenly. “How about this, Aunt Changyue? We can't simply accept your land as compensation for repairing the road. Why not work in my greenhouse? Fifty a day. As our greenhouse expands, we can increase your wages.”

Liu Changyue dared not entertain such a favorable offer. Being a woman at home, she struggled to keep up with fertilizing. Although she cultivated Liu Changsheng's land for free, the yield wasn't substantial.

Initially, it was believed men could earn more in the city, but they hadn't sent back money in months.

The land provided sustenance, but money was needed for other necessities. Without enough, she wouldn't have fallen so ill that the children weren't taken to the hospital. Zhang Xiaoloong's assistance proved invaluable.

“Can I truly work in the greenhouse?” Liu Changyue inquired tentatively.

Wang Tiezhu sighed disapprovingly. “If Xiaoloong says so, then it's settled. Changyue, if you're in dire straits, even if Xiaoloong doesn't lend a hand, seek out Uncle Zhu Zi. He didn't become village chief for naught. He won't let you and your child starve. But we must act with integrity. If we work in the greenhouse, we must do it diligently. We can't repeat past mistakes.”

Liu Changyue nodded fervently. When they demolished the greenhouse, Zhang Xiaoloong had mentioned the presence of a deity. Initially skeptical, she now found herself a firm believer.

She also surmised that this divine intervention was a lesson directed at her, as she harbored remorse. It prompted her to implore Zhang Xiaoloong to rescue the two children. If their reprehensible behavior persisted, who could assure the safety of the children in the future?

The road repair issue was surprisingly resolved smoothly. Furthermore, there was now one less deceitful wife in the village, and an additional long-standing worker in the greenhouse alongside Lee Xiulian.

The arrangement Zhang Xiaoloong stipulated for Liu Changyue was straightforward: tend to tasks in the vegetable garden when they arose. During lulls, she could rest with Lee Xiulian and earn income. If she had farm duties, she could return home as needed, then resume her work at her convenience.

This lenient work structure was evidently designed to facilitate her familial obligations and augment her earnings.

Consequently, Liu Changyue imposed strict discipline upon herself, knowing any laxity would betray the trust placed in her.

Throughout this period, the greenhouse yielded vegetables consistently. Each day, Gouzi and Bruiser shouldered hefty baskets of produce, delivering them to the roadside. Upon arrival, they handed them over to Zhang Yang, completing their day's labor and receiving 80 yuan in return.

Despite the taxing journey, both worked diligently. Ostensibly a day's work, in reality, they only invested two hours to earn their wage. Many envied their employment.

Seedlings in the greenhouse also sprouted, albeit at a slower pace than those previously nurtured by Zhang Xiaoloong's Herb Growing Art, now growing naturally after a single catalyst.

Nevertheless, these vegetables took merely two days to harvest, boasting a verdant hue, signaling a potential yield in less than a month.

This was Zhang Xiaoloong's initial plan. To expand the vegetable garden was imperative, considering his inability to tend to the greenhouse vegetables daily. After all, he wasn't a Divine Immortal.

However, focusing solely on catalyzing seeds with the Herb Growing Art offered a viable alternative. With thousands of acres worth of seeds at his disposal, Zhang Xiaoloong envisioned large-scale cultivation as the ultimate solution.

Alongside monitoring new seedling growth, Zhang Xiaoloong dedicated efforts to nurturing the Four Appearances Divine Orchid.

Vegetable yield in the greenhouse increased daily, not due to expanded fields but owing to larger vegetable heads, maximizing space and output.

In fact, not only did the greenhouse fields remain unchanged, they actually diminished significantly. This was due to the Four Appearances Divine Orchid, which had flourished into a substantial area.

Moreover, these orchids were no longer frail. Each resembled a small shrub, with larger flower petals emitting an intoxicating fragrance when approached closely.

“It's time to establish a factory!”

This notion had lingered since the beginning, albeit lacking expertise. After deliberation, Zhang Xiaoloong resolved to seek advice from Chen Yaru.

As he reached for his phone, it rang, displaying Chen Yaru's name. Upon answering, her urgent voice pleaded, “Xiaoloong, help me…”

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