A Divine Farmer

Chapter 281

Chapter 281 - I will Pay the Price!

“I apologize, but I wasn't hitting someone indiscriminately. I targeted that individual specifically because he was attempting to commit a crime,” Zhang Xiaolong explained, readying himself for another blow. Unfortunately for him, Chu Peng had already darted to the edge of the crowd, cowering and unwilling to show himself.

“They were boyfriend and girlfriend, yet you, a stranger, came out of nowhere and attacked him. You're going to face serious legal consequences for that,” the man added.

Zhang Xiaolong scoffed, “Randomly assaulting people is against the law, but apparently spouting nonsense isn't, so you think you can say whatever you please? Only he has claimed that the woman inside is his girlfriend. Are you just going to take his word for it? What if it were your sister, drunk to the point of incoherence, being dragged into a hotel by a man she's never met before? Would you still believe him if he claimed she was his girlfriend?”

“But you're an outsider, which you've admitted yourself…” The bribed individual was cautious not to say too much, fearing his true motives might be revealed.

“Don't you all want to know the truth?” Zhang Xiaolong glanced inside. “I happen to have an antidote for intoxication right here. After taking it, CEO Zhou will come to immediately. Secure this man, and we'll have a direct confrontation to see if the woman inside is indeed his girlfriend.”

Upon hearing this, Chu Peng panicked and thought about fleeing. How could Zhou Li possibly be his girlfriend? No, if his plan had worked, Zhou Li might have played along for a while, but now that it had fallen apart, she would surely despise him. To claim she was his girlfriend under these circumstances would be sheer madness.

Yet not all the reporters present had been brought by him. Confronted with such a sensational story and the likelihood of a criminal act, who would let him slip away? They blocked his path, ensuring he couldn't escape.

Some reporters, wary of Zhang Xiaolong's intentions, followed him into the room.

Zhou Li's attire was in order, and she had not been harmed, so Zhang Xiaolong allowed the journalists to witness the scene, which would only further attest to Zhou Li's innocence.

Reaching the bedside, he produced a pill and gently placed it into Zhou Li's mouth, then fetched some water to help her swallow it.

This was merely an illusion, a demonstration of his divine power. With a slight gesture around her, the alcohol was completely dispersed.

Zhou Li's body gave a slight shudder, and she abruptly sat up on the bed. Scanning the room, her gaze quickly fixed on Zhang Xiaolong's face.

“Xiaolong… I…” She feared she had been assaulted and only discovered afterward. Tears sprang to her eyes as she buried her face in his chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

“There, there, Ms. Zhou, you were lucky to have called when you did. Otherwise, I might not have been able to help you. Everything's okay now…” Zhang Xiaolong comforted her, gently patting her shoulder and subtly channeling a trace of divine power to calm her emotions.

The divine power swiftly brought clarity and stability to Zhou Li. Hearing Zhang Xiaolong's reassuring words and realizing she was fully clothed, her tears ceased. “I… I'm really okay?”

“Absolutely,” Zhang Xiaolong assured her with a smile. “But if you keep holding onto me like this, I'm going to be in trouble with my wife when I get home.”

Zhou Li, suddenly aware of her tight embrace, blushed and quickly released him.

“Now, it's time for a bit of tough love,” Zhang Xiaolong said, his expression growing serious. “I've told you before, there's no need to worry about selling this product. When did it become necessary for you to handle the sales personally?”

Zhou Li felt a pang of guilt, realizing her eagerness to prove her value to Zhang Xiaolong and Yang Jingjing had led her into a trap. “I'm sorry, I was wrong. It won't happen again.”

“Ms. Zhou, I'm not trying to scold you. I've made it clear before: we don't need a business prodigy, just someone trustworthy to hold the fort. The company's current situation isn't your fault; we've been intentionally keeping things low-key. Once we're ready to ramp up the cosmetics line, there will be plenty of chances for you to shine. Just be patient, okay?” Zhang Xiaolong's voice softened, acknowledging her dedication and hard work. He couldn't bring himself to berate her too harshly.

“Okay, I understand now…” Zhou Li suddenly noticed that the room was filled with many people, each holding cameras and other equipment that made them look like reporters. “They…”

Zhang Xiaolong glanced around and then recalled, “Oh, haha, there was a man who took advantage of you being drunk and dragged you to this hotel. Luckily, I arrived just in time. He claimed he saved you and that you're his girlfriend. Now, he wants you to identify him in front of these journalists as a witness.”

As Zhang Xiaolong pointed, Chu Peng was ushered into the room. Zhou Li leaped up in fury, “Chu Peng, it was you! You despicable and shameless man, resorting to such tactics to trap me…”

She had been keen to drum up business for the company, and she knew her limits when it came to drinking. But someone had spiked her drink, and though it wasn't any sort of love potion, it had quickly made her realize she was intoxicated.

Had she not made a timely excuse to make a phone call, she might have fallen into their trap.

Seeing Chu Peng now, she instantly understood that all of this was orchestrated by this vile man. He may have once disdained such tactics, but that didn't mean he wouldn't stoop to them eventually.

Zhou Li didn't even finish her sentence before lunging at Chu Peng, her hands flying as she slapped his face repeatedly. The onlooking reporters winced, thinking that when this woman got angry, she was truly formidable.

But it made sense. Anyone who had narrowly escaped assault would be enraged. A couple of slaps were the least of it—if murder weren't illegal, a woman might well have taken up arms.

“You filthy woman…” Chu Peng finally wriggled free and shoved Zhou Li, sending her stumbling backward.

Zhang Xiaolong quickly extended his hand to steady Zhou Li, then swiftly kicked Chu Peng, sending him soaring through the air and crashing into the crowd.

The reporters, in a show of solidarity, stepped aside to ensure Chu Peng's fall was unimpeded, allowing him to intimately acquaint himself with the floor, losing two front teeth in the process.

Clutching his bleeding mouth, Chu Peng shot Zhang Xiaolong a venomous look. Realizing he was outmatched, he seized the moment to make a hasty retreat.

The reporters quickly lost interest in him and instead swarmed around Zhou Li.

“Who is this man? Did you already know each other?”

“What's your plan now? Are you considering legal action against him?”

“As to who he is, I'm sure you'll uncover that soon enough without my help. I previously worked at a company where I was harassed by someone, which forced me to leave. Now, someone is after Essence Dragon's cosmetic formulas and is resorting to vile tactics to target me,” Zhou Li stated, her composure restored. Having spent time with Yang Jingjing, she had learned how to handle such interactions. “I reserve the right to hold him accountable. If he continues his despicable actions, he should face the severe consequences that the law dictates.”

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