A Divine Farmer

Chapter 282

Chapter 282 - If You Regret It Come and Beg Me!

Zhou Li returned to the company with Zhang Xiaolong, where Chen Yaru, Yang Jingjing, and others were ready to console her.

Meanwhile, Chu Peng stumbled back to his home, clutching his no longer bleeding but still swollen lips, and stood before a middle-aged man. “Dad…”

“Did you botch the job?” The man was none other than the boss of All Light Company, Chu Yang, who was also Chu Peng's father.

“Yes… I didn't expect…” Chu Peng began to explain hastily.

“What you didn't expect doesn't matter. What does matter is that you failed to secure the formula. Currently, Essence Dragon Company isn't stirring, and it seems okay for now. But aren't you aware that once their products hit the market, they're going to be irresistible?” Chu Yang lifted his head from his chair. “If we hadn't put so much pressure on the retailers, do you think they'd hesitate to stock up on Essence Dragon's products just because there's no advertising? Those products will fly off the shelves regardless, and when that happens, it'll spell doom for us.”

“It's not as bad as you make it out to be,” Chu Peng knew that excuses were futile; his father only cared about results, and failure meant there was little to discuss. It was wiser to focus on the future to prevent further anger. “Essence Dragon's products are decent, but a two-piece set sells for 2,000 yuan. Such luxury cosmetics won't see massive sales in a small city like Qingyang. For a comprehensive makeup company like ours, the impact won't be as severe as you're suggesting…”

“Nonsense!” Chu Yang cut him off, his expression growing even more grim, “You think Essence Dragon's cosmetics are merely ‘not bad'? They're nothing short of miraculous. To say they're leagues beyond anything else on the market is no exaggeration—they're the ultimate in skincare. Why else would I have you take the risk with Zhou Li? With such results, no woman could resist their allure. The 2,000 yuan price tag isn't just reasonable; it's a steal. It's so low that I pity Essence Dragon for setting it. To think they won't pose a threat to us is naive. It seems your years of experience have been wasted.”

“Yes…” Chu Peng didn't dare talk back, merely nodding in agreement. “Everything was going quite smoothly. If Zhang Xiaolong hadn't suddenly interfered, I would have already won Zhou Li over. I know how to handle her personality. With just a little more persuasion, I'm sure I could've extracted useful information from her. At the very least, I could've convinced her to help me uncover Essence Dragon's formula. But now…”

“If we can't steal it, then we must persuade them to sell it to us,” Chu Yang finally said after a long silence.

Chu Peng felt somewhat helpless. “How could that be possible? Even Zhou Li knows they would never sell the formula. I've sent numerous people to probe, and they have no intention of parting with it.”

“They won't sell, of course. Anyone who comes across such a treasure wouldn't think of selling it—that would be foolish. And Zhang Xiaolong is certainly no fool; otherwise, the Xu family wouldn't have been outwitted by him,” Chu Yang stated calmly. “But the Chu family is not the Xu family. He may not want to sell, but sometimes he doesn't have a choice!”

Chu Peng's eyes sparkled with realization. “Dad, are you suggesting…”

“Find your fourth uncle,” Chu Yang said, slowly closing his eyes. “I'd rather not go down this road again, but I can't just watch the Chu family's hard-earned foundation be destroyed. Tell your fourth uncle that if we pull this off, the Chu family can finally secure a proper future for everyone.”

“Understood, I'm on it!” Chu Peng knew exactly what his fourth uncle did for a living. He hurriedly set out, even forgetting to cover his swollen mouth.


At the Essence Dragon office, two unexpected visitors had arrived. They didn't look like typical businessmen, but they insisted they were there to talk shop, and they wouldn't leave. Eventually, Yang Jingjing had to come out to see them.

“Which company are you from? What kind of business do you want to discuss?” Yang Jingjing eyed the two thuggish men skeptically.

“Beauty, don't concern yourself with our company,” the one with the short hair said with a sleazy tone. “We're here to discuss a significant business opportunity with you. Are you the head of this company?”

Yang Jingjing clearly had little interest in the business proposition they were presenting. “I'm in charge here, so let's hear about your deal.”

“Hehe, I must say, you folks are in luck. Our fourth uncle has his eye on your cosmetics and wants to purchase your formula for a hefty sum. The offer will certainly be generous. What do you say? Will you let us walk away with your formula, or do you need to discuss it further?”

“Sorry,” Yang Jingjing, having anticipated this scenario, promptly declined, “Our company has no intention of selling our formula. I must ask you to leave.”

“But wait,” the man with the crew cut chuckled, shaking his head and wagging a finger, “just because you haven't sold it before doesn't mean you won't consider it now. Isn't the whole point of starting a company to make money? Our fourth uncle is willing to pay 10 million. You heard me right, 10 million—a fortune! If I were in your shoes, I'd sell it in a heartbeat. What do you think? Tempted?”

Yang Jingjing scoffed internally. From a business standpoint, Essence Dragon Makeup's formula was an invaluable treasure, with potential wealth beyond anyone's imagination.

A mere 10 million considered a sky-high price compared to the Essence Dragon Makeup formula?

“Unfortunately, no amount of money will persuade us to sell our formula. It's the cornerstone of our company, and it's not for sale—now or ever. Please leave, and perhaps in the future, we can collaborate on a different venture.” Yang Jingjing was careful not to offend, aware that these individuals were likely troublemakers.

“Isn't that a bit extreme?” the man with the crew cut complained, smacking his lips. “Ten million isn't enough? You're too greedy. Fine, name your price, and I'll see if our boss agrees. That should settle it, right?”

Yang Jingjing shook her head, smiling slightly. “As I've said, no price will convince us to part with the Essence Dragon Makeup formula. Please inform your boss that there's no need to send anyone else. The answer will remain the same, regardless of how many times you ask.”

The man with the crew cut stood up, his tone taking on an edge. “This conversation is becoming rather unfriendly, don't you think? Don't be so final with your decisions. Who knows, you might change your mind down the line. After all, what good is a formula if you produce cosmetics that nobody buys? It's essentially worthless. Why create such unpleasantness for everyone?”

Yang Jingjing couldn't muster the interest to respond this time. With a dismissive gesture, she signaled that it was time for the other person to take their leave.

“Beauty, you're going to regret this!” The man with the crew cut taunted with a smirk as he prepared to leave. “Here's my business card. When you come to your senses, look me up. Who knows, if you ask nicely, I might just give you a second chance.”

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