A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 68: Updated System

Chapter 68: Updated System

Already settled in one of the cots of the shelter, I pondered recent events

What a messy beginning.

I just opened my eyes, and a tub of different information is already being dumped on me.

So in this world, my father and mother are Hashirama Senju "The God of Shinobi" and Mito Uzumaki "The First Jinchuriki Kubi"

With such parents, my body should have a huge potential, as well as just an ocean of chakras.

And all this is of course good, but as they say in a barrel of honey, a fly in the ointment.

There is a constant danger that someone will find out whose son I am, thereby turning my carcass into an excellent target for all villages and bounty hunters.

Of course, when I get stronger, it will be all the same to them, but at first it will pose a real threat to me.

Also, I get to the shelter again I can't blame Mito for this decision, on the contrary, I really like it, no matter how you look at it. Not every mother will decide to give her child to an orphanage, even if the very life of the child is at stake

Ha-a A disgusting feeling of weakness... a sudden shift from the strongest in the world to such a state... In general, it is very unpleasant and very stimulating, motivating to become stronger as soon as possible.

In general, it's amazing that not only did I get to Konoha, I also got such parents Something is too good so far Alarming

Statistics," I said in my mind.


The system is unavailable during the upgrade

Update Status: 89%


An update? That's right, it completely slipped my mind! I wonder what the system will be like after the update

Suddenly, a system window appeared in my mind.


Good day, my dear champion!

As you probably already guess, it's me, your favorite employer.

I won't say too much and will get to the point.

I have already received, reviewed your life and, in principle, was satisfied.

But there was a "but".

The system that I gave you justifies its name with an extreme stretch.

Therefore, it was decided to redo it.

And now, it has really become a "System of Improvement"

That's it, I wish you good luck!


After reading the message, I was intrigued. Don't call me a masochist, but I also agree that it was too easy in the past world. Very straight.

If it wasn't for the women, he would have hanged himself out of boredom.

And yet, I hope that they won't leave me completely bare-assed


Update completed

To call the system, mentally pronounce the key phrase "Status"


Excellent. Well, let's see.





Strength 1

Dexterity 5

Perception 4

Endurance 150

Mind 25

Spirit 40


Fuinjutsu Is A Great Talent

Senjutsu Small Talent

The Wind Is A Small Talent

Water Is A Great Talent

Earth Is A Great Talent

Mokuton Small Talent

Yoton Is A Small Talent


Gamer's Body

The Player's Mind

The Emperor's Eyes

Imperial Zone

Orgasm School

Arbitrary Meditation

Thunderstorm of the Undead

Overwhelming Undead Field


This system has been completely redesigned! Where are the levels!? Where are the stats points?! What other talents!? And the skills?!

Jarvis! Training mode!

I'm Switching On The Training Mode, Sir.


Training mode is enabled

Part #1 Characteristics

Strength this parameter is responsible for the strength of your muscles, their strength.

By increasing this characteristic, you increase your carrying capacity, explosive power, speed, and physical resistance.

Dexterity this parameter is responsible for the flexibility, elasticity of your muscle tissues, reaction time, body control and muscle memory.

By increasing this characteristic, you increase the speed, accuracy of your movements and control over your own body.

Perception this parameter is responsible for the user's collection of information.

By increasing this characteristic, you improve all your senses, starting with hearing, smell, sight, touch, taste.

Endurance this parameter is responsible for the activity and vitality of cells in the body.

By increasing this characteristic, you increase the amount of stored physical energy, the rate of recovery of physical energy and the efficiency of regeneration of the body.

Mind this parameter is responsible for the speed of information processing and its storage.

By increasing this characteristic, you increase the accuracy with which you are able to manipulate energies. It is also responsible for the amount of psychic energy and its recovery rate.

Spirit this parameter is responsible for the strength, power of the soul.

By increasing this characteristic, you increase the amount of stored, spiritual energy, its strength and speed of recovery.


Part # 2 Talents

By diligently engaging in some activity, you can acquire the talent associated with this activity.

By continuing to study hard, you can increase the level of your talent.

The system can also give out talent depending on your circumstances.

Talents increase the speed with which you will master certain skills and abilities.

Talents have levels. A higher level gives a stronger improvement bonus.

In total, talents have six ranks.

In order, from bottom to top: Small Talent, Medium Talent, Great Talent, Great Talent, Royal Talent, Divine Talent.


Part # 3 Abilities

Sometimes, when completing a mission, you may be given an ability, a perk that will stay with you forever.

You already have several abilities.

Gamer's body this ability removes all restrictions from the user's body and stops regression.

Gamer's Mind this ability passively protects the user's mind from all kinds of mental and mental attacks. It also protects the user from: insanity, split personality and other mental, spiritual ailments.

Orgasm Scale this ability allows the user to see how much his sexual partner has left before orgasm, but the main function of the perk is the ability to postpone the partner's orgasm by accumulating his strength.

Attention!!! The system warns you that too much pleasure can harm the psyche of creatures with weak minds.

Eyes of the Emperor this ability allows you to read and analyze absolutely everything in your field of vision, the viewing angle increases, but the main ability of this perk is to foresee the future of both your opponents and your allies.

Imperial Zone this ability grants the user the ability to read information about all objects within a radius of 100 meters.

Undead Thunderstorm this ability passively increases your undead damage twice.

Suppressing Undead Field this ability, when activated, releases an invisible energy field within a radius of three hundred meters and reduces the characteristics of the undead by half.

Arbitrary Meditation this ability allows the user to enter into a trance, passive meditation. The effectiveness of trance is half that of ordinary meditation.


Okay, stop! I need to shake my assistant about the information

Jarvis! ...

I will skip our long, tedious conversation and explain briefly what my system is now.

Firstly, there are no more levels, which means no free performance points. Now my power depends only on my actions. And the characteristics themselves have changed, but in fact, everything remains the same.

Secondly, "Skills" disappeared, but "Talents" appeared. They work like boosters in any game, in a simple way.

There is also an important point that talents act on both the mind and the body.

To make you understand better, I'll give you an example.

Let's say I get a "Talent" for martial arts. So I will not only learn martial arts faster, but my body will improve faster.

In general, "Talents" also accelerate the pumping of the main "Characteristics".

To be honest, I am happy with this decision, when skills are no longer served on a platter. And the knowledge itself will no longer be taken away, although "Talents" will also be reset, as well as "Skills".

I wonder if Talents overlap or not? Probably not, otherwise it would have been even worse than before

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