A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 69: Deja Vu

Chapter 69: Deja Vu

My stamina Is it legal at all? Mito said that I almost caught up with her on the chakra But who is Mito? She's a pure-blooded Uzumaki in the dawn of her powers, besides the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed, and I'm just a baby!

- "Jarvis, how did it happen?!"

"It's all thanks to the system, sir. Usually shinobi genes fight for supremacy, suppressing each other, but not in your case. The system perfectly combined the Uzumaki, Senju, Kurama chakra and Hashirama's favorable mutation, "Regenerative Ability". In addition, your father possessed an Asura soul, responsible for a powerful body, and also greatly developed Senjutsu."

"I See, Thanks Jarvis."

"Always at your service, sir."

Yeah That's right, Neji said Basically everything is decided by fate and luck It looks like I will have not only an ocean of chakra, but also an almost indestructible body.

I wonder if Mito Guy had such a body, what would have happened?

Okay, stop flying in fantasies, it's time to study further

Strength, Agility, Perception Nothing interesting. But the Spirit and Mind are quite developed for such a larva.

Whatever you say, but in this world, the bloodline is not in the last place. Rather, even somewhere upstairs.

Talents It looks like I managed to get a Yoton from the Fox Demon and Hashirama. This explains why I haven't acquired a talent for Intonation yet

I have a predisposition to wind, which most likely came to me from Mito, and the land and water from Hashirama. Well, mokuton and yoton.

At first, I'd rather focus on things with increased talents. And this is the development of fuinjutsu and the elements of earth, water.

You don't even need to speak for taijutsu and ninjutsu, because these are the basics. But I don't know about genjutsu... okay, then we'll see how it will be.

When I manage to get "shadow clones", I will start studying, pumping everything that my heart desires. I responsibly declare that this is the best technique in the world of Naruto. Only for her sake alone is it worth visiting this universe.

It is better not to shine a mokuton at all. I won't even touch him until I'm firmly on my feet.

I wonder if people can find out that I am the son of Mito and Hashirama by my blood? Or has Mito already taken care of it ? Or maybe progress hasn't reached that point yet?

Haa... it's stupid to think about that when you're so helpless. I will go with the flow for now, trusting myself to fate.

By the way, the abilities have been preserved, which is just fine. I thought that after the update, you can only say goodbye to them, but no.

Let's examine the body with the help of the "Imperial Zone".

After activating the skill, a small field, only one meter long, came out of my body.

The fact is that the zone can be reduced. The more the zone decreases, the better I can feel, see.

How active are my cells Each of them is full of life and energy.

By the way, with the help of the "Imperial Zone" I can see and feel the chakra, which is just fine.

Here is a hearth that is like a small sun blazing with energy.

Here are the channels of the chakras that seemed like blood vessels entwined the whole body.

Here are tenketsu, which, like small locks, hold the chakra in the body of people.

Interesting. In the past world, I only had a well of prana in the area of the heart... here everything is different.

Prana itself, as such, is no more. Apparently she merged with the chakra.

In theory, controlling the chakra should be much easier than prana, because the rank of energies is different. In addition, meridians and tenketsu most likely facilitate control over the chakra.

Concentrating a little, I felt the chakra. It was like blood running all over the body through channels, interacting with every cell, with every organ in the body.

I easily began to control her in the hearth.

As expected, this is much easier than controlling prana.

So let's try to get her out of the hearth

"BIIITCH" I mentally shouted, feeling how the chakra channel broke under the pressure of the chakra.

How does it hurt, the bastard! I already regret that I lost the skill of tolerance to pain.

The fucking channel broke because of my poor control. My chakras are not measured, and my control is still weak. As a result, the channel broke.

The pain is as if needles were stuck under the nails and they were also manipulated there.

And all this pain is multiplied tenfold at least!



You have acquired: Tolerance to pain is a Small Talent


Interesting It turns out that due to the fact that the pain was so strong, I was given a talent pretty quickly It turns out that it can take a ride with other talents.

You just need to have high results in a certain activity so that talent appears and most likely develops quickly.

But it only became a little easier for me to endure the pain after receiving the talent. As expected, it only accelerates progress. To return to the former tolerance to pain, you will have to suffer But it's worth it. For a fighter, it is quite important to skillfully endure pain.

Suddenly, a torn channel caught my attention He's recovering pretty quickly!

Within five minutes he was as good as new, but no, a mistake. This asshole has become stronger, wider and firmer.

It looks like I'm going to have a pretty fun childhood, consisting of "pumping" my own chakra system and control over the chakra itself.

You're probably wondering why I chose this particular time?

The answer to this question is quite simple. I wanted to have a reserve of time before the world p*zdets.

And then the system has been updated, so I will need this reserved time.

And two wars would be perfect for me, like grindstones.

In general, I was hoping to get to Konoha, of course, or, at least, to Kumokagura. I think these two villages are stronger than the others.

But I was incredibly lucky, and I was reborn in Konoha, and not just reborn, but became the child of the God Shinobi and the First Jinchuriki.

In my opinion, this is the jackpot of the lord.

I feel like the hero of a novel

An extraneous sound interrupted my thoughts.

The door quietly opened and a girl of about twenty-seven, twenty-eight years old cautiously entered the room.

Her black hair was loose, coming down to the small of her back. Black eyes with interest and affection looked in my direction. Milky skin, a figure close to an hourglass. The chest of the fourth size "cheerfully" bounced when walking.

Isn't she an Uchiha by the hour?

Approaching the crib, she smiled affectionately and said.

"Are you awake yet, Tetsuya?"

I just smiled and said something.

How cute and handsome you are. Like an angel How could your parents give you up... and the Uzumaki are famous for their strong bonds. she said thoughtfully.

"Well, it's time for Tetsuya's lunch. she said and began to bare her ample breasts.

I have deja vu to be honest.

Okay, let's repeat the good old tradition and bring the wet nurse to orgasm.

Fortunately, he did not lose his "Love" skills.

Looking at how her breasts are coming, I thought

If she is an Uchiha, and she probably is, then can she awaken a dojutsu from pleasure?

It will be funny if she awakens Mangekyo Sharingan

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